A Little Bit of Heaven

A Little Bit of Heaven

Taehyung thinks he might as well have a fever with how hot he feels all over. But it’s not a fever, it’s something way better. Hoseok’s hands set fire to his skin upon contact; and Taehyung wants more.

Mouths joined, hands under shirts the pair stumbles through the hallway, in their apartment, into the bedroom. As soon as they’re in, Taehyung’s pushed onto the mattress, Hoseok on top. The older boy takes off his own shirt, one button at a time, smirk set on face, and it has Taehyung enraptured. Because Hoseok is so, so hot.

Once the white of the shirt is gone, golden makes its way into Taehyung’s vision. But before he has time to appreciate it, Hoseok’s tugging Taehyung’s shirt over his head. When that’s down, Hoseok’s mouth, once again, goes down on Taehyung’s. And lord help him, he’s done this so many times, yet every single time it feels like he might catch on fire.

Hoseok’s lips slide off his own, to go down and kiss Taehyung’s jawline and neck. The kisses leave marks of red in their wake and Taehyung knows he’ll have to wear a scarf to work tomorrow.

To Hoseok, Taehyung looks absolutely beautiful in that moment. Not that he doesn’t in any moment. His brown locks are plastered to the top of his head, soaked in sweat. And his lips are starting to swell from how much he’s biting them. Taehyung’s pupils are blown wide, and there’s pure lust on his face. The cheery, bubbly boy everyone knows is completely gone. And Hoseok knows that if gods were a thing, then the Taehyung now would be the embodiment of them.

The trail of red, beginning from the underside of Taehyung’s jaw all the way to his chest makes Hoseok happy. It satisfies him knowing that no one else will, can, mark the honey of Taehyung’s skin like he is doing.




“You know,” Hoseok says between kisses, “how people say there’s bits of Heaven scattered on Earth ?”


“Yeah-h.” The response is a little breathless, all the hickeys taking a toll on the younger boy.


“I think you are one of them.” And the sentence makes Taehyung’s heart swell because Hoseok said “you”, not “this”. Taehyung only smiles before saying, “How do you know what things in Heaven might be like ? They could be better.”


“I don’t. But I bet if I went there, I’m sure I’d want to come back to you.”


Taehyung laughs at that, which makes Hoseok look up at him and smile. He presses a quick kiss to Taehyung’s nose before returning to mark the younger boy.


“So you want to go to Heaven now, hyung ? Aren’t you too young to die ?” Taehyung asks, hands caressing the older boy's hair..


The remark makes Hoseok pause again, from kissing Taehyung’s nape. “Well I didn’t say I wanted to die. Just go to Heaven.”


“You want to go to Heaven but you’re human tonight; so you can’t.”


“Really ? I definitely don’t feel like one, not with you here.” A smirk forms on Hoseok’s face before he swoops in to steal a kiss from Taehyung.


“What do you feel like then ? What do I make you feel like ?” There’s a husk to Taehyung’s voice as he asks this, arms looping around Hoseok’s neck.


There’s a pause, as Hoseok looks at the boy. “I don’t know really. But I do know that you look absolutely ethereal. So ethereal maybe.” Hoseok says,a smile punctuating the sentence. There’s another laugh from Taehyung’s part. The boy muses about the word ‘ethereal’ for sometime before replying.


“Do you feel like a young god ?”


The prospect sparks something in Hoseok’s eyes and Taehyung loves himself for having said it.




And the smile placed on Hoseok’s face makes Taehyung feel bolder. So he slips out from underneath Hoseok and reverses their positions, straddling the older man.

He starts off with kissing Hoseok, before doing what the other man had been doing till now. Taehyung starts by a stripe along Hoseok’s jawline.


“Don’t get cut on my edges, darling.”

The remark has Taehyung barreling in laughter, face buried in the crook of Hoseok’s neck. Hoseok feels himself smile as he feels the vibrations of Taehyung’s laughter register in his neck. Taehyung raises his head after he’s stopped laughing, although there’s still a smile on his face, and kisses Hoseok, hands planted on either side of the man's face.


“Really, hyung?” He swoops in for another kiss.


It turns deeper than he’d planned for when Hoseok doesn’t let him pull off, by pulling Taehyung’s hips down. When the need for air interrupts them, Taehyung takes one look at the man beneath him and something in him snaps.

The older boy’s pupils are blown so wide that Taehyung thinks the iris is non-existent by now. Hoseok’s lips are red and swollen from the kiss they just had, and Taehyung half guesses his own aren’t that different. And Hoseok’s looking at him as though Taehyung is food and he hasn’t eaten in months, if not years.

It makes something stir inside Taehyung, thinking that the obvious want in Hoseok’s eyes is for noone else but him. That he’s the one responsible for Hoseok looking so wrecked. It fuels his ego and he feels like he’s on cloud nine.


“You know hyung.” Taehyung says, gulping, eyes grazing over Hoseok’s bare abdomen.


“Hmmm.” The simple sound sounds sinister with how deep Hoseok’s voice has become and it sends goosebumps racing down Taehyung’s skin. He’s still straddled on top of Hoseok and deciding to take advantage of the position he does the next thing. Leaning back a little and placing one hand on Hoseok’s defined abs, Taehyung bites his lips and says in the deepest tone he can manage, “If you wana go to Heaven, you should me tonight.”

It’s almost as if he sees the last strand of Hoseok’s sanity snap as the older boy narrows his eyes. There’s a complete predatory look on Hoseok’s face and it makes the butterflies go wild in Taehyung’s stomach.

“Don’t mind me if I do.”

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Spring125 #1
Why were there only two subbies before I subscribed? this piece is hot tamales!
mrlasagna #2
Chapter 1: DAMN LOL! That was great, thank you so much for writing!
moonlitsky #3
Okay that was hot!!