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Chanwoo quickly regretted what he has done after he saw what was right in front of him. An ocean of fans were surrounding him, making it impossible for him to go back to the YG building after his little shopping. His thirst for water was definitely not worth the danger he will be in if he forces himself to go through them. Heck, his hyungs didn’t even know he was at the convenient store outside the building. He sneaked out of the building just because he was bored of the food and drinks that YG has always offered. He was sick and tired of that damn place he always has to see every freaking day!

Now, he is definitely screwed. He wanted to call his hyungs, but then again it won’t change anything. Instead, he would just get scolded without getting him out of the mess he is already in. He walked back and forth inside the convenience store, which was locked due to the crowd, in panic searching for a way to get out. It doesn’t seem like there was any other way out though.

“Im sorry sir, but it seems that we have to make sure our store to run back to normal in 5 minutes, I’m afraid we have to unlock the store soon.” The manager of the store said to Chanwoo politely. Chanwoo sighed in response. “Are you sure there is no other way to leave the store?” he asked in frustration. “Im afraid not sir, deepest apologies” the man replied.

Chanwoo closed his eyes for a moment and stared at the crowd waiting for him outside the store. They were all screaming his name out loud, some of them holding signs saying they love him, and most of them were sticking their phones and cameras out, obviously taking pictures of him. The maknae then took a deep breath after the manager of the store unlocks the store. He could see that his life was flashing right in front of his eyes. The crowd went instantly inside the store trying to get ahold of the maknae.





Shouts similar like that were heard as Chanwoo was trying his best to get out of the mob. The worst part was not the shouts though, they were all pushing him around, pulling his shirt and pants, grabbed and pulled his hands over and over. Chanwoo felt like crying and just shoving his way out in the moment but he couldn’t possibly do that. They’re still his fans after all.

Suddenly he tripped over something and fell right to the ground with fans still surrounding him. The fans that were still out of control continued pushing each other, causing some of them to step on the maknae on various parts of his body, causing him to scream in pain. His screams didn’t stop the crowd though. Chanwoo then put together all of his strength to stand back up and go through the crowd once more and after for what seems forever, he finally got inside the building. He then ran into the elevator and goes straightly to their practice room ignoring the pain all over his body.

“Where the hell have you been?” Jinhwan cried in worry. 

“Yah! You didn’t answer any of our phone calls!” Yunhyeong shouted.

“I also said to take a 20 minutes break; not an hour. Maknae, explain.” Hanbin demanded the younger.

“I.. got caught off helping an elder” Chanwoo lied. He almost facepalmed himself at the instant lie he just said.

“An elder? In the building?” Junhoe asked raising his eyebrows not believing the younger.

“Funny story. It was Mino hyung’s grandma asking where he was so I had to lead her to the practice room. As I got there, Mino hyung wasn’t there so I had to accompany her until he came” Chanwoo explained again. From the looks of it the hyungs were convinced at his story. Thank God for acting skills!

“Well, either way you missed 40 minutes of our practice time.” Hanbin told him. “I know, I’m sorry” Chanwoo apologized as he looked to the ground not daring to look at his hyung’s face.

“Junhoe, you keep an eye out for uri maknae here and make sure he practices for exactly 40 minutes” Hanbin demanded suddenly.

“What?? Why me?” Junhoe hissed immediately after hearing what the leader has just demanded him.

“Because today is your day of our chore schedule” Hanbin explained proudly as he brought the others out of the room gesturing them to go out of the room. “Don’t pretend that you don’t want to, June-ya” Jinhwan said obviously teasing the younger. Junhoe swear he wanted to choke that mathyung right in the spot but they had all already left the room.

“Sorry, hyung” Chanwoo muttered. He then walks slowly to the computer trying to pick the song he wants to practice to. Junhoe walks out of the room leaving Chanwoo dumbfounded. It somehow hurts the maknae’s feelings but he lets the older be, maybe he just needs some fresh air. So he started practicing on his own.
Junhoe came back to the room to see Chanwoo, eyes closed and out of breath filled with sweat resting his head to the mirror, which covers the walls of the room. “Chanwoo” He called the maknae as he put the cold coke to the younger’s face so he would wake up. The younger was surprised by the cold sensation he felt on his face but he was even more surprised seeing the hyung in front of him.

“What? Go ahead, take it” Junhoe said. Chanwoo smiled and ended up laughing at the older.

"What’s so funny?” Junhoe asked clueless.

“Nothing. Just never thought the legendary witch will ever be very thoughtful to Cinderella” Chanwoo giggled at his own words as he took the coke from the older’s hands.

Junhoe rolled his eyes. “Are you saying you’re a maid?” Junhoe countered back with a smirk.

"We both technically are, y’know since we’re the maknaes” Chanwoo joked. “but we always outsmart them” Junhoe said causing the maknae to laugh. “That is true” Chanwoo replied to him.
“Just like how I know you were lying about why you were late when the hyungs don’t”
“W-what?” Chanwoo stuttered at the hyung’s sudden statement. “No one can enter the YG Building unless they have a pass. It’s impossible for you to meet a random grandma in the building.” Junhoe explained. Chanwoo just blinked at the older. He didn’t know what to say or make another excuse for that matter.

“..You caught me” Chanwoo admitted and smiled at him. “Knew it~ Where did you go huh? You rebel” Junhoe asked in his curiosity. “I… was tired at the surroundings of this building so I sneaked out and went for a stroll” Chanwoo said truthfully even when he didn’t explain about the accident.

“Woah.. You would be in big trouble if the hyungs know, huh?” Junhoe said teasing the younger. “Please, don’t tell them, June-ya~” Chanwoo said with a little aegyo as an attempt. “You know aegyo never works on me” Junhoe smirked at the maknae. He was enjoying this too much, Chanwoo thought. “Fine.. What does it take for you to shut up?” Chanwoo asked annoyed.

“There is…only one way” Junhoe said still smirking which makes Chanwoo anxious in a way. “What is it? Just tell me” the younger said pissed.
“Kiss me.”
Chanwoo spits out his drink hearing his words. “What?!” Chanwoo asked in shock. “Oh, you heard me.” Junhoe said seductively which arouses the younger. The maknae froze for a second or two. Chanwoo actually doesn’t mind the thought of kissing the hyung in front of him. Junhoe also seemed like he was serious. So after having second thoughts the maknae then quickly leaned in as he press his lips to Junhoe’s. Junhoe held him gently; cupping the younger’s face with one hand.

Chanwoo’s heart beats faster as Junhoe’s tongue begged for entrance. Chanwoo hummed in pleasure when Junhoe’s tongue in his mouth. As this happens, Junhoe manages to also push the younger to the corner of the room, pinning him.

Chanwoo who lost dominance, saw Junhoe pulled back from the kiss and could feel warm breath on his neck followed by a tender brush of the older’s lips. Burning as they make contact with his neck. “I wanna see that beautiful body of yours.” He warned the younger as he slipped his hand to the maknae’s waist and pulled up his shirt and taking them off.
After that happened though, Junhoe took a few steps backwards and left the maknae off. “What’s wrong?” Chanwoo asked in confusion. “W-What happened to you..” Junhoe muttered as he pointed out the bruises and scratches surrounding his body. Chanwoo who just noticed quickly wore his shirt back.

“Ah, you see Junhoe..” Chanwoo started as he saw Junhoe folded both of his arms waiting for a good explanation. “I had an accident as I went for a stroll earlier” The maknae continued. “Oh, so you decided to tell me now??” Junhoe shouted at the younger. “I-I’m sorry Junhoe”
“Just tell me what happened, and this time I want the full story” Junhoe demanded, he sounded angry and Chanwoo never seen this side of him before. “I just went to the convenience store across this building but eventually fans found out and I was… basicall

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R_nine21 #1
Chapter 1: calm down yunbin~~ u all r ruined their moment TT.TT uri junchan ♡♡♡
Chapter 1: Okay so this is my real comment xD well, I know you'dkknow I would say "love this!" As always, you're the Queen of i-gonna-make-chanwoo-suffers-fics e w e

I love the way this story flows, when I was reading thiS it felt like i was reading a manga (translation: good description) this oneshot doesn't feel like rushed but perfectly in place.

Hey, YES I KNUW I LOVE THAT JUNCHAN PART THE MOST PFFFFT. What I'm gonna say I really lovrrrd this fic. Author-nim, please make Chanwoo suffers and suffers again (translation: please make alot of angst/fics of Chanwoo) HAHAHAHA my baby woo
Chapter 1: Reading this in the middle of class xD Hold up, I'll give you my "real comment" once I got home
kangdaesoon89 #4
Junchan my love.. im such a trash for them ㅠㅠ
noname101 #5
Chapter 1: Awww so cuteeee <333
Love naughty Junchan ^^
So so good and so cute!!!!
wulaaandari #7
Chapter 1: This is really cute, aww junchan
lulukkaebhyun #8
Chapter 1: awwwwwwwwwww ~~ so cute ~~~ junchan junchan junchan