Author's Note

The Lifetime Kids

I am unsure if anybody will look at this, but I wanted to create an Author's Note here, simply because, on many levels, I feel it is owed both to my past readers, and to SHINee.

Whilst writing this story, I disappeared. Without going into unneccesary detail, the fact was that I became very unwell, and was unable to write, or do anything, really. In September of last year, I was forced into recovery, and now, I am doing a lot better, and have returned to this site - however, with a new account and a new focus. My user is now ColourSynesthesia, and the group I am writing about there is BTS. 

For those of you who may wonder why I have stoppped writing about SHINee, my honest answer is that I just... can't. I feel terrible, for I know, given the events of the past year, that the boys need support now more than ever; however, I can't focus on them without thinking of what happened Jonghyun, and that breaks me. It really, really does. I returned to the fandom after my illness just in time for his passing, and it struck me so hard. Jonghyun had given me such hope, and, though I suspected he was suffering, I could never have fathomed the true extent. I still love SHINee dearly, and they still mean a lot to me, but I just can;t write about them, in fear of tarnishing Jonghyun's memory.

I just want to add a brief thank you, whether you find my new account or not. My readers here got me through some of the toughest points in my life; I couldn't have overcome much of what I have without the support I have recieved. There is little I can do to accurately thank you all. I am so, so sorry for disappearing, and for all I left discontinued; I know I don't deserve forgiveness for that, but I want you all to know that this is a community I miss, and you all, as readers, really did mean the world to me.

Thank you, and hopefully we will chat again some-time.




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i got a sudden burst of inspiration for this story... i really hope it lasts long enough that i can update Dx


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Chapter 21: I’m so happy that you’re doing better than before. You don’t have to apologise either, you’ve done nothing wrong, and at the end of the day all that matters is what is best for you. I wish you all the very best for the future <3
Freakyll #2
Chapter 20: I'm sorry I took so long to comment ! I read the chapter as soon as it was updated but I had no energy (sickness has stuck me into my bed... to do homework)
I don't quite understand what Jonghyun means at the beginning of the chapter, about caring. Maybe because I feel that I care not enough, I can't get why he wish he wouldn't care. Unless it is actually destroying him, a little bit like Taemin's love for Jonghyun is ? I don't know. My brain isn't wired right now.
Yunkyung is so creepy to me. You manage to make the fear of your characters crawl into the readers' mind. I can't see the manager as something else than a threat ; which he may be, but with the subjective narrative, it's hard to tell. I think the most bothering thing is how they do not protest at all, despite knowing the unfairness of the situation. To me it seems like SM destroyed something in them, the part which is supposed to resist this kind of abuse, and it is scaring me to imagine what they could have done to them to manage that.

Great work as usual ! I'm happy to read you again ^.^
(by the way, did you receive my private message ? I answered the one you sent me a little bit before New Year, but with this website I'm not sure that anything really works...)
Chapter 20: updated.

I'm sorry I hadn't read and commented earlier. I didn't get a notif for some reason and I was just checking the jongtae tag when I saw this.

I'm just- I don't know. You always do this to me. I hate you. I'm speechless.

What Jonghyun was saying in the beginning of this chapter- the fact that SHINee's relationships transcend work relationships or even just frienship -it's so utterly true.

I ing hate the manager here. And oh lord, SHINee went from being a group with no scandals to so scandalous they could put me to shame.

Minho... I don't know what to say. I just hope he didn't hurt anyone while driving drunk.

You're going to kill me with your writing. Honestly. You're a murderess. (I MEAN JUST LOOK AT YOUR WORD CHOICE. IT GIVES ME SO MUCH PLEASURE. azaleas and nebulas and choirmasters.)

I'm sorry that this comment is shorter than usual. I would've written more. There's so much I want to say. So much. But honestly my praise for you would fill up a whole book by itself. I'm just really busy and school and life (I'm going to New York tomorrow!). I hope to see an update... whenever you're ready honestly. Don't force yourself to write. Take care of yourself. I worry about you. I love you! <3
Chapter 20: Oh my god! I gasped out loud when I saw the head line of the article! I love this story so much, thank you for writing it, seriously. Everything; the pace, the characters, the poetry, the all works so well. Each sentence makes me want to read more and they are crafted beautifully.
kideaterr #5
Chapter 19: Thank you so much for writing this oh my gosh!
I read all of it in one day and I am MIND BLOWN at how beautifully this is written!
Your poems are wonderful. I love how subtle yet striking they are and I think they are wonderful editions to the chapters!
I do hope that you continue to update and update soon!
I've grown so attached and protective of these characters and I can't wait to see what happens!
Take care of yourself !

Thank you!
Chapter 19: Thank you for update, I like it so much especially wanted to know what happen to my minho... you are the best authornim really the best :)
Freakyll #7
Chapter 19: Sorry it took me a while to comment... Final week in exhausting so I have trouble being coherent when I write, so I don't guarantee the worth of this review x) I wanted to comment your poetry, too, but I'll do it later.
First of all, I'm really happy that you wrote this chapter, not only as a reader but also because I hope it means that you are as well as you can be :3 Honestly, the most interesting part for me was the first one, and I don't think that it's only because I'm Taemin-biased but also because I feel like you really enjoy writing his thought. The narrative is great as usual and we can follow the flow of his thoughts without it feeling forced or unnatural. That being said, the thoughts themselves, his fascination with Jonghyun and the way he touches him in his sleep... is worrying, sad, and even slighty creepy. Because it shows that he is beginning to truly lose control, especially with how painful it is for him to retract from going further. I wonder if Jonghyun was awake, though. Granted he didn't move, and since Jonghyun is pretty open with his emotions that would surprise me if he did manage to stay still with Taemin caressing him that way, but well. He did wake up at the sound of the phone call, so why not at the touch of Taemin ?
Taemin feels very lonely to me. His secret love for Jonghyun is eating him from inside. He has to tell someone, and yet it is very clear that he is unable to (and to be honest, I would be too, with how SHINee is in this story. Not untrustworthy, but... you know. Fear of change and truth.)
Minho's disappearance is such a mystery , that I can't comment on it yet. However SHINee's reactions are very telling They are lost and unable to cooperate or form a concrete plan (or even communicate with eachothers). And this manager is starting to freak me out, with the way the members react to him. His reaction about Minho's disappearance won't be good. I hope nothing violent occurs during the next chapter...
Beautifelle #8
Chapter 19: Ooh, that rising action is really spicing things up! I love it :) thank you so much for updating, and we understand if you want to take breaks from time to time ^_^
It seems like poor taem has to support all of the members...being a constant support source and reliable friend for Jinki, taking care and keeping secrets for kibum, comforting and protecting jjong...and now Minhos in trouble too. I hope Taemin gains the strength to look after all his hyungs well~!
Chapter 19: I love it! the story is picking up tempo and it makes me so excited! beautiful writing, as always!
Thank you for updating, although it might have been hard for you, and I hope you're doing well <3
Chapter 19: Hey, you write for yourself and your so kind to share it with readers.

And this is how it shoukd be

Write for yourself, not for the others. :)