A War Like Love


Summary: King 2 Hearts! AU. Officer Do Kyungsoo of the North Korean Special Forces struggled to cooperate as he got to know the Prince of South Korea whom is quite the whiny man and wouldn’t stop complaining.


Prompt Code: #C14
Title: A War like Love
Rating: M
Side pairings (if any): slight!sekai, xiuchen
Word Count: 17,695 words 
Warnings: Violence, Angst, Slight!Homophobia and Swearing


A/N: Hello! This is a reposting of my first entry for the NODTT fic fest! (You can check the other fics from the fest here and the original post here!) I hope you will enjoy my rendition of the King2Hearts!AU. Please do comment on my fic. I really love my comments and I appreciate them all with my heart! I would love to hear all the things you liked about this fic. Thank you so much and Enjoy reading!!


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Chapter 2: Aww, i love this!! But what happen to junmyeon then?
Rikasan #2
I like this concept, and it is so well written :-) i'm glad they got their crap together because i was about to smack them upside the head!