Update: where is mj? Requesters being rude and bossy-please STOP. And more

C L U B ╳ R E B I R T H ;; a collection of our updates

november 12th
hello everyone, 
MJ here, 

I hope our vips and visitors are doing well. Lately, you have been seeing that the bartenders have done my requests and its because I'm so sick (even the girls or my close friends don't know, I've been keeping this from everybody even my family and they might be so mad at me after I tell them) For my friends and cx babies, I've told them that its because I have lost inspiration which I have but its not the whole truth. I’ve refused to go to the ER for months since this pain comes and goes. Its a waste of time for me since I can never tell when the pain is going to hit me and what if they're just pains you know and the doctor sends me back home with no diagnostics. I should probably go soon because last night was terrifying. I couldn't breathe.

I'm sharing this because I feel close to the community, our vips. You guys care about the club and the bartenders and I'm so grateful for your support, encouragement, love. It's personal for an owner to share this at her shop but just like Lexa, Koffi, Min, Elle and Ran, Club X means a lot to us. It doesn't feel like a shop. We've all grown pretty close to one another as a team and individuals. We take care of one another, sharing our concerns and hardships. We fight together when its hard. We keep striving. 

Sidenote: Also this is my place, I am allowed to post updates like this as long as I don't violate aff terms and conditions. 

With this announcement finally revealed, I will be going on a hiatus. I don't know how long for. This health issue, whatever it is, has taken a toll on my mental, physical and emotional state. I want to design for you guys but I'm unable to. I'm so sorry. I hope you guys keep on cheering the bartenders as you do and leave detailed feedback when you pickup, it makes their week to know their hard work and effort is very appreciated. Its awesome to see detailed feedback to discuss the design with them. As long as we can feel your sincerity is what matters. Just don't comment with insincere compliments to feel safe from the blacklist. We dislike people being sly like that. I hope to find more designers for clubx to help the girls. I'll be removing the baristas form for now. It hasn't really worked out. With little effort, patience and time taken on your request forms we'll be ignoring half-assed forms unless we can see you really care for your poster and it'll be accepted if we at least get the gist. We definitely will ignore you if you're rude, demanding and bossy in form or pm. It's a problem I know that will always persist in shops, however I am not going to give you what you want and accept your request. The girls have been really nice, fast and lenient however they have voices too, they have character too, they have feelings too. They dislike how some of you have treated them and their work. But they won't say a word as they aren't used to such opportunities and like to avoid conflict and drama. Please reflect upon your actions fellow requesters to become better at requesting at all shops if you plan to. Last few facts to remember about Club X is this shop was made for the designers. We will design however we want to. We can reject at anytime if something happens. We take our time to give you a worthy, quality graphic. Only patient people should request. If you are not patient or considerate DO NOT REQUEST. 

I digress, for designers interested in applying in the future: If you're a busy person but would love to design with us we work with your schedule, not against it. You're free to come and go just inform me beforehand. You can see designers like Koffi and I only come when we feel like it for example. If hired I will add you but if you're not available for that batch I won't include your name yet until you ask me too because you want to design, only if you want to/are able to. I don't require much from you as you work here. I want you to enjoy serving with the rest of the bartenders. Also, a little tip when answering the question "Why did you decide to apply at Club X?" on the form; be honest, sincere, impress us. I don't want people who will use Club X's name or rep. I don't want people who don't are about Club X or our fambam. This is not a shop for you if you're looking for lessons, or have selfish intentions. We really do carefully take our time going through each application. 

Thank you for your time. I don't mean to sound harsh but this all needed to be said. It's so annoying andd disrespectful to be mistreated. We've been lenient but we will be living up to our reputation of "no bs" kind of shop, remember that. 

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