Step Into My Shoes


How much are you willing to pay to change your life with someone else? Yoomi wishes she can have someone's elses life, but what she doesn't realize is that it doesn't get easier by having someone else's life.
I wish I was someone else. I wish I had their lives.
We all have our own demons, we all have our own obstacles to jump.
In the end, we can either choose to live the lives we have, or we can choose to dream about another life.


The New Girl

Lee Yoomi:

"Perfection is merely a camouflage for every little imperfection"


​The Jocks

Min Yoongi (Suga):

“When they’ve walked in my footsteps and seen what I’ve seen, that is when they have the right to judge me. But they don’t have any rights now.”


Jeon Jungkook:

"They all end up leaving us, why bother staying now?"


Park Jimin:

"Trust is not handed on a silver platter, it's handed on a plate splattered with blood and tears."


​The Gangsters:

Kim Namjoon (Rap Monster):

"If I can't be there for loved ones when they're in trouble, what else am I good for?"


Kim Taehyung (V):

"Who cares about me? No one even notices the true me."


Jung Hoseok (J-Hope):

"Can't they see the pain I have to go through? The hardships I've face?"


The "Rich Guy"/"Nice Guy"

Kim Seokjin (Jin):

"Why can't I follow my own dreams, my own path? Why do my parents get to choose what's best for me?"


The Nerds

Sung Jaehwa:

"What's the use of friends? They're just extra baggage in our already stressed-filled lives."


Guk Kyungmi:

​There is only so much I can do before I am forgotten.


​The Popular Girls

​Nam Hana:

"What's the synonym to love, you ask? Betrayal. Pain. Damage."


Choi Jiwoo:

"I can study for 8 hours and still never be as smart as the dumbest person, so why should I try?"


Dae Iseul

"It doesn't matter what I do, in the end everyone will just see me as a ."




​*Disclaimer: Photos and BTS (sadly) do not belong to me. Credit is given to their respectful owners.


©Kayleena. 2016. This story is mine, and any similarities is merely a coincidence.


*Note: While the themes will be similar to a loooot of BTS' Music Videos, this is not a theory. I will be using a lot of reoccuring themes in BTS MV and some may be similar to current MV but I had begun writing this after I NEED U came out. Over the months, though, I have made edits along the way so that it is more similar to the MVs. Each character's personality, is more based on someone I've known who has faced the situation. I've help out people who have faced depression and a lot of horrendous things and some of them have allowed me to write out their stories to share to the world.

**There will be some cussing and some uncomfortable topics that are not recommended for audiences under 15. Mentions of things such as , murder, and abuse; however it will not be extremely discriptive unless it is mentioned otherwise.

***There will be comments that may make others uncomfortable, especially to those who have been in similar situations. I do not mean any offense by having these mentioned, but it is required to have some of these comments to better understand the situation the characters are facing.


​AN: Again, these situations are very much true, however they have been implemented into a fictional story. So while there are real people behind these "fake" characters, there are still real people who have faced these situation. This story was actually started to show to others that while we are all different, we all still go through challenges and that it's never too late to express ourselves.

​Can you guess what they've face, just using the little clues and the MV?


Dedicated to:

​My friends who have allowed me to input their personal experiences into this story

Those of you who have had a smilar situation to the characters

BTS for helping me to survive during the hardest moments of my life



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