All I Want For Christmas (Oneshot)

All I Want For Christmas (Oneshot)

Seunghyun sighs for almost the millionth time that day. He looks at his watch; it's half-past eleven. Almost midnight. He better head back to the his villa now, Jiyong must be waiting. And yet, he hasn't found anything he deems perfect for the younger. Even after searching for the whole day. No, the whole week in fact; he still couldn't find the perfect gift for Jiyong. Well, of course it has to be perfect. It is Christmas after all. And it is for Jiyong, definitely it has to be just perfect. He sighs again, scratching his head in frustration.  

  "Aishh!" he mutters out loudly in frustration, trudging slowly in the snow. His head was hung low, he himself not in the merry mood of Christmas. He felt as if he's failed as a boyfriend. And he was 101% sure Jiyong would have already prepared his present weeks before, damn that perfectionist. This only made him guiltier. Walking along the streets, he could hear Christmas songs playing all around him and decorations shining brightly in the darkness of the night. Ironically, it was a total contrast to how he was feeling. So deep in thoughts he was, that he did not realise that he had already reached the doorstep of the his villa.  

  Looking up in mild surprise, the tall rapper takes a deep breath, and prepares himself. He turns the knob, and enters. Immediately, the sight that greeted him was the living-room, with the Christmas tree, standing proud and tall. A large shimmering sky-blue star was placed right on top. Seunghyun chuckled a little as he remembered how fussy Jiyong was when choosing the 'stars'. Saying that it has to be 'special, outstanding, one-of-a-kind' since they just simply couldn't afford the time to decorate the whole place.

  Then his eyes laid on a small figure, huddled in a corner right beside the tree. And Seunghyun's heart just melted right there and then. It was, undoubtedly, Jiyong, his boyfriend. With a red Christmas hat on his small head, nodding off. Seunghyun smiled at the sight before him, can he not get any cuter? And as if to prove him wrong, the younger slowly lifted his oh-so-feminine hand and rubbed his eyes with the back of his hand. An almost shy smile graced his face when he saw Seunghyun. He must've heard him when Seunghyun entered.

  The just-a-moment-ago-was-waking-up-and-looked-tired-Jiyong now looked as if he had been recharged. With that, the bundle of energy threw his arms around Seunghyun and hugged him tightly. 

  "I thought you would miss Christmas, hyung." the shorter man mumbled into his chest.

  Seunghyun just hummed in reply. He nuzzled his nose into Jiyong's raven black hair, inhaling his scent as he embraced him.

  "Where have you been, hyung?" Jiyong looked at the older intently with his chocolate brown eyes.

  "E-Erm... the thing is, Ji.... I....I couldn't find a present for you despite searching for the whole week... I am so sorry Ji!" he avoided his gaze at first before looking into Jiyong's eyes guiltily as he apologised.

  Seeing no reaction from the younger, Seunghyun was afraid that Jiyong was upset, or maybe even disappointed in him. So he said in a rush, "What do you want for Christmas, Ji? I'll give you anything!" the nervous man said in a rush, emphasising on the word 'anything'.

  Seunghyun then felt small, gentle hands cupping his cheek. And a moment later, soft lips pressing on his own. His eyes widened in shock before melting into the kiss. Thin arms wrapped around his neck as his own went around the other's slim waist. They kissed sweetly, not passionately, as their lips fit together like puzzle pieces. Like they were meant for each other. And then as they got out of breath, they pulled back.

  "All I want for Christmas... is you." the younger whispered softly into Seunghyun's lips, before lightly pecking his nose.

  And the clock struck midnight. 

  "Merry Christmas, hyung." Jiyong said lovingly to Seunghyun before pressing another chaste kiss onto the taller's lips. 

  And Seunghyun felt like he was falling head over heels with this man by the name of Kwon Jiyong as he kissed those plump lips back eagerly.

The End 

A/N: Consider this like a very late-Christmas fic or sumthin' haha. ^^ Thought of it during Christmas, but only managed to type it out now. Tbh, once again, I'm not really satisfied with this mmm... And this seems not as good as the one before right? :/ Also, this was inspired by the song 'All I Want For Christmas' , lovely song. <3 And oh btw, yes I guess there's loopholes here and there urghh but it was pretty rushed(?) in a way I guess. ;// Anyways, all comments and critiques are welcomed! :) And I do hope you guys enjoyed your Christmas! n_n 

(Oh and I realised I forgot to add the summary before and finally realised it now, so there's the summary! ^^;)

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Chapter 1: Love! Please write more gtop whenever ^^
Nobody would be here kekeke
alexthemanice #3
I TOTALLY AGREE WITH YOUR DISCLAIMER!!! i wouldn't be here either :P<br />
IHeartsJiyongie #4
@Incomplete-Synopsis I'm sorry omg I hid the chapter! >.< Actually posted it but I wasn't happy with it so I re-edited it, am posting it up now! :)