It just happened.


A Girl with Dreams. Big Dreams

A Boy who helped her Achive them.

But not everything has a happy ending.


'Once upon a time....' He blurted.

'But appa, every story starts like that, change it a bit.'

He touched her cheeks and started all over again.

'Once...Not long time ago, lived a girl....' He paused and looked out the window.

'Appa~' She pulled his sweater. He looked back and gave the warmest smile any father could give, even though inside he was allmost dieing.




Okay then let's start with the characters. ^^

Han ______ (You)

  • Loves the colour blue.
  • She is kind once you get to know her but to strangers a full on !
  • Tries her best to be like a guy (Reason is there)
  • Shows aegyo only to her father, Han Minhyuk, well because your a daddy's girl :)
  • When determined to do something works really hard but usually laziness takes over.


Kim Sunggyu

  • Respectfull to all elders 
  • Leaves a very good first impression on everybody, which tells them he is well-mannered but what they don't see is the mischiveous devil inside him
  • Can't keep secrets, has to tell best friend
  • Loves Epik high
  • Has always dreamt of being a pilot (Changes in time)


Nam Woohyun

  • Always smiled even when times were bad
  • Has always been beside his best buddy, Sunggyu, through his hard times
  • Sings very well
  • Very concerened about looks
  •   Never backed down in a fight.


The other members come as the story moves on.

a reminder to all AFF readers that this story is fictional. None of these incidents have happend before. This story is purely Buglove1's and no copyrights allowed. I hope you support this story and look forward to all the events in here and once again this story is fictional. (Infinite does not exist in this story) Thank you :)




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Sounds interesting so far, can't wait for the next chapter! [:
minhee_hong #2
I love the plot ^^ It's very interesting ^^ Update soon~ :)