Second Chance

Yoongi stood up, the remaining of blood at the corner of his pink lips. Head spinning, his hands kept clutching it to the extent of almost cracking his own skull. He was breathing heavily; the sight in front of him was hazy. As he was busy struggling trying to stay conscious, a sweet voice beside him caught his attention as he looked up, only to meet a pair of brown orbs of his Ex-Girlfriend. That’s impossible, she’s dead. Am I dead now too?

 “Yoongi! When are you going to open those stupid eyes of yours?” A weak voice spoke out, reaching out to Yoongi, who was currently half-conscious. He was losing too much blood when the Ambulance arrived, so the possibility of his survival was thin.

Yoongi tried to move his right hand, reaching out to the person sitting beside him. His hand felt heavy, as if there was a huge rock on it. But he, himself knew there was nothing on it. Just the fact that he was currently paralyzed and couldn’t move much scared him, honestly.

The person beside him reached out to hold his hand, and kissed it lightly. “Yoongi I’m so sorry for not being able to take care of you. I’m such a bad mother,” the voice cried out, hoarse.

Hearing the word “mother”, Yoongi pushed himself to wake up and confirm it himself that his mother was really sitting beside him, worried sick of his health. What kind of mother doesn’t even cares about her own child who was battling with his own self to stay alive? Certainly none.

But, as he pushed himself farther into the blackness of his own head, he found himself walking into a dark room, before fainting once again.


Sighing heavily, a doctor who was standing near the door of Yoongi’s ward shook his head, “I already said that it will be useless for you to wait for him like that right? I’ll call the nurses to deal with this.”

“Aren’t you even a little bit ashamed of your own behavior? That’s your son, Jihoo!” Yoongi’s mother, Min Jaehee, cried out. Her cheeks were wet with beads of tears falling from her eyes. She was sobbing uncontrollably, her mind wandered to the thought of her son smiling brightly to her like he used to; when she was still a good mother figure for him.

“Still, it’s your fault that this even happened at the first place. Why did you even force him to become a secret agent at the first place if you knew that this thing will happen sooner or later? Family tradition? Go die with your ing family tradition. Yoongi was living happily with his girlfriend, but you just have to go and ruin it,” Yoongi’s father spat out, his legs were stuck to the ground in front of his son’s ward. His eyes were watering; hands shaking and fidgeting.

“Don’t say that I didn’t stop you from doing that, because I did. Such a shame Yoongi got a mother like you. I don’t know why I even married you in the first place if I knew you were going to be the exact reason our son will die. I’m sorry, Jaehee. I can’t stand this anymore. Just don’t appear in front of me ever again. All this time, I endured all of your crazy plans because of Yoongi. Now, look what you ing did. He’s not here, isn’t he?” He continued, voice cracking from time to time. Standing strong, he wiped his tears with his sleeve, as he walked down the hallway in a rush to inform the nurses.

“Time of death, 4:30 p.m, Sunday, 6th November 2016.”

“Hello? Is anyone here?” A slim boy called out, his black hair blending with his surroundings. Everything were black, it was darkness all around him. The boy shoved his hands into the pocket, whistling a random tune as he waited for at least a little chance of brightness coming to get him. He was honestly bored to death, but that made him actually think to himself. Am I really dead now?

“Oi Min Yoongi!”

Yoongi turned around at the sound of his name being called out by a weirdly familiar voice. He was pretty sure he heard that voice somewhere else before. But where?

“Min Yoongi! Yoongi! It’s me!”

Yoongi looked around again, but the darkness was really making it hard for his eyes to function. He can’t even see his own hands. Frustrated, Yoongi kicked the air in front of him but was caught off guard when he felt someone standing in front of him. His eyes widened as he heard a string of curses coming out of the person’s mouth. Yoongi tried to utter a tiny apology, but nothing came out. He was left dumbfounded with his own disability to talk.

“Who the actual let you kick me in the shin, oh god!” Another voice shouted at him, but this time, he can finally see who it was. The room brightened, and the face in front of him scared the out of him. He was pretty sure that he is either crazy or dead. If it was neither of those, he can’t think of anything else anymore.

“Jimin what are you doing here? Jungkook? Namjoon?” Yoongi asked, confused. His eyebrows were knitted together, as he looked at them as if they were ghosts. No, he was convinced that they were, in fact, ghosts. The memory of the accident was still fresh in his mind. He was sure the 3 of them died in the accident, alongside with his girlfriend.

“What a weird thing to ask as soon you see us, Yoongi. Thought you’ll be all over us saying how you missed us so much that you chose to die instead,” Jimin rambled on and on, a wide smile on his face as he hit his beloved friend’s arm.

“That hurts okay!”

“What? Did you just say that it hurts when I hit you?”

“Yoongs are you sure that it hurt just now?”

Yoongi was left in confusion all alone once again, as the 3 of them bombarded him with billions of questions. He interrupted them, stopping them from confusing him further more.

“Uh yeah? I mean, is it really that weird that I feel pain? Am I, like, supposed to not feel pain? For your information you stupid heads, in this situation right now, you guys are the one who are weird, not me so set your brain properly before I kill you guys,” Yoongi said, ignoring the stares he was receiving from his friends as he walked to a white sofa beside him and shut his eyes. Namjoon looked at Jimin and Jungkook with confused looks, and he received the same looks from the both of them.

“But Yoongi, people don’t die twice, just to let you know.”

This time, it was Yoongi’s turn all over again to feel confused. “Explain. What the is even going on right now, guys! Why am I seeing you guys when you, all of you, are ing dead already? Where is this place, seriously?”

Jungkook looked at Namjoon and Jimin for a confirmation to start spitting out the truth that might make Yoongi confused, yet again.

“You see, you’re kind of dead right now?”

“What do you mean by that? Why am I dead? I was just-“ Yoongi stopped talking as he remembered what he did before he found himself in this weird room, with 3 of his dead friends. “Right, I was fighting with some gangsters and then I got shot.”

“Oh my god, Yoongi! You had one job, Yoongi! One job! You know what that job is?”

“Not getting killed by a freaking gunshot!” Jimin continued Namjoon’s sentence with wide eyes. Jungkook smacked his head and glared at him, causing Jimin to smile sheepishly. Namjoon shook his head, already preparing himself for the attack of questions that will come.

But it didn’t.

Instead, Yoongi looked at them with an empty stare, as if he was staring into their souls.

“Okay, so I’m currently dead. Why would I feel pain then?” Yoongi asked after remaining quiet for a whole minute. Namjoon, Jimin and Jungkook glanced at each other with nervous glances, as if they were pushing the responsibility to answer the question to someone else.

“If you guys don’t answer in 3 seconds I’m going to-“

With eyes as big as saucers, Jungkook replied instantly, “Because Yeonjoo wanted to meet you again.”

Yoongi’s breath hitched; his eyes watering as he heard the name of his beloved girl. She was once his whole world, and when she died a year ago alongside with the guys, his world crushed and shattered completely into millions of pieces. Jang Yeonjoo.

“Hyung? Yoongi hyung?”

“Hyung are you alright?”

“, call the Ambulance quickly, Jungkook!”

 “Are you dumb? He’s already half dead anyway! We’re not in the real world right now so behave Park Jimin.”

“I don’t even know why he’s older than me, Namjoon hyung.”

Yoongi raised his head to look at his friends who were bickering just like they used to, in front of him.

“Where is she now?”

“Okay now you may kiss the bride.”

“What the hell are you talking about Jungkook? Stop,” Namjoon scolded Jungkook, and the boy ran away from them, a chocolate flavored ice cream in his hand. They were now at a park in the middle of Seoul, in order to meet Yoongi's girlfriend.

“I almost forgot how stupid that kid is since he acts like a complete grown up without you, Yoongi hyung,” Jimin said, a smile tugging on his lips as his eyes lingered on Jungkook’s silhouette. “Anyway, I’m sure you have many questions right now, so you can ask us now.”

Yoongi pondered for a while, before turning around, trying to locate the only person he was trying to search for desperately in his dreams after her death. “Hyung, she’s not here yet. She said that she’ll come out when she feels like it,” Jimin explained, stopping Yoongi from acting like a stalker trying to stalk his poor victim. Yoongi let out a sigh, and looked at the ground. He was holding it in since they said he will meet Yeonjoo again. He was holding in his tears from coming out since he knew how much Yeonjoo will have fun teasing him about that. She was such a teaser, just like him. That was why they were such a good match. Almost a perfect match.

“You guys said that this will not last long, right? I’m just half dead? So, why do you guys even bother in making me meet Yeonjoo again if this will not last long?”

“Because Yeonjoo will disappear too,” Namjoon mumbled under his breath, but it was loud enough for Yoongi to catch on what he said. Yoongi’s eyebrows rose, a questioning look was on his pale face.

“Don’t bother about it, just focus on meeting your girl, man.”

“Stop acting like you’re older than me, Kim Namjoon.”

“Then stop acting like you’re younger than me, Min Yoongi.”

Namjoon ran away from Yoongi, leaving Jimin alone with Yoongi. Soon enough, Jimin pulled Yoongi towards a bench near them, making a decision to sit and wait instead of standing like idiots. Jimin was quiet, it wasn’t like his usual self that Yoongi was used to.

“I matured, okay? Stop staring at me like that,” Jimin groaned, rolling his eyes. His fingers were playing with the hem of his black shirt. Yoongi shrugged, deciding to keep quiet since he sensed Jimin’s unusual mood.


Yoongi looked towards the source of the sound, and there she was. Standing in a beautiful, white, long gown. As much as he wanted to compliment her on how she looked like, his tongue wasn’t functioning like it was supposed to. Yeonjoo walked, and walked towards him. Standing in front of her boyfriend, a bead of tear escaped from her eyes as she sobbed quietly, before engulfing him in a tight hug. She missed the feeling of being in his arms so much. She missed everything about him.

She shut her eyes, as she smiled into the hug. Yoongi was still frozen on his spot, unable to comprehend what was happening to him at that moment. Slowly, his hands went up and he hugged her back, patting her softly several times.

“I don’t want to be such a nuisance, so….” Jimin said, before excusing himself to where Namjoon and Jungkook were currently hanging out. They purposely picked a place that will allow them to monitor on the two, just in case something unwanted will happen.

“I missed you so much Yoongi,” Yeonjoo said, as she let go of Yoongi. She reached out to kiss his cheek, but was defeated by Yoongi who kissed her forehead first. She was already sitting down on Jimin’s place after he went somewhere else.

“Missed? Past tense? So you don’t miss me anymore” Yoongi raised his eyebrow, chuckling as he saw Yeonjoo’s irritated face. The face that he longed for in his dreams, and even nightmares.

“Excuse me, Min Yoongi. Are you really allowed to tease me like that as soon as we meet after not seeing each other for what? A year? Wow, you’re being such a meanie,” Yeonjoo sulked, pushing herself away from Yoongi and turned around from her boyfriend who was laughing to himself loudly. Yoongi approached her quietly, and pulled her into a tight hug again. “Is it my fault when you’re just so cute and so good to tease?”

“Kind of.”

“Whatever floats your boat Yeonjoo. Now, where’s my prize?”

Yeonjoo broke free from his embrace and turned around to face him again. “What prize?”

“Dang, don’t tell me you forgot such an important thing,” Yoongi faked a cry, as he pretended to sob pitifully. He held his chest dramatically, “My heart is hurt now because of you, my princess!”

Yeonjoo laughed at him, shaking her head in misbelieve. Although one year had passed by, the man sitting in front of her was still the same, and he still is the owner of her heart.

“You know that I can’t give it to you now, why would you even bring it up? Stupid,” Yeonjoo sighed, looking up at the sky.

Realization hit Yoongi as he remembered what happened. Yeonjoo’s dead, and he was just in a coma; half dead. He can’t bring back what he gets from the other world to his world. That was just impossible to do. The two worlds are completely different. One with actual living people, and the other one for living corpses.

“Sorry, Yeonjoo.”

“It’s okay, not your fault.”

Yeonjoo brightened up, as she dragged Yoongi to a tall building. “Let’s go up, okay? I want to show you a seriously cool thing.”

Yoongi glanced at her backside with a smile on his face, memories of his numerous dates with her playing all over again in his mind like a broken tape. But, for once after the death of Jang Yeonjoo, he didn’t mind it, at all. Because after all, she was in front of him anyway.

They went up the stairs, before stopping at the door of the highest level. Yoongi was tired as heck, but he held it in because Yeonjoo looked so excited at that moment.

They went out to the rooftop, and the cold wind hit the both of them with so much force. Yoongi just can’t help it but to shudder. He rubbed his hands to his arms to create some type of warmth but it was all just in vain. Yeonjoo looked warm, so Yoongi approached the girl without so much thought and just wrapped himself around her. Yeonjoo smiled at his action, but the smile didn’t last very long as she realized something. He’s cold because he is still alive, and I’m dead. I can’t feel anything.

“Aren’t you cold Yeonnie?”

“Waaa I’m so cold too,” Yeonjoo faked a wide smile, trying to cheer herself up again. Now, now, Yeonjoo. This might be the last time you’ll meet him so use it to the fullest!

“Then stick to me, you’re warm so I love this,” Yoongi said, hugging Yeonjoo tighter. Yeonjoo laughed at him, as she removed his arms from around her body. “If you keep sticking to me like a gum then how will I show you the stuff that I’ve been wanting to show?” She looked at him, eyebrows rose. Yoongi sighed, as he backed away and sat down on a nearby bench. He just couldn’t stand for a long time, he might feel too tired to walk back down soon.

“But first, close your eyes,” Yeonjoo ordered, and the boy followed her order obediently.

Yeonjoo closed her eyes too, as she thought of happy and positive things. Suddenly, his feet didn’t touch the ground any longer. “Yoongi! Now open your eyes!”

Yoongi opened them, rubbing it softly. But, as he caught the sight of Yeonjoo flying, his mouth fell open and his eyes widened, for the millionth times already.

“You look like Tinkerbell,” Yoongi said, grinning at her cheekily. “Then, am I your Peter Pan?”

Yeonjoo pretended to think for a while, a smile on her lips. “I don’t know, are you really the right one to be my precious Peter Pan?” Yeonjoo said, before getting down again. “I’m pretty sure I am, my Tinkerbell.”

“Ew stop being so cheesy can you?” The both of them laughed it off and calmed down again after a few minutes of tickling each other.

“So, this is the only thing that you want to do, for the last time, with me?” Yoongi asked, his voice low as he held the girl in his arm while his other one played with Yeonjoo’s brown, long hair.

“Yeah, since you said you love high places. I wanted to do stuff you love to do, for the last time with you before we have to part ways again, and also because of that one promise I made with you,” Yeonjoo said, shutting her eyes and snuggled deeper into his embrace. Yoongi fought the tears back as he remembered their tiny random conversation at her house when she asked him what the things he loves are.

“High-up places, first snow, your small hands, your brown hair.”

“Okay, ew at the last ones but that was quite sweet of you, huh?”

“That’s why I’m Suga, there’s a reason, okay?”

“But, why high-up places though?”

“Well, you know this already. I like watching people. High-up places allow me to watch people, but they can’t even see me.”

“Then I promise I’ll go to a high-up place with you for our important dates, okay?”

“Whatever Jang Yeonjoo, I love you enough already without you doing those things.”

“Yoongi? Why are you crying?” Yeonjoo asked Yoongi, her hands cupped his cheeks softly, as her thumbs were busy getting rid of the beads of tears on his face.

“Nothing,” Yoongi answered, a tiny smile on his face. But he knew that would not convince Yeonjoo that he was telling the truth. She can read him like book; he can’t hide anything from her.

“I just miss you so much,” Yoongi let it all out, as he let his tears fell on Yeonjoo’s shoulders. She patted his head, her tears also poured down freely.

“I thought I wouldn’t see you again. I thought that time would be the last time I would see you ever again, you know that? I was so scared of losing you, and then I really did lose you. I felt so stupid that time, you know? Taehyung even told me about your plans to surprise me with a new recording studio you bought for me, on the rooftop of a building in Seoul. But it seemed like I can’t go there with you so I just decided not to. All of our memories kept playing in my head whenever I walked down the streets of Seoul, so I just gave it all up and stayed home and only went out when I have missions as a secret agent. I still remember you being mad at me for choosing to involve myself in such a dangerous job, but now I’m grateful because I can see you again, doesn’t matter how short the time is, I’ll cherish it forever,” Yoongi let all of his feelings out, as he reached closer and closer to Yeonjoo’s face. Yeonjoo was sobbing uncontrollably, hearing the confession of her boyfriend who managed to get through life for a year without her. But, with so much hardships.

“I love you, Jang Yeonjoo.”

“I love you too Min Yoongi,” Yeonjoo muttered under her breath, as her lips locked with Yoongi’s.

Once again, a tear slipped down her cheeks as she pulled out from the kiss, “I promise, I’ll go back to you Yoongi.”

And then, everything turned black for Yoongi.

Two years had passed from the incident, and Yoongi still couldn’t move on. Not because he can’t, but because he doesn’t want to. He decided to hold on her promise of coming back, even though it seemed impossible. But after experiencing all of those stuffs, he knew it is possible.

His relationship with his parents was good again, and he quitted his job as a secret agent and started working as a rapper and composer at the recording studio Yeonjoo bought for him. His life had been good so far; he was happy. But she still hadn’t come back. He still need his Yeonjoo.

“Yeah, Hoseok?”

“Yoong, today you’ll have a new assistant,” A voice from the other line of the phone spoke up.

“Again? I told you that I don’t want to bother myself with assistants, okay? I told you that already! They’re really nothing but nuisance!” Yoongi argued, trying to defend himself.

“Really? This time the assistant is really pretty though, such a waste to just let her go. I mean, you should man up and let Yeonjoo go already. It had been, what? 3 freaking years, Yoongi! I’m so frustrated with you, seriously. Just meet other people and forget about her already, okay?” Hoseok let all of his frustration out, his voice getting louder and louder every second.

Yoongi sighed, and he took of his sunglasses, putting it down on table in his recording studio.

“Alright, tell her to come in then.”

Hoseok cheered jovially, and he hung up the call.

Yoongi looked around the studio, thinking about Yeonjoo, yet again. Jang Yeonjoo, what are you doing now?

After a few minutes of waiting, a soft knock on the door interrupted Yoongi’s daydream. He got up from his seat, cursing Hoseok under his breath for being such a good friend. Please note the sarcasm there.

He opened the door hurriedly, and his heels without looking at the girl’s face properly. “Welcome, and uh, you can just do whatever here except interrupting me when I’m asleep or whatever. Just do your thing, I don’t care. Why do Hoseok even think I need an assistant, seriously?”

“So I can just go back now, Min Yoongi? Such a waste of my time trying to find you then,” The girl spoke up, catching Yoongi’s attention.

He turned around towards the door and saw someone he had been waiting for.

“Jang Yeonjoo.”

“Min Yoongi,” Yeonjoo whispered his name, as she ran up to him and hugged him tightly. Yoongi couldn’t believe what was happening at first, but decided to enjoy it.

“What took you so long to come?”

“I came as soon as I can, but 2 years already passed, sorry.”

“Never mind that, I just love you so much.”

“I love you too, more than you can ever imagine.”


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Chapter 1: Awww so sweet