Chapter Two

chapter two

From where I stood, all that came to sight were disco lights and sweaty bodies grinding together, not to mention the loud music pumping through the DJ's speakers, which might I add, could probably be heard from a mile away.

Upon entering the massive mansion, we found ourselves on a second floor overlooking an open dance floor in what would usually be the living room. The house reeked of heavy alcohol- and who knows what else.

Staircases from both sides led to the bottom, and as Kaelyn and I made our way down, a familiar yet unwelcoming face approached us.

"Ladies, ladies..." He paused, slyly sliding his arms around both Kaelyn and I, "Welcome to your wildest fantasies."

I scoffed and pushed myself away, as I rolled my eyes at Kaelyn who seemed completely entranced by Jackson. She giggled.

For the past couple of weeks, Jackson and Kaelyn I guess have been 'hitting it off', whatever that means. But the way he was eyeing me up and down was sure hard to miss.

"I'm glad you girls were able to make it." The way his words slightly slurred together made me believe he was already tipsy.

Kaelyn played with her hair coyly as she batted her eyelashes, "I wouldn't miss it for the world."

But despite her attempts, Jackson's undivided attention was directed towards me. "Alora, right?"

"That's my name, yes." I did nothing to disguise my un-enthusiasm.

"Would you like a tour of the house?" He was suave, but too cocky for my taste.



Kaelyn and I answered at the same time, earning a look of disbelief from my part. But being the best friend that I am, and knowing just how she is, I let it slide.

"You go ahead," I told Kaelyn, "I'll be..." I paused and looked around me, taking in my surroundings, "I'll be here I suppose."

"Don't have too much fun without me!" She joked as Jackson led her upstairs, her heels clanking with excitement.

"Back at ya." I whispered underneath my breath as I stood awkwardly in a crowd of teenagers, suddenly feeling insecure about my tight and revealing dress.

You know, I'm not sure what's worse: Finding yourself alone at a party when you clearly hate parties, or knowing that your best friend is probably on her way to ing the biggest boy in school.

I pulled my phone out of my purse.

Use protection, please.

I sent the message to Kaelyn, and a few seconds later, she responded.

Always ;)

I shake my head in disapproval at her carelessness, knowing that there's nothing I can do to stop it. Because after four years, you learn a thing or two about her:

Kaelyn does what she wants, when she wants it, and does whatever it takes to get it.

And if you get in her way, let's just say it's not pretty.

But other than that, she's a real charm. Honest.

And Jackson? He's just a game to her, nothing serious. I can't think of the last time she was in a committed relationship, or even wanted to be in one.

"Alora?" A familiar voice came from behind. I turned around to find the guy I so hopelessly turned down last Friday. "I almost didn't recognize you. You look great."

I gave him a sheepish grin, "Hey Vernon."

"I didn't expect to see you here." He ran his hand through his hair.

You and I both.

"So are you here with anybody, or...?"

"It's just me."

"Cool, cool." He appeared relieved, and for a split second I contemplated if maybe I should have given him a chance.

We stood there awkwardly, the music that was pumping through the house filled the silence between us both.

"Listen, Alora, about the other day-"

"I'm gonna go get something to drink." I completely left him without a second thought and headed towards the kitchen.

As I dodged through the crowd of strangers and familiar faces all alike, a part of me felt bad for leaving him stranded like that. But if I'm being honest, I really wasn't in the mood to listen to some over-rehearsed heartfelt speech.

It's funny; A year ago today, I would've jumped at the opportunity to be with a guy like Vernon: sincere, charming, a real gentleman.

But if it's one thing I learned, even the good ones end up being bad.

And with that, I managed to find my way to the kitchen.

"Excuse me." I politely said to the couple making out in front of the fridge.

The blonde gave me a dirty look as she pulled her man candy outside.

"Get a room." I said to myself in disgust while I opened the fridge. There has to be something here to drink other than alcohol.

Coming here with Kaelyn, I knew that I would end up being the designated driver, so I might as well be responsible while I'm at it. Plus, I've never even tasted alcohol. Blame it on my overprotective dad, but I have no interest or desire to consume it either. And that may or may not be due to the fact that he's a cop.

Opting for some sweet tea, my eyes instantly went to the dessert table as my stomach began to growl.

Don't mind if I do.

• • • • • •

The house was getting more and more crowded and Kaelyn was still nowhere in sight.

It feels like it's been hours, but in reality it probably hasn't even been 40 minutes, yet all I want is to just go home.

The anxiety I felt was hard to ignore, considering the fact that I'm not the type of girl who belongs at a party like this.

In fact, now that I think about it, I've never even been to a party. None like this, I mean.

And there's a reason for that.

But just when I thought things couldn't get any worse, I caught a glimpse of what my nightmares were made of.

Standing against the wall in the nearby hallway, he stood effortlessly striking, wearing that perfect smile of his ever so well.

The same smile that made me fall in love nine months ago.

Immediately, my heart started racing and my palms began to sweat.

It felt like the air was thinning as my mind slowly tried to grasp the situation that I currently found myself in.

Surrounded by his friends, he appeared at ease and poised; exactly how I remembered him.

Mid-laugh, he glanced up, and as he searched the crowd mindlessly,

...our eyes met.

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Emi_changiraffe #1
Chapter 9: Please update ( ✌︎'ω')✌︎
Chapter 9: Well if those seven gorgeous-being barged into my life, even if they were bunch of criminals, I would have followed them blindly.
Pwincessusagi1 #3
Chapter 9: Omg yess thanks for the update!! I am so in love with this I just cant xD fighting♡
hoelang #4
Chapter 9: i love it so much
Really loving the story, keep up the good work can't wait for the next chapter!
Pwincessusagi1 #6
Chapter 8: IM IN LOVE YOUR WRITING STYLE!!! So beautiful and engaging. Cant wait for more :)
GOOD LUCK ON UR FINALS! Dont stress too much. All you have to do is your best and thats all anyone can ask from you :) Fighting!
RachelHoon #7
Chapter 7: It's.... Jaebum?
kpopisawesome17 #8
Chapter 7: Hi!!!! I loved reading this fanfic, it's so good!!!!!!!!!!! I couldn't stop thinking all day about what's going to happen in the next chapter!!!!!! Can't wait!!!!!!!XD