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vibingturtle graphic shop (close) + read chapter 14

Hey everyone, I just want to let you all know that starting from now on, I'll be updating extremely slow. It's because I'll start working, and I'm starting school again too. I know that I have a lot of pending requests left [I apologize for being extremely slow], and will understand if you decide to cancel your requests. And when I say extremely slow, I do mean extremely slow. We are looking at maybe one update a week, or.... maybe one update every two weeks. [My work informed me that we'll be super busy the first few months of working...] So I would advise you all to cancel your requests if you are looking for a poster for your story asap. I want to apologize because I have no clue how this job will work like, [since it's my first job] and accepted a whole bunch of requests only to be extremely slow at updating them :[[ If you hate me, I'll understand but, I'll still love you all. And this is where my note ends. 


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creamandcookies #1
Chapter 35: Hey don't worry about it. We will wait for you ❤
Hey since my request was the first one after all you completed a month or so back, I think mine would almost be in the process of being finished. Do let me know if you are having problems getting it done :') or if it'll take longer than a week or so?
Chapter 35: Awww, good luck on your work!!! Fighting!!! And nobody hates you, if something, we love you!! (≧∇≦)/
Chapter 35: Congrats on your new job ^^
Chapter 35: No need to rush, take your time (。◕‿◕。)
I have requested ^^
I have requested.
I requested <3
cqalla #9
Chapter 34: Love this ❤