Chapter One

I Don't Bite


Chapter One

            A nonchalant sigh escaped young Lee Taemin’s soft lips as he rubbed his temples in frustration. The eighteen-year-old Korean male watched as his mathematics teacher went of the equation for what seemed like the eightieth time that day. Yet, the somewhat simple information just wasn’t registering correctly in his intelligent mind. He ran a hand through his soft dyed locks. “I just don’t understand …” he muttered tiredly.


            His teacher rolled his eyes. He was just as frustrated as Taemin, if not more. “Oh Maknae,” he huffed, placing a hand on his shoulder. “I’ve told you over and over again, what don’t you understand?”


            “Everything!” Taemin exclaimed angrily, burying his face in his hands. “I’m sorry, I just don’t understand ….”


            The older male sighed once more, giving the boy’s shoulder a light squeeze. “Complete it for homework tonight. If you still don’t understand it by tomorrow …” He just shook his head and pinched the bridge of his nose. “Have a good day, Taemin Maknae.”


            He rushed the auburn-haired boy out of the classroom and locked the door behind him.


            Taemin gave an irritated huff before walking away slowly, his books clasped firmly in his hands. What was the point of trying if he didn’t understand in the first place? He just sighed and shook his head.


            As he traveled the isolated halls of the empty school building, he couldn’t help this eerie feeling that came over him. It was … Odd. He shuddered and sped up his pace, trying to get out of there as quickly as possible.


            When he exited the school building, he was greeted by an icy breeze and bright full moon, engulfed in an endless sea of stars. He was amazed. Not just because he had been at that blasted school far past sundown, but because it was simply breathtaking outside. Yes, even in the dull, boring schoolyard.


            It had rained earlier that day, and the ground was littered with sparkling raindrops, reflecting the starlight, just adding to its glorious essence. The cherry blossom trees were in full bloom, and as the wind blew, falling petals whirled and flew through the wind, before scattering among the ground. Taemin watched in awe as the preformed their dance among one another, fluttering like a love-struck butterfly, flowing like a ribbon in the wind. Perhaps though, the most amazing detail of the night was the glowing harvest moon, adorned proudly in the blackened sky. It was a beautiful crimson color, shining down upon the world, happily giving off its magical light. He sighed and a soft, harmonious smile molded into his previously stressed features.


            He began walking once more, his steps lighter, and his expression peaceful. He started to hum dully to himself as he walked, focusing on the placid beauty of the night. He kept his brown gaze fixed on the sky as he bounced happily down the street, content with his current situation.


            On his way home, he passed a park, which he entered in return. He was already out late, so there was no harm in just sitting down and relaxing for a bit, right? A contented sigh escaped his sealed lips as he sat on a bench, crossing his legs and resting his hands behind his head. He was in a true state of bliss by this point, and was rather glad he had stayed at the school building for so long. If he hadn’t, he would have missed the beauty of the night. He let his eyes close for a few moments, just to rest them.


            When he opened his eyes, however, the eerie feeling he had earlier came back to play a game with him. He suddenly became conscious of his surroundings, just now realizing he was no longer in the park. He looked at his surroundings once more, closer this time, only to find that he was in the main part of Seoul, staring into a dark alley-way. That’s when he was greeted by an ear-splitting scream.  Panic engulfed the young boy and he felt like he should run. Run far, far away from that place.


            Despite this however, he stepped forward into the darkened alley, going against his gut-feeling. As he descended further into the blackness, he heard the sound of movement coming from farther ahead. He gulped and opened his mouth, forcing himself to speak. “Who’s there?” Instead of his voice coming out strong and powerful like he had intended it to, it came out rather soft and strained, quavering quite a bit.


            Taemin saw the silhouette of a man crouching on the ground ahead, lying directly under the rays of the moon, which was now dyed a deep scarlet color. He approached the man warily, placing a fragile hand delicately on his shoulder. “Sir?” He squeaked in surprise when the man suddenly whipped around and grabbed his arm.


            “You’re out late, aren’t you little one? I don’t suppose you came to play with me just like that foolish mortal girl had earlier, did you?” He asked in a rasping voice, his words slurring as if he was in a drunken state. His breath had the metallic smell of blood on it, making Taemin’s stomach squirm with unease. He stared at the man, fear engulfing his body, paralyzing his limbs.


            He gazed deeply at the man, whose eyes were a deep scarlet, with hair the color of black; matted by dried blood. His skin was a chalky white color and that twisted, sadistic smile that was forever plastered upon his features exposed a pair of yellow, stained fangs. Fangs in which Taemin could not tear his gaze from, fangs that kept him frozen in place, too scared to move; fangs that could easily penetrate his skin and kill him in mere moments, without a single chance of survival.


            “What’s the matter little boy, cat got your tongue?” He cackled, sending a shiver up Taemin’s spine. He released Taemin’s arm, pushing him back into a shallow pool of blood; the woman’s blood. The man snickered again and descended upon him, holding his chin between his thumb and index fingers, making him stare straight into his eyes. “What’s wrong? Don’t tell me you’re never seen a vampire before? You mean you never had? Oh, what a shame, what a shame …”Taemin gazed into those blood red irises of his, his own terrified expression reflected in them. He in fact appeared like he was going to start to cry at any moment. He certainly felt like he was. As if to conclude his hypothesis, a few stray drops of salt-water trickled slowly down his cheeks before falling to the ground, landing with a soft “plip”.


            The vampire man laughed once more, releasing Taemin and leaning close to him, their face inches apart. Taemin could smell the intoxicating scent of blood wafting from his breath. He certainly was a drunken man; though it certainly wasn’t on alcohol. He was drunk on blood, the red sticky liquid entering his own bloodstream, intoxicating him. He was greedy in his bloodlust, and perhaps he drank too quickly, resulting in his high. “Boo.” He whispered in Taemin’s ear, his rancid breath splashing his face, making his nose scrunch in disgust. 


            Taemin screamed and squirmed in the man’s soft grasp, scrambling to get up. When he achieved said task, he ran out of the ally, tripping over his own two feet several times in an attempt to get away. By now, tears were streaming down his bloodied face, streaking his cheeks. He ran as fast as he could, fighting his way through person after person. He was honestly surprised there were so many people out this late, but that surprise didn’t last long when he remembered he was currently running away from something scary – terrifying, actually. Wait, why was he out so late in the first place? Shouldn’t he be tucked safely in his bed, peacefully dreaming of … Whatever it is eight-year-old Taemins dream of?


            No, that’s right; he had snuck out so he could go meet one of his friends at the park that night … That’s why he was out so late … They said he had a birthday surprise for him, and could only show him at night. Yes … What a birthday.He thought, a small whine rising up in the back of his throat.


            As he was absorbed in his thoughts, he tripped and fell flat on his face. He yelped in pain as he rolled onto his back, clutching fervently at his leg. His lower leg was bleeding profusely, and part of his fibula was jutting out from the wound. The sights of blood and broken bone made his shriek once more and vomit a little. “I want my mommy!” He cried out. The anguish he was feeling as of now was simply overwhelming. He was simply terrified at this point, and was positive this was going to be the end. No one would come to help him. No one …


            That’s when he saw a figure looming over him. When the silhouette reached out towards him, he screamed and swatted at it, trying to push it away. The horror he was feeling right now sent tremors through his body and brought tears to his eyes once more. He’s found me.Taemin decided. He’s going to kill me, he’s going to drink my blood!He whined and smacked the hand away, fighting to the best of his abilities. He struggled with said figure for a few moments, calling out for help. He wasn’t going to be taken that easily.


            “Shhh, Taemin darling, its okay …” He heard a soothing female voice coo, and he stopped thrashing immediately. He went limp and allowed the figure to pick him up in his arms. When he was brought closer to the light shining down from one of the nearby streetlights, his mother’s warm face was revealed, a loving smile on her features. “Oh darling!” She exclaimed, holding Taemin close to her. “I was so worried about you! I was looking everywhere for you, you scared me half to death!” That’s when she saw Taemin’s wounded leg, and she gasped in shock. “Oh dear!” She yelped, bursting into a run. “Let’s take you to the hospital.” She announced, holding him close.


            Taemin wrapped his small arms around his mother’s neck, burying his face in her neck, forgetting all about the pain in his lower leg, but not the fear he felt when he encountered the Vampire. He also knew, despite his mother being so kind towards him, she was actually quite pissed, to say the least. He had run off in the middle of the night and worried her silly, and on top of all that; he injured himself, breaking his leg. There was no way he could tell his mother about the vampire though. No way in hell. She’d simply think he’d lost it, and would put him in a home or something. There was no way … Besides, he didn’t want to be any more of a burden than he already was.


            He sobbed quietly into his mother’s neck, tightening his grip on her shoulders …


            Taemin’s eyes flashed open and he gasped, sitting up on the bench. He blinked several times and rubbed his eyes, glancing around warily. The harvest moon was back to its original crimson color, and he was still in the desolate park. He let out a relieved sigh and wiped the sweat off of his forehead. I thought I forgot about that day … He thought, shivering a little, cringing in fright. “I should probably get home …” he announced to no one in particular. “We don’t want a repeat of that night, now do we?” He stood up and gathered his books, walking briskly out of the park and down the street.


            He cuddled his books close to his chest as he walked, suddenly becoming quite self-conscious of the danger that was lurking in the streets of Seoul. He ran a shaky hand through his auburn hair, the word “vampire” running through his head repeatedly, making him nervous. I have to get home quickly … Despite the fact that his first encounter with a vampire was over ten years ago, and that he had forgotten about it until now didn’t mean it couldn’t happen again. He was especially wary because – like last time – there was another harvest moon.


            He froze in his tracks when he heard rustling coming from some bushes. He felt his heart begin to pound against of his chest and his mouth became dry. Damn, damn, damn! He thought, sweat accumulating on his brow. The boy tried his best to regain his composure, but it just wasn’t working; he simply remained there, frozen in place, too afraid to move.


            He grew even more panic-stricken when he heard footsteps ascending towards him. And it wasn’t just a single pair of footsteps. No, it was more than that. Taemin thought he heard at least four pairs approaching. His breathing grew raged and his heart pounded even harder against the cage of his chest.


            Then, he felt a hand touch his shoulder and he screamed, whipping around, smacking the mystery man with his math book, knocking him out cold. Taemin stumbled backwards, falling to his , his eyes wide. He scrambled back against a building as he began to hyperventilate. He gazed at the group of mystery men as they gazed over their wounded companion. The lights of the streetlamps couldn’t reach them from where they stood, and their identities remained a mystery to Taemin. He simply couldn’t tell if they were human or inhuman. And he really didn’t want to find out.


            That’s when one of the silhouetted figures approached him, raising both hands in defeat. As he got closer, Taemin tried to back against the wall further, to no avail. It just wasn’t working, for he couldn’t back up any father. That’s when the figure came into view. He was Asian – just like Taemin. His skin wasn’t a chalky white, it actually looked quite healthy. His eyes were a natural dark brown, and his hair – despite it being black – wasn’t matted with blood. Actually, it was kept in a rather neat Mohawk. And on top of all that; he didn’t smell of blood.


            He crouched in front of Taemin, whom was still a little wary of his presence. “Hey, it’s okay.” The man cooed. “We’re not going to hurt you; at least, not if you try swinging that thing at someone else. Now why don’t you put the book down and calm yourself, eh?” He looked at his friends “He okay?” When one of the figures gave a slight nod, he called. “Onew, Jonghyun, when don’t you get Minho outta the street so he doesn’t get run over, hm?”


            The other two men nodded and dragged their accomplice to the side of the road near Taemin, propping him against a brick wall. Taemin flinched when they approached him. Honestly, he was still scared to death. Just because they looked human, doesn’t mean they are. And besides, the likelihood that a group of people would be out this late would be slim. Right? Perhaps … Taemin thought It’s not as unlikely as I thought … He mused as he saw a couple of night-joggers make their way down the street,


            The man with the Mohawk touched Taemin’s shoulder lightly, which made him stiffen in return. “Damn kid, chill out will ya? We just thought you looked lost and need help s’all.”


            Taemin narrowed his eyes. “No, thank you anyways …” He replied coldly.


            “Well, the least you can do is invite us to your place so we can take care of Minho here … I mean you really hurt him … bad.” He glanced at Minho, worry adorned in his features.


            “Why should I trust you?” Taemin retorted hastily.


            “All we want is a wet cloth to put on his head …” Was his reply, along with a tilt of the head. “Please?” He asked. “Besides, you should take action. After all, you are the one who hurt him ….”


            Taemin, hesitant at first, sighed and nodded. “Alright. Come on then.” He stood up and led the way back towards his humble estate. He was quite wary of their presence the entire time, not comfortable with situation whatsoever. He still wasn’t sure if he should trust them or not, but considering the fact that they didn’t attack him yet – he figured they wouldn’t harm him.


            The man with the Mohawk slunk beside Taemin, walking next to the younger boy. “So, what’s your name, handsome?” He smirked, glancing behind himself to make sure his companions were following. He saw they were, with their injured friend in between them, being carried along.


            “Lee Taemin.” Taemin replied simply, not tearing his gaze from the street as he walked.


            “Nice to meet ya!” The man said. “I’m Kim KiBum, but everyone calls me Key. The guys carrying him are Lee Jinki or Onew, and Kim Jonghyun  or Jongyhun. Then the pretty fellow you knocked out earlier is Choi Minho, or just Minho, if you don’t like formalities.” He smirked. “That looks like a nasty bruise on his head, bet it’ll hurt in the morning.”


            Taemin suddenly felt an onslaught of guilt attack him. “I’m sorry …” He murmured sincerely. “I’m just a little edgy at night. I didn’t mean to hurt him.” He clutched his books closer to his lean torso and a small grimace fell onto his features. He really hadn’t intended to hurt the poor man, but he had scared him silly. And besides, what if he really had been a vampire? There was no way he was going to take that chance …


            Key threw an arm around Taemin’s shoulder and grinned. “Don’t be so down on yourself Taemin Maknae, he’ll be fine.”


            “Still …” Taemin muttered as he led the way back to his apartment. The trek back was long and rather tedious. All the way there, Taemin couldn’t help the guilt that was eating at him, and this paranoid feeling that these men aren’t who they seem. Of course though, said paranoia was simply from the epidemic that had occurred over ten years ago. On that unfaithful night that had a moon the color of blood. He would never forget that day, no matter how much he truly wished it would simply disappear, never to return. It would always be somewhere in his memory, just waiting to come out and play once more.


            When they arrived at his humble little apartment building, he led the way up the stairs to his room. “It’s not very big  ...” He murmured as he opened the door. “But there should be pleanty of room for everyone.” He pushed through the door and flipped the lights on, displaying his neat and tidy apartment. He was right, it wasn’t very large, but it was large enough. “Lay him down on the couch.” He said gesturing to the white upholstered love-seat. He entered the kitchen and brought down a bowl. “Make yourselves at home, I guess.”


            The auburn-haired boy filled a bowl with lukewarm water, placing a soft washcloth in it. He slowly made his way over to the love-seat, setting the bowl down on the floor as he crouched in front of the man known as Minho. He dipped the washcloth in the water and rung it out, placing it gently on his forehead. Key was right, that was going to hurt in the morning, for there was a nasty bump on his forehead, though it seemed the swelling was already going down; nothing a little concealer couldn’t hide.


            “I’m really sorry about this …” He muttered, dabbing Minho’s forehead with the cloth, before dipping it in water once more, placing it on his forehead once more. “I really do feel terrible.”


            “Don’t.” Jonghyun said, placing a hand delicately on Taemin’s shoulder. “It was an accident, after all.”


           Taemin shrugged his hand off. “I guess you’re right …” He muttered, picking at the loose strings in his carpet. “I just wish I wasn’t so jumpy.” He looked at the unconscious Minho, guilt returning for a second time. The male had done nothing but touch his shoulder, and he had went crazy on him, knocking him out cold. A frown was now carefully etched into Taemin’s features as he watched Minho closely, hoping he’d wake soon. “You sure he’ll be okay?”


            “Yes.” Onew persisted. “Now stop worrying, he’s taken worse.”


            Taemin, still squirming with unease, nodded. He then glanced at the clock. It was almost midnight. His eyes widened and he swore under his breath. “I forgot about my Math homework!” He exclaimed as he went searching for said textbook. As he was searching, a groan came from Minho as his eyes flittered open. He mumbled something unintelligible as he propped himself up on his elbows. The brunette looked around with his large brown eyes, confusion hidden in the murky depths of those stunning brown orbs of his.


            That’s when Taemin came rushing through, in search of a pencil, his textbook clasped firmly in his hands. He stopped in mid-step when he saw Minho was awake. He sighed in relief and rushed to his side. “Oh my gosh, I’m so sorry! I’m so glad you’re awake! Do you need something, water maybe? Or perhaps you should rest … It is awfully late-”


            Minho raised a hand to silence the overprotective male, an amused smirk gracing his previously confused features. “Calm down.” The male’s deep harmonious voice seemed to have an immediate effect of Taemin, calming him down considerable. “I’m fine. But it appears to me that you” he pointed to Taemin, “are not. Now what’s the problem?”


            “I forgot to finish my mathematics homework …” he murmured sheepishly. “Though I don’t think I’ll be able to. I just can’t seem to understand the formula for completing the equation.” He looked at the ground, his auburn bangs falling into his eyes, shadowing his face in darkness. He was honestly ashamed to admit that he couldn’t do it; but he couldn’t help the obvious truth. There was no sense in struggling with it if he couldn’t understand.


            “Well then, I guess I’ll just have to help you.” Minho offered, pushing himself up off of the loveseat and seating himself next to Taemin.


            “You’d really do that?” Taemin asked, hopeful. When Minho nodded, he smiled brightly. “Gamsahabnida, Minho hyung.” Taemin’s deep brown eyes sparkled with happiness at Minho’s offer, but It quickly diminished. “But I warn you, I’m really no good at all.”


            “Nonsense.” Minho reassured. “I’m sure you’re plenty good.”


            Taemin shrugged. “If you say so …” He murmured, opening his textbook to the destined page.

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Gahh that was totally hot *-*
More more more~
You probably did upload it because I already read it haha :P
I think it disappeared because of the AFF troubles lately ):
HELL YEAH! so god, no onkey T~T well it's okay I love jongkey 2, waiting for the 2min *0* update soon please :)