
Sleeping habits

"who's the one who creates the most mess?" the mc asked

"hmm, that would be the one sitting on my right, IM" Kihyun starts "even the clothing for the bottom part he just takes it off and throws it all over the room" he continues.

Changkyun looks at Kihyin incredulously, he wanted to reply but held his tongue as others agreed with Kihyun's confession.

He'll just have to wait until they go back to their hotel.

The interview went on and they judged a dance contest for kids, by the time they finished their schedule they were all exhausted.

Back at the hotel, they all got to choose their roommate. Kihyun and Changkyun were in the same room, with Wonho unfortunately rooming with them because of some problems with the reservation.

"hyung, we both know I'm not the one causing the mess in our room" Changkyun starts

"oh my God, you guys are still on that subject?" Wonho says " let it go man"

"I cant let it go Wonho-hyung. It's not my fault anyways" he defends

"and yet it's your pants and boxers that are littered all over the room" Kihyun states,

Changkyun an eyebrow before replying "you're the one who keeps taking them off of me!"

"if you'd just sleep we wouldn't have this problem" Kihyun replies

"whoa, whoa, whoa! Taking them off? ?" Wonho asks confusion clearly written all over his face

"ever since Kihyun-hyung switched rooms he says that he sleeps better with someone beside him" Changkyun explains "and since I'm a bit smaller than him and I'm also on the top bunk, he said we should just sleep together"

"?!" Wonho asks again, still not getting the whole situation

"my sleeping environment has to be warm and comfy!" Kihyun intejects, a pink flush painting his cheeks

"you never did that when we were roommates" Wonho says

"you didn't?" Changkyun asks, now he's the one confused.

"it's a newly acquired habit" Kihyun huffs

"wait! Wait!" wonho half shouts "he's (pointing a finger towards Changkyun) but are you as well?!"

"weeeelll" Kihyun really couldn't come up with a good excuse. How was he to explain that he tricked Changkyun into sleeping with him (just sleeping!) ?

Yes. He's had a crush on the maknae for the longest time now, and yes he still keeps replaying that scene in their mv where they almost kiss, but it's not like he can confess or anything.

They're idols, a scandal would breakout if they start dating. Not that he's sure if Changkyun would actually date him.

So, he deceives the youngest, saying that his voice sounds better when he slept in a warm environment.

"I'm having a headache" Wonho says "there are too many questions in my head right now"

Changkyun clambers onto one of the beds and gets under the sheets "hyung, I'm really tired. Let's not talk about this anymore"

Kihyun climbs into bed with Changkyun, already half "Good night, Wonho-hyung" he turns to the maknae and when he sees the younger still in his shirt and boxers, he yanks both pieces of clothing off "ya! I already told you! Sleep !" he says

Wonho prays to the heavens above that he'd somehow get selective amnesia and forget all of the conversation he just had and the scene he witnessed.

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Chapter 1: He sound like ert. haaahahaa...
Chapter 1: hahahahahahahahahahahajahajaha i cant really i cant stop laughing this is to weird but in a good way and also too cute an fluffy it have made my day *cough* night rather amuse of my imagination if this is real and kihyun really want chngkyun sleeping and plus wonho is there like OMG!!!0_0 hahahaha my UB changkyun and my two bias wrecker wonho and kihyun in one story is awesome
I can't stop laughing XDXD Wonho and selective amnesia hahahahahaha
Chapter 1: i freaking love this so much!! hahahaha this is so damn hilarious!! thankyou for making an awesome changki fic which full of ridiculousness!!! :))))) i read this around three times you know hahahaha i repeated on and on at one time because this really cracked me up!!! _(┐「ε:)__(:3」z)_ i really hope you'll think about write more changki fics in the future!! _(┐「ε:)_ this world needs more changki fics tbh hahahahahaha they're so cute tgt ohmyJes, shortestpairinmonstax!! ;)) i freaking love this! gonna read for the fourth times hahahahahahahahahhaha manymanythankyouforthisamazingridiculousfics!! loveya!
Chapter 1: Hahahahaha love this <3
Thanks for the story!!
Chapter 1: Sleeping Habits, starring Changki and Wonho as third-wheel.
Chapter 1: Poor Wonho...He's gotta have a hell of nightmares ^^
Chapter 1: Ahahahahaha kihyun is one smart hamster...and changkyun is one to be easily fooled (or maybe he just likes his kihyun hyung and does whatever he was asked to do)

Kihyun ah how could you take advantage of maknae.. you do know that he's obidient and respectful to his hyungs...thats why you did it..

I feel wonho.. i would have tranferred in another room if i were to witness such scene...and funny with the selective amnesia...ahahaha
Chapter 1: :D Such a cute Wonho scene at the end <3 Sneaky Kihyun tch tch tch 'shakes head' and poor confused Changkyun lol. Such a cute oneshot :)
Joliva #10
Chapter 1: it's funny with wonhoe, but I don't think he will forget haha, and kihyun has a good idea