Chapter 1 [Jungkook's Struggle Pt. 1]

Fading Wings (a BTS WINGS fanfiction)

"Why don't you go kill yourself? Or do you want us to do it for you?"
"The next time we see you, you're dead!"
"We won't be easy on you, and your dumb friends won't be there to help you."
"Get out of my way you piece of trash!"

Every single scathing word that had ever been said to him was recalled. Every insult, every death threat, nothing was kept from him now. The words and phrases spun through his head and stabbed at his heart.

Jeon Jungkook, a young man of merely 17 years old was the prized object of a gang’s violent antics. How he had gotten himself mixed up with a lot like them was an anomaly. It began as your typical harsh teasing and jeers, but it soon escalated into stealing and physical abuse.

"Hey Jeon!" One of the older boys sneered as he snatched a fistful of the younger's hair. Jungkook winced as he was roughly pulled forwards but didn’t break his silence. This was by far the most painful of the beatings. They had never gone this far before. He had bruises and scratches all over, and his breath was coming in shallow wheezes. He had gotten used to this kind of torture by now, but it always hurt. A feeling of dread never failed to stir up within him whenever the gang showed up. It was as if demons themselves had manifested to haunt him.

"Where are your pesky little friends? Taehyung was it? Oh, or maybe Jimin?" At those words Jungkook tensed a little. What was he getting at? "Perhaps we should pay them a visit too? Teach them a lesson not to interfere on... private business." He snarled with a dark chuckle as he forced Jungkook to look him in the face.  The man's cohorts laughed in agreements and made comments about the kind of pain they would inflict on Jungkook’s friends. The brunette’s eyes narrowed and an angered look glazed over them as he looked the man straight in the eyes. They could beat him all they wanted, but the second they touched his friends it became terrifyingly personal. His friends were his family, and he would endure any amount of pain for them.

"Leave my friends out of this!" He exclaimed as he suddenly broke out of the leader’s grasp. Jungkook sprung up with astonishing speed and slammed his fist into the man’s face. His knuckles connected against the man’s jaw and sent him reeling back. Jungkook had even surprised himself at how effective his punch had been. However he was slammed to the ground seconds later by one of the man’s followers. He choked when he hit the ground and shockwaves launched through his body at the impact. Jungkook groaned in pain as he tried to focus his eyes on his surroundings again.

"You little punk!" Wobbling, the man stood up in a burst of anger and frustration. He didn’t usually lose his temper like this, but to have a mere child land such a hit on a gang boss like him was a massive blow to his pride. He wiped the blood off the corner of his mouth and picked an old baseball bat off of the ground.
"You're dead now Jeon!" He exclaimed as he stood swung the bat above his head. Jungkook tried frantically to get out of the way but it was too late.

"Aish! Don't you even think about it!" An unknown voice exclaimed angered. Suddenly the bat was sent flying by a well-aimed surprise kick. The bat went flying and shock was plastered all over the leader’s face. A still grew over everyone there.

"Nobody touches my little brother, got it?"

Ah, please comment and let me know how I'm doing! c: Thank you so much for reading! <3

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Chapter 3: please update XD
AssiraNKim #2
You're going to update right?