Endless Season (TaeNy)

Well-written YulSic & TaeNy Fanfic Recommendation Lists
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My Rating: 10 STARS ★★★★★★★★★★(All Time Favourite; Infinitely loved it)


Title + link: Endless Season PDF

Author: Kijeok

Genre: Taeyeon-centric, drama

Status: On Hiatus


She wished, first, that her arm wasn’t bent unnaturally under her body in such an angry way, shoved between her plate and whatever, be it mattress or couch or floor, was underneath and wished, second, that she were someone else entirely. The sun was settling uncomfortably on her eyelashes, pulling back the lids with insistent, spiteful tugs. This was going to be another morning like many other mornings and as the realization settled under her skin, she wanted less and less to open her eyes.


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Taengkim801 #1
Chapter 8: Nice story
Chapter 25: I wanna read the lone star again... But... Why is it the page is not there.... Did it get deleted? I don't understand ㅠ. ㅠ
Chapter 15: I really love this story too. Mannn so nostalgic. You are a fake fan of yulsic if you havent read this gold!
Auzora221 #4
Chapter 20: Believe me, The Inmate is really really good!
674 streak #6
Chapter 19: why cant i download this?


Author: Nefrofer13

Genres: romance, family life

Status: ON-GOING (A little rated M)

Description: I Love you, even when your only a hope.
This one is the sequel of HOME. I hope you all will enjoy the journey.

- A magnificent story written indeed.

Title: HOME

Author: Nefrofer13

Genres: Romance

Status: Completed, Subscribers only

Description: “The whole idea was a mess, in fact it was stupid. To get married with someone who’s practically a stranger to me was already an absurd concept. But having a child with her was another level of ridiculousness.”
- Kim Taeyeon

- this story is so great that i cant even put words to it. its just purely amazing how the writer have written it...like a life lesson...life related situation? kekekeke
theres even part two that is also amazing!! as in amazing 100%
taeny_bear #9
Chapter 31: The blindfold and the wearer is my favourite !!
LeeKkura_SinRin143 #10
Chapter 40: I want to know the passwords but I can't:`(