Scene 2.

Me and You for 20 years
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-Reality where I was attracted to you-

Richard Sanderson - Reality



He was fifteen when they first met. He freshly moved back in Seoul.

"Mom I can’t get rid of my accent. What if my classmates would tease me???" he was about to get mental breakdown. Suddenly his family started a new life in Mokpo to Seoul. It was too much for him already leaving his best friends behind. And his new school is in Seoul. What if they won’t like him?

"Youngjae, calm down be positive. They would like you whether you use accent or not. You would make new friends. I promise you will adjust just fine. Plus, it would be easier here to enroll into university later. You would do great. I know it so don’t be so down okay?" His mother said trying to calm him down. He knew his mother was trying to cheer him up but he felt like rolling his eyes at his mother’s positive-ness. He wasn’t someone who had positive energy to begin with anyways.

He shut his eyes rest of the journey to school. His mother was taking him to school on first day. He just wish she won’t do anything embarrassing on the first day of school.

"Youngjae, don’t worry honey. I promise I won’t do anything embarrassing. I’m cool mom" His mom smiled at him chuckling.

Again he wanted to roll his eyes.

‘Yeah right says the one who shouted "mommy loves you. I will cook you favourite when you comeback’ he thought, back in when he enrolled in middle school in Mokpo. His friends always about that matter.

"They would be two years older than me. What if they wouldn’t wanted to make friends because I’m 2 years younger???" What if they bully me? I heard Seoul kids are scary” he said shaking his head at the thoughts of having scary classmates. “You should’ve just send me to school when I was at the right age!!! Who would even send 5years old kid to school anyway???!!!"

"I thought it was the right age because you started reading and doing math."

"No, it wasn’t!!! You opened the door of torture even before my age!!! I hate school." 

“Middle-school diseased child” his mom mocked him and chuckled. “Youngjae don’t worry, be positive. Living is like that, it’s always hard but if you-“

“-Keep being positive you will see positive result” He said cutting his mom’s words.

“My son is already gotten so big.” The woman smiled fondly. “Oh, this is my favourite song” her mother said at the song that played on radio.

“Met you by surprise
I didn’t realize
that my life would change forever” his mom started singing.

“Mom, your accent ”

“What? My accent is good, yo” His mother tried doing that stupid hiphop gesture, she saw somewhere. Who even teach her that? So awkward.

“Mom don’t” he said closing his eyes. Totally embarrassing.

“okay, okay. But this song was so hot in my age. Everybody watched the movie and guys used to do, do this all the time, that earphone thingie” her mother chuckled. At the end he heard the song clearly, even memorized all the lyrics and melodies. As they approached the school gates, she reached out for her backpack.

“See you later, son. Oh, I forgot I didn’t pack you lunch so, I’ll give you money buy something on your own okay?”

First day of school. What worse would happen really.

“1-A” first I have to meet the teacher. He wondered around the school looking for teacher’s office, in the crowded school halls. Everyone was talking, laughing, playing around. Everything felt new, everyone felt like speaking in different language. He felt so small. As he walk past classrooms, he didn’t see the front, bumped into someone.

“Oh sorry.” He mumbled and tried to walk past by.

“If you’re saying sorry, say it properly” the other person sounded so annoyed. He looked up. Oh god save him. It is hooligan. That eye and jaw is going for kill.

“I’m sorry. I was thinking of something. I wasn’t paying attention” he apologized again. ‘Is this guy leader of bullies or something, don’t let it be that way, god please don’t let me have awful harassment school year.’

He waited for a moment to hear or saw the other’s reaction, but nothing come out. The guy just walked away. Is it good or bad? But that guy has no manners. Guess this is how Seoul is.

“Jerk” he mumbled quietly.

As he reached teachers room, his homeroom teacher approached him.

“You must be Youngjae.” He let out quiet ‘yes’ “I’m your homeroom teacher. My name’s Park Jungsoo. Follow me.” He followed the teacher behind closely.

“Youngjae, I heard you’re from Mokpo?”

“Yes, my parents recently moved here”

“You have slight accent, try to change it if you can.”

“Yes.” And they entered noisy classroom.

“Morning class.”

“Attention. Bow. Good morning,”

“This is new transfer student. Introduce yourself.”

“Hello, my name’s Choi Youngjae. Nice to meet you” he tried to say it loudly smiling widely. He felt kind of uncomfortable under stares of his new classroom.

“Are you from countryside?” blonde guy from the middle row threw questions at him.  


“That’s why you have accent. Cute!”

“Do you have girlfriend?” one girl at the back asked him, and everyone around started getting noisy and loud.

‘What? Why ask such a question?’

“N-no” he answered nevertheless. And class got even louder asking him many questions he feel awkward with.

“Youngjae sit before Jaebum. Jaebum get your lazy up.” As the teacher said the guy named Jaebum whose sitting in the last row, his face buried in his desk, got up, raising his hand.

‘Hooligan looking guy! Why? Oh my god no.’

“Youngjae sit before him.”

“Ah, yes” he sai

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Chapter 4: Waiting for the next chap
putrikrisna #2
Chapter 4: Im giddy ? please update as fast as you can
Chapter 4: mark!!!!!!
Chapter 3: uncle markkkk!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Chapter 3: .
How rude, ya Im ing Jaebum why you gotta be like that? To my Sunshine >:v fight me!
I'm involved :)))))
I missed you!! ;;__;; And you're finally back! It almost give me a heart attack when I saw the notification and it was you! My 2jae heart's happy *-*
Buuut honestly this one, Jaebum's such a I'm actually waiting for Markjae like yeees Mark! And Jaebum can just burst in jealousy and regret lol

Glad you're back, I hope you're doing okay!

Thank you!! ^-^
missynizzy #7
Chapter 3: Wow..youngjae..cant wait for Mark
Chapter 3: Can't wait for uncle mark.!!! ^^
sasa1245 #9
Chapter 2: i want markjae i love markjae
Chapter 2: Nice storyyyyy
I really like 2jae, but MarkJae sounds nice~

Maybe MarkJin(?)