Regret {one-shot}


Sad story about someone who is dying.. 

leave her family and friends just to make them forget about her..

forget about her existence..

Just to protect the persons she love..



Jiyeon sit at her chair. Her eyes keep looking at the outside window. She tries to remember all the happiness and sadness that come and go from her life. People used to think she is lucky. Surround by the people who love her. But deep inside her heart, she not feels lucky. She may surround by the people who love her but not now. Now she all alone. She do not know what have she done in the past that make her suffer like now. May be what people said about life is true. We will never always in the top. We will never keep feel happiness. One day, when the time comes we may be in the bottom. Sadness will surround us. That what she feels right now. She tried everything to make things better, but it will never be like what she wishes to be. She just can cry. Every day. Nothing she can do to make things better.

She sits quietly with teary eyes. Slowly the tears fall down at her cheeks. She slowly walks toward her desk. Take the album picture of her beloved family and friends. She walk back to her chair. Slowly she open the album. Looking at the picture of her happy family. Her Dad. Her mother. Her brother. She wonders what they do right now. Did they live happily without her. Did they remember her. She feels regrets for what she has done but for her, it is the best for them. She may suffer from her own action, but for her, it is better for her to suffer than her family. She is willing to make herself suffer because the love towards her family is too deep. She can't even see tears fall from their eyes. She regrets but it is for the best. At least the best for her family.

She see the next picture in the album. All the pictures are her friends. She like to snap picture of her friends. But none of the picture includes her. She like to see her friends reaction. Her friends face. Eunjung unnie. Hyomin unnie. Even though they have different age, but they still can be best friends together. They always spend time throughout the happy and sad moment together. They know each other almost 5 years when she moved to new house. From that time they knew each other. They lived in the same village. Go to the same school, just different class because of the age different. But they will always go to school together. Sometimes, they will take bus. Sometimes they will riding bicycle together and sometimes they will just walk to school if they feels they want to spent more time together. At school, every recess time they will sit together. Eat lunch together. Gossiping about anything. Boys. Girls. While at night, they will always sleepover either at her house or eunjung's house. They will share everything with each other. They will share what happen to them at school during class. Gossiping about their crush. They will laugh together. They will cried together. How she miss all that. She sheds her tears using her palm. She must strong. She can't cry because this is the way that she choose. There are plenty ways for her to choose but she choose this way because her love towards them too deep. She can't see tears fall from their face. Tears that falls because of her. She just can't take it.

She close the album and continue looking at the outside. She can see a fews children play with each other. She once likes that but now not anymore. Her tears fall again when she see the childs who playfully play with each other. Her tears keep falling. She do not know how to stop it from fall. She really miss her family and friends. She wish she can travel the time back and cherish all the day and moment with them and not to choose this way. She still can change it because it is not too late for her to do so but she just don't have courage to see them. To seek forgiveness and explain everything.

She try remember the day when she leave her family. She regret because for the first time she make her family cried. For the first time she make people who she loved cried. She cares her cheeks. She still can feels when her mother slap her. The pain was unbearable, but she know the pain are nothing compare what she have done to her family. Her pain at her cheeks is nothing compare to what she feels in her heart. It is not her intention to makes her family cried her but she forced herself to make something so that her family can hate her. She said something hars to someone who raised her. To someone who cherish her since she still a baby. She said something that hurt not only her heart but also her family. She regret it for the rest of her life but for her, what she done is the best for her family. Her family throws her away because of her word and her action. Her family thinks she is rude. They do not know what exactly happen. It is not their fault because she never told anything to her family. She leave her family with broken heart. They will blame her for what she did. They will hate her for what she said. But she will never hate and forget them because they knew nothing. If there will be one person to be blame, none other than her. She knows the moment she said those harsh word make them hurt. Deeply. She leave the house without turning back to look at her family. She afraid if she look at them, she will change her decision. Decision that will make her suffer in the future but will make her family happy in the future. Happiness of her family is important to her. They may hurt now but in future they will happy. Sometimes, not know things is better than knowing something that just can make yourself hurt in the future.

She walk back towards the desk. She open the box that place at the desk. She take out the necklace that writtern EUNJIMIN at the necklace. EUNJIMIN stand for eunjung, jiyeon and hyomin. The necklace that prove their close friendship. She cry again. She really miss eunjung smile. Hyomin smile. She really miss her two dorky friends. How she wish she can hug both of them.Tell them what she said is not true. Anything that come from at that time is not true. Word that can hurt their heart. Word that make their friendship broken. Words that make eunjung and hyomin hate her. She really miss them. She miss to walk to the class with them. Miss to sleep over with them in her house. Miss gossiping with them. She miss everything about her friends.

She lay at her bed. Tired of crying. Almost every day she cried. She wish her day will come so she will not suffer like this anymore. She tired of crying. She tired of everything. She closed her eyes hoping that she will never wake up again. 



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what is the reason why she leave her family and friends?? update soon^^
mayang #2
luv it!!!update s00n!