Cupcakes and muffins

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Chapter 1     

Mina walks aimlessly on the dark street with only dim street light that barely light up the street above her head. She pulls the strap of her backpack that fall to her side back to her shoulder and let out a quiet sigh.



"Never though my birthday this year would be even worse than years before."



A week ago, 24th March 2016 was the day Mina finally turned eighteen. She should be happy now that she finally an adult in the public eyes, but instead of having an alcohol for the first time, here she is, walking aimlessly on the street without any destination after being kicked out of an orphanage.



"They are so happy to get rid of me and forget to give me money." Mina muttered under her breath, her stare went inside the coffee shop as she stood in front of the glass window. She pats her growled stomach to tame it when her eyes met with the various of cupcakes and muffin on the display. Thats must be expensive, Mina thought. She didn't remember when the last time she had it nor she does remember the taste.



She was startled when someone knocked the glass window from inside to get her attention. The person from inside smile at her and she awkwardly smile back at her, a bit embarrassed getting caught staring at the cupcakes and muffins like a beggar. She frowned, didn't understand what the girl tried to say to her and follows the girl's fingers where she pointed at the entrance and finally she understand. She wants her to get inside there. Mina just smiles as she shook her head, she didn't has money and everything inside looks so expensive. She gives the girl last smile before walking away from the glass window and sit on the bench in front of the coffee shop.



"Should I sleep here?" Mina asked to herself before putting down her backpack that only have a fews pair of her clothes and a bottle of plain water beside her. She was about to lay down the bench when a voice interrupted her.



"Hey, you can't sleep there." She quickly gets up from the bench and look at the person. She is the same girl who caught her staring at the coffee shop before and it make Mina become more embarrassed that she caught for the second time. She must think her a real beggar now. She isn't, but maybe one day or tomorrow she didn't know. She needs money or she would die starving.



"I'm sorry, I don't know." Mina said as she scratches the back of her neck. She quickly grabbed her backpack and about to run away from embarrassment when the girl speaking again.



"Hey, do you want some cupcakes and coffee? We are in the house today."



Mina is eyeing the girl in front of her with eyes full of suspicion. What if she goes inside there, order something to satisfy her growled stomach and end up needing to sell her kidney to pay the bill.



"Really?" She hesitantly asked.



"Yep, we will close at twelve today, you better quick." She said, grabbing Mina's hand and drag the poor girl inside the coffee shop.






The scents of coffee greet her sense of smell as soon as she takes a step inside the shop causing her stomach growl

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Chapter 1: Please continue
Porza2121 #2
Chapter 1: Update soon
Chapter 1: revenge will start as soon as she knew who nayeon is haha
Chapter 1: Ahh twist is coming, twist will be everywhere, twist is luv to the point where I really a trash for minayeon ;____;
Chapter 1: Hahahahha yes thank you for updating ♡♡♡♡
amoo22 #6
Chapter 1: OOHH This is good <3