The Little Performer and The Little Violinist

The Little Performer and the Little Violinist

The rays of sun basked the little performer like the lights of a stage as he executed moves of such precision and elegance that convinced Kyungsoo - boys can not only be handsome but beautiful too. Transcending the language of ballet through every slim muscle of his body, the little performer carried out a variety of steps to tell a story. The story of the pirouette as the little performer twirled upon the blades of grass and Kyungsoo would not dare to doubt that the little performer sprinkled stardust from the tips of his slim and slender fingers and from the tips of his tippy toes. The little performer would then flutter his eyes closed, like a butterfly, and like an ethereal being, the little performer leaped across the grass in a grand jete, neck lengthened and arms spread out akin to a swan spreading its wings. Kyungsoo clapped in delight, behind the glass panel of his small bedroom window, peeping through the cream-coloured curtains to feast with his eyes on the little performer who stunned him more than the sun. Each time, Kyungsoo would change the way his little mind described the taut skin that gave him a surprise whenever the little performer's shirt would just lift slightly up. Mocha, caramel or bronze? Plump lips, dreamy eyes and a perfectly chiseled jawline, Kyungsoo wonders if the little performer was actually a prince. A prince who did not need a white horse to gallop and flaunt its mane to enchant and captivate as the limbs of the very little performer himself held magic and enchantment that bewitched Kyungsoo. Without a doubt, Kyungsoo loved the little performer's sun kissed skin and the little performer was loved by the sun. 

(And maybe, just maybe, the little performer was loved by Kyungsoo.)

Kyungsoo yearned to be in close reach of the little performer. The way the little performer moved was like a puppeteer pulling at the strings of Kyungsoo's heart in delight and ache. Within his little mind, Kyungsoo would imagine himself to be the paper moon on the sky who would only rise after the burning sun had sunken down into the horizon. Yet in reality, they were merely separated by the thickness of a glass pane but in Kyungsoo's small heart, he knew there was much more that was in between them.

So close, yet so far.
It was the same story everyday, like the tune of a melody that one can never get out of their head. Kyungsoo would always watch the golden boy playing outside the window in his neighbour's yard, separated by a path of flowers in colours of pink, yellow and white. Kyungsoo would listen to the ways that the little performer laughed, in the high pitch of a 13 year old or in the dramatic low pitch of a playful young boy who would pretend that he's the Nutcracker. Kyungsoo longed to join the little performer in the spectacle that one should never miss. Kyungsoo wanted to settle his small self by the patches of flowers, be the audience for the little performer who was more vibrant and energetic than any zoo animal within a cage or the sun that looked over them in the cerulean sky. No, Kyungsoo thought sadly, the little performer can never be like an animal in cage. The little performer does not deserve to be trapped in a cage like an animal! The little performer deserves the biggest stage in the world because all the world's a stage and the little performer was the centre of it.

(In Kyungsoo's world at least.) 

Except there was one tragic flaw, one that would lead to the downfall of this story between the two young boys that separated their paths crossing tangibly. 

Kyungsoo had a sun allergy. 

Every time, the porcelain skin of his body touched the rays of the sun, rashes would erupt on the surface. Kyungsoo would become a monster. No, the little performer does not deserve to see a monster like Kyungsoo with red all over him like an ill tomato. Kyungsoo's parents had carefully instructed him to refrain from leaving the house as much as possible, an incident that had once happened when Kyungsoo was younger causing trauma for the entire family.

The sun was mean to Kyungsoo but it was nice, very nice to the little performer and as long as the sun was nice to the little performer, Kyungsoo was happy.

(Because the little performer was happy.)

Kyungsoo believed he would live the rest of his life, never being basked in the presence of the little performer. Sometimes he would tell himself to not be greedy and that the little performer was like a flower, Kyungsoo cannot pluck it for himself. Instead, Kyungsoo wanted the little performer that was like a flower, always facing towards the bright light and caressed by the soft breeze. Kyungsoo would reluctantly turn away from the window when his violin tutor entered his room. Each step, each swivel and each smile of the little performer's would travel through his mind into the bow of Kyungsoo's hand as it played a beautiful melody along the strings of the violin. 

The notes of the violinist would twirl around the mind of the dancer as the elegant movements of the dancer twirled within the violinist's mind.

Kyungsoo would discover then, that he didn't need the sun because the little performer was brighter than the sun itself.

Jongin felt ripples of music travelling through his body as he moved. Each movement, like the frames of a movie, would cause a part of his body to shift into an eventual pirouette, grand jete, arabesque and Jongin wasn't able to hold himself back. Jongin couldn't help it, even if he was bound to perform these movements the next day or had already executed them a thousand times before his ballet instructor because his body gravitated towards the little violinist. Just like a little boy in love, Jongin yearned to see the little violinist in the house next to his yard, where the little violinist would play his music behind the upper window in his bedroom. The bow that he held gracefully in his hand, tickled Jongin's memory of a brave hunter like the arrow to a bow and with each melody carried out from the little violinist's magical hands, the arrow would shoot straight through Jongin's heart like Cupid.

Jongin would always await for this time each early afternoon when the sun in the sky just began to settle from its peak for the little violinist to perform his daily lessons and songs that would enchant Jongin. The music would leave Jongin stuck in the moment of the song and he could not help but shift his body into a new movement poorly as his neck would stretch to see the little violinist's face with his eyes fluttered closed and a heart shaped smile. The porcelain and pale skin that the little violinist possessed reminded Jongin of the radiant moon, its moonlight basking Jongin every night from the window of his bedroom. The moonlight would gradually lull him to sleep where he would dream of the violinist and him together, in harmonious movement of their bodies and the beat of their hearts. Yet Jongin never saw the violinist take a step out of the house and it was as though the violinist was a music box and Jongin could not help but imagine that he's the dancer inside. 

Jongin would imagine that he was the burning sun and the little violinist was the shining moon, the moon only rising once the sun has drifted into its slumber as to not harm the moon with its harsh rays and so the moon can be the centre of the dark night sky. Jongin would remain to be on the other side yet always gazing at the little violinist above in the small room. 

Despite of the music the little violinist made being able to calm Jongin's heart, Jongin wanted to hear the little violinist's voice that would calm his soul. Jongin then eventually discovered from his parents of the little violinist's sun allergy. The poor little violinist! Jongin would make sure to grow taller than the little violinist as to shield the little violinist from the harsh rays of the sun. Upon this discovery, Jongin understood that the little violinist was not able to come to him and instead, Jongin would come to the little violinist. 

So one eventual night, when the paper moon was high up in the sky and the hands of the clock were soon to struck midnight, Jongin did something that he would never imagine he would do. 

Tossing rocks at the little violinist's window.

Jongin didn't want to be a pest or a disturbance but maybe, just maybe, he wanted the little violinist to know that beat of his heart was controlled by those graceful and nimble fingers that Jongin desperately wanted to intertwine with his own.

Kyungsoo had been comfortably sleeping with the gentle rise of his chest until a noise caused him to leap out of his bed, heart pounding against his chest as he followed the direction of that noise. Kyungsoo was uncertain of what would be waiting on the other side but a young boy like him did not know much of the darkness of the world, only of the sunshine and the light of the little performer who had dazzled his mind.

The little performer who was on the other side of his window.

Eyes widening, Kyungsoo was unable to move as he suddenly became frozen in his spot, like a spell. The little performer stood below him, face tilted up like a flower to the sun yet his eyes looked at Kyungsoo like he hung the moon. With shaking fingers, Kyungsoo released the latch of his window and he was instantly greeted by a wide, almost blinding grin that had his heart lurching from his chest into his throat, unable to form a word. 

The little performer began to speak in a timid voice that was sweet and mellow like caramel, "Nice to meet you, the little violinist! I am Kim Jongin and I like to listen to you play the violin while I dance. I would like to request your hand in playing the violin for me tonight as I dance for you." Jongin then offered a hand up to the little violinist in the form of a handshake and Kyungsoo shyly accepted the warm touch. 

With a blush, Kyungsoo responded in a voice akin to melting chocolate which had Jongin's heart leap in delight, "Nice to meet you, the little performer..I am Do Kyungsoo and I like to watch you dance," Jongin gasped in pleasant surprise and his eyes lit up like stars, "and I like to play while I think of you dance. I will gladly play the violin for you, my little performer." Their hands clasped together and in Kyungsoo's other hand held his violin (named Kai), Kyungsoo was about to shake their hands to solidify their first actual meeting but Jongin instead pulled Kyungsoo's hand downwards causing for his body to move closer to the opening of the window. Jongin then spread his arms apart, ready to catch Kyungsoo and with a blush on both their cheeks, Kyungsoo fell softly with his small figure into Jongin's arms, violin hugged close to his chest. The feelings that they shared for each other were both consolidated then. 

As a 13 year old and a 12 year old, both out in the lawn of grass under the dark night sky at a time that struck near midnight, they both paid no heed to the music or their soft laughter interrupting their close neighbors who would prefer to sleep in silence. As how can one prefer such an empty thing as silence over the beautiful melody of Kyungsoo's heart and the dance of Jongin's lithe body, like the sun and the moon in a dance of gravitation for the first time. 

Eventually, they both gravitated towards the other, following the beat of their hearts and shyly, but surely, their lips pressed against each other in a sweet first kiss. The night continues to dance in melody and rhythm because only in the darkness, can you see the stars, both burning and shining.  


"Hello everybody, this is your favourite host, Kim Junmyeon, also known as Suho for all the hot babes out there! I am currently speaking to you, live, from the Grand Concert Hall with the crowd waiting in desperation and suspense for the two stars of the nation, Do Kyungsoo and Kim Jongin! Prodigies in violin and ballet, the two of them join together once more on this beautiful night to bring us their beautiful harmonious collaboration as excellent performers and may I dare say, lovers, to bring us their grand performance, The Night Dances! Please give a round of applause as the curtains open, for our Performer and our Violinist!" 

You are my sunshine.

You are my starlight. 

A/N: Thank you very much for reading my first fanfic! I am very grateful! I doubt many people will read this story but as my very first fanfic, I am sure I will hold this fond to my heart! Please look forward to my future writing endeavours! Kaisoo oranghae! - Ailisa 

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Chapter 1: the way you you write the story is so beautiful ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ

the story is beautiful ㅠㅠㅠㅠ

little performer and little violinist <3
samyuri_18 #2
was this inspired by a japanese movie?? wherein an allergic to the sun girl watches a surfer boy by her window?? lol i just remembered that out of nowhere but omgggg this is <3
Chapter 1: This was such a pretty picture!
_chanchan #5
Hi love! So last time I read this was some months ago (I always come back to reread this fic and I have no clue why it has such little subs and stuff because this fic is honestly GOLD. Anywaysssssss I read this again because this year I finally went to see a specialist because I kept breaking out in hives and thought I was allergic to food but nope. I have something called chronic hives which won't go away for the rest of my life unfortunately. There's no cause to it and anything can trigger it but what we noticed is that the sun & heat triggers it the most! On a hot day I can go outside for about 2 minutes and I'll start breaking out in hives! So I'm basically allergic to the sun and now I know how kyungsoo feels in this fic AND IT'S AWFUL
Butttttttt it makes me love this story even more! Once again thank you for this fic bb /sending you lots of hugsssss/
Chapter 1: Truly, this was utterly adorable, and the whole fanfic sounded more like a happy fairy tale than anything else!! Thank you for sharing your story—I absolutely adore this one :)
Milklion #7
Chapter 1: I love the picture this story paints.
emolers #8
Chapter 1: Aww, the little violinist and the little performer together forever!
Chapter 1: It was a nice short ride :) i just found out about the sun allergy recently and i srsly pity them.... Or in this case kyungsoo since that they cant dance under the sunlight but dance under the moonlight (which i think is much more romantic)