Chapter 9

The Girl of Two Worlds

It took Jooyeon a few hours to come to but when she did, she layed still in her bed, eyes dazedly staring up at the white ceiling. During while she passed out, her mind did not rest. It took her back to the past, walking her through each and every one of her memories. 


That was what she was feeling the most. No, it wasn't physical pain but emotional pain can rip through you more than intended. Jooyeon felt like she was stabbed in the chest repeatedly. Her father's death that was now back to being imprinted in her head kept repeating over and over again. What she felt during that moment was etched onto her and she couldn't shake it off. The sword that pierced into her father, his cries, the fast thumping of her heart as she scrambled to her mother, all of it felt fresh, like it had happened just a second ago. 

She didn't know what happened to her mother because the last thing she remembered before she placed the charm on her was Jinyoung's panicked expression and then darkness. She couldn't careless about that woman though. It was her fault in the first place. She threw Jooyeon away so why should Jooyeon waste any more of her time worrying about that lady? 

Not only painful memories came back though. The good and light hearted ones also came back and those were somewhat enough to sooth Jooyeon's wounded heart. The boy from her first flashback, Jooyeon figured out that they really were friend. He indeed was the reason to why she snuck around the palace so much when she should be studying. 

Yi En. 

That was his name. He was beauitful and the son of a Council member that the King was close with. From what Jooyeon remembered, they only ever met in the garden beside the palace kitchen. They never talked about one another's background, just focused on playing and talking about random things. Jooyeon only found out that he was a Council member's son when the Queen informed her not to get to close to the older. Jooyeon of course, did not listen and lied to him that she was just the court doctor's niece. They got along well and when the Council attacked, Jooyeon had gone out searching for him but he never showed. And well, you know the rest. 

"You're awake." Mark's voice ranged throughout the room. 

Jooyeon turned her head to him, eyes instantly locking with his. His eyes reminded her so much of Yi En's but it wasn't possible. Mark couldn't be Yi En. They were two different people and plus, why would a Council member's son be trying to overthrow the Council? 

The older male handed her a glass of water and a small glass bowl with a small pill in it. 

"Here, this should help with the headache," Mark murmured, eyes never leaving her face. 

Jooyeon nodded quietly, taking the water and medicine from him. She quickly gulped it down and set the glass aside on the nightstand. 

"Where's Jinyoung oppa?" 

If you listen close enough, you could hear Mark's heart cracking even more. He was here, right beside her and yet she's asking for somebody else. 

"Him and the rest went to a nearby village to get a few things." Mark answered, "They'll be back soon." 

Mark grabbed the empty glass and was about to turn to leave when Jooyeon lunged out and grabbed his arm. The contact sent a wave of shock and comfort through both of their bodies and Jooyeon had never pulled her hand back faster from something than now. Mark's head whipped around, eyes slightly wide. 

They both sensed it. 

It's just a matter of who was going to be the one to point it out? Well, certainly not Jooyeon because she has no idea what that was and maybe not Mark either because he's a coward when it comes to Jooyeon. Guess, it'll just be left unanswered then. 

The two blinked at one another for a moment longer before Mark cleared his throat and again, turn to leave. 

"Wait!" Jooyeon blurted. 

Mark paused, heart skipping a beat but didn't turn around. Jooyeon bit her lip, her mind trying to form the right words. 

"Uhm, about the secret passage," she started. 

Though a little disappointed that she wasn't going to say anything about them, Mark's ears perked up at the topic. He turned back around for the third time and sat down on the edge of her bed. 

"Did you remember?" he asked. 

Jooyeon nodded, "I do. It's underground and will lead you right into the palace." 

Mark nodded, getting up from his spot, "Are you okay to walk?" 

Jooyeon didn't answer but threw her legs over the bed and stood up. When she pushed herself up and was about to give Mark thumbs up, her vision wavered and her head spun. Her body toppled forward but before she could fall, Mark quickly grabbed and steadied her. Her hands clutched his arms tightly and another wave was launched through them. Jooyeon shivered visibly and Mark's breath hitched in his throat. They stayed in their position for a while, both trying to calm themseleves. 

"Are you okay?" 

Mark's low voice did things to Jooyeon. It was husky, alluring and sending Jooyeon's heart racing. Her knees would've for sure gave in but that shouldn't be a problem, Mark's arms were already around her. It felt right. Jooyeon felt right being in Mark's arms. The heat that radiated from his body calmed her and the way he smell made her want to freeze time. She found herself wishing that they could just stay like this forever. Gathering up what little courage she has, she tilted her head up to look at  Mark and the oxygen in her lungs quickly diminished. 


Mesmerizing icy blue orbs stared back at her and Jooyeon got her wish. It really felt like time had stop and it was just the two of them. Yes, cliche but let the girl live. Jooyeon couldn't feel anything other than Mark's presence and the pleasurable burning sensation where his hands were touching her skin. It didn't go unnoticed to Mark that the girl before him had the same blue eyes. Her inner wolf was staring straight at him through those orbs and Mark could feel the pull. The pull of the mate that he so desperately wanted to get away from was now clawing at him. It tugged, yanked, lured him in until he could feel himself falling into it. In that moment, Mark thought screw it because frankly, he just wanted to hold Jooyeon against himself and let his wolf curl around her. She felt warm, safe and all the things that applied to him feeling just pure bliss and happiness. Her innocent seduction was driving him insane, in a good way but still. How should this even be possible for a halfling to pull a wolf in this much? 

Mark didn't realize when he leaned in but just when their nose were touching, the bedroom door swung open and Jinyoung and Jackson walked in. 

"So, we're going to---Oh my god, sorry! Sorry!" Jackson sputtered. 

Both Mark and Jooyeon's heads whipped towards the door, a pair of blue eyes glaring straight at the two intruder. Jinyoung's mouth hung open because damn, when did this happen? Why did nobody fill in him? Why didn't Jooyeon fill him in? What happened to their deep bond?!?

"So..uh, we're just...going to uh... go..."

Jackson trailed off and without even waiting for Mark or Jooyeon's reply, he grabbed Jinyoung and dragged the other down the stairs. Back in the room, Jooyeon and Mark slowly broke apart from each other, pink tints visible on both their cheeks. 

"Right, uh, I'm just going to tell Jaebum about the passage and then...yeah." Jooyeon muttered before scurrying out the door. 

Mark blinked. He still couldn't believe that happened. He can't believe he allowed himself to feel like that. But you know what, he didn't regret it one bit. It felt good. Being around her felt so good that it felt as though that the crack in his heart was slowly being healed. He wanted her close again. Just the thought of her being in his arms again, it was enough to send his heart fluttering. Yes, fluttering. No matter how manly and macho you are, your heart will flutter when you're around that special person. For all he cares, Mark was willing to feel girly and even more if it means that he was able to be beside her again. 

Closing his eyes, he ran a hand down his face, a smile threatening to paint onto his lips. If this is what Jackson meant by being forward, then maybe he would give it another try. Because he wanted to experience the feelings Jooyeon gave him again. He felt light and for once, he didn't care so much of the girl in his past. 


"Hwang Jooyeon, you answer me right now." Jinyoung scolded, cornering the younger in the kitchen. 

The rest of the pack was gathered in the living room and trying to figure out a plan to save Yugyeom. Once Jooyeon was finished telling Jaebum the location of the secret passage, she excused herself to go get a cup of water. And, of course, Jinyoung had to follow so now here they were. 

"What? There's nothing to explain. Nothing happened." Jooyeon murmured, sipping on her water.

Jinyoung looked at her bewildered, "Nothing happened? Really? Nothing at all?"

Jooyeon frowned but before she got the chance to continue, Jinyoung interrupted,

"I think there's plenty to explain. How about we start with the fact that your eyes were literally blue when you were with him?"

"What?" Jooyeon blinked, sounding surprised at his words. 

"You didn't know? You didn't feel it?" Jinyoung raised an eyebrow. 

"F--Feel what? I just---It just felt weird."

"By weird, do you mean like it felt nice?" 

"N-No! Stop that." Jooyeon squeaked, frowing and pouting at her protector. 

Jinyong smirked at her teasingly, "I know you got your memories back, Joo. There's no way nobody in the past didn't teach you about mates." 

Jooyeon's face flushed red and she smacked Jinyoung hard on his arm, pointing an accusing finger at him. 

"Stop it right now." 

Jinyoung rolled his eyes, "There's really no need to be embarrassed about it. It's a natural thing, Joo. It's just like you have a crush...but not with somebody you physically chose. I mean, in a way I guess you did 'cause mates are literally made for one another and you're bound to end up with each other eventually." 

"Stop it. Stop it. Stop it." Jooyeon clamped her hands over his mouth.

She eyed him sternly and even though his mouth was covered, the teasing look was still visible in his eyes.

"I know, alright? I remember. It's just a little weird. I feel this pull when I'm with him and I felt like something inside is going to burst." 

"Ooo~ Your wolf wants to come and play." Jinyoung teased, voice muffled by her hands. 

Jooyeon withdrawled her hands only to smack him on the side of his head. Jinyoung yelped, hand coming up to hold the spot where he got abused.

"Okay, I'm glad your wolf is back and all but, like, I'm still older than you and geez woman, hold back your strength a little." 

He rubbed the side of his head, trying to erase the pain away. Jooyeon gave him a weak slightly apologetic smile. She did get her wolf back, she could feel it. She felt whole and a lot more stronger than before. Her senses also tripled and Jooyeon felt like a new person. It also drawn on her the moment her eyes landed on Mark when he came into her room. Her heart clenched at the way he gazed at her. The longing, the want, everything in his expression mimicked the way she was feeling. Truth to be told, it was odd. Who would expect to wake up one day, realize you have your significant other right in front of you but you can't tell them what you feel. How was she supposed to act around him anyways? 

"C'mon, let's get back to Jaebum." Jinyoung offered her a smile. 

They exited the kitchen and made their way to the living room. Jinyoung sat himself down beisde Jackson, leaving the only empty spot left beside Mark. Timidly, Jooyeon sat down beside her proclaimed mate, making sure not to sit to close to him. Mark sensed her and warmth spread through his body. Her raspberry scent made him feel all giddy inside and although he so badly just wanted to pull her close, Mark kept his hands to himself. Move slowly, he had told him. 

"So, here's what's going to happen," Jaebum announced, "Jooyeon will lead us to and through the passage. Then, we'll split up inside the building and sniff Yugyeom out. He's mostly likely going to be kept in the dungeon but still, that's a lot of grounds to cover. Jackson will go with Youngjae. I'm with BamBam. Mark and Jinyoung will be with Jooyeon. "


The arrangement wasn't such a bother to Jooyeon but when Jinyoung refused to give her a lift to the passage and offered Mark instead, she wanted to shoot herself. Mark didn't volunteer either, Jinyoung just straight up shoved her to him with an annoying smile on his face. 

"She's all yours, Mark," Jinyoung winked, "My back's hurting a little. You don't mind, right? Of course, thanks." 

The protector didn't even wait for a reply, he just strolled away towards Jaebum. Jooyeon sighed, already feeling the awkwardness surrounding them. She was about to turn and apologize to Mark but immediately shut herself up when instead of a tall lean boy standing behind her, a white wolf was crouched down. 

"Are you sure?" she said, voice barely audible at all.

 Mark heard her though. He nudged his head against her hand and Jooyeon couldn't help but smile. Carefully, she climbed onto his back and yelped in surprise when Mark suddenly stood up. Her hands fisted at his white fur and Mark carefully stroded forward, trying to get Jooyeon used to how he moves. Mark's movements were more fluid and smooth compared to Jinyoung's. Though he moves much faster, Jooyeon doesn't feel anxious. The fact that it was Mark alone, Jooyeon was able to put her trust in him. Without even him having to say it, she knows that he'll never hurt her.

The pull of the mate between them was strong and Jooyeon doesn't really know how to put up with it. Mark doesn't look like the type to joke around and he's quiet so it was quite hard for her to act around him. She can't tease and fool around with him like how she is with Jinyoung and to suddenly jump to acting like his life partner would be a bit too creepy. Jooyeon wanted to get to know him. She wants to know everything about Mark. From the tiniest detail about him to what should be obvious, she wants Mark to tell her. Getting close to Mark was on top of her list after everything dies down---or at least when they get Yugyeom back. 

Jaebum signaled them to move out, Mark leading this time since he was with Jooyeon aka the person who really remembers the way. While they race through the woods that Jooyeon doesn't even recognize, the girl started to doubt herself. She wouldn't lead them to somewhere off course, right? It was already dark out and time was seriously running out. When the sun rises tomorrow and they don't have Yugyeom by then, there'll be nothing left for them to in order to get the maknae back. 

"We're here," Jooyeon spoke up, Mark halting at her words. 

Clutching tight as he stopped, Jooyeon winced as she felt her body being launched forward slightly. Fortunately, Mark didn't throw her off unlike somebody--cough cough--Jinyong. Climbing off, she set foot on the ground and looked around. Everything looked and felt familiar, she could feel it in the air around her. Taking a breath, she let her feet take her to where she needed to be. It was like her body remembered it perfectly. Within a matter of steps, she arrived infront of an all too familiar hole. It wasn't that deep but it was big enough to fit about 2 oversized werewolves. 

"Ready?" Jaebum's voice was heard beside her. 

Turning to look at the alpha, she saw him gave her an assuring smile and Jooyeon nodded, grabbing hold of the courage inside her. Jinyoung who had appeared beside her gave her shoulder a squeeze and Jooyeon exhaled a breath, readying herself for whatever is about to happen. She lowered herself down into the hole and stared at the darkness ahead. A few grunts and huff were heard as the others lowered themselves down. 

"It's a little dark." Jackson pointed out, 

"You're a werewolf, use your nose, ," Jinyoung rolled his eyes. 

Jackson gave him a hurt expression and within the next second, his eyes glowed blue, a color similar but yet different to Mark's. Following Jackson's, the rest, including Jooyeon's eyes glowed a color different than their usual brown. The passage that led into darkness were growing smaller in height as they moved deeper in. 

"Youngjae! What's the hurry, geez," Jackson complained as he felt Youngjae bump into him for the 4th time.

Youngjae groaned, "Stop complaining. It's cramp in here."

Jooyeon couldn't agree more. The space was tight and with so many people occupying it, there was barely any room to breathe. The crawl to the other end of the passage took longer than Jooyeon remembered and definitely more loud. She feared that they were going to get caught but one low warning growl from Jaebum immeidately shut the others up. Others as in Jackson, Youngjae and BamBam. They soon arrived at the picture frame and Jooyeon tensed instantly. 

Two familiar holes on the picture made her head spin in panic and anxiety. In the back of her head, the image of her father flashed and Jooyeon's breath hitched in . Suddenly, all she could hear was the sound of her father's cries and the thud as his body hit the ground. Jooyeon felt suffocated and she was only able to let out a breath when a gentle hand touched her arm. A wave of warmth coursed through her veins and immediately her body relaxed, leaning into the touch. 

"Jooyeon," a small whisper was heard and Jooyeon recognized that voice all too well. 


Usually, she would flinch away or freeze at the contact due to them not being close and all but this, it was different. Now that her wolf has awaken, it wanted nothing more than for Mark to hold her and let his scent soothe away all her worries. His warmth was gone all too soon but Jooyeon kept her complaint to herself. She found herself regaining her posture and she was able to breathe again. However, Mark's worried gaze lingered on her, nothing even caring about how he could literally hear Jackson grinning from ear to ear. 

"Come on, the hallway's empty. I don't smell anyone approaching either," Jaebum whispered, pushing the secret door open. 

He hopped out and the others followed out. Jooyeon took her place beside Jinyoung and although she was able to breath calmly, Jinyoung could tell she wasn't thinking straight. He looked over to Mark and jerked his head to the side, a gesture to signal for Mark to come beside Jooyeon. 

Jinyoung knew his place. True, he was Jooyeon's protector but some things, things that used to be his job to take care of before, he now has to hand it over to Mark. Jinyoung was more than glad to though. Nothing---No one can comfort a broken werewolf better than his or her mate. A fond smile spread over his lips as he watched Mark shyly inched himself closer to Jooyeon. He could see the girl's shoulders relaxed and her body swayed towards her mate unintentionally. He looked away, giving the two a little privacy but also praying that they would just act comfortable with each other already. 

"We'll split up now. BamBam, let's go get your bestfriend back," Jaebum offered a smile to the younger which the other gladly returned. 

Luckily, there didn't seem to be any guards patrolling in the corridor they were in. They slipped downstairs to the dungeon fairly quickly, Jackson and Youngjae going right while Jaebum and BamBam going left. The team of 3 made their way forward, eyes lurking everywhere for any signs of guards. They made it a few more minutes later before encountering a guard. Fortunately, the guard's back was to them. Jinyoung stuck a hand out and the other 2 halted. Mark kept Jooyeon beside him as Jinyoung creeped forward. The protector's hand striked the back of the guard's neck, hitting the right nerve and causing the guard to collasped to the floor limply. 

"Come on. Let's hurry before he wakes up or somebody finds him." 

The 3 of them hurried down deeper into the corridor of the dungeon, the space getting darker with each step. In almost all of the dungeon cells, there would either be one or two people occupying it. Jooyeon couldn't tear her eyes away and with her being so distracted, she failed to notice an outreached hand behind her back. It grabbed her arm and she suddenly pulled back against a cell door. Her back collided with the metal painfully and another hand grabbed her shoulder, keeping her in place. Jooyeon shouted in surprise, struggling to get away from the hold. 

"Princess. Princess. The princess has come to save us." a meniacing voice sang from behind her. 

Mark and Jinyoung's heads whipped around at the sound and quickly pulled Jooyeon away. Heart beating against her ribcage, Jooyeon clutched tight onto Mark's arm, her mate holding her protectively as he glared at the prisoner. Jinyoung's eyes flashed a dangerous red, a low growl emitting from his throat. The prisoner only laughed hard and wrapped his fingers around the cell's bars. 

"Our last royal blood," he giggled, "Our last hope." 

Jooyeon's hands tightened around Mark's arm, "How does he know me?"

Her voice came out quiet but was still audible. 

"How can I not, your highness?" the prisoner smiled, teeth showing, "You were the only one to escape." 

His eyes raked up and down her body before his expression suddenly dropped, a frown replacing his creepy smile, 

"You alone were able to escape. You alone got away while the remaining of us were left here to suffer, to die." 

Mark's eyes flashed blue as he pushed Jooyeon behind him, "You'll watch what you say to her." 

The prisoner laughed bitterly, "Or what? I'm set to die down here anyways." 

Jooyeon gulped, choosing to say quiet but her mind was swirling. Was this man really going to die because of her? What would have happened if she wasn't the only one to escaped? 

"Joo," Jinyoung called out. 

Snapping out of her thoughts, she turned her head to her protector. 

"Don't listen to him, alright?" he whispered. 

Before Jooyeon could say anything back, the prisoner spoke up again. 

"Yes, don't listen to me. Just stay oblivious of reality and pretend that life is all about sunshines and rainbow. It's not like the people down here aren't dying because of you." 

In an instant, Mark lunged toward the prisoner, hand grabbing his collar and pulling him against the bars.

"Nobody down here is dying because of the princess," he growled, icy blue eyes glaring straight at the prisoner, "You all got yourself into trouble so stop blaming the princess for your misfortunes. She's done nothing wrong. If it weren't for her escaping and being the only one left, we wouldn't even have hope. We wouldn't even have a chance against the Council. So, I suggest if you want to see another day light, you keep your mouth shut and get your facts straight."

Roughly, Mark shoved the prisoner back, the other male stumbling and falling onto his behind. Carefully, Jooyeon reached out for Mark's hand. Her mate's eyes fluttering shut as he turned around to her. Jinyoung was never going to let her live this down. Slowly, Mark opened his eyes, the usual deep brown color back. 

"Thank you," Jooyeon whispered softly. 

She never expected Mark to jump in and stand up for her like that. She was glad he did. The words that the prisoner said to her hit her hard, sending her on a guilt trip but Mark's words also brought some sense to her. If it weren't for her escaping and being alive, the were-creature world would be doomed. They would have no hope to hold on to and the world would crumble and fall sooner or later with how the Council was running it. 

"You're not at fault, Jooyeon," Mark said, "Things happen for a reason."

Jooyeon nodded, a small smile on her lips. Mark gave her hand a light squeeze before he pulled away and walked over to Jinyoung. Jooyeon turned her head to the prisoner who was still on the ground and slowly approached him. 

"I'm sorry for leaving you behind to suffer," she started. 

The prisoner looked up, expression blank. 

"People view me as hope so I'm going to try my best and be exactly that. I'm going to fix this. This time I won't be the only one escaping, we all will. We'll escape together. We'll stand together and make this world prosper into something better. I promise you won't have to suffer anymore." Jooyeon finished, determination swimming in her eyes.

The prisoner stared at her for a while longer before he spoke up, "Don't get yourself killed."

Jooyeon smiled before she retreated back to Mark and Jinyoung's sides. The prisoner watched the 3 interact with one another before they disappear deeper into the corridor. A wicked smirked formed on his lips as he leaned against the bars to continue looking.

"The princess has finally come home."


"Do you sense him at all, Mark?" Jinyoung asked referring to Yugyeom. 

The older paused, taking a moment to figure out the scent before nodding, "He has to be around here somewhere." 

They passed roughly about 3 more cells before coming to a halt in front of a certain one. Inside, against the wall sat a tall boy with his head in his hands. Relief flooded over Mark at the sight of his maknae and he didn't waste time to kick open the lock. 

"Gyeom-ah," Mark called, 

The young boy's head snapped up, his jaw dropping at the sight of the older. 


The two pack member rushed toward each other before embracing one another. Yugyeom's body shook as he cried into Mark's shoulder. 

"I thought I wasn't gonna see you again." he sobbed. 

Mark patted the younger's back, "You big baby, stop crying. Save it for BamBam." 

The princess and her protector watched the scene unfolded, touched by the brotherly love. As Mark continued to console the young werewolf, Jinyoung couldn't help but feel odd. 

"What's wrong?" Jooyeon asked, peering up at the older.

Jinyoung shook his head, "It's just weird." 

"What is?" 

"This whole thing. I mean, there weren't any guards patrolling and we got to Yugyeom way too easily." 

Jooyeon blinked, taking in the information. Jinyoung was right. It by far way to easy. They got in quick and easy and there basically nobody to stop them when the made their way into the dungeon. The only guard they came across was the one that Jinyoung took out. 

"It's almost like it was a set up." Jinyoung murmured. 

"Then how come nobody's coming after us yet?"

"Don't jinx it. We should get out of here," Jinyoung warned, "Oi, Mark. We should get going. We shouldn't stay here longer than necessary."

Mark nodded, turning to the maknae who smiled at him. 

"Let's go home, hyung." 




Hi guys. I'm so sorry I didn't update for a long time. I was sick for 2 weeks I'm so sorry T^T I hope you enjoy this chapter and sorry for any misspellings. Reading your comments makes me super excited cuz like yayy you guys are into and liking the story!! so keep em coming!!! 

So Jooyeon finally realizes that Mark is her mate. She'll be more forward now since the pull of the mate will affect her too. She's half human yes but the werewolf trait will be the more dominant trait so she'll be affect by it like how it affects mark. Though Mark is still afriad to give in, youll see him somewhat coming out of his shell :) jk hes already coming out of his shell. they already held hands and he was leaning in. SQUEAL OKAY ill stop.

 anywho, i'll update the next chapter soon!! pce ^^

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ExoticInspiritedBaby #1
Chapter 9: I didn't expect to have read this far into the story. It feels gold and is interesting to see the although mark is not the alpha he's still the main character
delaycious #2
Chapter 9: Daummm, it does sound too easy... unless he isnt the real one and just a decoid or or or he betrayed them... thats what i can think off
dolcie #4
Oh lord she got back her memories!!! and now she remembers the route to the secret passage holy!
Anticipating the next chapter!! :)))
NoraMyFics #5
Chapter 8: Woah this is interesting and I want to continue reading this story,,,,, author-nim upload a bit faster,,bcz we all are looking forward to this but we can't wait!!
minyoungunnie #6
Chapter 8: Omgomg. Next chapter, the rescue!
Chapter 6: Yaayyy update (even on my birthday yesseu)
Even though not that much happens I think it slowly is building everything up. In every story I think such chapters are needed. Also to see the struggles of other *looks at Mark* poor boy, and my guess is that the girl he was talking about earlier was Jooyeon as well but he doesn't really remember her since he didn't mention her name..

Anyways I thought that this chapter was good and I'm glad you are back ^^ thank you for updating
Chapter 6: Jooyeon is the girl that Mark was talking about. The one he felt that kind of pull even before, cuz wolves are meant to feel that to only one person, right? Wild guess lol.
This is getting exciting. I am so glad i found this XD
Chapter 4: Well indeed great timing Mark xD
Great chapter loved how you described the moment Mark could smell her
can't wait as to see what Jooyeon will do next and well what Mark will do with this whole situation
Chapter 3: Yass~~ this is getting more interesting!!!! ^^