
Silver Dragons and Gold Sheep

The Land of Moon grew in size as we gradually made our way towards it. Jimin sat beside me with a giant smile of excitement splitting his face. I’m glad that over the past few days; such a radiant smile as slowly but surely been appearing more and more. After the incident where he ran off alone in the ship and ended up gambling with Yumichika and the others; he has been on strict watch by both me and Jin. I’ve learned that this boy; no matter how sweet and innocent he may seem; has a knack for finding and getting himself into trouble.

For the first few days; he was sulky and annoyed having both Jin and I monitor his every single move. I don’t really blame him…I would have been pissed as well. Eventually he got fed up and snapped at me and Jin; and then holed himself up into our room. Eventually we gave into him and said we would allow him at least a little bit more freedom. By that we meant that we would only have one of us following him around all day; which still didn’t make him very happy.

The one that ended up watching him the most was me; which Jimin later admitted he was happy about. At least with me he could get away with adventuring the ship and possibly talking with some of the pirates. If I was in a super good mood that day I may even let him play a bit of cards with them. Jimin told me that Jin would only pester him all day about the proper way to behave and how to dress; or worse he would try to force Jimin to undergo one of his ‘astounding makeovers’. Jimin confided to me that he felt stifled by such things; that he felt Jin was trying to shove him in a box when all he wanted was to be free. I felt sorry for the child; and yet I knew Jin was only trying to do the best he could for Jimin.

It was my feelings of sympathy for the child that made me loosen my hold on him a little bit. I figured ‘let him discover this small world that lives on this solitary pirate ship. Let them fill his head with tales of lore and let him be swept up by pure and innocent desires for adventure. So long as I keep watching him…so long as I am here for him, I will keep him safe.’ But my watchful eye has been corrupted in some fashion or other.

At first my gaze was watchful for danger, watchful of the environment that surrounded Jimin to make sure no predators lurked nearby. The only time my gaze truly lingered on Jimin was to make sure he was safe and not harmed. But my gaze shifted to the point where all I could focus on was Jimin alone. Eventually my gaze was filled completely by the radiant young boy. I would watch him day and night; paying attention to his smallest movement and facial twitches, wondering ‘is he happy? Sad? Does he enjoy this? What is he thinking? How is he feeling? Why does he look at me like that? What does it mean? Why does he smile at me like that? Do I make him happy? I wonder what he feels toward me…I wonder if he knows how I feel towards him…’

It was at that point I could deny it no more. I had a growing attraction; an immense lust for the boy. And it was wrong, it was so wrong and yet I had no idea how to stop it. I would lie in my hammock, willing it all to go away, but with just a turn of my head I would see Jimin sleeping across the room and that desire would heat itself in the pit of my stomach. Even in my dreams I could not escape the boy. He would haunt my slumber with his smile and sweet voice; he would look into my eyes with his pretty ones that were always full of heavy desire; and I would always wake up with a painful throbbing between my thighs.

I would always hate myself afterwards, reminding myself he is Namjoon’s boy. But before I know it I’m swept right back up into the cycle of watching him, desiring him, dreaming of him.

“What’s the Land of Moon like, huh? Have you ever been to it before?”

Jimin’s excited voice bursts though my thoughts and I turn to give him a gentle smile. “I’ve never been there before. But I’ve heard it’s a very dry land; full of deserts.”

Jimin frowns, “What? Are you serious? I’m sick of deserts…” He pouts and slumps his shoulders.

I chuckle, “It’s not what you think. In the Land of Moon, there are tons of oasis, full of water and vegetation. All the people live there and don’t really venture out into the desert part of the nation. I heard that the people that live in the Land of Moon are like no other; some even say that the nation itself is a whole other world.”

Jimin gives me a curious look, “Why is that?”

I shrug, “I guess we will just have to see for ourselves.”

It didn’t take much longer for our boat to reach shore and tie itself up to the docks. Jimin’s eyes were practically falling out of his head as he took in everything around him. I had to physically drag the boy back under the ship’s deck; explaining to him that we need to grab our stuff before we can leave. We speedily loaded all our stuff off the ship and onto the docks; Jin left for only a second to find us a carriage driver who would take us to the nicest hotel in town.

Before leaving we turned back to the pirates and said our goodbyes. Ikkaku actually got teary-eyed saying goodbye to Jimin…actually a lot of them got teary-eyed saying goodbye to him. They all grew fond of him over this short trip; even Yumi who patted his head and told him to come visit again. Zaraki grew extremely fond of Jimin, even though the boy was still slightly scared of him. Zaraki gave Jimin some words of encouragement before slapping him on the back in a friendly and supportive manner…although the slap sounded like it probably broke the poor kid’s spine in half. Zaraki really didn’t know his own strength…

Before we knew it we were all cramped together in that small carriage and traveling fast through the beautiful port town. The Land of Moon was a tropical place; containing plants and animals that you could never find anywhere else in the world. Everywhere you looked there was color and art.

We were in one of the major port towns that litter the coast of the Land of Moon. Most of the nation’s economy depended upon trade; people and ships would come from all over the world to purchase the world renowned artwork that was cultivated in this strange land. The streets here were littered with stores full of paintings; fabrics; musical instruments; decorative armor; and jewelry. Only occasionally would you be able to spot a store that didn’t contain any of these; and usually they would be selling either food or important herbs that are meant to be used for medicine.

Jimin had his faced glued to the carriage window; looking beautiful and stunning as he smiled at the world around him. “All the people here…they look so beautiful. Do they all wear really nice clothes and make-up? Even the boys?”

Jin smiles fondly, “You shouldn’t be surprised, the Land of Lightning had both men and women wearing nice clothes and make-up. Why would the Land of Moon or Land of Water be any different?”

Jimin pouts, “I don’t know, I thought the Land of Lightning and Land of Water were the only nations that cared about things like this but…these people are different. The way they do their make-up…and the way they dress themselves are different from us.”

Jin’s mouth tightens a bit, “That’s because they are different from us; they’re .”

Jimin is finally able to tear his gaze from the window and faces Jin with wide eyes, “?”

Jin shrugs, “They are very common here. And being a is not seen as a bad thing here either. The Land of Moon views as an art; something that takes skill and can be used to enlighten or entrance others. A is just another artist that gets paid for their talent.”

I hum in agreement, “What Jin says is right. And this art form they practice is just as competitive as the others. I heard that there was a here that was so popular; powerful men from all over the world would pay her chests full of riches to spend one night with her.”

“Are you serious?” Jimin asked in astonishment.

“I was actually trained by one of them before…” We both turn to Jin with surprise on our faces; he shrugs and continues, “It is more common than you might think. I came from a royal family and my parents felt that it would be important that I learn the art of seduction. Especially since they were planning to try and marry me off to a man who belonged to a family that was even more rich and powerful than us.”

“But then you rebelled.” Jimin’s voice is heavy and flat as he says the words, but they do not affect the gentle look on Jin’s face.

“That’s right, I rebelled.”

After that, the carriage ride was quiet as we made our way to our lodgings. Jimin went back to staring out the window, and I went back to staring at him. Once we reached the hotel, the driver helped us carry all the stuff to our room. We paid him well for his services and thanked him for all the help he gave us. He was laidback and friendly when he claimed that he was ‘simply doing his job.’ I wish more carriage drivers were like him; instead they usually smell and have a terrible attitude.

“Alright Jimin, quickly go take a shower so we can get you ready.”

Jimin raises a curious eyebrow, “Ready for what?”

Jin smiles, “For your date with Jungkook of course.”

Both mine and Jimin’s jaws drop, “Already? We just got off the boat and I am suppose to already go meet him?”

Jin nods, “Of course! We are only going to be here for three days. That’s not a lot of time to get to know each other so we have to make the most of what we got.”

Jimin only stood there speechless, and finally Jin rolled his eyes and walked over to the bathroom himself and the water. He came back out and dragged Jimin in and started to strip him. That broke Jimin out of his shocked state and he snapped at Jin that he could take a shower by himself. Jin simply raised his hands in surrender and walked back out; allowing Jimin his privacy.

I scanned our hotel room and made my way to the bed closest to the window. Our hotel room was actually two separate ones that happen to be connected with a single door. The smaller room had two twin sized beds and a small bathroom; Jimin and I would be staying here. The other room was larger and had a queen sized bed in it and a much nicer bathroom and closet. Jin would be staying there; he would need the extra space for all his luggage anyway.

I grimace at all the boxes and suitcases Jin brought with him, “Why did you pack so much ?”

Jin purses his lips at me, “Watch your profanity.”

I snort, “Don’t try to act all proper around me. I’ve seen you slice a man’s balls off and threaten to shove your heel up his .”

Jin flips his hair and waves a nicely manicured hand at me, “ had it coming.”

I laugh and shake my head in amusement, “I’m being serious though. Do you really need all of this?” I gesture to the piles of suitcases.

Jin sighs, “They aren’t for me, they are for Jimin. He doesn’t have any nice clothes nor does he have any winter clothes so I packed a bunch for him.”

I nod, “That’s nice of you and all but will they even fit him? You are a lot bigger and taller than Jimin.”

“They are from when I was younger; before I started to really grow and broaden out. I started to save them when I found out Namjoon was taking care of Jimin. I figured if anything were to happen and Namjoon struggled to support both himself and Jimin, we could either sell the clothes or at least give Jimin something nice to wear so he wouldn’t be stuck going to school in rags.”

I lower my eyes, “That’s awfully kind of you, to be caring and thinking about a boy you’ve never even met before. To worry about a child that you didn’t even consider your own at the time.”

Jin’s face grows sorrowful, “I could understand Namjoon’s feelings for the boy. Wanting to see someone actually happy in this ed up world. Seeing someone who is loved, and taken care of, and protected. I want the same thing Namjoon wants; I just want Jimin to live a safe and happy life.” Jin turns away from me and starts to unpack one of the suitcases full of clothes.

I clear my throat, “I can understand your feelings but…don’t you kind of think you are doing to the boy what your parents did to you?” Jin freezes and his fingers curl tightly in the clothes’ fabric. “Your parents forced you to go to school, forced you to dress up and look pretty all the time; and they forced you to see and date men you had no interest in. Because of this you rebelled…don’t you think Jimin might do the same?”

Jin curls his hand into a fist around the rich fabric and turns to me with a hard stare, “My parents ing abused me and let others abuse me as well. I’m nothing like them and I would never treat Jimin how I was treated. My parents didn’t force me to go to school, they forced me to go to the academy. You know how ed up that place is; it’s nothing like a school. And my parents only dressed me up because they were trying to make me look like some nice doll for all the men they were trying to sell me too. They didn’t care if I was happy; they weren’t trying to find me a nice husband. They were trying to find someone who would pay off all their debt for them; and they were offering me up as compensation. They didn’t care what those men did to me; they just wanted money.” Jin bites his lip for a second before continuing on, “I would never let that happen to Jimin. I would never do that to him.”

My throat tightens, “I’m sorry. I didn’t know…I know you would never do that to Jimin.”

Jin sits heavily down on the other bed in the room, “I know. You didn’t mean any harm. I just…I know I may seem like an overbearing parent but…I’m trying my best for Jimin. I know he wants to see the world, and go on adventures but…Namjoon and I can’t do that for him right now. We have too much stuff on our hands trying to build a nation from absolutely nothing. And we can’t just let him go out by himself because he might get hurt or in trouble. So…I figured if Jimin had someone who could take care of him, someone that loved him, then maybe that person could do that for Jimin. That person could take Jimin all over the world, buy him anything he ever wants or needs, and just…make sure he is happy.”

I frown and bite my tongue, “Do you think this Jungkook kid is that guy?”

Jin shrugs, “I don’t know. Maybe. I guess it’s partly for Jimin to decide.”

As if hearing his name, Jimin steps out of the bathroom with a towel around his hips and a blush on his cheeks. “You forgot to hand me some clothes…”

“Oh!” Jin pops up from the bed, “Well, I’m not sure what outfit you should wear. We have a ton of options; we should probably try on a few to see what looks best.”

“…ok well let me at least grab some underwear.” Jimin quickly scurries to his suitcase and slides on some underwear below his towel. The boy was awfully shy and modest, considering both Jin and I have seen multiple men throughout our lifetimes.

Jin quickly drags Jimin over to the single full length mirror in the room and starts throwing clothes at him. I don’t think I’ve ever seen so many colors in my life before. He had practically every shade of every color in the rainbow. Jin kept holding up different fabrics to Jimin’s face and would either throw them into one of two piles; the discard pile or the…non-discard pile.

After Jin separated the clothes into two piles, he then started making Jimin wear different outfits; trying to decide which ones flattered him the best. Occasionally, Jin would even turn to me and ask for my opinion; to which I generally responded with a short and simple answer. To be honest; it was hard for me to think much less speak watching Jimin continually dress himself in exotic and beautiful clothing; only to strip himself back down and start all over again. I kind of felt like in some way I was being teased.

Eventually, they settled on an outfit; an outfit that made my trousers feel too tight and mouth go dry. I was a long, sleeveless dress with a long slit up one of its sides which came to the top of Jimin’s thigh. It was tight and fitting around the torso and showed off just how nice and fit Jimin’s body was. The sleeveless top also allowed for Jimin’s toned arms to be easily seen.

The fabric was a nice, dark purple which looked stunning with Jimin’s orange hair. The design on the front was in royal blue of a long, spiraling dragon. The same royal blue was used in the laces on the side of the dress which pulled the fabric tight around Jimin’s hips and . To top it off, around the neck area was an intricate gold, jewelry piece. Jin pulled out a similar gold headpiece that he used to pull Jimin’s hair back from his face.

“This is perfect! You should definitely wear this!”

Jimin gives Jin an awkward expression, “Um…I would but…don’t you have any trousers to go with this? Don’t you usually wear pants under stuff like this? Plus, it’s too long. The fabric is dragging on the ground.”

Jin snorts, “Sweetheart, you don’t wear pants with an outfit like this. You are suppose to be showing some leg.”

Jimin blushes, “What?! Isn’t this a bit…scandalous though? The slit comes up pretty high…”

“It’s suppose to! It shows off how nice your thighs are.” Internally, I was highly agreeing with that statement. Jimin’s thighs have never looked so appetizing before. They were thick with muscle but it is apparent that the inner part is soft and smooth.

“Concerning the length of the outfit, just wear some heels and you will be fine.”

Jimin turns to Jin with a horrified look, “Heels?! Are you crazy? No one wears heels.”

Jin wags a finger, “Actually, what you mean to say is no one in the south wears heels. In the North, it’s a different story. Heels are high fashion up here.”

Jimin shakes his head, “I don’t know how to walk in them. I’ll break an ankle!”

Jin rolls his eyes and opens a suitcase that seems to be entirely dedicated to just shoes, “You won’t break an ankle. I’ll show you how to walk in them.” Jin pulls out a pair of royal blue stilettos and Jimin and I both stare in fear at the thin and long heel attached to them.

“No…” Jimin whispers in terror.

“Yes.” Jin says with an evil smirk.

I watched from my safe spot on the bed as Jin spent a whole five minutes trying to get the damn shoes on to Jimin’s feet. Then he spent another fifteen minutes just teaching the boy how to walk in them. To be honest, the heels only made things worse to me since they highlighted the muscles lining the boy’s legs and made his look even better; which resulted in a painful throbbing in my groin.

After that, Jin quickly did the boy’s makeup and then we were out the door and walking the streets. Apparently, Jin had contacted Jungkook days prior on when we would be arriving and where to meet us. We headed to that place now; walking through crowds of people as the sun started to set and the sky become full of baby blues, pinks, and orange. Soon enough the store owners will start to light their lanterns and the street will continue to be full of light even once the moon is high in the sky. It’s said that people never sleep in the Land of Moon; I’m sure those rumors are more than true.

As we strolled along; people kept turning their heads to stare at Jimin. Eventually, the boy noticed their gazes and pushed himself closer to me. “I feel like people are staring at me.”

“They are staring at you.” I say bluntly.


I snort, “Because people here are art fanatics and you most certainly are some sort of masterpiece in that outfit.”

Jimin raises an eyebrow, “What do you mean by that?”

I smirk, “I mean, whoever this Jungkook boy is; he’s gonna be drooling over you all night long.”

Jimin wrinkles his nose, “That’s gross.” I can’t help but laugh at that.

“Oh!” Jin turns to us excitedly, “Look Jimin! Jungkook is over there!”

Jimin frowns and looks through the sea of people, “Uh…where exactly?”

Jin points, “He’s the tall boy over there in front of the blue restaurant; he’s wearing white and gold.”

It was at that point that I’m sure both Jimin and I locked on to the boy Jungkook and our mouths dropped. The boy was tall and extremely handsome. His outfit of white and gold seemed to be made entirely out of silk and showed off his fit body. He looked like a white knight that just stepped out of a fairytale.

I felt a slight anger rise in me as I caught a glimpse of Jimin’s expression as he watched Jungkook. Jin had told me the boy was younger than Jimin; around sixteen years old. What sixteen year old looked like this? This is bull…

Jin pats Jimin’s shoulder reassuringly, “Now remember, I told you he is a bit young but he is very successful and responsible. But remember to just have fun together, okay? There is no rush for you guys to form anything; just get to know each other.”

Jimin nods and swallows hard.

We get closer and finally, Jungkook’s eyes spot Jin. He smiles and then his eyes land on Jimin; and then he smiled even harder and his eyes lit up with interest. He bows to all three of us and says hello before his gaze latches on to Jimin once more.

“You must be Jimin.” Jimin offers him a pretty smile and nods. “I hope your journey was alright, I know how rough the seas can get sometimes.”

“Oh, yes it was okay. Do you sail often?”

Jungkook smiles sheepishly and clears his throat, “Well yes, I have a lot of experience traveling the seas. I’m not sure if Jin has told you but I am the captain of a trading ship.”

My eyes nearly pop out of my head when I hear that. When Jin said the boy was successful; I think that was a huge understatement. Being a captain of a ship at age sixteen is not common.

Jimin gets a wondrous look on his face, “Does that mean, you travel the world a lot?”

Jungkook smiles, “Oh yes! I’ve been all over the world!”

Jimin’s face splits into such a bright smile it could rival the sun, “That’s wonderful! I’ve always wanted to travel! Especially since I’ve heard so many stories on my trip here about all sorts of foreign places.”

Jungkook’s eyes crinkle in delight, “That’s great! If you like stories, I have plenty I can tell you about.”

Jimin steps forward excitedly, “I would love that!”

Jungkook offers out his arm like a gentleman, “In that case, let me take you to dinner and we can spend all night talking about them.”

Jimin, without hesitation, links his arm with Jungkook’s and only spares us a second glance to see if it’s okay for him to go. Jin practically shoos them away and before I know it they are gone walking down the street, looking like the perfect couple.

Jin sighs, “Well, that went a lot better than I expected. I knew I could find someone Jimin would like; I’m quite the match maker.”

I frown, “Yea, you really are.” A pang of jealously struck me as the image of them happily walking off together seemed to burn itself in my mind.

“Well, I hope you don’t mind my rudeness but I have to leave to go take care of business.”

I nod, “That’s fine. I’m sure I can find a way to keep myself entertained.”

Jin smirks, “Okay, just make sure not to get into too much trouble.”

I chuckle, “No promises.”

I walk away and for the next couple of hours I try to find a way to keep myself occupied. However, nothing seemed to gain my attention as all I could think about was Jimin and Jungkook; wondering what they were doing, where they had gone, what they were talking about, what they thought of each other. It pained me to think that Jimin probably really likes the boy. Jimin literally just found the most perfect man in the world for him; it would be crazy for him to not want Jungkook. And as for Jungkook…I already knew Jungkook wanted Jimin. I could see it in his eyes when he looked at him; and I really couldn’t blame the poor boy since I felt the same way as he did.

Eventually I sigh and just give up. I head back to the hotel with the plan to just sleep and hopefully stop thinking about Jimin. But when I get back to the room; instead I head straight to the window and watch the streets below. I knew why I was doing it; I was hoping I would spot Jimin. I could easily have followed the couple and watched them from the shadows if I wanted to; but that would be creepy and invasive. Although; I think waiting by a window for Jimin’s return while obsessively thinking about him isn’t much better.

The night drew on and even though the sky grew darker the street continued shining bright. At some point I really tried to convince myself to just give up and go to sleep. And yet, I still sat by the window, sadly waiting for my Pumpkin to return.

Eventually he did; but it didn’t really make me feel better. The carriage pulled up and Jungkook; in his immaculate white and gold suit; steps out and runs to the other side of the carriage to lend Jimin a hand so he can get safely down to the ground. He pulls Jimin close by the waist and my face turns into a scowl as I wait for him to do it; to lean down and kiss those precious and soft lips. But it doesn’t happen. They chatter excitedly together and smile until Jimin eventually pulls away and heads inside. I watch as Jungkook stands there for a while; watching the door Jimin must have entered to get inside the hotel. He has a faraway look in his eye and a lasting smile on his lips. He stands there for a good minute and a half before getting back in the carriage and leaving. But before he can leave I spot the way his collar had been ed since this evening when Jin and I saw him. I lean closer to the window in shock and anger and I can see it; the way his hair and shirt are slightly disheveled. A couple buttons have been popped open around his collar and an anger like no other rises in me.

The door behind me clicks open and Jimin steps into the room, and immediately my eyes scan his body. I see it on him too; his hair is even more disheveled than Jungkook’s and the bottom lacing on the side of his outfit has come undone; allowing for the slit to slide open even further, allowing for more of his thighs to show. His lips are lightly flushed and his eye makeup is slightly smeared.

“Oh! Yoongi, are you and Jin already back? I didn’t think I was out too long…”

“Jin isn’t back yet.” I say it with a clipped voice and Jimin gives me a wary glance.


“How was your date?” I interrogate.

Jimin shrugs, “It was great actually. We had a really fun time together.”

“Did he do anything to you?”

That question catches him off guard and he pauses in his movements as he is taking off his shoes. He narrows his eyes, “Were you spying on us?”

I narrow my eyes too and smirk, “Actually no, I wasn’t. But your response to my question means that clearly, he did do something to you.”

Jimin scoffs and gives me a seething glare, “He didn’t do anything, and it’s none of your business even if he did.”

I ‘tch’ and turn my body to fully face Jimin, “He did do something; and even if it isn’t any of my business, I’m sure Jin would like to know.”

Jimin gets a furious look on his face, “Oh so what?! You’re gonna go and tell on me to Jin?”

I scoff, “Do I look like a rat to you? I don’t need to tell Jin anything, he will see it when he comes in here and takes one look at you. He’ll know exactly what you guys did.”

Jimin throws his heel down on the floor, “We didn’t do anything!”

Before I knew it I was up and marching over to Jimin and quickly pinned him against the wall with one hand grabbing his thigh and hiking it up high against my waist; and my other hand curled in his hair. “This is what he did do to you, isn’t it?”

Jimin’s eyes go wide as he looks at me with slight fear. He doesn’t speak so I grip him harder and he whines.

“I know this is what he did to you. I can tell by the way you look and how your clothes are wrinkled that this is the position he had you in. And I can tell from his own clothes how you responded to his actions.” I growl the words out at Jimin and he gulps. I shove him up harder against the wall and push myself farther in between his thighs; he starts to quiver in my tight grip. “Don’t try to lie to me about this . Anyone with a trained eye can see what happened.”

He whines, “You’re hurting me.”

My face leans in closer and I can practically feel his lips trembling against my own. I huff in anger and Jimin tenses his body like a frightened animal. I grit my teeth, “Go take a shower and change your clothes. You reek of him.”

I quickly let go of Jimin and he falls to the floor at my feet. He looks up at me with glistening eyes and doesn’t move away from me; too frightened I would once again pounce on him. I take a couple steps back before turning and leaving the room.

I head to one of the doors at the end of the hotel hallway; which leads to a fire escape. The second I step out into the night, I in a grateful breath of cold air; but what I end up blowing back out is hot steam. I was so angry; I couldn’t control myself. And now I’m even angrier; at myself this time for doing that to poor Jimin. My rage was hot within my bones; but that pitiful look Jimin gave me before I left simmered down the fire growing in my blood.

I stood out there on that balcony for a while; huffing out steam and biting my inner cheeks until they bled. I told myself I would not return to the room until the cold air had chilled me. Until there was no more anger or fire in my heart. It took a long time for that to happen, but I just kept thinking of how terrified Jimin was of me in that moment. Eventually the anger dissipated; and what I was left with was guilt and shame.

I made my way back to the room; and entered quietly in case Jimin was asleep. He was lying in his bed, curled up in his sheets, but his eyes were wide. He was in his pajamas and his hair was slightly wet; he must have done exactly what I told him to do earlier. I walk slowly over to my own bed and sit down on the edge. “I’m sorry.”

My words hang in the air and I look up to see Jimin looking at me with worry. I clear my throat, “I’m so sorry Jimin. I didn’t mean to get so angry with you. I’m sorry for scaring you.” He doesn’t respond and I swallow roughly, “Did I hurt you?” I look up in worry and he turns his eyes down to the floor. Guilt crashes down on me and in that moment I really wanted to just kill myself, “Did I burn you? Are you okay? Do I need to take you to a doctor?”

Jimin shakes his head, “You just bruised me a bit.”

All the air in my lungs escaped me and I felt like the worst man in the world. I squeeze my eyes shut, “I’m…so sorry, Jimin.”

“It’s okay.” His words come out muffled by the blanket he wrapped tight around his body.

“No. It’s not okay.”

Jimin shakes his head, “I’m sorry too though. I made you mad.”

I stand up, “No, Jimin. You have nothing to be sorry for. You did nothing wrong and it’s not your fault. This was all me; I lost my temper and took it out on you.”

Jimin looks up at me and sniffles, “Why were you so mad then? I thought I made you angry cause I lied to you.”

I shake my head and walk over to kneel down in front of him, “No Jimin, I was mad before then.”

Jimin huffs and sits up, “If it wasn’t me that made you mad; then what was it?”

My tongue lays heavy in my mouth and I try to think up an answer that wouldn’t expose myself or my feelings. “I was mad…at Jungkook.”

Jimin’s eyebrows furrow, “Why? He did nothing to you.”

I grimace, “No…he did nothing to me but he did something to you.”

Jimin tilts his head, “You’re mad because he made a move of interest towards me…which is expected since we were on a date.”

I swallow, “No…I…I thought maybe he had forced himself upon you.”

Jimin glares at me, “You’re lying.” I freeze at his words and he continues, “You knew what position he held me in; and you said you could tell how I responded from Jungkook’s clothing. If that’s true, that means you would know he did not force himself upon me; I was the one that initiated the kiss.”

I feel a sharp pain hit my heart and a sad smile crosses my face. I look away from Jimin, “Yea you’re right…that was a lie.” But it really hurt to admit to the truth. That Jimin wanted Jungkook; that they were perfect for each other; that I was so ing mad because I was extremely jealous.

“Then please, tell me the truth. I’ve never seen you so mad before and it scared me but…it made me worry about you as well. Be honest with me and tell me what made you like that.”

I bite my tongue and tell myself to stay quiet but the words spill out anyway, “I was jealous, alright?”

It’s quiet for a moment as we stare into each other’s eyes; Jimin clenches the bed sheets underneath him tightly. “Do you…like me?”

I stay there; kneeling on the ground for what felt like an eternity. I blink a couple times before pushing myself up to stand. Jimin reaches out and grabs my arm, “Don’t be mad!”

I chuckle lightly, “I’m not mad.”

“Don’t leave then.”

I shake my head, “I’m not leaving. I’m just going to bed.”

Jimin stands up and pulls me closer by my arm, “Don’t avoid the question then.” I seal my lips and turn my head away from him. “Yoongi.” He calls my name and there is actual heat and force behind it; a command. I turn back to look at him and looks me in the eye with determination and will. But despite his strong gaze and tight grip on my arm; his words come out in the softest of whispers, “Do you like me?”

The question echoes off the walls of the room and resounds in my head; I refuse to answer it. Jimin waits for a reply; but my silence speaks louder than anything. Jimin steps closer and I tense. He presses his lithe body against my chest; and leans in with lowered eyes. He glances up once and I can see desire swirl within his irises before he finally takes that final swoop for my lips. My hand grabs his arm and stops him halfway, “No.”

Jimin freezes and I can feel his breathe caressing my chapped lips. “No.” He breathes out the word and looks up at me with a storm in his eyes, “Stop lying to me, Yoongi.”

I shake my head, “I’m not lying to you.”

Jimin lets out a sarcastic chuckle, “Are you really gonna try to go back on your previous words and actions and say you don’t like me?”

I grip him tighter, “That’s not what I meant. I didn’t mean ‘no, I don’t like you’. I meant ‘no, don’t do this’.”

Jimin frowns, “But why not? Don’t you want me? Why don’t you take me? Isn’t that what boys like you do; take what they want…” Jimin snakes a hand up my body and wraps it around the back of my neck. He pulls himself up and closer and finally our breaths mingle. Our lips are almost touching; only a sliver a space separating them and its obvious we both wish that little amount of space wasn’t there.

“No.” I breathe the word out but there really is no backbone to it.

“Why don’t you take me, Yoongi? I’m offering myself up willingly, why don’t you indulge yourself?” He presses his hips against mine and starts to rub himself against me; causing my eyes to roll into the back of my head.

“No, I can’t.”

Jimin continues gyrating his hips against mine and soon enough there is a hardness in both of our pants. “Yes, you can.” He sings the words like a siren to me; tempting me to just jump from the ship and sink below the surface with him. “What’s stopping you?”

I start to walk us back towards the bed and I can see triumph glow in Jimin’s eyes. He thinks he has won the battle; but I am a very resilient warrior. I shove him down on the bed and he smiles; thinking I will join him. But I turn from him quickly and head straight for the bathroom. “Go to bed Jimin. I’ll see you in the morning.”

“Wait, Yoongi-“

I do not hear the rest of his words as I shut and bolt the bathroom door. I quickly strip myself and turn the shower on to the coldest setting. I hop in and let the water freeze me. It feels like I could get frostbite from this but I don’t care. I want it to chill my bones; freeze my very core. I want the heat to go away; I want the warmth to become a foreign feeling to me. But as I stand there in the freezing downpour; I know. I know the heat will never leave me; it will never go away. The second I step out it will return; and it will scorch and burn me as it has done now. It will settle in my bones, my stomach, and my heart. It will breed itself there and it will never leave until it has turned me to ashes.


OKAY! I KNOW THIS WAS A REALLY ING LATE UPDATE! I'M SO SORRY! School has just been crazy lately and it has been pretty ridiculous how much homework, tests, and projects I have been given. Good news is; the semester is almost over and I will have a whole month off of school. I will definitly update more often then; and I'm actually hoping I can finish this story and State of Honor by the end of it.

I really hope you guys have enjoyed this update and please feel free to subscribe, comment, or leave a question! I will reply as quickly as possible.

I will admit your feedback does wonders for me and gives me a lot of drive to keep writing all of this.

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SassySquirrel #1
Chapter 3: Thank you for another amazing update, I loved reading from Jimin's point of view! ^-^
SassySquirrel #2
Chapter 2: I love this story already!
Can't wait until the net chapter (-:
denimstori #3
Really love this story so far! ^.^