Heart Beat Beat-Beep Beep

Double Soulmates

Seulgi never expected the day to come. 


She's been left alone far too long to remember the comfort of another person,  she's become so used to doing everything herself to keep her mind off the one thing everyone keeps on talking about-

The one everyone has but Seulgi did not:


a soulmate.


Monolid eyes stared at the passing couples with envy,  as a frown became visible on her thin lips, hands clenched together as they shook silently on her lap. Besides her sat a girl with long and wavy ebony hair with chocolate brown eyes darting everywhere,  teeth gritted in nervousness, milky skin emphasized as she only wore a thin,  white croptop and denim shorts.

Seulgi flashed a comforting smile and softly pat her friend on the back.  "It's okay,  that person will be here soon. "


The eye-smile girl glanced at her gratefully, before lifting her wrist with a black timer carved in it-1:32.

"I-Thank you Seulgi...I-It's just what if we're not for each other?  What if my soulmate hates me? What if the timer is actually wrong? What if-"

"Tiffany unnie, the timer has never been wrong before."

But I do hope for once, it would.

For me anyway. 


Tiffany let out a sigh, and although she stopped questioning, it was obvious she was still doubting as both her feet kept on making tap tap tap sounds, jerking slightly whenever someone entered the shop every second. Seulgi stretched out her neck a little bit to see the time, 5, 4, 3, 2...


Tiffany twirled around when a tall male entered and she quickly got up and bowed slightly. "A-Annyeonghaseyo, are you my sou-" but the man did not even glanced at her, instead just walked passed as if she did not exist. Seulgi inwardly chuckled at her silly unnie's antics as Tiffany's face flushed red in embarrassment when she heard the the man talk about her when he reached his friend-boy friend? boyfriend?, "Hey dude, that girl just bowed to you, do you know her?"

"Hm? There was a girl?"


Tiffany was close to sobbing as she sat down, a muffled voice coming out from her but Seulgi understood. "My life is over. I'm going to live all alone like Seulgi!"

"Unnie, that's not a very nice thing to say." Seulgi stuck out her tongue and Tiffany apologized with a sad smile. The younger girl's orang hair bopped slightly when she moved her attention to the entrance doors, hoping that someone will come for her friend, because she didn't want Tiffany to feel the loneliness that followed Seulgi through the years. As if her wish was granted, the entrance doors bursted open and a person out of breath ran inside, catching everyone's attention.

The two girls stood up abruptly both their mouths hanging open in surprise.

A woman that looks no older than Tiffany-maybe in her late 20s entered, her right wrist lifted up slightly as if her timer has also become 0:00. Her hair was long, the color as if dipped in sweet honey, her pale skin-so pale- glowing brightly. She wore a white-collared blouse with the sleeves folded, a black handbag hanging on her petite shoulder, as she wore black tight jeans and a pair of white sneakers. She wore sunglasses that covered her eyes, her nose a bit high, and her pouty, pink lips were opened slightly as she panted, sweat running down her small, sharp face, down to her chin.

Tiffany's mouth went agape as she covered it, her eyes widening and tears threatened to drip out, her hands quivering when the stranger looked in their direction, and although her eyes were covered, Seulgi knew her eyes were as wide as her unnie's. They stood there, frozen and it seems that everyone knows what was happening, their eyes filled with anticipation, the cafe filled with hushed whispers.

As if their minds and hearts were in sync, both of them started walking with fast steps towards each other and Seulgi has never seen something that's touched her heart right now. Tiffany was the first one to run and crash into her soulmate's arms who quickly wrapped her in a tight embrace which wasn't hard, seeing as they were of the same height. It seems the blonde was stronger than she looked, as she lifted Tiffany up easily in her arms, and Seulgi sees a playful smile about to form on the woman's lips.

"I thought that you never existed!" Tiffany's husky voice echoed in the cafe, as she pounded lightly on her soulmate-soon to be lover's-shoulders, tears dripping down her face, the make-up she wore, fading. A silent laugh came out of the blonde's mouth, halting Tiffany from her actions when she heard a smooth, high-pitched voice, but it was also comforting in a way.

"I broke my own rule not to run no matter how late I am. You should be thankful. " She replied to Tiffany's outburst.

Tiffany fidgeted slightly in her lover's arms and the blonde put her down gently, slowly, Tiffany's eyes disappeared into crescents, smiling widely, and Seulgi thinks that that was the realest and best smile she's ever seen on her friend's face. "Tiffany," She introduced herself.

"Tiffany..." The blonde repeated, the tone of her voice changing into sweet, melodius and loving as if she was tracing Tiffany's name on her tongue, with invisible touches. "Tiff..." The blonde smiled once more and Seulgi had a feeling that today was probably the first time that woman smiled so much, judging from her looks. She lifted her sunglasses and Tiffany felt as her heart pounded loudly in her chest, chocolate orbs lingering on her every features. "My name is Jessica."

"It's nice to meet you, Tiff."



After the couple met, Seulgi slipped out silently, not wanting to ruin their moment. She wandered through town, mind filled with questions, although she was happy for her friend. What about her? Did something go wrong when she was born and they had to take away her soulmate? Or they never found someone who was right for her?

Maybe she's just an experiment?


Whoever created the timers on their wrists was a jerk, Seulgi concludes.

She cursed how advance technology has become to even calculate the person someone must be with.

"When is Joohyun unnie coming back soon?" She let out a huff, her eyes fixated on the cloudy sky that covered Seoul like a blanket. Joohyun was her long time friend who she met back in middle school where Irene was graduating and Seulgi just entered her first year. She has been with Seulgi through thick and thin and sympathized with her above everything. If she didn't have an accursed timer, she probably would have fallen in love with Joohyun.

Who wouldn't? She had a beautiful face and body!

She always had so many suitors crowding around her but she turned them down politely, saying over and over again that she wasn't the person for them.

She went back to Daegu last year for work but the two always texted and video called, and Seulgi feels as if Joohyun hasn't found her soulmate yet because if she did, she would have told Seulgi by now.

With these things in mind, Seulgi finds herself in front of a full coffee shop in the middle of the large city. "Oh, what the heck." She muttered to herself, her stomach growling slightly because she hasn't eaten anything since morning because Tiffany called, pleading her to come with, "I can feel it! I'm going to meet my soulmate today!" Seulgi wanted to reply, "Are you sure it isn't because your timer is almost 0?"

Luckily, when she had just entered, a couple went out, leaving a table vacant for Seulgi. She ordered a vanilla frappe and a piece of red velvet cake before sitting down on a lone table in the corner of the bustling shop. At least she feels the love in her food.

Seoul held many important memories for the 22-years old since she grew up in the large city,  where she never left while many of her friends could not stay through the years. Guilt crept into Seulgi's insides as she could not recall some faces of who she used to call 'friends.'


They were all living their own lives right now, single or taken.


Today was the only day that Seulgi had thought about soulmates all day long, rubbing the timer on her right wrist, wanting to just rip it out if her arm. She scowled a little bit at it, annoyed by the fact that it was a reminder of her lonely life. From as long as she remembers, her timer has always been 0:00 and when she was a child, she was so excited to meet her soulmate soon, also remembering her parents' exchange of worrying looks and comforting lies that she believed.

Little Seulgi was looking out the window,  her eyes glued to the children playing outside, sweaty, with untamed hair and wide grins on their faces. She blinked twice, with her brown eyes before turning her attention to the palms of her small hands. Below her palm, was the timer and she looks up to see her parents conversing about 'adult' things that Seulgi could not comprehend for her age. "Eomma, Appa, are the kids playing outside all soulmates?"

Mr. Kang glanced at his wife nervously before smiling back at Seulgi. "Maybe, sweetheart. Why are you asking?"

"Can I go outside?"

"Sure, but you don't like going outside before. What's on your mind, dear?" Mrs. Kang kneeled down to her child's height and Seulgi stretched out her arms reluctantly, "Eomma, my soulmate might be there. The timer has been 0:00 for a while now."

"H-How long have you known?"

"It's been a month. I thought soulmates were suppose to meet immediately when the timer is zero?"

"Maybe--Maybe you'll meet that person soon."


It's been 16 years and Seulgi is 22 years old, never meeting that person. She had lost hope of finding him or even her(it didn't matter anymore) because no one wants to feel lonely. At first it was okay with Seulgi, until almost all her friends started leaving one by one, meeting their soulmates and living their lives together while Seulgi stayed the same.

She sighed in contentment when she held the warm coffee in her cold hands, the warmth spreading throughout her body. "Excuse me," With a puzzled expression, she turned to look behind her only to see a short girl with cute, chubby looking cheeks and a wide grin on her face. She had brown wavy locks that reached her chest, as she wore a white large sweatshirt and black ripped jeans with what looks like, new white sneakers. Seulgi's eyebrows rose as opened slightly when she glanced at the stranger's eyes. Although it was common for people to have brown eyes, this girl's eyes were strangely captivating, glowing brightly and sparkled, a fire inside that looks like it will never die.

If Seulgi was a bear, then this person was a hamster.

"Could I sit with you? All the other tables are taken so..." Her voice was low and deep, totally unlike her adorable face.

It was then that Seulgi noticed that the girl held a tray with coffee and a plate of sweet pastries. "Oh, sure! Please do!" Seulgi smiled, not realizing that under the table, her wrist was heating up.

The girl sighed in relief before sitting across the orange-haired girl and smiling again, which, for some reason, made Seulgi's face flush. "Thank you so much! You're the sixth person I've asked, and those before you were just rude couples!"

In the first place, why ask couples?

"I didn't mean to interrupt them, I didn't know that they were soulmates." Seulgi's ears perked up, chuckling as the girl continued to talk, as if they were long-time friends. She stayed silent and continued to listen to the girl talk, her voice being etched into Seulgi's mind unknowingly, as if that's the only thing the girl wanted to hear. After a minute of nodding and 'yes' and 'no's,' the stranger gasped before giving Seulgi an apologetic look.

"Oh gosh, I'm sorry, I forgot to introduce myself! I just got so comfortable talking to you I forgot to..."

Seulgi shook her head and raised her hands, waving them in the air, "No, no, it's okay! I like listening to you!"

"Right! Anyway, let me introduce myself, my name is Wendy Son! I'm full Korean, but I lived in Canada for 16 years, I'm 22-years old and currently single!"

For the nth time that day, Seulgi cracked another smile at the long introduction of Wendy, her loneliness temporarily forgotten. Wendy stretched out her arm cheerfully, her eyes lingering on Seulgi longer than it should. Seulgi lifted her hand slowly and took Wendy's hand in hers, "I'm Seulgi. I live here in Seoul ever since I was young-"

A sudden electric spark went through out Seulgi's whole body and next thing she knows, her wrist started heating up painfully and she took it back, clutching it tightly. "Ouch!" She yelled.

Her jaw clenched and her teeth gritted together, and it seemed that Wendy was feeling some kind of sensation as well as she also gripped her wrist tightly.


The searing pain stopped but Seulgi felt something different. Her eyes widened as she quickly lifted her wrist then stood abruptly, alarmed.


But this time it was blinking red.


The first time Seulgi meets her soulmate and she runs away just after the timer started beeping once more, leaving behind a confused Wendy who seems to be in shock.

"That was..."


It was August 1 when Seulgi first met her.

Her Soulmate.

But she didn't know that August 1 has another suprise for her.










Hello! I'm so sorry if I only updated now :( I have piled up works and I actually tried continuing this in school but wifi is crap.

I also apologize if this was short of your expectations TT^TT But I will try my best to update when I can. If you have questions, you can ask, and please subscribe and vote! Thank you!

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Chapter 2: but why should you choose only one? she cannot love both and be loved by both?
Kenzo14 #2
Please update this story author-nim ^_^
rhk7130 #3
I hope it's wenseul!
LeggoHani #4
Chapter 2: This is perfect<3 If Seulgi chose Joy, an ending with wenrene is very welcome ;)
It's clear that Joygi were and are still soulmates even way back then.. But Wendy came just now. Really want Joygi to end up together bcs they have a past. Wenrene should be soulmates then HAHA PLS PLS
1826 streak #6
Chapter 2: Omygod. 2 soulmates? Who ever she choose at least give the other one to Irene huhuhu
I'm sorry, it might take long for me to update. Our second grading has just started and I've already been bombarded with assignments and performance tasks in different subjects. It might take me a bit longer, but I promise I will finish this one. :(
Mysn123 #8
If seulgi take joy,please make wendy and irene together author~