Chapter 2

I Need a Girl

Chapter 2



[Something was wrong. Usually Hebe would come look for me when it's lunch. Usually she would be standing RIGHT next to me! Usually she would be stan...]GuiGui's thoughts were interrupted when a she felt a tap on her shoulder.

"Hey GuiGui! It's me.. Chun!!" Chun said. His face was beaming with happiness. Now GuiGui remembered why she used to like him. [He was always so energetic... So... So funny, cute and... Wait! What am I thinking!]GuiGui quickly snapped back to reality.

"O-oh.. u-umm.. hey Chun" With that, she turned around, grabbed her tray and left.

[What's wrong with her?] Chun thought. [But then again.. I feel like I've seen her somewhere. Her name sounds so familiar.. GuiGui.. GuiGui.. Gui..]

"GUI!" Chun shouted. The cafeteria turned silent and GuiGui turned around.

[Huh? Whose calling my name.. GuiGui thought]

"Ehh.. GuiGui.. The transfer student was calling you! This is your chance! Chia You!!" The student said. GuiGui had no idea who she was but when she turned around Chun was right behind her.

"I need to talk to you GuiGui.." Chun said. His voice sounded exactly the same way it had when he had rejected her. Scared and frightened, but with concern. GuiGui nodded and they walked to the school park. That's when they both noticed Aaron and Hebe standing off to a distance. Chun and GuiGui looked at eachother, then they sneeked up to a place where they could hear better.

"Why are you doing this to me??" Hebe questioned. Tears were strolling down her face.

[Who this man think he is huh? Making Hebe cry? And why is Hebe crying?] GuiGui thought. She turned back to listen to what Aaron would say.

"Im repaying you. 5 years ago you rejected me... and 5 years later, here I am, telling you how I feel. This world is really small huh?" Aaron said. GuiGui could hear the hurt in his voice, and the anger to.

[What's really going on? URGH! I can't believe that Hebe hasn't told me about her and Aaron. That's probably why she was acting all weird this morning... WAIT! But I can't doubt her.. She has reasons.] GuiGui thought.

"A-aaron.. I-i never wanted to h-hurt you.. i-its just t-that.. i d-didn't know i-if.. i-i cou..." Before Hebe could finish Aaron interrupted her.

"Hebe. 5 years ago I loved you, and 5 years later.. Here you are confessing to me." Aaron said. The tears were starting to form at his eyes, but he quickly wiped them. Then he continued:

"Hebe, my answer to you is... I... will...not... go... out.. with.. you" Aaron said. He said each word slowly, coldly, and with lots of anger.

Hebe felt her hot warm tears sliding down her cheeks. She felt something in her heart breaking. She felt like this was the end of the world. She felt.. was this what he wanted? Did he want her to feel the pain of being rejected? Did he? Hebe wiped her tears and asked:

"Are you doing this because you want me to feel the pain you felt when I rejected you?". The tears were flowing down uncontrollably. Just then she felt her lip touch someone elses. When she opened her eyes it was Aaron. Slowly, he pulled away.

"This is my gift for you. 5 years ago you also did this to me. And 5 years later I'm doing this to you. You don't remember? You said that this kiss is so I would never forget you and that deep down you love me, but you can't be with someone right after you just broke up with somebody else. You also said you wanted me to remember these three words. Do you remember? Wo.. Ai..Ni.." Aaron whispered the las three words. This time his words were even colder.

GuiGui felt the tears stinging her eyes. She had no idea why she was crying, but she felt bad for Hebe. She knew that Hebe did not deserve this. She knew that Hebe was a good person and even if Hebe did do something like that, she was sure Hebe cried a lake of tears. GuiGui decided that it was time to step in, she couldn't take it anymore. Just as she was about to stand up somebody grabbed her wrist. It was Chun.

"Don't. Let them sort it out. It's something that they need to sort out, so as to not create any future problems." Chun whispered. I nodded my head and shook off his grasp on my wrist.

"I-ii.. I do remember..." Hebe whispered.

"Good, because this kiss means something else. This kiss was for you to remember the feeling of being rejected today, and how I felt 5 years ago." Just as he was about to walk away he stopped and turned towards where we were hiding.
"You guys can come out now." Aaron said coldly. Then walked away. Chun looked at me and shrugged. Then he ran after Aaron.

Hebe could feel her world crashing down on her. Her heart felt like a million daggers were piercing it. She could hear Aaron's words "This kiss was for you to remember the feeling of being rejected today, and how I felt 5 years ago" ringing as clear as a bell in her head. She didn't know what to do. Her tears were now uncontrollable, they were streaming down like crazy. Just then she hear someone say her name.

"Hebe!" GuiGui shouted. Running to her with tears in her eyes. GuiGui grabbed her into a hug. And all of a sudden, Hebe felt the tears streaming down her face again. She didn't know how GuiGui found her, but she didn't care. She needed somebody. And with that, she returned the hug, crying as GuiGui tried to soothe her.

[God.. Please help Hebe. Please! Please help her forget about Aaron!!] GuiGui pleaded as she comforted Hebe.

"Aaron! Aaron! Wait up!" Chun shouted. Aaron stopped and turned around.

"You heard it and saw it." Aaron said coldly. Chun looked at him with a blank expression.

"You could've done it nicer..." Chun said.

"Your right, but I didn't." Aaron said. And just like that he walked away. Leaving Chun standing alone.

Here you go! Chapter 2!!! Haha hope you like it! It's sorta long. Haha, poor Hebe!! Don't you think Aaron's to mean? Haha don't worry. I know it's not much about GuiLun yet, but they'll appear in the next chapter.. Here's what the next chapter's gonna be bout..

"Don't you think it's a little to late to apologise?" GuiGui said. She was filled with anger now.

From a far distance Aaron could see GuiGui and Chun. He could see that GuiGui was hurt, and somewhere.. Somewhere deep down he felt her pain.

"Gui.. I'm.." Before Chun could finish GuiGui stopped him.

"Chun. My feelings for you are already gone. So lets drop it okay? I'll pretend we never talked about this." Then GuiGui walked away. She could feel the tears in her eyes but she bravely walked away until she was far enough. Then, that's when the tears came.

Like it? Haha please comment! Xiexie! And thanks to all the supporters! You guys rock!!

--GuiiLunn <33
Janurary 21st, 2011
3:52 PM.

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