1 the end

That motorbike guy

"mimi, you need to wake up early tomorrow," her mum knocked on her door and remind her. AGAIN! this is like the 100th time she reminds her about waking up early tomorrow to help her in the cafe. maybe she's exaggerating but she's kinda tired when her mum keep on reminding her about what might happen tomorrow in the cafe. she dropped her body on her bed. her cat, Cony, came to her, snuggling her neck. 

"i'm tiredddddddddd... "


"how i wish my prince charming will come and save me..."


and few minutes later, she fell asleep, soundly, with Cony by her side.


the amount of people coming to the cafe feels like it went triple by the time lunch hour arrived. mimi went back to the kitchen to catch her breath. maybe because the cafe located near the hospital and goverment offices. one of the coworkers came to her and asked her if she was alright. she just nodded her head. cant wait till lunch hour end. she gathered her strength and head back to the cashier. 

"i hope my prince charming come sooner than ever,' she said to herself.

she finally rest herself in the room for staffs after running here and there in the cafe during the lunch hour. its not like she's regret working with her family but sometimes she just hope her mum could give her more freedom in making choice. she wants to continue her study and have her own way in deciding her life.

the door is knocked from outside.

"mimi, are you in there?' her mum asked.

"yeaaaa," she replied her mum lazily.

"can you help me outside?" her mum asked her again. she just sighed.

"give me a minute," she replied before touching up her make up and head outside.


"make i take your order sir?' mimi asked the customer. she tried so hard to stare at the customer who looks EXTREMELY HANDSOMEEEEE! with his black leather jacket.

"i want this and this," he pointed his fingers on the menu card and asked his 6 other friends. all of his friends are handsome too! especially the one with black hair and the one with pink hair. 

Mimi diligently take down all the menu the customers said. she went to the kitchen and passed down the note paper with her writing. she then sit on the chair at the cashier sections. her coworker who just came in for the next shift asked her.

"whose big bike outside?"

"what big bike?" mimi asked back. she still havent realised the fact that those customers who she took the order came with superbike. she immediately came outside and her jaws dropped.

she always fancy those guys who ride big bikes like this. she even asked her coworker to her picture beside the bike until she heard a cough.

"looks like you fancy that?" the guy said, the one who she took the order.

"yeah... i kinda like this kind of bike," she replied shyly.

"wanna get a ride?" he asked. apparently, this guys with his friends had their late lunch done. wow... she must have spend some time with the bike that she didnt realised that. all that guy friends just smirked at her looking at her reaction. Mimi really wants to hide her face behind the menu book but....

"can i?"

"of courseeee," he replied excitedly.

"but... my shift didnt end until 6PM. maybe next time?"

"i can pick you up later," he replied and shoved her his name card.

"hoseok, you can call me hoseok," he said again. mimi hesitant to receive the card when suddenly this 'hoseok' guy took her phone from the coworker and punched in his number before making his own phone ring.


"i will call you later," hoseok said before wearing his helmet and start the engine. the beautiful sounds from the big bikes almost make Mimi drools but of course she controlled it. she feel so excited that her heart might burst.


"i told you she likes you!" one of them shout at Hoseok.

"she likes my bike, you idiot!" Hoseok replied.

"makes her like you"

"yeah hyung. i approved that!"

"you are the next era prince charming since you came with this bike huh," his same age friend said.

"i will fall for you too if i were her," the one with pink hair said.

"dont forget to pick her up at 6," the one with black hair remind before seven of them went on separate ways at the junction.


this is my first time writing my ff hope its not too bad :P till then.

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Chapter 1: great job for your first time of writing ff
i love it so much^^