(Trying to) Breathe Part 1

Still Small Voice

Mark had always tried to take care of his own health, despite the busy schedule. He eats as healthy as he could, took vitamins daily and made sure he exercised regularly (which is really not an issue because it's part of their daily schedule). But he could not help that he had asthma since young.

It made things extremely difficult for him due to the intense dance moves and the fact that he was one of the lead dancers. He was breathless after almost every practice and performance, having to sneak quick huffs at corners no one could see. He was not sure why he felt a need to hide this from his teammates, perhaps he just did not want to worry them, or that he did not want the unnecessary attention, given his quiet nature.

But he should have known that such a secret would be hard to keep for long.

The Hard Carry dance was fast and intense, and everyone had not had a good rest in a long while due to their tight promotional schedule. He was extremely tired that day and he could feel his chest tightened halfway through the performance. He wheezed as softly as he could and did not stop moving, the remaining one minute of the song felt like an eternity. And he could almost breathe (except that he could not) in relief at the ending move. He did not even bother with the bow and quickly scampered off the stage, grabbing his inhaler and headed straight to the washroom.

He took three long puffs, trying to keep calm and breathe. He waited another fifteen seconds before taking another two puffs. And he knew he was gone when it only got harder for him to breathe. He started to panic and it did not help his breathing.

He heard the door to the washroom opened and was torn between clinging on to the person for help or to hide in the cubicle, but the lack of air was slowing down his reaction.

"Mark?" A familiar voice called out, "Mark? You okay?"

Jaebum. In his moment of panic, Mark recognised his leader's voice.

"Is that an inhaler?" Jaebum asked as gently as he could, despite his worries, not wanting to stress Mark further.

Mark nodded, "I... I can't breathe," as all he could manage before he started wheezing again.

"," Jaebum cursed, "can you walk?"

He pulled Mark's arm over his shoulders and tried to get his out of the washroom. Mark tried, but his legs were giving way as tears gathered in his eyes from the lack of air, and the fear in his heart.

" this," Jaebum lifted Mark up and headed as quickly as he could to the rest of the members and the manager, thanking God that Mark weighs like a feather, and then worrying again that Mark only weighs like a feather, "it's going to be okay, we are getting the ambulance ok,"

"Call the freaking ambulance," Jaebum practically yelled as he burst into the changing room and settled Mark onto the more comfortable sofa.

"Mark?" Jackson called out in shock as he saw Mark's pale face and blue lips.

"He can't ing breathe, call the ambulance." Jaebum repeated, though he did not need to because their manager was already on the phone.

The other members crowded around in concern but was waved off by their manager, "he needs some air."

They tried to stand around without overcrowding Mark, all panicking at the lack of colour on Mark's face.

Mark tried to breathe but it was becoming painful, he could feel someone giving him another puff from the inhaler but it was not helping.

Jackson took a towel and wiped off the cold sweat on his face, "it's okay, Mark it's okay, we are here."

"He has asthma?" Bambam muttered to himself, "why didn't he tell us?"

Mark would answer if he could but he could not. 

"He has stopped wheezing, does it mean he is getting better?" Jinyoung asked hopefully.

"I don't think so..." Jaebum was practically in tears as Mark was practically turning blue. He could have killed someone if the ambulance had not arrived.

The paramedics rushed in. Mark could feel an oxygen mask strapped to his face and he was being lifted onto a stretcher. He could no longer keep his eyes open as he heard he sirens ringing in his ears.



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Chapter 2: oh no i hope he is okay! T^T