Meeting Yuta

Violet Hearts

Most of us might have all dreamt of meeting our soulmate once in our life, to feel a click in rare situations, to finally meet someone who breathes the same air as us. The joy of having someone who would understand and not ask, who would cry and smile at the same time as we do, whose happiness solely relies on our happiness. Most importantly, who would do crazy things with us besides every wish of cuddles, movie nights, bikes rides at the park, kisses and hugs.

However, things go a little bit haywire if your soulmate isn’t completely a human; when they have furry pointed antennas instead of a normal human ear and a leg-length fluffy tail or it could be just that Youngho is too much of a stupid to understand.

“Room 42, here you go” the woman behind the counter said whom he remembered to be Mrs. Min, handing the 2nd year college student the key for his dorm room. He smiled thanking her and took off to the path behind their college where the hostel building is located.

“Sup” he answered after letting his phone ring for a few seconds.

“Get your over here!” the other on the line half-shouted through the phone and when he turned to see one of the windows there he was, his big-eyed frog-like best friend waving at him. "Hurry up!”

“Ji Hans-“ he called out before entering the room but stopped abruptly upon seeing his friend with someone else.

“Oh hey” Hansol greeted him, his hand tracing circles on the other’s shoulder, an action of reassurance. A boy, small and skinny with silky brown hair stood by his friends's side. His skin was almost pale-like and had a petite bone structure, he looked a bit feminine with his eyelashes brushing against his cheeks, his eyes staring at the white tiles below his feet. He don't remember ever seeing this guy before and the fact that Hansol seems to know him when they're best friends.

“This is Yuta” Hansol pushed the guy a bit forward then recognition hit Johnny when he hears the name.

‘Yuta’ Hansol’s soulmate.


Ji Hansol, captain of the basketball team always had his eye on the mysterious guy in the adventure club. ‘One second he is here and next second he just disappears’ he used to say but that never stopped his friend from trying to get close to the guy.

Hansol then joined the adventure club and by the end of last year declared “I found my soulmate” and Johnny didn’t need to ask who. Hansol was pining for only one guy, one person.


Yuta hesitantly lifts his hand, not daring to look at Johnny in the eye and Hansol press his lips together probably feeling the discomfort of his soulmate’s heartbeat.

Johnny raise his brows, confused but take Yuta’s hand. “Hi, I’m Yuta" he said, hesitating a bit before continuing "I’m uhh- I’m a..”

“Hybrid” Hansol finishes for him and winced a little as Yuta flinched and retreats his hand quickly. It took some convincing on Yuta's side but Hansol feels his friend deserves to know everything. That definitely took Johnny off guard so he just stared dumbfounded at Yuta until Hansol cleared his throat and glared at him.

Yuta fidgets, shifting his weigh from one foot to the other and all Johnny said was “Oh” and chuckles awkwardly because, for one, he had not seen a cat-hybrid up close and he did not expect them to look so.. .human-like, as in he knows they are half-human half-cat, but Yuta looks exactly like a normal human being so without realizing he muttered “You don’t look like a cat”. Hansol glared at him for the second time but made no move to reach out for Yuta, like he wants him to face it bravely for himself because it’s not like Johnny is gonna harm him or anything.

“I uhh- we- we can hide our tail and transform our cat ears” he said, voice almost inaudible but Johnny luckily heard him. “Do you- umm want me to show y-“

“Oh no no, it’s fine” Johnny immediately interrupt, not wanting to push the other further and he was also not sure if he was ready to see it. He wasn’t against them even before the hybrids were accepted to society, just that he hadn’t met one or maybe he had but he didn’t know they could hide their identity, and even so, Yuta seems so fragile and harmless he doubts they are a threat.

“It’s actually nice to finally meet you, y’know Hansol never stopped talking ‘bout you” he adds to lighten the mood, which was also the truth. Hansol rolled his eyes but smiled and Yuta visibly relaxed and sports a small smile of his own.

“So am guessing you two shares a room?” he asked, already knowing the answer and Yuta blushed when Hansol ever so proudly hugs him from the back “Yep” he grins resting his chin on his soulmate’s shoulder and rubbing his arms to make him relax.

“Please no PDA” Johnny makes a disgusted face but deep inside he was happy for his friend. His friend only hugs his prey tighter “Please, this is just your room”

“So?” he challenged.

“You’re just jealous he turns out to be my soulmate” his friend said, implying the fact that his crush turns out to be his soulmate. Yuta blushed harder and Johnny just shakes his head with a smile.

‘What if I am’


Your soulmate could turn out to be someone you’ve known forever or someone you’ve never met; someone you’ll meet at one point of your life after you’ve turn eligible. They could be far, too far away, or they could be just right by your side waiting for you to look at them, and you never knew.

Until and unless you share the same moment, a moment of trust, your hearts will never beat in sync, and nobody, wants to die without ever meeting their soulmate, even if it’s just going to be once, even just for a day, in their lifetime, because that itself is a very very scary thought.







note: i contemplated so much between turning it into a fluffy one or dark like i planned,, buttt,, desides to write it more fluffy and break from my angst,, because everyone seems to like fluff more, it's gonna be hella dark so i threw it away,, sorry for short chap

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Chapter 2: The first chapter seems so interesting! Can't wait for more :)
OH MY GOD I'M SO EXCITED!!! GEEZ SOWWY DIDN'T REALIZE THIS STORY BEFORE HUHU... OKAY WHY AM I USING CAPS.... but anyway yeayy i'm glad that u decided to change it in the direction of fluffiness? (Wutt i am saying?) Idk but cheer up and fighting!!!