

This is the first time Jungkook has seen his hyung look genuinely happy. It's kind of sweet, watching the blonde haired boy slip his hands through the snow, smiling softly before flinging it at full speed at the nearby squirrels.

"Jungkook." He's making snow-angels now, an elated smile on his lips. Jungkook's snowpants are huge on Yoongi, and Jungkook grins. "Let's make a snowman!"

 Jungkook eyes Yoongi's overly puffy white jacket, itching to smile. 

"Why? You already look like one."

It's out of his lips before he knows it, and before Jungkook can blink he's on the ground, and there's snow piling up on his neck, and he's giggling uncontrollably and Yoongi's pouting cutely and suddenly, strangely, Jungkook doesn't really care that he can't feel his face anymore. 


"Sorry, hyung." Jungkook shoots a cheesy smile at him from his defenseless position on the ground. "You look cute in your snowman jacket, though."

Yoongi's cheeks flame red, and Jungkook's smile is too big when a snowball is crushed into his cheek. 


"Thanks for coming with me here," Yoongi comments quietly, face buried into his black and yellow scarf. Snow lands on his nose, and he wrinkles it cutely. The snowflakes drift away, joining the mass of whiteness on the ground. His glove clad hand is placed on top of Jungkook's pink mitten.  "I had fun."

Jungkook shrugs, trying to appear indifferent, when really, his heart is pounding hard too hard. "No problem." 

"You're not cold, are you? I'm sorry for shoving snow up your shirt." Yoongi looks worried, but Jungkook sees traces of a smirk on his face. It disapears when he says the next sentance. "We can go back to the dorms right now and then get in the sauna, if you want."

Jungkook blinks. He can't feel his face, his legs are numb, and his thick woolen sweater has snow threaded in between the fabric. His hair is wet from the snow, he lost his hat somewhere in the trees when Yoongi threw it, he looks like an utter mess- But does he want to go back?

" no."

"That's what I thought."

Yoongi whips off his bomber hat and throws at Jungkook's face, before running off into the playground and sitting on the tire swing. Jungkook's gonna have to push him, but he doesn't care. They've been here for 2 hours, and Jungkook isn't sure if even wants to leave.  


Yoongi gets a call from Jimin at around 6:35.

  "What are you doing right now, Chim?" Yoongi's voice sounds raspy from all the shouting Jungkook and him had done previously, and Jungkook shivers inwardly at the tone.  

"Oh, well.." The dancer sounds eager from the other line, words familiar sounding in Jungkook's ears. He  oddly misses s when Jimin rattles off all the things he did over their three week break, then gives the two of them an update on the other members. Hoseok and Namjoon were hanging out with eachother for a week, Taehyung was visiting his family, and Seokjin was as well.

"What's Jungkook doing, do you know?" Yoongi asks innocently, and Jungkook shoots him a small smirk.

"I talked to him last week, he was in Busan with his family." Jimin sounds like he's pouting now. "I tried texting him this week, though, but he didn't answer. So I think he's still visiting his parents? I don't know, hyung." That was a reasonably assumption, but wrong nonetheless. Jungkook had visited his family last week, and so had Yoongi. Then Jungkook decided to hit up Yoongi, finding out that he was back in Seoul. They went back to the dorms together, had dinner, and then this happened. 

"Oh," Yoongi does his best at sounding sad. "That's too bad. I hope he's having fun, wherever he is."


They talk more about random stuff, and Jungkook closes his eyes while resting his head against Yoongi's shoulder. They're sitting in the snow, nobody knew who they were, and Jungkook was happy. 

"I might hang out with Taehyung next week." Jimin sounds slightly bashful, and Yoongi and Jungkook exchange a look. "I might. You know. Just a possiblity-"

"You like him!" Jungkook and Yoongi both shout, then collaspe into giggles when they realize they blew their cover.

"THERE'S TWO OF YOU?!" Jimin sounds thouroughly confused, which makes Yoongi laugh even harder. Jungkook's chuckles trail off when he watches Yoongi's eyes crinkle up, face a pretty pink and lips bright red. Yoongi looks good when he's happy, Jungkook decides. He looks really good.

The sun goes down at around 6:50, and Yoongi ends the call with Jimin when he catches sight of it. 

"Bye Jimin," He said hastily. "I just noticed something beautiful."

"Is it Jungkook? It's about time you accepted your feelings-" Yoongi's eyes widen and he fumbles with his phone, trying to hang up, cheeks turning even more red than they already were.  

"Stupid Jimin." He mumbles, not meeting eyes with Jungkook. Jungkook's heart thumps loudly against his chest. Oh.

"Should we move up on a bench, hyung?" Jungkook says instead. "There's a better view from there."

"Sure, whatever." Yoongi looks miserable, and Jungkoook wants to cheer him up, but he's a chicken. 

The sunset is the best Jungkook's ever seen, shielding his eyes from the glare yet looking in awe at the beauty of it all. 

"It's pretty?" Jungkook throws out, wanting to clear the awkward air that had unconsciously made it way in between them after Jimin's comment. 

"Yeah." Yoongi sounds apologetic. "It really is."

Jungkook and Yoongi watch until the sun's gone, and Yoongi gets up before Jungkook hands grip onto his wrist. The maknae in a sharp breath. 

I'd rather die than live without passion.



Jungkook tugs Yoongi almost roughly towards him, hand slipping to Yoongi's as his other let go of Yoongi's wrist and went to his neck. Their lips meet- Chapped ones touching soft ones. Equally frozen. Yoongi's eyes widened when Jungkook pulled away, a cheeky smile on his face. 

Jungkook leans in close to his hyung, who looks dazed. "Jimin said you can't accept your feelings for me. How about now?"

"I-I-" Yoongi flusteredly takes a step away, but Jungkook's on a roll. He grabs Yoongi's hand and presses a small kiss against it before letting go. 

"Do you like me, hyung?"

Yoongi's silent, and Jungkook a little scared for a second when he hears a quiet-



They exchange smiles, Yoongi's small and shy and Jungkook's wide and adoring.

Then Yoongi's smacking Jungkook's chest, huffing. "... YOU CHEEKY BASTARD! WHO DO YOU THINK YOU ARE, KISSING ME FIRST LIKE THAT? I'M GOING TO BEAT YOUR !"

Jungkook giggles and sprints away, but comes back later when Yoongi falls and trips over himself because of his huge outfit. They're laughing like madmen and people who are out enjoying the city lights stare at them like their absurd.

Yoongi links his arm through Jungkook's, and they start the way back home, big smiles on their faces. Jungkook sings a little part of "Miss Right", and Yoongi mumbles out his rap part when Jungkook nudges him. 

"Love you, hyung." Jungkook says softly when they finish.

Yoongi shuffles a little closer to him. "Love you too." 

It's snowing and cold, but Yoongi's prescense is warm enough. 



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SugaSyub #1
its so cuteeee ;--;
kazekitsune #2
Chapter 1: Awwwww so adorable >w< purely adorable and warm >w<