baekhyun - Maid or Wife?

천사 안녕

"you don't have to go to the office next week."

Fired? Baekhyun tilted his head towards his father.

"I want you to focus on your wife Baekhyun" he finally speaks his agenda. "Go on a vacation, or honeymoon, fight for this marriage Baekhyun-ah, your marriage!"

Baekhyun sighed. From the tone his father was using, it had been finalized!. No more discussion. But he could still try.

"But there's so many work here at the office appa, i can't just leave like that!" He fights back. Swirling the expensive pen in between his fingers.

"You know i could handle it just fine. That's what I've been doing these past years, even before you were born."

"But what if she doesn't want to? I'll just make a shame of myself." Baekhyun sighed, droping the pen to raked his finger through his hair.

"What?! She doesn't want to?" The older exclaimed. "Baekhyun ever since she was married to you, all she does is cooped up in the house. She has no one else Baekhyun, yet all i could think of is that you were treating her like a maid!"

Baekhyun froze in his seat. How he could be so on point at this?

"I know you Baekhyun-ah, you're my son. You tend to push others away when you get hurt even just once, because you don't want to feel the pain again. But Baekhyun, you'll never know if you've never give her a chance. Not everyone is the same as she is!" His father lectures him.

Baekhyun sighed again. It is true. Ever since Taeyeon broke his heart, he never wants to get tangled in a complicated relationship. She was in his past, promising his future in a picture together with her, letting him fly up high in the sky like a kite but someway, somehow when he is high enough, she cut him loose. Running away, leaving him drifted into the wind with no one to hold on to.

He was tired of feeling the pain and no more. He wanted no more of those feeling which is why he just accept the marriage his parents propose.

Because he wasn't the one at the falling end. She is.

"Go Baekhyun, try. I won't say that it doesn't hurt, but at least you try." His father smiles encouragingly at him before getting out of his office. "Don't dwell on the past cause you'll miss your future son."

It was dismissal time. Usually Baekhyun would always be on time checking in and out of his office but tonight, he doesn't want to go home just yet.

Where did we go wrong Taeyeon-ah? Is the love i gave you isn't enough? What is it that he has i don't? Baekhyun sighed again.

"Don't dwell on the past 바보!" He sighed, resting against the extra comfort office chair. He had few buttons undone, his tie tagled messily around his neck. The chair wasn't comfortable for sleep in, but he still feel asleep like that for a few hours.

Only when his stomach rumbles he was awaken from his nap. The humming of the air-conditioning is the only thing heard in the office. It was almost half past eight. He should probably go back now.

The house is still brightly lighted. Baekhyun shrugged, 'maybe she just want to make it easier for me when i get back home.' But the tv were still on too, as he steps deeper into the house.

He place his briefcase by the kitchen island. Since he wanted to live a small modern apartment, the setting is like that.

The kitchen is the first space by the left then the bathroom and dining area with a larger living room by the deeper right space. Their room were upstairs, the master bedroom is his, the second one is for his wife and the other two were left as guestroom.

As he walk towards the tv to turn it off, he notice a figure, laying on the sofa curled up in fetal position. He frown, it was uncomfortable sleeping like this. She could get a backache.

He wanted to wake her up, telling her to sleep in her room, but he stops when he notice how peaceful the way she was sleeping.

Baekhyun scrunch down on his knees, getting a closer look at her face, the tv is still on, but his attention is still on his sleeping wife.

For the first time since their wedding, Baekhyun studies his wife. She had a soft feminines feature, she had small downturn eyes with slightly pointy nose , she wasn't chubby but just the perfect amount of fullness on those cheeks.

Her lips were always pink and nicely shaped, it looks pretty even without any colour on them. In response, Baekhyun his own. He snapped out of it when the tv starts playing an action scene.

He turn to close the animated box before turning around at his wife again. "Would you really be worth the pain?" He whisper to himself.

The male stands and take one last look at his wife, gently placing his coat over her body before entering his room.

That night, the both of them were sleeping with an empty stomach, one was trying not to wake the other while the other was waiting for the one to come back home. Homemade food were left cold on the table.


She squirm in her sleep, it was uncomfortable on the sofa but the smells each time she takes a deep breath was pulling her back to sleep.

'what is this smells? So soft with a hint of fading cologne. It smells like the sea and forest all together!' ahh~ and it smells like Baekhyun.

She buried her nose deeper before realisation downs her. Sitting up straight at once, the apparel falls on her laps. Huh?

She grabs the coat and buries her nose into the collar, its Baekhyun's coat. Why is this here? She gasped! Did that mean she falls asleep while waiting for her husband?

'this is so embarrassing!'

She mumbles incoherent words to herself before going to her room, stopping by the kitchen, looking at the cold food from the night before.

'what a waste!'

Since Baekhyun didn't touch the food she made last night, he would probably be hungry this morning. So she quickly readies herself before going back downstairs to cook a hefty amount for their breakfast, she was starving too.

Baekhyun always eats at home ever since she starts cooking for their meal and she was thankful for that. It was the only time Baekhyun was home, he always make himself busy at his office but he never forget to brings back groceries or anything she wishes him to do which in return, she had nowhere to go.

Staying home all day is a nice option too since she wasn't the type who likes to walk around aimlessly, but still she wishes she had a time out to go. Holiday.

But Baekhyun was always busy and the wife wouldn't want to disturb him. After all, he is the bread winner in the family. She don't want to be a burden or trouble and the least she could do was doing chores and taking good care of him.

Baekhyun was up as usual. Its saturday, and he doesn't wish to go to office today, maybe he could use some rest for the weekends.

'and search for a vacation places' he thought.

The males takes a quick bath before settles back on the bed with his macbook. He starts searching for interesting places to go for a holiday. Hawaii seems like a nice holiday spot.

This will be the first steps then. They get to spend some time together. Both of them were just strangers married to each other, so he could use this chance to get to know her. She could probably do the same.

Baekhyun enter the kitchen at the sound of sizzling cooking, she was cooking something. He casually strols towards the fridge, looking like he was searching for something.

"I-i'm sorry Baekhyun-shi. Can you wait atleast fifteen minutes more before having breakfast?" She asked him in their silent. His wife was standing by the stove, spatula swishing the grilling bacon but eyes on him.

"Yeah, sure" he shrugged before heading to the living room.

He thought to himself. Had she always been calling him that? Why didn't he notice how awkward they were? His father is right. Byun Baekhyun right now is treating his wife like a low life servant! ing !

The guilt is eating him alive. This has to stop!

This isn't the purpose of marriage. Ha was supposed to take care of her, like what his parents told him too! Yet, he goes to the other way, she was the one taking care of him while he kept her locked up in their house.

Both of them were having breakfast in silent. Baekhyun may not know much about marriage, but he knows what happy marriage is, his parents shows him lots of it. And right now, both of them were empty.

Baekhyun clears his throat, getting her attention. "Do you want more coffee Baekhyun-shi?" She asked.

He sighs, this might be a little bit more difficult then how he expect.

"You are not my maid." He called out for her softly.

She stares puzzled at him.

"If i need more coffee, i can do it myself. If i need more food, i can take it on my own. You don't have to serve me all the time."

"But you are my husband, i am supposed to serve you right?" She asked him.

"Yes, but right now you are serving me like how a maid is suppose to towards their master" he explain.

His wife is younger by a few years below him. Less matured, he conclude. He doesn't know if she is just plain filial or stupid. This is why he likes older women. They know what to do and what to act like accordingly.

She shuts her lips. The tone he was using feels like the one teacher's use to chastised their students. Both continues eating in silent.

Baekhyun finished eating first but he remains in his seat, calmly seeping his coffee while slyly observing his wife.

"Pack your bags. We're going on a vacation." He told her too, more like commanding her.

"Eh? Where too?" Now stopping taking foods into .

"Hawaii. For the next whole week" he calmly states, finishing his cup of morning coffee. Sheilding the smile when he finally notice her first smile, althout it wasn't directed towards him.

"We'll be leaving monday morning." Baekhyun said while standing to takes his plate to the sink. His wife just nods, making mental notes on things to pack.

"Do you need to find anything for the trip?" The male asked, facing her again while dabbing his hands on the kithen towel.

The wife hummed, before asking "will we be going to the beach?"

Baekhyun nodded as his answer. "Maybe most of the time." Besides, that is what Hawaii is famous for.

"Then can i go to the mall today?" She asked excitedly.

Baekhyun shrugged, "yeah sure." The wife almost squealed out loud. Quickly finishing her remaining breakfast.

"Do you need me to take you there?" Baekhyun asked politely.

She stops, thinking for a while. Baekhyun is rarely home, maybe today he wanted to rest, so asking for his help to take her there would be a big no!

"Ohh, no. It's okay Baekhyun-shi. I could just takes a bus" she rejects politely.

But Baekhyun clucks his tongue. "Haven't i told you not to call me like i am your master?"

His wife clamps shuts.

"Just Baekhyun next time, okay?"

She just nod, but Baekhyun raised his eyebrows at her. "Yes, Baekhyun."

And que the smile. "I'll take you there." He said before walking away, leaving her no chance to reject the offer.

Turns out going to the mall with his wife isn't as as he expect it to be. The past women he had been dating is difficult to please and they prefer expensive materials rather than the cheaper ones not to forget how they are more open to people flirting with them which Baekhyun hates the most.

But his wife here, is different. A point he learn today. She was meticulous in what she was about to buy, and she does it after a deep thinking. She takes cheaper items not because she couldn't afford it, but because she claims those were pure wasting, you're buying the functionality, not the popularity.

He remembers when he had left her alone for a while for a quick use of the toilets, there were few men trying to talk to her. But she rejects them politely, and he doesn't miss the way her eyes brighten up at him when he walks towards his wife. Looking at him like he was her savior or something.

Baekhyun snicker to himself, what do this guys even sees in her, trying to flirt with her like that. She was just wearing a simple outfit and she doesn't even bother applying makeup, just a slight foundation, thin eyeliner and a soft lip tint. Nothing special.

Nothing compared to his Kim Taeyeon.

"So, what do you want to do next?" Baekhyun asked her. She had brought a few things for their trip like sundress, sneakers and new casual shirts.

"I just need to find one more thing, can you wait for a while, Baekhyun-shh" the said male raised challenging eyebrows at her "Baekhyun." She finishes clearly.

"Sure." He said, checking the time around his wrist. "Then we can have lunch here, is that okay?"

"Okay." She softly smile although it just looks like she just pressed her lips together at him.

"What else do you need anyway?" Baekhyun asked while they were walking around the mall. He were holding a few of her shopping bags while she holds the smaller ones, all which she paid by herself. Refusing his card, well the one in her's is also his, monthly installed to her bank account.

"Just... Something" she refuse to answer his questions. "can you just wait for me in the restaurant and I'll find the item real quick then we can have lunch and head back home." She suggest.

Baekhyun agreed, taking the rest of the bags from her hands and head straight to the restaurant while his wife make a quick dash somewhere in the mall.

He was sitting in a secluded corner of the restaurant, scrolling through his phone after he had order a serving for two. She told him too. Thankfully, she isn't a picky eater.

His wife came up to him a moment later, hiding her new shopping bag behind her.

Now, this Byun Baekhyun had been going out with girls for a long time that he remembers the types of shop girls like to go and what item, the taste and out of all shop they go, he really likes this pinkish stripes bag with golden alphabet written VICTORIA'S SECRET.

And that is what his wife were holding right behind her back.

The male smirks as the wife flustered a nice shades of pink on her cheek.

Before Baekhyun could throw any sneaky comment on the particular shopping bag, the waiter arrived with his order. Saving the wife from further embarrassment. And Baekhyun decide to let it stay that way by silently digging into they meals.
"Waaa~" the female appreciate the beauty lays right before her eyes. The bird eyes view of the suburb Honolulu Waikiki's from their hotel room opens up her eyes at how much she misses in her 22 years of living.

Baekhyun casually strols throughout the room, sleep is the first thing he wishes to do right now after the almost 10 hours flight.

They had rented a premium suite with a king size bed, both of them agreed and Baekhyun had successfully find a good car for the trip.

He settles silently on the bed, usually it would be the girls taking their rest after flight but Baekhyun is the one doing that for this couple. His wife were busy soaking her eyes with the beautiful scenery of the deep blue sea with mesmerizing blue sky.

She wants to take a walk at the beach and was about to asked if Baekhyun wanted to join her but pout to herself when she found Baekhyun already settles in bed.

'but a short walk doesn't hurt right? I would probably back before he even wakes up' she shrugged to herself.

Quickly changed into a long maxi skirt, white blouse, sun glasses and sandals! She slips out of the room leaving a scrabbled notes by the bed post.

The male wakes up to an empty room with an orange sky. It is almost pass 7, he was really tired. Feeling guilty that he had left his wife alone for the past hours but he kills it 'this is what holidays are suppose to do, relaxing'

He search for the said wife around the suite but found no one. He goes back to the bed, reaching his phone before noticing her notes.

'going for a walk, be back before 6'

It has pass 7, yet she wasn't back yet. He takes a quick bath, they are at a foreign land who speaks different languages with unknown people around. He starts to freak out.

Baekhyun hurriedly dials her number only to curse when the phone were ringing in the space. She left her phone. Who would be stupid enough to forget their phone? His wife, unfortunately.

He needs to think of another way to search for her. Baekhyun reach for the phone and his wallet before leaving the suite. Guess he had to do this the hard way.

Baekhyun was frantically running once he steps out of the vertically moving box only the grunt when he knock into another person.

He mutter a flusteres sorry before stopping when it was someone he knows that he knocks in to. "Tae-taeyeon noona?"

The small girl stands straight to look at him. "Yaaa, Baekhyunie? Wh-what are you doing here?" She ask.

Baekhyun rakes his eyes over her feature, rekindles the longing in his heart. She were still so beautiful, so pretty that he sighs in appreciation. Wife forgotten.

"Its been so long noona" he finally mutters.

The girl nods "3 years, right?"

Baekhyun shakes "almost 4" eyes still on her.

Taeyeon had to admit, he was changing exponentially good looking, more manly and matures to. His mochi cheeks were almost gone and not to forget when they bump ago, she could feels the hardness of his chest and abs.

"Are you here alone Baekhyunie? Vacation? Or honeymoon?" She ask after silently agrees going to the hotel lobby.

"I'm... With someone" he smiles, avoiding the actual answer. "How about you noona?"

"Ahh… well then, someone brought me here too." She tease his answer.

Baekhyun chuckles at this before surveying their surrounding. He knows no one but a particular petite girl with asian look and a familiar dark brown locks caught his eyes. She's here!

He sighed in relieve until he realise she was talking to someone else, and a man at that.

The girl wasn't the type to be friendly with people she rarely knew, but now that she's in a foreign lands, meeting a person with her same nationality is fairly interesting besides, he doesn't seems harmful.

The man came up to her while she was walking along the beach and offers her a good company. He brings her to the local restaurant for a coffee before offered to accompany her back to her suite.

Baekhyun walks towards the new friend with a grim face. That is MY wife there you're talking to buddy!

The girl heard her name being called and turns around to see Baekhyun walking in her direction with a girl trailing behind, eyes also on her.

She may not know much about her husband, but that girl, she had learned about her. The girl who used to out his soul before leaving him to die alone. What is she doing here? She in a deep breath when they are near.

"Where have you been? I was looking for you!" Baekhyun asked, although it sounds like he was mad at her for no reason.

"I-i was just walking around Baekhyun-shi." She thought it was a good time to use the -shi behind since the girl beside her husband probably doesn't know her status.

Baekhyun seems shock but said nothing because the other male came behind his wife. "Is everything alright?" He ask softly.

He was taller and quiet a good looking on. So, his wife has caught a fish into her tank. Something was burning in his stomach, was is anger? Or jealousy?

And it burns brighter when he notice the unknown male had an arm resting behind her back.

"I see you've made new friend" he continues the formality. "Don't you want to introduce us?"

"O-oh, right!" The male rubs seemingly comfortable circle, causing her white shirt to rides a little, exposing her skin. And it make her really uncomfortable now.

The male takes it to himself for the introduction, "Sehun, Oh Sehun." he offers a hand to shake.

"Baekhyun, Byun Baekhyun" he takes the hand. The tension was thick in the air, until Taeyeon speak.

"Baekhyun-ah, Let's go. We had a lot to catch up. Lets have dinner in my suite then." She flirt openly at him.

His wife said nothing, staring right ahead of them until Sehun pulls her out of her thought. "Then we should probably leave you two alone." He said.

Baekhyun still had his eyes on her, telepathically trying to tell her to reject his offer. Half of him wants to leave with Taeyeon but another half of him wants his wife to say no and make the awkward pleading she would use when she needs his help, and honestly he was leaning on the second thought.

"This is the friend you wanted to inform your whereabouts right?" Sehun ask her again.

The girls nods. "Yeah, but I think i want to rest now Sehun-ah." She says politely. "Ohh, right. You had been walking around since you landed. You must be tired. Lets get to your room then." Sehun suggest eagerly.

The wife nods in agreement "but lets dine first. I need a good food for a good night sleep." Or Baekhyun's coat on me. She sighed to herself, guess the king sized bed is mine alone then.

She wasn't eager to sleep on the same bed with Baekhyun, and it wasn't wrong for her to sleep with her own husband in fact, she was looking forward to it. Because she thought they wanted to fight for this relationship.

But seems like she is the only one thinking that way then. Baekhyun must have want to spend the night with Taeyeon, they had A LOT to catch up on.

Before she turns around to left her husband with his ex, he suddenly grips her wrist. "Keep your phone close." He reminds her while passing the device into her palms.

She nods, "good night then, Baekhyun-shi." She said before leaving with the taller male.

Baekhyun felt his spine tingles at the way Sehun was obviously oogling at his wife and he wanted to smack himself for letting his own wife calling him so formally, again.

"Let's go, Baekhyunie!" Taeyeon says excitedly gripping his arms while pushing her body closer to his side.

For some reasons, it irritates him so much. Even his wife didn't do such flirty behaviors. She acts normally around him.
And he realise something.

Taeyeon is just a common girl with a developed princess attitudes. Yes, she knows how to act around but that was in the past where he was no one husband while now he is still someone's husband, on a vacation with his wife whom he planned to fight for and all he does right now is acting like a teenager who can't move on from his ex when she came back to him although he already had a wife.

Baekhyun labeled his wife as a stupid girl who doesn't know how to act around when he was the one who makes her do stupid things like that. He was the one who puts on the boundary between the both of them when all that she had ever done is takes a good care of him just like how a wife should.

'but she is spending some time with a guy too right now' the little devil whisper.

They were in the elevator going to Taeyeon's floor. His room was just a another floor above hers. And he wonder what is she doing right now.

'oh right! She wants to have dinner first before going to the room. With Sehun.'

It irks him knowing that some other guy were taking a good care of HIS wife while here he is, stucked with his clingy ex girlfriend.

Taeyeon waste no time to swipe the room card and pulls Baekhyun together into the room.

"I miss you, Baekhyun-ah" she whispers subtly. Leaving kisses on the exposed skin of his collar.

Baekhyun closed his eyes only to open them again when he sees flash of his wife's face. He grapsed her shoulder firmly.

It feels so wrong! This was his ex, doing things to him. Things that his wife is the one who should be doing.

"What's wrong Baekhyun-ah?" Taeyeon looks at him, trying to lure him more. "Let me please you Baekhyun-ah"

She pushes herself to get a closer to him, resuming her kiss on his neck. Trying to on his sweet spot.

But Baekhyun shakes his head. Firmly pushing her arm lenght away from his body. "We can't do this Taeyeon-ah."

"What?! Why?!" She was flabbergasted. Byun Baekhyun is rejecting her!

"Because I'm married!" He answer, but it feels like he was reminding himself, that he's a married man. "And you are too right?"

"Its just an engagement, Baekhyun" She exclaims. "If i takes this out, I'm just me. There!" She pulls out the ring around her finger. "Pull out yours Baekhyun and we can do whatever it is that we want!"

Taeyeon is desperate for his touch. But Baekhyun remains silent, so she takes matter to her hand. "I'll take it off for you if you feels guilty Baekhyunie"

She stalks back towards him, reaching for his left hand. But the male balled his fist, preventing the girl from taking it off from him.

"Just take it off Baekhyunie, then we can have fun all night!" She persuade him.

But he silence in his stance.

"It doesn't work that way Taeyeon-ah" he mutters.

"What? Is it because you love her now, that's why you're rejecting me?"

Baekhyun remains silent. Thoughts circling his mind.

Love. Do i really loves her? How would i know i love he?


I love her. I love it that she takes care of me so well that i had nothing to worry about. I love her because each time there's rain and thunder, she would silently sneaks into his room to sleep on the other side of the bed, thinking that he doesn't know. He love her because she would stares up to him like he is her savior when men were approaching her.

Taeyeon snicker. "What is it with the girl that's making you refuse me Baekhyunie?" She asked in the overly sweet tone.

Baekhyun ponders in his thought for a while. 'what is it with her?'

"She being the perfect wife i could ever wish for who put her husband before her. A wife who stays out of my sight when i was sick of her but were ready right next to me when i was sick with fever and cold. The girl who stays with me even when i never imagine a future with her." He said.

Taeyeon gaped at him.

"Thank you for coming back, making me realise how blindly in love this husband is towards his wife. Thank you for leaving me behind, i get a diamond after being cut by the glass." He utter before turning to leave the room.

"And Taeyeon-shi, we can love who ever we want, but we are bound to fall for the right, it just takes some times." As he shuts the door behind. Leaving Kim Taeyeon in the room, alone.

Baekhyun takes determined steps towards his suite. She's probably still out at the restaurant dining with the Oh Sehun guy. Hence he enters the room solemnly.

He was expecting an empty, cold dark suite but instead his suite had been lighted up. And his wife was right there in the room staring right ahead of him.

She looks so pure, like an angel and he could almost see halo over her. Standing there in her white innocence bathrobe while holding a thick novel in her hand.

"Baek-baekhyun-shi? What are you doing here?" She asked confusedly.

He gaves no answer to her question instead takes big confident steps towards her. She was expecting a rough handle on her when he strides closer, but instead she gasp when she felt how soft he was cupping her cold cheeks. But her novels falls with a thud when his warm lips covers her soft ones.

Something snaps in him when she called him formally for the third time that night. He wanted to be called with cute nicknames and he wanted to shower her with all those teeth rooting sweet pet names and kisses with lots... And lots of love.

And he is taking the first steps that night. Lots of kisses with tongue action. The second they backed away from abusing each others lips, both were panting and gasping for air.

It was heaven. That's what Baekhyun thinks.

Her hand were unconsciously grasping his sleeves while they were kissing and now they were awkwardly holding on to him. To let go or not to let go?

But his hands on her cheeks were solidly plastered on, rubbing circles on the apple of her cheeks, now pinking from their previous action. Her eyes avoiding his while the male's remains on her.

"I'm sorry" Baekhyun starts and their gaze meets.

"I'm sorry it took me so long after our marriage to say this, but I, Byun Baekhyun is deeply in love with my wife, which is you."

She gapes at him.

"I know I was not doing my best as your husband, i wasn't treating you right and i takes you for granted, because i always think that you will be here right next to me, but today, when i wake up to an empty cold room, i realise something, it'll never be the same again without you. And the second i was spending with Taeyeon who isn't you, i was not me! I can't find it in me to be complete and happy with her, like... like there's something in me which is missing and for a well known reason i was thinking about you and you're stuck in my head, and that's when I realise that... that i love you!"

He explain deeply, everything bottles up in him all this while, he let all of it go.

"And you feels complete with me?" She asked unsurely.

He stares right in her eyes, like he's trying to reach into her soul, pulling her closer which she complies. Resting his forehead against her's.

"Yes" he breath.

His warm breath tickles her skin, adding more of pink on her skin.

She remains silent basking in their close physical, but he takes the silent as a bad omen.

"Please say something. Tell me you'll stay and never leave me." Baekhyun pleads.

She was never good with words and speech like how Baekhyun is, which explains her lack of vocals words exchange, so she gave into his eyes. Hoping that he could reach to the bottom of her heart where all of her vocab of 'I miss you' 'I like you' and 'I love you' were kept all this while.

But Baekhyun is no psychic or crystal gazer no matter how much he wishes he could read her right now. He is doomed.

Baekhyun pulls back but just an arm lenght as her holds remains on him, and he did not want to break that.

"I'll be better, i promise you! I'll bring you out on a date tomorrow and we could visit those mountain were they're filming Jurassic park and I'll take you on a ride the whole day and... and I'll do anything you asked me to and you don't have to spend it with that Sehun guy, and you won't leave me and so do I and" he was cut off.

With a kiss. On the lips. And innocent peck, just like how his wife is. His innocent angel.

Baekhyun visibly relax.

"I'm not leaving and you can't make me leave, because I love you too."

There, she said it. Right on his face. Baekhyun grins and he picked her up and swivels them around. The girl squealed and giggles as she tighten her holds around his neck.

Baekhyun keep on whispering 'i love you' in her ear. And stops when she finally replies.

The husband settle his wife on the bed carefully.

"I wanna cuddles with Mrs. Byun, can i?"

The girl nods shyly. Baekhyun settle besides her, pulling her closer and making her using his shoulder as her pillow, his arm keeping her close to his warmth as she tentatively wrap her's around his waist.

He kiss the the crown of her hair, "good night angel"

She responds by hugging him tighter, keeping this tonight's reality, praying that it'll remain not just for tonight's dreams, but also tomorrow's reality.

"Maybe tomorrow you can finally models that Victoria Secret for me"

Maybe is wrong!

She'll definitely do that!

add another one of my stupid writing becuse Baekhyun is killing me each time! hahahaha, thank you for reading this silly story. 

you know what, i'm gonna keep on writting such story and post it under this one story. feel free to subscribe. *wink and you can tell me the next EXO member on the list to write! 

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32 streak #1
Chapter 6: Woah... all of the one shots were so amazing, cute and catchy... totally worth reading.. made me so emotional, happy and Contented... loved it so much authornim.. well written... uww... loved the way baekhyun all the time realized and confessed his love for oc every single time... also loved the sehun's one too... aww... so sweet and dreamy...really enjoyed reading all the characters, plots and stories from beginning till end... glad that I found and finally read it.. thank you authornim for writing such amazing stories. 👍👏☺️🤗❤️😍🤩😊🙂❤️
Chapter 6: Awww love your story so much
izaxoh #3
Chapter 3: keep on doing this oh god all your stories are so nice!!
yanabyun #4
Chapter 2: please keep writing...this is really good
lunalemonhope #5
Chapter 1: aww that was cuteee