Kang Mo Yeon and Yoon Myeong Ju's Double Date

Descendants of The Sun Snippets
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Author’s Note:

This is also the hard chapter to write. In the series, the conversation runs smoothly over something simple like the stuffed animals and in my version, they are talking about the wedding.

I’m on a journey out of town for several days so there will be no updates from me and I may start their wedding chapter after I came home. So, please be patient.

As always, thank you for the comments, subscribes, and votes :)

Kang Mo Yeon and Yoon Myeong Ju’s Double Date


Major Yoo Si Jin

Republic of Korea Army


Kang Mo Yeon

request the honor of your presence at their wedding



Mo Yeon blew a breath and put down her wedding invitation on the desk. Myeong Ju peeked at her invitation and grinned, “So, are you really getting married to this wuss?”

Next to Mo Yeon, Si Jin grumbled, “Hey!”

They had their second double date at dal.komm Coffee on Saturday night, their favorite place, after a while, also both girls were promised to celebrate Mo Yeon’s upcoming wedding which will be held in a month. Si Jin showed her the example of their wedding invitation, and following the tradition, even the invitation had to follow some rules.

“I told you and that fish-face Commander of yours, I don’t care about rules,” Mo Yeon said, making the three soldiers looked at her incredulously. She stared back at them and shrugged, before squinting her eyes to Si Jin. “I told you we should just elope.”

Myeong Ju pursed her lips. “If getting married in military style is hard, I’m with Mo Yeon’s idea to elope,” she said, making Dae-young stared at her with pleading face, the please-don’t-get-me-into-trouble-again face.

“I’ve been into several missions which risking my life, but dealing with the two of you is deadlier compares to that,” Si Jin muttered.

“I agree,” Dae-young interjected.

“Think of it,” Mo Yeon went on. “Different ranks mean different ways to write their names on the invitations. We also have  invitation in English for our friend in Urk.”

“You mean, that Urk girl?” Myeong Ju asked. “I thought Urk isn’t stabil. Is it going to hard for her to get a passport?”

“Valentine said she will take care of it.” And then, Mo Yeon covered her face with her hands. “I have no idea getting married to the man next to me is a complicated process.”

Si Jin looked at Mo Yeon incredulously.

Myeong Ju grinned. “I told him I didn’t agree you were dating him.”

The Major squinted his eyes. “You have no say to that. You are not her family.” He sipped his coffee. “You can say that now. Wait until you get married to that man next to you, not to mention your father is the General.”

“I told Dae-young I want to elope.”

“No, you didn’t,” Dae-young said suddenly.

“I tell you just now.”

“I must refuse.”

Mo Yeon looked at the couple in front of her. “You two are not the only people here.”

Si Jin nudged Mo Yeon’s shoulder lightly with his fist. “At least you get to see me wearing my dress uniform. You said I’m good wearing that,” he said cheekily.

Mo Yeon’s eyes turned bright. “Yeah, that’s the good point.” She looked again at Myeong Ju and Dae-young. “Will you guys wearing your dress uniform?”

The General’s daughter raised her eyebrows. “Have you forgotten you asked me to become your bridesmaid? Dae-young probably wears his uniform, he told me he’s going to be the best man. All the male soldiers too. Military custom stated if the groom wears his dress uniform, the guests from the army must, too.”

The doctor grinned. “At least there’s one rule that I like,” she said, causing Si Jin to roll his eyes. And then, she pursed her lips and looked at Dae-young. “I remember the last time we attended Daniel’s wedding. I thought Sergeant Seo has a trauma over wedding.”

Si Jin almost choked his coffee, Myeong Ju laughed, while Dae-young looked back at Mo Yeon helplessly.

“You still have a trauma? You can’t do that in my wedding,” Si Jin said to Dae-young.

“I assure you I can behave,” the Sergeant answered.

“Oh, he will behave. Perhaps after see me wearing bridesmaid gown, he will propose to me,” Myeong Ju interjected in her usual girlish way.

Si Jin snickered and leaned himself over the table. “You haven’t proposed to her? You’re on a relationship longer than me.”

“Yes, but you are bolder than me,” Dae-young answered almost automatically.

Si Jin shrugged. “If I’m not bold, I’m still sulking over the beautiful lady next to me for I don’t know how long.”

Dae-young smirked, or looked like he did. “I know you never give up on her.”

Myeong Ju raised her eyebrows at the two men. “You two are not the only people here.” She turned her attention to Mo Yeon who sipped her coffee. “A lot of soldiers curious about you, though.”

Mo Yeon made a face. “I thought they already knew me when

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Zhanwillx #1
Chapter 1: Как классно❤️🥹🥹
Chapter 13: Gosh, i just love this
TooMuch_inLove #3
Chapter 3: ???????
Although they aren't together anymore in real life, but the drama and your story have special place in my heart. After rewatching it, I want to read your story again...thank you for still keeping it in aff as a happy place for us, dear author....
Chapter 18: Reading this story brought back the memories when i watched DOTS 4 years ago. Gosh, i love this story soooo muchhhhh ❤️
Chapter 18: So sweet of Shi Jin to wear his dress uniform to propose Mo Yeon ....<3 <3 he loves her so dearly .....^^ and the ring of course...I guess although it's difficult to love an army man but the wedding procedure right from engagement happens to be quite romantic...even the smallest gesture expresses the significance of their lady love's presence in their life n how dearly they care about them.
Chapter 17: They had an awesome wedding....I guess military weddings are sweeter than civilian weddings....
The part when Mo Yeon cried holding that stuff toy was probably the most beautiful part in this story....
I enjoyed reading every part of this story.....<3<3<3
Chapter 16: Shi jin's answer was what I liked in this chapter. He understood the insecurities of mo Yeon and answered her directly. That's what I love about their relationship. There is a lot of empathy in their relationship....
Chapter 15: i like all those times times when they say that dealing with their girls is difficult than their missions...and of course the bickering part :D
Chapter 14: even i love ferrero rocher <3 ....shi jin's very good at using his power .') ....