They Know, They do (It Is Truly Magical)

They Know, They do (It Is Truly Magical)


The feeling of magic, simply raw, blissful and beautiful embraces him. Twirling his fingers, elegantly, he fixes everything he can, everything he must, and everything he is. Slowly, almost painfully, but still there, shining its magnificent glow, its blinding yet soothing light stings his heart, the emotions of pure agony turns forgotten. Dancing, flumbing with his steps, he turns and turns until his feet hurt, his toes ached. Even so, he continues, strong, subtle, filled with purity. Opening his arms, he welcomes the rush of fresh wind, letting the gentle but rough air caress his face, he pulls his lips into a smile, hidden with no true intention to stop. As he advances further, deeper, closer to the heart of the blushing pillars of light and etherealty. He feels happy, truly happy, joy doesn't hide itself from his aura, the feeling of almost there, of almost reaching his goal. He lets his fingers, run through the floating feathers of petals swarming around, feeling their pinkish and bluish hue. He lets out a laugh, not bothering to quite down, instead of disrupting the peace, his laughter syncs in harmony with the breathtaking magic, becoming one. He jumps, hops, skits around, leaving purple marks of flame after his steps, instead of burning everything around, it serves as warmth and protection.

He can feel it, he can hear it, its cries of joy, its beats of a perfect melody, its smile and emotions, he can feel it, he can feel his heart. Small flicklets of the sun's glow, of the moon's shine, of the stars' ethereal dance, starts appearing, as he runs, runs towards the nearing destination. He takes of his shoes, leaving them behind as he continues to descend forward. He feels a soft and bouncy feeling beneath his feet, before he feels water touching them. Looking down, the water that surrounds his feet were crystal clear, the blue and turquoise flow mixes together, he can see them.

He can see the swirls of magic, incasing itself in the water, almost like he was on ice. Feeling a new determined rush of emotion, he runs and runs. He basks in the warmth of the now appearing green trees, before they turn yellow and red, and then pure white. He feels little droplets of water falling on him, before they gently, evolve into something much more beautiful, snowflakes. Entranced by its beauty, he hadn't notice the burning sensation on his right arm. Looking down, he gapes in awe, as he follows the patterns, the designs of something too ethereal. Love. It stretches until his forearm, the art of beauty itself, from his fingers, he watches its red stripes turn orange, then yellow, green, blue, purple, pink and before it ends at white. Wonder fills him, 'accept it' his head rings, two simple words, yet hard to understand, hard to submit to. 'Accept it,' it rings again, but this time, more gentle, more soothing, more affectionate and more rich. He allows himself to smile, his pink lips turning into a grin, as he sings. He speaks the emotion of the lyrics, he conveys all of his joy around him, he supplies a new energy, a new creation, a new being, he becomes one with the burning sensation of love and kisses. Plants, trees, lakes, waterfalls, flowers, all start to build.

The raw and beautiful and certainly ethereal feeling developes in his heart, it beats fast, steady and clear. He understands now, he submits, he embraces, he accepts his newly found beauty. The serenity, the tranquility of his eyes, shines bright, his eyelashes were covered with small remaining freckles of snowflakes, and his tears were long gone. His dark chocolate brown orbs, his black pupils, and the sparkles of excitement, never seem to stumble, never seem to fall. He can finally kiss the night goodbye with sweet dreams, he can finally meet the day with wam greetings, he can finally adventure his growing heart with no worries, he can finally cry without hiding. Jongdae accepts himself, allows the new morning to open his heart, feels the dreadful feeling of the night fading away, he feels, he is, he was, and he is yet to be. He waits, and waits, for the first rays of sunlight to appear, and the smile of his husband, Minseok, greets him with a good morning love-filled and intimate lip-lock.

It feels so magical, so wonderful, to be in Minseok's arms, to be kissed by him, to be loved by him like no any other. Jongdae smiles into the kiss, and feels Minseok do the same. Together, they dance with the day and into the night, they accept a new beginning, a new start, the feeling of their love like all those years ago, still strong and burning and faithful. Their love never melts, their love never freezes, their love never stops, their love never falters, as they are one together, forever, since what it was, what it has become, and what it has yet to be. They thank the heavens for giving them a chance, an opputunity to experience this feeling. And they hope, they'll be able to continue, no, they know. They know their feelings, affection and love for one another will last, they know it will never end, they know it will never cease, they just know, they just do, and they will forever.


That's it! And now, for some explaining.

This one-shot is actually how Jongdae overcomes his problems, well with his uality. I wanted to show how it feels to finally be free, to finally admit himself, to accept himself. I also wanted to convey that being in love, embracing your traits, having your bads sides aren't that bad after all. The part, 'Dancing, flumbing with his steps, he turns and turns until his feet hurt, his toes ached. Even so, he continues, strong, subtle, filled with purity,' actually shows how Jongdae overcomes his problems with positivity and hope. The part where Jongdae gets a pattern on his arm means that love made itself a home somewhere in his heart, and he knows it will grow, in many different directions(the colours). Together with Minseok, Jongdae lives a new beginning, a new start, a new life with him.

There are probably some more things I should be explaining, but I don't want to spoil you guys too much. Please feel free to imagine what this story means, in your own unique way. Hopefully the explanation has given you a rough view and thought of the story.

I wrote this because of all those people out there who are afraid of coming out, of being yourself. No matter what, you are special. You are beautiful. You are you, and that's what makes you shine. Even I'm not sure what is to become of me, and my life, but I'll learn to accept it. It's not so easy, but we can only hope.

I hope this has touched your heart in some way, thank you for reading this! I wish you the best, and always be healthy~! Comments are appreciated! Oh and I apologize for all mistakes and spelling errors!

P.S, the song I used for this was 'J.T. Peterson - Dreamwalker'



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Chapter 1: Oh my. This is really wonderful. Written in a rhetorical manner but conveys a deep meaning. I love it. This is such a beautiful short one shot and certainly one of the best. Great job Authornim.
Chapter 1: I actually don't understand why the most beautiful stories are the most underrated. This deserves so much more attention...
abbieyen16 #3