intense bros

punch drunk

(this is back when run just finished promoting)

(just a heads up)

(okay i'll stop now)




   Yoongi watched the members roughhouse around in the living room, all of them laughing and jumping, melachony yet relieved that they had finally finished promotions for "Run." It was just a small party, and sure, Yoongi was happy, too. But he was much too tired to dance to 'Crayon Pop- Bar Bar Bar', and instead sat on the couch with the maknae, who had just finished his share of going crazy. He was still hyper though, and it scared Yoongi how he never seemed to lose energy.

  Jungkook suddenly barked like a dog, and a voice in the back of Yoongi's wondered if Jungkook had 9 too many grape flavored Kool Aid's, but then again, Yoongi didn't really care. At least he wasn't annoying when he was hyper, he just talked a lot. And he was cute too, with this permanent bunny smile plastered on his mouth, and beads of sweat visible on his forehead from jumping and dancing uncontrollably with Taehyung earlier.

     Now, they were sitting on the couch, Jungkook's foot tapping rapidly on the carpet, and Yoongi nodding occasionally to whatever Jungkook was babbling about, head resting lightly on Jungkook’s shoulder and Jungkook’s hand on his thigh, shooting sparks up his body everything Jungkook tapped it absently. Yoongi insisted internally that it was because Yoongi had a bad reaction to people tapping his thighs.

     Then Jimin appeared in front of the pair, hair messy and smile wide on his face, not even close to tired. He probably had 3 shots of Red Bull, if Yoongi was going to be honestly blunt.

     "Hyung, come dance with me!" Jimin beckoned, winking greasily at Yoongi, who grimaced playfully in return. He opened his mouth, and Jungkook stopped speed-talking when Jimin grabbed Yoongi's elbow and made to pull him up.

     Yoongi tried to pull away, because really, he didn't want to dance. He was tired, and he just wanted to pretend to listen to the maknae ramble on about his favorite parts when recording, lowkey falling asleep.

     But Jimin was literally a walking boulder, and his grip was strong and firm. And Yoongi wasn't strong, everyone knew it. He sighed, feet unwilling as he was pulled up. Jimin giggled, enjoying Yoongi's pain (okay, maybe Yoongi was exaggerating, but that's okay)

     But then Jungkook's arm shot out, hitting Yoongi's stomach not too hard, but hard enough for Jimin to let go of Yoongi in surprise, and for Yoongi to stumble back into Jungkook's lap.

     He knew he looked like a bright red tomato right now, because  Jungkook's breath was hot on his neck as he talked to Jimin, hands instinctively wrapped around Yoongi's waist.

     "He's talking to me," Jungkook explained to Jimin, who raised an eyebrow and crossed his arms.

    “Let him dance a little, maknae. He’s been working for a long time and deserves a break.” Jimin argued.

    “This is a break!” Jungkook quipped back. “He likes talking to me! Right, Yoongi hyung?”

    “No, Yoongi wants to dance with me, right, hyung?”

    Yoongi didn’t want to hurt Jimin’s feelings, who suddenly adopted the cute puppy look, but the thought of resting on Jungkook’s shoulder sounded pretty nice. And comfortable. And effortless.

   Yoongi opened his mouth to reply, but Jungkook interrupted. “Why do you even want to dance with him, of all people? Just dance with Taehyung.” Jungkook ordered, arms wrapping tighter around Yoongi. “Yoongi hyung’s busy.”

    “Fine.” Jimin pouted, spinning around and strutting away.
Jungkook lifted up Yoongi and set him on the seat to his right, smiling again, as if nothing happened.

     "Anyway, hyung, what was I talking about? Oh yeah, lamb kebabs? So.." 

Yoongi gulped, not knowing what else this maknae was capable of.



An hour and a half later, the party didn't cease. Jimin danced with Taehyung to "Go Crazy", emtying a can of Red Bull over poor Tae's head. Taehyung giggled, and Yoongi thought they looked cute together, Jimin with a permenant smile on his face and Taehyung with damp hair and a wide grin, both of them enjoying eachothers company.

    I could have been in Taehyung's place right now. 

But then that thought ran through Yoongi's head, and he cringed. 

Yoongi decided to listen to Jungkook's consitent rambling- This time the topic was recording the music video. Again. "And then your acting was so intense, hyung," Jungkook chewed on his plastic yellow Koolaid straw, and then stuck it in Yoongi's mouth, forcing Yoongi to drink. "I think our fight was the best in the whole video. Right?"

Yoongi gagged as he swallowed fruit punch. "Jungkook," He plucked the straw out of his mouth, glaring at the said boy. "First of all, that's disgusting, why would you chew on your straw and give it to me?" He handed Jungkook the straw, who swung his legs back and forth and grinned sheepishly.

"And second of all," Yoongi's stony glare switched to his signature gummy smile. "Our fight was definitely the best scene."

"Yeah!" Jungkook held up a hand and Yoongi slapped it. "It was so intense!"

"Yeah, intense." Yoongi looked at Jungkook, who was staring down at him with happy eyes. His heart beat a tiny bit faster and he moved a little closer on the couch to the boy, a surge of bravery shooting through him. Yoongi reaches out to grasp Jungkooks rough and warm one, squeezing it. Spontaneous?

"We're the intense bro's."

Jungkook raises an eyebrow, and all of a sudden he's moving closer and he's got the prettiest eyes and Jungkook's touching his cheek softly, and Yoongi's heart is beating way too fast, and oh my god, Jungkook just kissed him.

 Yoongi's eyes flutter shut, and he feels Jungkook's grin against his lips. When the raven haired boy wraps his arms around his waist and Yoongi's hands sink into his hair, it feels like this was how it should have been all along.

They pull away for a few seconds, Yoongi rapidly blinking and Jungkook staring at him with the stupidest smile, like he's in love and he adores Yoongi and god, was it always this hot in the room? Yoongi doesn't remember-


Yoongi snaps his head toward the maknae, who's slowly moving closer to him again. "Yeah?" He croaks.

   "I like you." 

Jungkook's hand finds its way into his, their fingers fitting together perfectly when he pulls Yoongi into another kiss.

The party whirs around them, screams and giggles sprouting from here and there. The song playing now is "Baepsae", and when they pull away once more, Jungkook's smirk now is dangerous.

          "Wanna dance?"

Yoongi's cheeks flush pink, but he nods.




(lol baepsae because of them hip s though) 

(i got a q about it, that's why)

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Lollipop515 #1
Yes, they look soo cute together ♡♡
Lollipop515 #2
Chapter 1: The scene they were talking about, was my fav too,
sweetgirl19 #3
Chapter 1: Wow, I got butterflies <3 They look so cute together <3 I'm sure that there was more to their scenes that they were letting on xd <3
yoursugar #4
Chapter 1: Why baepsae?? Anyway they look good together
igolden #5
Chapter 1: Nice haha ;)