Stupid and young

Growing up
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Jimin had been taught to be strong ever since he was a small child. He learned about life the hard way. His mother was murdered when he was at the age of four and his father would beat him until he couldn't move. His father always blamed him for his mothers murder. At some point he began to believe his father. He wasn't strong enough to protect his mother.

It was when he was 8, his father was taken by the police. The neighbors had called in. 4 years. It took them 4 years to call for help. He knew they didn't give a damn. They just wanted to be able to sleep without hearing his father yelling at him for being useless.

He was taken to an orphanage where he met Jungkook. He was a small skinny boy who's skin was pale and smooth. He had beautifully red lips and big chocolate brown eyes. His honey brown hair was fell across his forehead in a messy manner, it was adorable really.  But Jimins got to admit, his favorite thing about the boy was his bunny smile. That's when Jimin decided they would be great friends. And they were.

Jungkook was only two years younger than Jimin. But they did everything together. They stayed up all night looking at stars through the window and imaging a happy wold. They would prank Jin, one of the older kids. Jin was 3 years older than Jimin and 5 years older than Jungkook, they thought was pretty nice, he would treat them as if they were his own kids even if they just pranked him. What they like to play the most though, is when they would play pretend. Jimin was the dad and Jungkook was the mom. Jungkook would hold a baby doll as he made his way to Jimin so he could greet with a "welcome back honey. How was work?" It was a perfect family for Jimin. He knew, he wanted that perfection when he grew up.

Everything was perfect until Jungkook turned 8. A new boy by the name of Namjoon came in. Jungkook fell head over heals for the boy. What was worse for Jimin, was that he started hanging out with this other boy instead of him. It saddened Jimin, Jungkook began ignoring him. Jungkook even changed rooms so he could be with Namjoon.

It went on like that for a few months. Jimins perfect family was broken. He wouldn't smile or laugh anymore, just glare at Namjoon.

One afternoon on a hot summer day, Namjoon broke up with Jungkook and pushed him to the ground in front of everyone who was at the cafeteria for lunch. Jimin quickly got up and ran to Jungkook who was a crying mess. Jimin tried to calm the boy down but it didn't help. Jimin was pissed. "Why the hell couldn't you have just kept him happy?! Is that too hard? If it is, you don't have what it takes to be a man!" Jimin spoke, his words were full of hatred towards the 11 year old Namjoon. 

"I just didn't want him anymore. He got boring." Namjoon just shrugged off the hurt look Jungkook was giving him.

Jimin couldn't contain his anger any further. He got up from where he was kneeling besides Jungkook and landed a punch on the Namjoon's face. Namjoon fell

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Alien_Kookie_Jiminie #1