When angels fall


He feels the fire within him burning out, flickering ever so slightly, growing dimmer and dimmer. It was almost time.


HAI! This is my first time trying my hand at writing a fic ^^ it's gonna be jeonghan centric in the first chapter and then some jeongcheol later. I have a tendency to write angst and this has mentions of suicide just fyi~

Jeonghan's an idol here too but he's a soloist. He's meant to be in his mid twenties. 

Cheol's character would probably appear later and he's in his mid twenties as well, but, he's a normal human :) 

Both of them will take the appearance of their mansae era, blonde hannie and black haired cheol.


Please leave comments or feedback! I wrote this at like 3 in the morning while being an emonemo, pardon any grammar errors XD



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