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The ones in Times New Roman are the translation, the ones in italics are his thoughts, and the rest is the unfolding of their story.




It’s all about you, my Butterfly
Every time I come close to you
(every time I’m feeling you)
Feel like I’m gonna dream every time
( I get butterfly)

Unintentionally, I look the sky like
It looks similar to when you smile
Specifically your dazzling [smile] baby
My day consists of our romantic drama
Make me cry and smile no no no



It was night, and I was dreaming… yes I was dreaming, I kept saying that…

Because if not, how can a butterfly as beautiful of you appear right in front of me, dazzling and all, just light the shimmering night sky above us, with stars that lighted up the mundane night…

You, who are the reason I was like this, like a fluttering mess, always and every time you grace me with your presence…

And the you smile, and it was as if the beautiful night sky above us, so calm but beautiful, so radiant, everything reminded me of you, everything was about you…

You and me in our romantic drama…

Just you and me, and the dazzling beauty you carry…

Make me laugh and cry, you who held my romance…




“Jiyong-sshi, you’re here again,” Taeyeon smiled, her eyes forming into crescents. She follows suit Yoona, who was sliding herself into the booth, not before acknowledging the presence of two other males beside Jiyong. “Soohyuk oppa, Daesung-ah, nice to see you again.”


“Hey.” Simple words, as always, from the chic leader.


It wasn’t the first time the five of them gathered like this. But it definitely wasn’t that many time that they have gathered like this. It was usually the four of them, Taeyeon, Yoona, Daesung, and Soohyuk. Until recently, when Jiyong decided to grace them with his presence. It was awkward at first, with him not saying much, making the other four, who are already used to each other’s silliness, at a loss of word. But Taeyeon being Taeyeon, and Yoona being Yoona, and Daesung being Daesung, and Soohyuk being Soohyuk, the awkward atmosphere turns bright within a minute.


“Hey, Taengoo. I ordered your usual. Yours too, Yoona-ya.” Daesung, always the thoughtful ones, despite his somewhat eccentric mind.


But everyone at the table noted the solemn look on Yoona’s façade. And the usual Yoona who are always the loudest one at their meetings are suddenly so quiet today.


“What’s up, Yoong?” Soohyuk asked, a bit wary of the situation.


The three men looked at each other as Yoona huff and puff, annoyance painted on her face. It wasn’t until Taeyeon cough brought their attention towards her instead, and her eyes signaling them to not ask.


But it was too late, and the question has already been asked.


“I am going to kill him.” Her voice, darker than usual, her hands both fisted on the table. Taeyeon grimace at her dongsaeng’s low voice, that was dripping with anger and resentment.


“Yoona-ya, it wasn’t his fault. It was just an accident.” Taeyeon Yoona’s back, lightly in an attempt to sooth her down. Her eyes casted apologetically towards the men who are still in the shadows.


Yoona turned her body towards Taeyeon, facing her beloved unnie. Her hands gripping hard on Taeyeon’s shoulder. “Accident, Unnie? Really?! He hurt you! And I don’t even know why I am the one who is getting all worked up while you, unnie, are the one who have been hurt by him! And you are all fine and forgiving!” Yoona voiced out her anger, her voice octaves higher with every words.


“You’re hurt, Taengoo?!” Daesung was alarmed, and so does the other men, all eyes frantically on her, making Taeyeon shrunk down in embarrassment.


“Yes she is! Can’t you see she was practically limping just now?!”


“Wow, Yoona, calm down okay. We wouldn’t be asking if we’d known.” Soohyuk turned his attention towards Taeyeon again, “Are you okay, Taengoo?”


Taeyeon can only smile, as always, Soohyuk will always be the caring ones. She can’t decipher what type of a person Jiyong is yet, mybe because he was always near-mute when they meet up like this. “Fine. Don’t worry. Just a slight spraint. No biggie.”


From the end of her eyes, she could feel the strong gaze from the only person who has yet to voice out other than hi

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taeyeoppeo #1
Chapter 1: deserves an upvote can you please write more gtae
rethmargareth #2
Chapter 1: OMG! You come back! ><
i like this story ~! i like how jiyong stay loyal to taeyeon, and i love how taeyeon in the end love jiyong back@!
i love thsi! ♥
thank you for writing this fanfic!
gtaewinks #3
Chapter 1: So cute. Thanks for this one-shot!
Chapter 1: Too cuteee... This one shot is really niceee... Cuteee
mirantialimin #5
Chapter 1: Its too sweet...OMG... I cant control myself... Hope its can be true in real life
aestaengsic #6
Chapter 1: Gosh this is sweet
Saginglangangmaypuso #7
Chapter 1: This is nice. Please write more author-nim!
Chapter 1: this so beautiful, love this one shot!!!