I miss you, hyung


It's been more than 7 months they live separately for the sake of new atmosphere. At first he felt happy and liked the new atmosphere, he didn't have to share room with the members (doesn't mean he dislike sharing room with members) and didn't need to concerned about bothering them whenever he came late.

But lately the good feeling changed into something lonely and empty, he started missing the loudness and companion of s. He missed his busy morning of waking up the youngest line, missed bothering sungjong until the youngest got pissed, missed how cuddly myungsoo can be when he’s tired and need someone to lean onto. But most of all, he missed someone special to him, his significant other who always be the best place to lean on.

He still can bear it when their dorm splitted, he can come whenever he want to the other dorm since it’s only a floor away. But now, their place are totally different and it’s getting difficult to visit the other whenever he miss him.

And when it start bother him emotionally, he doesn’t have a heart to tell the other. It’s not like he can’t but he doesn’t want to bother him with his child-like whine, he’s not 20 anymore, it might bother the other if he whine over something like that when the other working hard for the group. He can’t be selfish.

That’s why he always try to get close with him whenever they have schedule since it’s the only chance for him to fill in his longing feeling for the other. He doesn’t mind to be called clingy if that’s mean he can be close with the other again.

Call him attention seeker, but that’s what he is for the other. Whenever he got a chance, he always try to stay beside the other and bother him for the sake of getting recognized. He doesn’t mind the weird or annoyed look the other throw at him as long as he could get close with the other and talk to him again like how they used to.

Because he’s longing for the other companion.


Because hyung, I miss you so much.


my first attempt at writing woogyu fanfiction, please give me any comment so I can write better. xoxo

p.s : I miss woogyu so much

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Chapter 1: Poor woohyun. Go and stay together with him. Or you guys get marry
Chapter 1: I understand that feeling
sha_alina19 #3
Chapter 1: awww....woogyu shipper!!! i love them!!!
Chapter 1: awww i miss woogyu too, i can understand your feeling in this fic so much ><