

Start of classes
nayeon was preparing to go to school was so excited that he would see her friends ..
Sana and Mina ... .. they are COUSIN  and living together here in Korea with of  Sana parents and  were on vacation in Japan ......... visiting relatives.
nayon sent a message to healthy

nayeon message: good morning .... squirrel ... .. The she waited at the bus stop kissing ...

sana: ok rabbit

nayeon: I hope you are I brought a gift -......  
goodbye mom  ....
On the bus
nayeon sat with her friends
while they were counting 
what they did in   their  holidays
but nayeon was not paying attention to them as it seemed that he was looking for someone ..
Mina realized nayeon behavior.
eeey Who are you looking for  .. Mina  says with a smile
What? ... No one because ... .. responds nayeon
It is that you're counting on our holiday. And it seems not interested
Nayeon then he had to tell the guy she met a month ago and what happened between they  

Mina and Sana were surprised to see her friend as her eyes sparkled when talking about that guy
He began to describe the boy from head to toe, how nice it was

What happened to the guy  ? Sana .. Question

Immediately change the face of Nayeon a state of happiness to a state of sadness.

insidente since    I have not seen      
---- With what you did who want to see you again
 .......and also there is no possibility that again see.....
 The possibility could be 0, 0000000000, 000001 percent chance since seul is very large and there are many schools ... Sana said
Do not listen to  Sana
You know she is very silly and says the first thing that comes to mind Mina says looking at her cousin    and making faces  to be realized that  was really sad nayeon  ...

What?? Sana says uncomprehending
then look at the  nayeo face that looked sad and with his head down
... .. I try to encourage her friend again

 if you do not mind me well you know I'm not good at math hahaha and started laughing  so Sana said

jeongyeon was still asleep ....... when his phone rang ...
Hello! Jeongyeon  with a different voice 
Hello ....You're ready ostrich

jeongyeon was still with closed eyes then looked who was the person who was talking
Chayeong registered and returned the phone to his ear

For that  dwarf? says jeongyeon

How? Today is the start of classes idiot !!!

What !!! Oh damn... Says jeongyeon and jump out of bed
leaving online chayeong
Hello!! Hello !! I leave  online..the idiot
end call

running down the stairs  jeongyeon.....
Mom goodbye......!!!!
his mother was in the kitchen

you have breakfast !!!

I'll eat something on the way says jeongyeon
that child will never change

He's always late ... his father says.
jeongyeon took his bike and went to school.
jeongyeon was about to turn the corner when suddenly a girl crossed 
!!!!!! WATCH OUT!!!! jeongyeon shouts

He scares the girl she stood unable to move .. Motionless
jeongyeon could divert the girl
uhhh It was close  he says jeongyeon gesturing looking relieved after without looking his way
Boonnnmmm !!!! PASSS a loud noise was heard
jeongyeon hit a tree
the girl  opened her eyes and looked behind her and saw jeongyeon lying on the floor screaming in pain and touching her head
The girl approached jeongyeon

You're good?

jeongyeon was still confused by the shock and with his head bowed
 and his bike aside
why not you watch where you walk !!!  Says jeongyeon with a strong tone 
I am sorry!! He says the girl and inclined at 90 °
let me help you

jeongyeon up face meeting face to face with the girl ... their faces were centimeters
Why did you sit still and do nothing?  jeognyeon says looking at the girl

for your fault 
hit this tree 
and I am going to come late

He sighs and shakes his uniform  
The girl was about to yell at jeongyeon
... But when  saw him  closer and  was speechless face red as a tomato ... Surprised by how handsome he is the guy in front of her looked at him from head to toe ...
I am talking to you? He says jeongyeon

good no matter  I have to go
you have to be more careful .... he says finally

He took his bike and went ...
She watched him go ...
Then her friend comes over and   shouts 
Momo !!! it is getting late to go to school

sii   said but before leaving he saw something on the floor

 one phone
Ahh not !! it lost its phone  

which boy? his says  friend

To my boyfriend....

what??? Her friend is surprised
Well soon be my boyfriend says momo
watching the phone
with a seductive smile ..

At school

jeongyeon came to school very tired ....
Why pretty girls always put me in trouble?
  He said scratching his head .....
Now where my room is .. This school is so great says .jeongyeon
   I was walking the halls
hhaaaaa think the blow that gave me left me dumbest
because obviously better called chayeong

jeongyeon began looking for your phone
 look in their pockets and patted the back of pants ...

He struck his forehead .... nooooo
today  definitely not my day ....
It must have fallen when  hit the tree ..
jeongyeon starts looking for chayeong in each classroom 

toock tooock hits the door jeongyeon 

Professor says    ........  forward ..

I am sorry
this is the kind of Second Year 

It is that I'm new and I'm lost

the girls They begin to talk to each othe

How handsome is he? ... You can hear one of the girls
ooo's my type ..
will have a girlfriend? ... it's some of the things that could be heard.

Silence says Professor
Young was wrong salon this is the third year lounge

I feel sorry for the inconvenience and tilts 90 ° says  jeongyeo 
he it is directed to the door
when tilted to open the door someone from the other extremity force pushes the door

 hitting in the face throwing him to the floor
 to  jeongyeon
hitting him right on the nose
 auuuush says complaining ....
He raises its head and is shocked to see the girl standing in front   ....
!!!!!! YOU!!!!! !!!  both they say at the same time
to be continue

sorry for the delay in updating is that I am very busy these days so we see in the next update and forgiveness for mistakes 

I'm doing the story from the beginning of the way jeongyeo and nayeon the beginning ... So going to be extensive hope we bored them .... sorry for the mistakes is that my native language is Spanish so I pretty costs English .... do not ask you to comment on is that if they want they will I do not know the request, I am available for any questions that make me greetings

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Owowowow .. cant wait kkk