Part 1

Big Butts and Baseball
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He has such a nice .

It's been almost four years since I've liked Kim Mingyu and it's to the point where it's almost pathetic. When I first moved to this small town, I immediately took a liking to him. Too bad I'm shy when it comes to him because it's been more than three years and we have always had a class or two together where we sit near each other. And each time-- since I would like to think I'm an outgoing person--I talk to everyone but when it comes to him, this stupid shy side overcomes me and I end up ignoring him almost each time, except when I don't have to think and wonder if I should say something or not (I end up not saying anything.)

Thankfully, my thoughts change as the teams switch. The opposing team goes up and it's actually pretty easy to keep a straight face as Mingyu goes next to the umpire and squats down in position.

His toned looks so good in those pants (I've never really looked into what they were called.)

I'm so lucky my brother plays baseball as well. I drop him off and pick him up from practice, sometimes giving Mingyu a ride as well. They are close friends. Usually, I come to their games to “support my brother,” but really, I just like seeing Mingyu whenever I could.

My mom always sits in the area behind the umpire outside the fence, giving me a good view of his plump . Mingyu was usually pitcher but with his batting skills are pretty decent as he can run from base to base really fast. But really, he is a good catch, if you know what I mean. Wink, wink.

“Great catch, Mingyu!” My mom shouts. She’s practically a soccer mom, and cheers on each member. But she loves Mingyu a lot. Good, she likes her son-in-law.

His belt accentuates his slim hips and the long socks hug his calves so deliciously. Was it possible for Mingyu to be this good-looking? Or anyone for that matter?

They switch again, and my brother is up to bat. I can feel myself anticipating the next person and getting riled up for my brother. This is the only time I can cheer on Mingyu without feeling like everyone in the whole world knows about my crush. The two are the team's ace, being good overall and having tall, toned figures. It’s no doubt they will make consecutive homeruns.

“Bohyuk!” I shout, knocking down my chair as I stand eruptly to see him make a home run. Adrenaline pumps through my body as he skids across home plate just a second before the ball is thrown his way, barely missing him as well.

Next, is Mingyu. He can bat incredibly far and I feel myself getting jittery with nerves.

The pitcher throws the ball too low. And again.

And then crack! The ball flies far outfield, disappearing into the bright blue sky. Dropping the bat, he makes a run for first base.

“Make it home, Min!” I can't help but cheer him on. He runs over second, next third and slides over home before they recover the ball that landed outfield.

As soon as they call break, I rush over to my brother and tackle him in a bear hug, making both of us fall onto the ground.

“You ,” Bohyuk groans.

“Home runs every. single. time. Give me your autograph so when you become a professional, I can sell them online and pay for college,” I joke, rubbing my knuckles against his head while he whines in agony.

“Shut up, hyung. Mingyu’s the real deal here,” he says, pushing me off and getting up. I dust myself off once I notice Mingyu watching us with a bright smile. Why is he so adorable?

Sometimes I wonder if Bohyuk knows about my crush on Mingyu. I haven't told anyone really and I'm not that obvious, I think. But either way, Bohyuk always says something that makes me suspicious.

“Good job, Mingyu!” I pat his shoulder before throwing an arm over his shoulders, pulling him close.

“Bohyuk,” I call, searching my pockets for my phone before tossing it to him, “take our picture.”

I pull him closer. He's taller but he leans into my grasp and smiles brightly. Flash! Another one goes off and the giant bends his knees to get to my height, laughing as I smack his shoulder. Another flash.

“Aww, so cute,” Bohyuk mockingly coos.

“Aww! Is my baby brother jealous? Can you take a picture of us, Mingyu?”

“Sure,” he drawls, deep and soothing like melting butter.

“Say cheese,” Bohyuk cheers, throwing up piece signs, towering over me by an inch or so.

“Yay. I'll take both of you guys to dinner after the game,” I offer with a hopeful smile.

“I'll go. You, Min?”

“Sure, but isn't Doyoung’s party today?” Hesitantly, his eyes moves from my brother to me but stupid shy me turns my attention to my brother. Even though I feel awkward under his gaze, I really like it. I really like being noticed by him.

“Crap! You're right! I was supposed to throw her a surprise party. I guess I can eat something beforehand, you know, just in case. Heh,” Bohyuk sheepishly laughs.

I roll my eyes before shoving him back into their teams pit. “You’re such an idiot.”

“Whatever. You're still treating me and Min,” he reports before turning away to talk to his teammates.

Before Mingyu follows, I find myself locking eyes with him.

“Hey, good luck today,” I say before patting his shoulder and turning away.

It seems really simple but it isn't. I have to force the words out because my throat felt like closing and the tips of my ears are on fire. My hand still feels tingly, his warmth still lingering. Thankfully, I had the courage to actually look him in the eye and say something instead of cowardly looking away and pretending I don't know him.

The rest of the game went on uneventfully because to be honest, it's somewhat boring to watch under the blistering heat with dirt everywhere. But as long as I get to see my two favorite players, it's all good.


“Mom, I'm going out later. I'll probably be back around twelve,” Bohyuk announces while putting his batting gear and soiled clothes in the back seat.

“Where are you going? Who's going to be there?” Our mom is too protective and strict. I am a senior and my mom barely gave more freedom this year while Bohyuk is a junior and gets to do this and that. But then again, he does more stuff while I'm just a homebody.

“I going with Mingyu and Wonwoo! We're going to eat and then partayyyy,” he shouts jokingly. After seeing the glare my mom threw his way, he straightens up and continues, “kidding! I'm going to my friends birthday party.”

“Which friend?” We, as in Mingyu and I, were waiting for him to get my mom's permission to stay out late. My curfew is ten but if Bohyuk asks to stay out later with me, she'll say yeah. I'm not planning to hang out with them but I'm his ride home so might as well go out with my friends. Plus it's the weekend. She has to say yes.

“Oh my gosh, mom,” he groans. “It's Doyoung’s. She’s turning eighteen.”

“I guess so…”

“Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Love you, mom. See you later,” he cries before pulling us along to my car, parked next to my mom's SUV.

“Yah, Kim Mingyu. You can sit-in the front you know,” Bohyuk scolds when he see Mingyu reach for the backdoor handle.

Awkwardly smiling, Mingyu runs around the car to the passenger seat. Again, it's one of those times where I suspect Bohyuk knows more than he lets on. It may just be me but the air was getting stuffy. The tall male was wearing a black jumper with a hoodie and a pair of dark jeans and I know it's simple but he's just too hot, it's unreal. Some days, he does his hair but today it is all natural and though a little greasy from the sweat, it looks undeniably y.

“Yah. Wonwoo!”


“You blanked out on us. Where you taking us? We passed the barbecue restaurant.”

Oh. “How about somewhere fancier?” I resisted the urge to look at the person next me but I could feel the weight of his stare.

“Are you kidding me? We didn't even shower!”

“But I did so it's okay,” I wink. Seeing Mingyu laugh so bubbly makes my heart warm. Honestly, I don't even know why I became so icky sweet when it comes to Kim Mingyu. Usually, I try to be indifferent about crushes and stuff but not with him.

“Whatever. I'm always up for some fancy Italian pasta.”


“What would you like to order?”A peppy waitress stood at the end of the table with the two boys sitting across from me. She had her hair curled lightly and put up into a ponytail. Naturally, I think she is really pretty and can't help but look a little too long.

“Eggplant parmesan, please,” I say, casually grinning at her. If it weren't for the gorgeous boy in front of me staring coldly at me, maybe I would've kept flirting with her. Judging from her shy smile and shaking hands, she finds me attractive and I'd be lying if I said it wasn't flattering at all.

“I'd like a chicken alfredo,” Mingyu says, the usual boyish tone gone from his voice. He smiled stiffly in thanks,

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Chapter 1: Intesting plot! I am hyped :D
Wooow the plot is kinda exciting~~ i hope meanie ends up together tho