Day 9

Masterlist 2016!



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The Truth Will Set You Free

By: amalious
Prompt #: free style
Rating: NC-17
Word-count: 17K+ words
Side Characters/Pairings: Luhan/Xiumin, Tao/Sehun, plus occasional appearances and mentions of the rest of OT12
Warnings: arranged gay marriage, explicit language, ual contents (one of which involves underaged!Chanyeol giving some unnamed OC a BJ - it's nothing too explicit though), mentions of underage drinking, and Chanyeol being a teenage girl at heart
Summary: Meet Park Chanyeol. Twenty years old. Gay. And as of 48 hours ago, married to Kris Wu, KU's star basketball player and part-time model.
Notes: a couple things:
1. Please pay attention to the time stamps as the fic can be confusing otherwise.2. Suppose that gay marriage, while not a common practice, is legal in South Korea.
3. (To those who are non-Asian or unfamiliar with Asian culture) In many cases parents tend to impose decisions they believe is best for their children. This includes choice of university, major and life partner.
4. Yonsei and Korea University rivalry is sort of like Oxford and Cambridge's. In South Korea, this rivalry is well celebrated and documented.
5. The Fringe Festival in Edinburgh is the largest and oldest Fringe out there. It was held from August 5th - 29th this year, centred around the Royal Mile. It's wonderful, but the sheer size of the crowd takes some getting used to.
6. Banmal means casual (informal) speech in Korean, as opposed to Jondaemal, which is polite speech (you can identify this speech level by the frequent -yo/-ida endings).
7. In Korea, you were one year old the moment you were born. And you get one year older every New Year. So your Korean age is always either one or two years older than your actual (western) age. Here is a website to calculate your Korean age.


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Fanforyeol is something that ive waited every year.
God this bittersweet memories
dewyleaves #2
Chapter 12: I was so sad for knowing this super late :(
I wasn't a krisyeol shipper back then. But I failed to myself to decline krisyeol's strong charm. I've started reading some this past few weeks which is also make me regret for not knowing this super ship all along. Now I feel sadder. I've read some too, from this page. But unfortunately you are on hiatus. I am no one to bargain but I hope there'll be time you will comeback. I know it is hard after Kris' leave. However there are still a loy of their fans out there. I wish you are willing to consider this. Even I wasn't there at the moment, I know thank you for your dedication. You've worked hard :)
Chapter 12: please ╯﹏╰
return 〒_〒
soon (ㄒoㄒ)
Chapter 10: Thank you so much for your hard work for the past few years! It was hard when Kris left the group and many gave up on keeping the ship alive but you still managed to hold this fic fest. I really appreciate what you've done to the community!
Chapter 12: If I only have good writing skills, a creative mind and time, I would love to do one for KrisYeol. I am looking forward for your comeback! I hope that this ship will forever sail not just in our minds, but also in oir hearts! Fighting!
Chapter 12: No Viva La KrisYeol next year T.T Why? oh, why? This is so sad.
Chapter 12: I've been waiting and I got this? I'm truly sad but it's okay because you guys didn't disappeared just like them.
It's will be fine, I can wait as long you guys will comeback! ^~^
aarushic_18 #8
Chapter 12: Whatever happens, I'll wait patiently!!
charlot #9
Chapter 12: You just break my heart there
charlot #10
Chapter 12: You just break my heart there