Is It Still Illegal If its Not Our Fault?

You Must Be Kidding Me

~attention: this chapter takes place over the course of about a year and a half~

It all started, Jimin supposes, when Taehyung tackled him rambling about the hot new math teacher.
He didn’t pay much attention to it until the man walked through the door, silver hair falling into his eyes and Jimin could feel his jaw drop the moment he spoke, voice rough and uncaring. And if he shivered, he’d never admit it.

It didn’t really matter then, just a new eye candy teacher that seems far too grumpy for his own (and his students) good. It did however start to become more important after he’d been called to stay after class to talk to him a few days after he’d started teaching. Jimin told Taehyung (Jungkook was in the nurse’s office apparently?) to wait for him by the school gates as he hung back at the end of class, albeit nervously. First, he had his boyfriend acting weird to worry about now whatever this was, great.

The teacher, Mr. Min, waited for the last student to leave before motioning for Jimin to come to his desk. He shuffled through a few papers before turning to the student “Park Jimin” he sighed “You realize you’re failing this class, right?”

Jimin felt his shoulder sag in defeat “Yes sir” he nodded, not meeting the elder’s eyes

“Since I’m pretty new here, I’m not gonna make judgement before hearing you out” Mr. Min drawled slowly, waiting for Jimin to look at him before continuing “So what’s wrong? Why’re you failing?”

Jimin blinked, once, twice, in awe because this may have been the first time in his life a teacher actually asked instead of lecturing immediately and he really wasn’t sure of how to articulate with how his mind seemed to freeze. “Y-y’see” he stuttered, pausing again to clear his throat “Our old teacher, Mrs. Jang was a fun person but uh I never really understood her lessons?” he answered scratching his neck “And when I’d ask questions she never really explained them in a way I could get so I’ve kinda failed all my tests. I tried though, I really did I promise”

“Makes sense to me,” The Teacher nodded “Have you thought about getting a tutor?”

“I mean, I’d get one” Jimin chuckled to himself “But I have dance practice after school most days, the only time im ever really open is Saturday mornings and no one want to spend their Saturday teaching some dummy”

Jimin watched the man lean back in his chair, letting out low breath before pursing his lips for a moment “Stay back after class again tomorrow, I’ll see what I can do” he sighed before waving Jimin off.

Jimin left the classroom more confused than he was when he entered; but then, what’s new?


Jimin kind of just… wrote it all off as his teacher trying to be helpful. And he was grateful, don’t get him wrong, but he didn’t put much thought into it. Instead he focused, on why the Jungkook was being so distant lately, coming up with reason after reason that – he’s sure – all make no sense besides a few.

Maybe, Jungkook’s tired of him. Maybe he did something wrong and Jungkook silently hates him. Maybe Jungkook is just a . Maybe he’s found his soulmate and is just trying to figure out a way to bring it up.

Yeah, that could be it. Jimin should just address it himself and cut Jungkook some slack, is what he decided before falling asleep that night.


Jimin slumps into his seat as the last class of the day came to a close, knowing already to stay back without even having to be reminded, waving Taehyung and (a very, very awkward) Jungkook off telling them he’ll catch up to them and they can just make their way to the café without him.

It took about a total of five minutes for the classroom to clear out, it was Friday, Jimin couldn’t blame the kids for wanting to be out of school ASAP. And just as Jimin was about to stand from his seat and go up the teacher’s desk when said teacher dropped down into the chair in front of him where Taehyung say not even three minutes prior. Jimin, on instinct, jumped back in surprise.

“So, listen” Mr. Min sighed, ruffling the hair at the back of his head “You’re right that no student is willing to spend a Saturday to tutor someone”

Jimin nodded sullenly, looking down at his desk silently. He’d already figured as much, but he was still a little disappointed.

“But” the man said lips quirking up lightly, making Jimin’s head snap up to look at him “I can spend a couple hours of my Saturday helping you out, if you think you’d need it”

Jimin stared wide eyed at him for a full ten seconds, letting the words sink for a moment before nodding his head quickly. Mumbling out a string of ‘thank you’ and ‘please’ and he’s sure his voice squeaked but – there’s a possibility of him not failing his math class for the first time since middle school? Bless.

Mr. Min just tells him to meet him at a café nearby (ironically the one he’s meeting Taehyung and Jungkook at after this meeting) at 9 in the morning with his math books ready the next day. Telling him not to expect him to be dressed nicely while he tugs at the collar of his admittedly uncomfortable looking button up and that Jimin was going to be the one paying for his first cup of coffee. And Jimin just nodded his head with a dutiful “Yes, sir!” before running out of the room.

Next up: Confronting Jungkook, as soon as Taehyung’s gone home.

He sprints to the café, glad he’s in such good shape or else he’d be a panting, sweating mess. He finds them immediately and slumping into the chair next to Jungkook and taking a gulp of his already cold coffee the two had gotten him before exclaiming “I’m here, I’m Queer, and I’m gonna ing pass my math class if it kills me” earning a snort from Taehyung.

They’d squabbled for a while, laughing and joking and basically just dicking around until Taehyung had asked about why he kept staying late after class. Jimin immediately went to a rant complaining about how he’s failing their math class and bullting about how he has to be tutored. He really doesn’t mind but it’s more fun to complain than to express how actually grateful he is to their new teacher. The conversation ended with Taehyung calling him a prude and then telling him not to Jungkook’s face off, which is really contradictory but – it’s Taehyung what else can he expect?

Then, Jimin figured, it was now or never so he turned to Jungkook – who had been silent basically the whole time.

“Alright Kook spill” he sighed after taking a sip of his drink.

Jungkook blinked his wide, almost owl like eyes at Jimin. Looking for the words probably “What do you mean?” he asked, poor kid was obviously struggling and Jimin’s almost laughing. But he’s keeping a straight face hoping it’d help the younger out.

Jimin almost rolled his eyes as he propped his chin in the palm of his hand “You’ve been acting off for like a week. What’s on your mind?”

“I uh” Jungkook stammered “I don’t-” Jimin can see every emotion passing through the kid’s face

“Lemme guess” Jimin hummed, taking a few sips from his drink “Your sentence disappeared” Jimin saw something akin to relief- or fear- in Jungkook’s eyes which only spurred him to continue with a smile “Which means you found out who your soulmate is, and It’s not me. Right?”

They talked for a minute about how Jimin just had good instinct and he wasn’t mad and that of course they could still be friends, Jesus Christ Jungkook chillax. Deciding to create drama just to with Taehyung because, why the hell not?

It wasn’t long before he changed the subject to stalking their young attractive math teacher that was totally off limits (goddamn it Taehyung got in his brain) online, since he didn’t want to be murdered or something weird, or at least that’s what he’s telling himself.

And oddly enough they found his Instagram within seconds after typing in his full name (Thanks to Jungkook) into the search engine. Clicking on the account with a candid of gray hair under a gray beany that looked eerily like the math teacher but smiling as a profile picture.

“!” Jimin groaned leaning back in his chair away from his phone “He’s got it on private!”

Jungkook pouted, squinting at the little bubble before popping back up as if he just remembered something. “I have a fake account” he said, turning to look at Jimin excitedly “We can follow him on that one, it’s just black and white aesthetic pictures I took so there’s no way for him to know it’s us”

“Jungkook, I would kiss you if we didn’t just break up like five minutes ago!” Jimin grinned, squishing Jungkook’s cheeks between his palms earning a giggle from the younger and a judgmental look from the lady a few tables away, not that Jimin cared. “I’m not even gonna ask why you have a fake account in the first place just sign in” he chuckled, sliding his phone over.

Jungkook hummed under his breath as he signed in and requested to follow the teacher’s account. “And now we wait” he announced handing Jimin his phone back “It could take a while though… do you want me to like send you screenshots if he accepts the request?”

“Just come over and we can go through it tonight” Jimin shrugged, gulping down the rest of his cold, black coffee and standing from the table. “Just know that if you wake up and I’m not there tomorrow I’m probably here either being murdered or studying”


Yoongi accepted the request at 10:37 that night and Jungkook practically flung himself off Jimin’s bed, bag of chips in his lap scattering over the floor and both boys made a sound of distress before Jungkook remembered the reason for the disaster, slapping the elders arm in excitement.

They settled down next to each other after cleaning the chips off the ground, clicking on the scroll option so they could go through the profile with minimal clicking (just in case they were to like a picture that was three years old) and distantly Jimin wonders if this is really how he should be spending the night after breaking up with his boyfriend but he finds that thought far, far away as the he saw the most recent was a week old shot of their school nurse looking out the large infirmary window with his hands in his in his lab coat pockets with a caption reading ‘Dr. Kim will see you now’ and over 200 likes

Jungkook made a loud strangled noise in the back of his throat as Jimin doubled over laughing hitting his bed to compose himself.

“Holy ing ” he guffaws forehead hitting Jungkook’s shoulder while the younger shakes with his own laughter “Not what I expected at all”

“My perspective of our math teacher is suddenly so much different” Jungkook almost snorted “Should we go through the comments? There aren’t that many”

“Might as well” Jimin shrugged “We’re already as creepy as we can get”

Jungkook nodded in agreeance as he clicked the comment section


Jin: im cackling this is better than the caption we agreed on

JungHopeSeok: I CANT belive u made me see this picture of my own MOTHEr with my own two eyes Yooni hyugn im suing

“Hey” Jungkook said after a reading the third comment out loud, cocking his head “Isn’t that Hoseok hyung?”

Jimin shrugged, moving to click on it and sure enough there was their favorite dance instructor’s Instagram account the most recent picture being a group shot with them right in the front. “What the ? They know each other?” Jimin scrunched his nose “Well, Hobi hyung likes him therefore so do we”

“Is that how it works?” Jungkook chuckled, clicking back to Yoongi’s page


Jungkook rolled his eyes, looking at the comments again

Jin: not ur mom @JungHopeSeok you

67Jiyen: @Jin no, I @JungHopeSeok

RMJoon: gross? Tmi noona @67Jiyen

67Jiyen: kiss my Namjoon @RMJoon

RMJoon: @67Jiyen I have better asses to kiss

JungHopeSeok: disagree

MinSugs: lets stop talking about asses on my post thanks @ all of u

And Jungkook snorted, shaking his head slightly “I like that at all of you” he grinned

“You do that too” Jimin pointed out

“It’s, so much work”

“I bet that’s what you’d like, thigh man” Jimin said blankly

Jungkook paused, face contorting “What?”

“That’s Hobi’s response” Jimin pointed “See?”

JungHopeSeok: I bet that’s what u’d like thigh man

MinSugs:  outlandish accusation

MinSugs: I resent that

RMJoon: you protest too much

Jin: no, Yoongi’s right, its not just thighs

Jin: its thighs and

MinSugs:  mOTHER

“Yeah” Jungkook nodded solemnly “Same to be honest, me too Mr. Min.”

“Dude, too much information” Jimin scoffed, pausing to cringe slightly “…And Mr. Min too”

“There’s only two more comments” Jungkook pointed out “Let’s hurry, we’ve already spent like 10 minutes on this”

“What happened to there not being that many?” Jimin snorted

“I guess it just showed how many commenters there are instead of actual comments” Jungkook shrugged “My phone glitches and does that sometimes”

67Jiyen: So Yoongz did ya actually read 50shades?

MinSugs:  course not that s abuse and not how works At All. Its only good for bad jokes

RMJoon: 50shades of gray? Did you mean: heteroual abuse being more widely accepted than LGBTQ+ relationships

Jimin moved, scrolling to the next picture. The two of them spent the next hour going through while carefully being sure not to like any pictures, all the while complaining to each other how creepy this probably is and laughing at the captions. Suddenly Mr. Min is a lot cooler than Jungkook had initially thought.

“So how’re we gonna talk to Taehyung about the…” Jungkook paused, squinting his eyes “Drama for our breakup”

“I dunno” Jimin paused, pursing his lips in thought just as his cat pushed the door open “I’ll say you called my cat ugly or some ”

Jungkook gasped, hand covering his heart in betrayal “I love your cat”

Jimin shrugged


Jimin was wide awake before his alarm even went off, which to him was strange because he was up late the night before but, whatever. He stayed in bed for five minutes before he swung his legs out of bed and maneuvered himself around where Jungkook’s long limbs were sprawled over his bedroom floor. He glared at his clock in distaste, 6:18 in the morning was too early by any standard even more so because he knew he didn’t actually need to awake for another hour and half. He sighed, pressing the cancel button as he passed the clock on his way to his closet having decided it was better to just get a jump on the day instead of sulking and trying to get more sleep.

His shower lasted longer than usual, he stood there staring off into space as the water hit the top of his head until it got too cold for him, until they felt like little cold knifes against his skin. The sun had risen by the time he was out, not high but at least he wasn’t relying off if his crappy night vision.

He stomped his foot, huffing at the 7:01 on his clock watching Jungkook shift and tell him to “ off” before rolling over to his side basically half way under Jimin’s bed. Jimin pouted at the younger, throwing a blanket over him instead of warning him about all the dust under his bed. He slid his headphones over his ears, playing some guys SoundCloud playlist he found a while back, as he shoved his math textbook and notepad into his back pack. It was still only 7:30 by the time he was ready, so he spent a moment pondering he grabbed his bag, pulled his Jordan’s on and decided he’d just start doing his homework (maybe even finish it before his first-class Monday) at the café while he waits for 9 to come around.

Surprisingly, Jimin wasn’t the first person to be at the café – as a patron, of course. He smiled at the old woman sitting by the door as he walked in, and stood silently waited in line behind a seemingly grouchy business man. He rolled his eyes at the overly complicated order but didn’t comment as the barista hastily scribbled it down before telling him to step off to the side and that it would be ready in a few minutes. Jimin smiled as he stepped up to the counter, the barista eyeing him nervously, probably due to the loud demanding costumer with the longest order Jimin’s heard in a while, or because he she was obviously new with a sticker name tag with Yerin scrawled carefully onto it instead of the normal shiny nametags workers usually got. The moment he ordered a plain black coffee with one of the muffins they had in the display case, Yerin relaxed a little smiling back before she turned to get the muffin and take his money.

Jimin’s drink was ready in a matter of seconds, really. And the man in front of him immediately went onto rant about how he was in front of ‘the kid’ (meaning Jimin, Jimin’s sure) and that they shouldn’t give him special treatment just because they’re closer in age blah, blah, blah. To which Yerin and her coworker, who was still making the man’s drink, that that’s not what happened at all but the man wasn’t having any of it and Jimin had to step in (much to his chagrin, but whatever) lifting the lid off his cup and telling the man blankly that his coffee was black and just needed to be poured instead of some ‘half-caffeinated soy bull’ before the man quieted down, taking the drink from Yerin’s coworker (Eunbi, if he read properly) and left with a huff

“What a prick” Jimin snorted as he fitted the lid back onto his cup and grabbed his muffin, nodding to the girls as he did “Thanks for these”

The girls called their thanks back as he made his way to a table near the back of the café, slipping his head phones over his ears as he pulled his books out of his bag.

It about an hour and a half and three cups of coffee later, someone dropped ungracefully into the seat across the table from him, making his eyes dart up to see his math teacher clad in a hoodie with messy hair and if he didn’t know any better Jimin would have assumed he was still in college at most. Jimin paused the equation he’d been working on to pause his music and take his head phones off.

“Sup kid” Yoongi nodded in greeting “What’re you listening to?”

Jimin’s eyes flickered down to his phone where Jungkook’s Spotify comprised completely of IU and Justin Bieber before he shut his phone off “Uh, nothing just my friend’s playlist. Good morning sir” he cleared his throat “I’m, uh, buying you coffee as thanks, right?”

 “Hot chocolate”

Jimin raised an eyebrow at the elder, but his heel and went up to the counter. Yoongi was looking over his paper as he came back.

“Were you seriously working on this before I showed up?” Yoongi chuckled as Jimin nodded “Nerd”

“Wow, thanks Mr. Min” Jimin scoffed, setting the hot chocolate down on the table “Makes me feel great to have a teacher call me a nerd”

Yoongi snorted rolling his eyes as Jimin sat across from him “Whatever kid, let me show you where you messed up”

And Jimin payed attention and made notes as Yoongi gave him multiple different explanations to each equation until Jimin understood.


The whole debacle between Taehyung and Jungkook was honestly… hilarious. Not that Jimin would admit that he enjoyed seeing his two friends so stressed over it, but in his defense, he did get broken up with so they could date. And he was certainly glad that the two of them ended up with their soulmate, but he thinks that he was allowed to be a little bitter. So yes, he did get a good laugh about Jungkook pretending to avoid them and Taehyung firing question after question. And yes, he was amused by the look of panic that was on Taehyung’s face when explaining that Jungkook was his soulmate. Once he’d had his fun, Jimin decided to actually encourage them to get together, and that was the end of that.

Weirdly, even after they’d gone on their first date (Skipping school and leaving Jimin to himself all day, jerks) their dynamic didn’t change much. They still all hung out together, Jungkook still made sarcastic comments and Taehyung still did weird that no one could understand, and Jimin stayed in his place allowing the two younger kids to dote on him. The only real difference was who held Jungkook’s hand and who Jungkook kissed. Which Jimin was fine with, honestly, he was. He wasn’t lonely or jealous, nope, not at all.

“So, I have a personal question for ya” Yoongi said, not looking up from Jimin’s practice paper that he was going over with a red pen in hand, he’d been tutoring Jimin for about a month now. “Feel free not to answer if you think it’s too weird since I’m your teacher but I’m curious”

Jimin looked up from his phone, raising an eyebrow “Of what?”

“What’s up with Kim Taehyung and Jeon Jungkook?” Jimin could see his eyes flicker up from underneath his silver fringe before going back down in an instant “Thought you were dating Jungkook? Just from my personal observations”

“I mean I was but,” Jimin shrugged “Soulmates”

Yoongi made a noise of understanding, circling something on the paper before sighing and lifting his head “If it makes you feel any better I once went on a date where the girl actually met her soulmate while holding my hand and then she never spoke to me again” he cocked his head “Technically we’re still dating since she never bothered breaking up with me”

They looked at each other for a moment, Yoongi’s lips pulling into a lopsided grin and Jimin found himself laughing.

“Sorry, sorry, I don’t mean to laugh” Jimin stuttered out through giggles “That’s just so messed up”

“Aint it?” But he’s grinning, resting his cheek against a propped hand “Or, another time, this one’s worse actually, I was staying at my boyfriend’s place when his roommate said their sentence and they kicked me out and I had to send my friend to get my cause I wasn’t gonna deal with that awkwardness”

“That’s awful” Jimin attempted to stifle his laugh

Yoongi snorted “Tell me about it” he rolled his amused eyes and shook his head slightly “There’s more, trust me, it could be worse”

Jimin hummed “You gotta admit though” Jimin grinned, crossing his arms “best friend saying his sentence while at your house, to your boyfriend, while you’re just sitting there… eating pancakes innocently”

“Sounds like a bad time”

Jimin shrugged, sighing “It’s fine, if worse comes to worse I’ll get myself a sugar daddy” he paused eyes widening just a little “And I’m realizing that I probably shouldn’t make that joke to my teacher”

“It’s fine” Yoongi snorted “I’ve made similar ones before”

“That’s horrible information” it’s a statement more than anything “That’s really honestly the worst information”

“You’re acting too shocked” Yoongi rolled his eyes “I’m not that old”

Jimin quirked an amused brow “Well of course you are” he grinned “All teachers are old men. It’s like… a law”

“Pretty sure it’s not” and Jimin took that as a challenge

“Well then Mr. Min” there was glint in his eyes “How old are you? And don’t say old enough because that won’t prove your point”

“I just got out of college, so you do the math”

 “First of all, I’m at math, you should know this. That’s why we’re here” Jimin laughed motioning to his open math text book “and two they offer free college courses to senior citizens. Look you even have the gray hair and everything”

And Yoongi made a noise in the back of his throat, shaking his head “I’ll be 23 in March”

“Ah HA!” Jimin exclaimed and Yoongi jolted in his chair “I now officially know the most out of all of the students”

“Pretty sure you knew more than anyone after I told you about my ex’s” Yoongi deadpanned

And it made Jimin laugh again “True but know I know how old you are, which is the most pressing issue among the class”

“That’s dumb.” Yoongi made a face “What are you gonna blackmail me with it?”

“Nah you’re tutoring me which I like need, but I will put money into the poll”

Yoongi sputtered blinking “You guys are making bets?”

“Oh,” Jimin nodded, like it was obvious “Of course we are”

“High schoolers have not changed” Yoongi smoothed his hand over his face “I guess that’s good in a way.” He paused, looking back down at Jimin’s math sheet “You forgot to carry the three here”


Jimin was a good student, okay? He was never late to class, rarely skipped school, was polite to teachers too. He took really good notes – detailed to the point of being called excessive, color coded and everything. So, it really didn’t make any sense to Yoongi why the kid was failing his class. He saw Jimin scribbling down whatever he wrote on the board for the entire class period, working harder than any of the other students around him and it – it was actually adorable when they locked eyes and Jimin looked like a lost puppy. Yoongi chose not to share that in his group chat like he normally would when he thought something was cute because that’s creepy and Yoongi only shared actual dogs and it would have been creepy otherwise.

Yoongi finished the equation on the board, turning around with a sigh, hands on his hips as he asked “Okay, any questions?”

And Taehyung’s hand shot up with so much force that it made the poor girl in the desk next to his flinch away. He seemed serious and Yoongi didn’t hesitate to call on him.

“Yeah okay so like” Taehyung said excitedly, leaning over his desk slightly in pure curiosity “If your soulmate dies before you meet them do you like get a replacement? Like a backup soulmate? or is that it and you’re gonna be alone forever?”  

Yoongi paused, not sure where in his lesson Taehyung decided to start thinking about that while Jungkook looked at where Taehyung sat incredulously.

“I’m literally sitting right next to you, er, what the ?” is what the black hair boy gritted out

Yoongi saw Jimin bring his hand up to pinch the bridge of his nose in exasperated amusement.

Yoongi cleared his throat, shifting his weight to his other foot “I meant questions about the lesson Taehyung.”

“But no one else raised their hands” Taehyung whined “Right? Everyone good?”

There was a chorus through the room of everyone agreeing that they were good.

“Anyone at all need a question answered?” Yoongi sighed, scanning the classroom before making eye contact with Jimin again to which his student mouthed a silent ‘Later’ and Yoongi shrugged out a “Fine, any other kinds of questions then?”

At least ten hands went up and Yoongi prepared himself for the amount of ridiculousness he was about to endure. He picked a random student not even looking where he pointed.

“Have you found your soulmate Mr. Min?”

“No,” he sighed repressing the urge to roll his eyes at the idea that soulmates are the most important part of someone’s life, which they are as soon as you find them they should be the priority. But the whole thing where everyone’s main focus is finding them is ridiculous, it’s like you can’t live your life until you meet them, and Yoongi isn’t going to just wait around for his. “Not yet.”

“Why not?” it’s a different girl this time and Yoongi only scoffed

His eyebrows furrowed at the stupidity “Because I either don’t know them or they haven’t said their sentence to me yet why the fu- heck do you think?” he paused “Do you guys really wanna ask me personal questions? Really? I’m a math nerd who likes music and hasn’t found his soulmate, that’s all there is to it. No more personal questions please”

“That’s no fun” someone whined, and the rest of the class groaned.

Yoongi sighed, shaking his head and dragged his hand down his face in exhaustion, at least this was the last class of the day. He made eye contact with Jimin again and the boy gave him a tight lipped little smile, comforting Yoongi in his own way.

Jimin was at least the best student in this class, despite his grades.


Yoongi, as always, dropped unceremoniously into the chair across from where Jimin was scribbling an outline for his history paper.

“Hot chocolate?” Jimin asked, as soon as he finished his thought on the paper

Yoongi yawned, shaking his head “Coffee, black” he paused “Shot of espresso” another pause as he yawned “Make that 3 shots”

By the time Jimin came back with the black with the black coffee espresso combo from the counter Yoongi’s face is planted on the table, hood over his head and Jimin wonders if he’s already fallen asleep.

Jimin put the cup down gently, and Yoongi, without lifting his head reached for his cup and took the top off. “To let it cool” he grumbled into the table.

“Late night?” Jimin quipped, putting his history paper away and switching it out for his math books

Yoongi groaned, thumping his forehead against the table twice before looking him with tired eyes “Kinda” another yawn “I was catching up on work”

Jimin made a face at the elder, tilting his head in question. He really shouldn’t have that much work considering Yoongi barely gave any homework at all.

Yoongi took his cup between his hands and took a deep breath “Not – not teaching…” his lips twitched up into a grin “I can see it on your face that you thought it was.”

“If not that then what?” Jimin asked, cocking his eyebrow and propping his head on his hands

“Two jobs” Yoongi shrugged, taking a couple sips “Teachers don’t get paid enough, kid”

“But I’m guessing that’s not why you’ve got two jobs” Jimin smirked a little “Right, Mr. Min?”

Yoongi hummed, swirling his coffee in his cup “Damn, you saw through me Park”

“Course I did” Jimin flicked his thumb against his nose cockily “With best friends like Kim Taehyung, I developed a pretty good bull meter”

Yoongi outright snorted into his coffee cup “You don’t ing say?” he could have figured, after all ever since Yoongi’s begun teaching their math class Taehyung’s only gotten bolder. He called out at least ¾ of his stupid questions about how the world works, he spent most of the classes folding origami and once when they were doing a group project Taehyung spent the entire class period dancing around his desk. Taehyung did a lot of bullting.

“What’s the real reason then?” Jimin prodded, pouting a little too exaggerated

Yoongi yawned, answering a tired sounding “Ones a passion, others to pay my bills”

“Math is a passion?!” Jimin blurted in disbelief, leaning forward in his seat in poorly concealed horror

Yoongi leaned back in his seat with a chuckle “What? no, of course not. Teachings the one to pay my pills”

Jimin slumped back into his seat “Oh. What’s your passion then?”

“What makes you think I’m gonna tell you, huh?” Yoongi teased, taking a sip from his coffee before he looked back at his student only to be met with narrowed eyes and “I’m kidding” he found himself laughing at the angry expression.

“Good because that’s literally what this conversation is about Mr. Min”

Yoongi rolled his eyes at that “Music production” he shrugged, staring at his half-gone cup as if he hadn’t just said he was a music producer, like that wasn’t totally awesome.

“Really?” he perked up, leaning over the table again, this time in interest

It was too easy to fall into conversation, Jimin found, far, far too easy. Yoongi was really only a few years older than him, and easily distracted if Jimin brought up a topic he was interested in. it was almost cute how his tired eyes would sparkle a little and his speech patterns would speed up. It shouldn’t be so cute. It was his ing teacher for gods sake, but man when he’s excitedly rambling he’s cute enough to pretend that he’s not. even for just a moment.

“Anyways, Park Jimin” Yoongi said after 15 minutes of rambling about his (really cool) job, seeming to shake himself from a trance “You need to study. Finals are coming up and I don’t want you failing.”

Jimin pouted, huffed, and then nodded his head “Yes sir, Mr. Min, Sir”

“One more thing” Yoongi sighed, pausing to think his words through “Don’t call me Mr. Min outside of school. It seems creepy” he paused again “When we’re not in school you can just call me hyung”

Jimin stared at him skeptically for a minute “Is this you telling me you want to be friends?”

“What?” Yoongi looked taken aback “N-”

“I accept, hyung” Jimin grinned mischievously, interrupting his protests “There’s no backing out we are officially friends now hyung”

“You’re such a weird kid” Yoongi shook his head chuckling quietly.

Jimin laughed “Yea, I guess I am” he sipped at his coffee “Now, that we’re friends you have to give me your phone number hyung.”

“Why?” Yoongi narrowed his eyes, Jimin shrugged “Fine. Just don’t tell anyone and don’t give it out”


Spring break is the only good thing about finals. Their school was lucky enough that the day after testing finished spring break started, well lucky for the students at least. Yoongi had told him that he and the other teachers were spending the whole break grading.

Jimin’s in Taehyungs house, watching his best friend and Jungkook try and win at a game that Jimin really doesn’t have any interest in when his phone goes off, letting him know he has a text. It’s surprising really, seeing as his family knows where he is and his only friends are in the room with him, so there’s really no one who would be texting him… unless – he jumped for his phone to check the message before Taehyung goes to do that as he sometimes likes to do.

Yoongi-hyung: Park Jimin, first of all what I’m about to do is probably illegal so you cant tell anyone

Park Jimin: are you gonna murder someone hyung

Yoongi-hyung: why do you always say something so out of pocket jesus

Yoongi-hyung: no I’m not going to commit murder,,, yet,,, we’ll see when I actually have to the other teachers later

Park Jimin: good I still need you to teach me wtf is going on with math

Yoongi-hyung: is that all I’m good for?

Yoongi-hyung: damn I thought you wanted to actually be friends with me

Park Jimin: no!! I do hyung :((

Yoongi-hyung: im kidding lmao

 Yoongi-hyung: but seriously this is probably illegal so shut ur trap

Yoongi-hyung: I just thought you’d wanna know that you passed your math final

Yoongi-hyung: so congrats

And Jimin, of course, got excited. Though he wished he was better at containing himself because instead of responding he jerked in his seat and ended up kicking the back of Jungkook’s head from where the younger was sitting in front of him on the ground. Which resulted in 20 minutes of yelling and wrestling from all 3 boys in the room before anyone calmed down enough for Jimin to even breathe.

Park Jimin: sorry I accidentally kicked Jungkook in the head

Park Jimin:  but that’s great!!!! Thank you!!!

Yoongi-hyung: how the do u accidentally kick someone in the back of the head im laughing?So hard??

And Jimin kind of wished he could tell Taehyung why he’s laughing.


Yoongi looked proud of him when he got his test back


Jimin looked forward to his study sessions for the rest of the year.


Weirdly, when school let out for summer vacation, Jimin wasn’t as excited as normal. Don’t get him wrong he’s ing excited to be out of that hell hole but… he’ll miss his Saturday morning study sessions.

Which is weird. He knows it’s weird. Yoongi’s his teacher and Jimin’s positive that if he spent any longer hanging out with him, he’d develop a crush. And as Jungkook likes to point out – That’s illegal in several ways – Not that anything would happen, but still. That’s all around a bad idea.

(Taehyung notices that he’s not 100%, of course he notices. It’s his job as self-proclaimed platonic soulmate. He figured Jimin just needed to get out of the house.)

Jimin couldn’t figure out for the life of him why Taehyung was dragging him and Jungkook to the mall of all places. He got that Taehyung didn’t want to just spend his whole summer in a rotation between the three of their houses but – the mall wasn’t exactly the most exciting place to go. Especially if they weren’t going buy anything. However, they were broke and everything else cost money, so Taehyung wasn’t completely off his rocker.  

They spent an hour looking in random stores and not buying anything before the three of them decided it was time for lunch, and they headed to the food court. It’s there that Jungkook, with his mouthful of the sandwich he was sharing with Taehyung, perked up as a look of recognition flashed across his face.

Jimin watched in rapt amusement as Jungkook started to speak, promptly choked on his food, hit his chest a few times, finish chewing and then took a deep breath before trying again “Hey” he coughed, pointing to a line for one of the food shops near where they sat “Isn’t that Hobi hyung?”

And sure enough, when Jimin followed his finger there stood Jung Hoseok laughing at something someone slightly shorter than him with his back facing them.

“Should we call out to him?” Taehyung suggested as turned back around to bite into his half of the sandwich

They mull over it for a few seconds before Jimin made eye contact with Hoseok and the elder started waving his hands over his head excitedly at them.

“Looks like we don’t have to” he snorted waving back at their dance teacher.

They watched Hoseok pay and speed walked towards their table.

He grinned, almost slamming his sandwich down onto the table “Hey kids, what’re you doin here?”

“We’re the local youths” Taehyung smirked back “Hanging out at the mall is what they do”

“Sure” Hoseok rolled his eyes with a laugh “Hey can my friend and I join you guys here? The rest of the tables are occupied” he motioned to the full food court

“We don’t mind” Jungkook piped in

Hoseok’s smiled widened further “Great!” and then he was off running towards his friend who was handing over the money for the drink he had just bought and tackling the shorter man.

Hoseok pulled the black hair man into a head lock and started walking towards the three of them. Jimin watched them from the corner of the eye so he didn’t seem like he was staring (even though he was) as he listened to his younger friends argue about which half of the sandwich was whose. He figured he could at least survey the person they were about to have lunch with.

His eyes slid up slowly from the man’s gray sneakers to his very ripped light blue blue-jeans to an oddly familiar t-shirt that he knows he’s seen somewhere before. Jimin’s eyes swept over the mans face to his wavy black hair. It was only then, when he looked at where the hair was falling into the mans eyes that he looked at his face. Sharp cat like eyes, a smooth delicate looking nose, pretty cupid’s bow lips pulled into a grimace. And then it clicked where he’s seen the t-shirt before.

His eyes widened, and he snapped his head in the direction of where Hoseok was dragging his friend just to double check that his peripheral vision didn’t deceive him and –

Oh no.

Somehow, It’s the person he wanted to see most while simultaneously being the last person on the list of who he was expecting. Min Yoongi. Jimin doesn’t know why he was surprised.

 “And these are my dance kiddos” Hoseok was saying “Plus Taehyung”

He sees Yoongi’s eyes shift in order – Jungkook in the middle to Taehyung on the right to him on the left – Jimin wants to laugh at the look of shock on his teacher’s face.

“Mr. Min?” Taehyung spoke up before the dancer could introduce the eldest

Hoseok forced Yoongi down into the chair between the one he was planning on sitting on and Jimin’s. “Oh good you guys know my hyung already.” Is all he says before taking a bite from his own sandwich. “What? I’m not a stupid. y’all are in the age range that he teaches” he said at the looks he received.

“You’re valid, hyung” Jimin was fast to valid the elder, taking a sip from his soda pop

Hoseok grinned at him “Thank you Park Jimin you are my favorite person in the world ever”

Jimin heard Yoongi snort next to him. The rest of them moved onto a new topic while Yoongi and Jimin both sipped at their drinks respectively. Neither of them paid attention the conversation at hand only making weird eye contact with each other every few minutes.

And the Hoseok popped up in his chair “Well since I’m Yoongi hyung’s only friend here-”

“Wait that’s not true” Yoongi immediately cut off “I’m friends with Jimin”

And without missing a beat Taehyung jumped in with “Jimin doesn’t count. Jimin’s friends with everyone”

“That’s because Jimin’s cute” Jungkook adds in quickly, scrunching his nose after a second “And nice”

“Also a good dancer like one of my top students in my class” Hoseok added “And he has a really adorable laugh”

Taehyung nodded sagely “I think 85% of the people that talk to Jimin are just after his amazing -”

“Okay enough!” Jimin slammed his on the table at his best friend “I’m not friends with everyone. Technically the people I hang out with are all sitting at this table.”

“Yoongi hyung counts in that?” Hoseok rose an eyebrow at him

Jimin and Yoongi looked at each other for a second

“Yeah pretty sure” Jimin nodded “Actually off topic but Yoongi hyung do you only own ing ripped jeans and like one pair of slacks because every time I see you out of school your knees are out”

“I’m 23 Jimin what do you want from me?”

“Not to be an emo ” Jimin says decisively “I already have Jungkook I don’t need two”

And Hoseok busted out laughing shaking his head “That’s literally why Yoongi hyung and I are here today because he was tired of getting for his fashion sense”


“Why is everyone giving me ?” Yoongi scrunched his nose “What did I do to deserve this?”

“You don’t laugh at my jokes” Hoseok says blandly

 Jimin laughed “Big mood”

There was a little more interaction before the two elders had to get going, Yoongi departed with telling Jimin to make sure he takes one of his courses when school started back up again. Jimin was already planning on that.


“I can’t ing believe you’re like besties with Mr. Min, Jimin!” Taehyung screeched the moment they got inside Jungkook’s house.

“Listen Tae” Jimin chuckled at being pulled into a head lock “Hyung and I just ended up talking about during breaks between math lessons and ”

“Okay its ing creepy to hear you call him hyung” Taehyung let go of Jimin and wondered into the kitchen “Didn’t we agree that it’s illegal to bone a teacher?” he called back

“I’m not ing him!” Jimin flushed bright pink “Nothing happens besides talking and drinking coffee and occasionally hot chocolate”

“Wait.” Jungkook says, foot only half way out of his timberland “You mean to tell me you got to know him between strict math lessons and the hot chocolate at a cozy little café?”

Jimin paused “Holy yeah.” Jimin chuckled a little “I forgot we talked about that when Yoongi hyung started teaching at our school”

There was a crash in the kitchen and then Taehyung came running back towards him with a crazed look in his eyes “What if our teachers your soulmate”

“ you Tae” Jimin snorted, not even considering it

“Tae” Jungkook said, standing up from taking his shoes off “What did you just break in my kitchen?”


The school year started, and Jimin let out a ‘whoop´ when he saw that his schedule had Min Yoongi as his teacher for his third period. Taehyung judged him but perked up again when they realized they shared the class.

“You excited to flirt with your soulmate in school Jimin?” Jungkook teased, not even looking up from the game he was playing; ignoring the letter he got from their school

Taehyung sniggered from his seat next to Jimin “Oh Yoongi hyung” he mocked Jimin poorly

Jimin scoffed and rolled his eyes. The two of them had been teasing him about that since Taehyung first presented the idea. “Oh yeah. Can’t wait to get him arrested because of your guys’ jokes”

“He won’t get arrested unless you actually him” Jungkook says “He might be investigated though”

Taehyung hummed “I wonder if they have like…” he circled his wrist in thought “procedures for if a teacher and a student are soulmates”

“I think they have to wait for the student to graduate” Jungkook answers “So like the moment Jimin gets his diploma he can ride that ”

“You guys are gross” Jimin groaned knocking his head against the wall behind him before shooting Yoongi a text that he’s in his class again receiving, surprisingly, a selfie of Yoongi giving him a thumbs up with his black hair falling into his eyes “Though I will admit that he looks really hot with black hair”

Taehyung squealed and Jimin threw a pillow at him.


They picked up their study sessions without a second thought. Every Saturday morning, they meet up at the café – Yoongi gets a hot chocolate, Jimin has started getting sweeter drinks. They end up chatting more than they study but Jimin’s started getting better grades in math anyways so whatever they’re doing is working.


It was Saturday, October 13th. AKA Park Jimin’s 18th birthday. His best friends were out of town for Jungkook’s family reunion, his family was out of town because his younger brother was competing in a national competition and there were two tickets to see him. So, basically, besides seeing Yoongi for two hours and studying in the morning, Jimin was spending his birthday alone.

Yoongi must have noticed Jimin’s unusually blue mood. He his lips, kicked Jimin lightly under the table to his attention and asked “Hey kiddo. Something the matter?”

Jimin’s head popped up from where he was trying to solve the most recent equation Yoongi had assigned “No, nothings the matter” and Jimin wished he wasn’t such a bad liar.

“Jimin, we’re friends.” Yoongi says a little awkwardly “You can tell me if you need anything”

Jimin paused, let out a heavier sigh than Yoongi thought someone like Jimin could manage and then mumbled “I’m alone for most of my birthday this year.”

“Oh?” Yoongi sounded sympathetic, but curious “Why’s that?”

“Tae and Kook are at a family reunion in Busan together because they’re soulmates” he shrugged

Yoongi hesitated “And your family?”

Jimin sighed again “They decided my younger brother was more important” another shrug “So they went to Goyang for a science competition left me here”

“Oh… that…” Yoongi paused “really ”

Jimin snorted, rolled his eyes “Yeah, but oh well”

“When’s you’re birthday?”

There was a long pause, in which Jimin shifted in his seat, propped his chin on his hand and stared out the window into the chilled fall air “It’s the thirteenth”

“Jimin” Yoongi coughed “That’s today”

Jimin hummed, not looking back at his teacher, letting himself smile a little bitterly.

Neither of them said anything for a while, Jimin could hear Yoongi typing in his phone and then, Yoongi cleared his throat.

“Listen, this is probably like, crossing a line or something but I have the day off my second job so I’m free if you wanna like… hang out with me today” Yoongi was scratching the back of his neck when Jimin’s head snapped to look at the elder “And since we’re friends – like not close friends and I’m ty company but… I don’t know… I just thought maybe it’d be better than being alone when you don’t wanna be.”

Jimin felt a few tears drops trickle down his face before he goes to rub his eyes roughly “I think this is the nicest gestor anyone has ever made to me”

“Really? Ever? What kinda ty life are you living Park Jimin”

Jimin laughed, muffled by his sleeves “Shut up hyung its my birthday be nice to me”


They spent another hour at the café working on what Jimin needed to know for the text the next Friday and then left the café together.

“So, what’re we doing?” Jimin asked swinging his bag over his shoulder

Yoongi looked at him from over his shoulder “What? I’m supposed to plan now?”

“You’re the one that invited me” Jimin grinned at him mischievously

Yoongi snorted at him rolling his eyes “Well I’m hungry and all the café had was muffins so if you wanna get lunch then that’s my idea” he shrugged


“We’ll have to go out of the way though because I’m 100% sure this is inappropriate” Yoongi said after a moment of pause “So, maybe let me get my car.”

“Oooh a car” Jimin laughed “Fancy”

Yoongi made a face him and then they split up so Jimin could bring his book bag home while Yoongi went to get his car.

Jimin dropped his bag in his room, put on a better sweater than the hoodie he had left in and then went to wait outside by the curb.

Yoongi pulled up quickly in his dingy old car that Jimin’s sure has seen better days.

“Did you change your shirt?” Yoongi asked as soon as Jimin shut his door

Jimin snorted “Did you steal your ride form 1986?”

Yoongi grunted and drove off.


Jimin found the whole situation more amusing than he probably had reason to. Yoongi had panicked at the idea of them being caught out in public together – any relationship outside of school is risky. So they ended up getting take out and eating in Yoongi’s car.

“Stop laughing” Yoongi groaned “I’m not ready to lose my job because I’m tryna be a good friend”

Jimin giggled into the chocolate milkshake Yoongi bought him “I know I just find it funny is all”

“Yeah, yeah” Yoongi rolled his eyes pulling his phone out “So after this we can go bowling for a couple hours”

“Bowling?”  Jimin raised an eyebrow “Why?”

“isn’t that what the youths do?” Yoongi asked “That’s what I did when I was your age”

“The youths, makes you sound like Taehyung” Jimin mocked, laughing “I’m up for it but wouldn’t it be weird with just us two”

Yoongi hummed “I can invite Hoseok? We used to go bowling together every week” he paused “But if I do that he’ll probably bring all my other friends.”

Jimin grinned “Sure. Sounds fun”


Hoseok smothered Jimin in hug the moment he and Yoongi walked through the doors of the bowling alley,

“Jiminie” Hoseok whined “You could have texted me to hang out today and instead you chose to spend it with a greasy old man? What kind of betrayal.”

“Talk about betrayal” Yoongi scoffed “What’s this talk about me being a greasy old man? I’m only a year older than you”

“As I said a gross old man” Hoseok dead panned, Jimin giggled into his arms “I bet he did something creepy”

“Yoongi hyung bought me a milk shake” Jimin tells him

Hoseok shivered dramatically “See? Creepy”

“Ah leave me alone” Yoongi rolled his eyes “Are the others here already?”

“Yeah some of us know how to be on time to things” Hoseok snorted, keeping his arm around Jimin shoulders as they started walking “Instead of buying cute boys milkshakes”

Yoongi rolled his eyes “I think you mean some of us wanted to get here early to the pinball machine”

“Let that go!” Hoseok cried out, ignoring the confused noise that came from the birthday boy.

And Jimin although smothered found himself laughing at the udder distain in his dance teachers voice.

“What’re we letting go?” A voice that Jimin doesn’t know, he sounds amused though.

And then “Hopefully he’s letting go of Jimin’s head before he suffocates the poor boy” And oh! It’s the school nurse’s voice.

Hoseok released Jimin from his hold.

“Hi nurse Kim” Jimin smiled 

“Oh no Yoongi’s right that is weird outside of school” He says “You can call me Jin hyung”

And then he was introduced to Jin’s soulmate Namjoon (Jimin’s in love with his dimple and doesn’t know how to express it) And then they started bowling and talking.

Surprisingly, it was fairly easy to open up around everyone there, since Hoseok and Yoongi were already his friends their friends accepted him immediately. Namjoon even told him how Hoseok said his soulmate sentence and now no one will let him live it down.

“So Jimin, you made Yoongi hyung like you enough to consider you a friend” Namjoon says to him, picking up a corn chip from his nachos “How’d you do it?”

“I failed my math class” Jimin shrugged “I’m at school”

“You’re a good student” Yoongi protested “Math’s just a for you”

Jimin hummed “I’m a B average student” he shrugged “I’m just trying to graduate to be honest”

“Well there’s gotta be a subject you like” Jin smiled at him walking back from rolling his ball down the aisle “What your favorite class?”

“My favorite class is Yoongi hyung’s because I get special treatment” he added a wink at the end for comedic effect.

Yoongi sputtered “You do not get special treatment. If anything, I’m harder on you than anyone else”

Jimin rolled his at the elder ignoring him otherwise “But besides that I guess I’m pretty good at English?”

“Oh!” Hoseok jumped up, all too eager to brag about his friends “Namjoonie is fluent in English”

Namjoon grinned “Say something and I’ll tell you how it is”

Jimin scrunched his face up and made a noise of distaste “I don’t know what to say”

“Oooh” Jin clapped his hands “Let’s make it spicy. Tell Yoongi how you feel about him”

Now, Jimin doesn’t necessarily want to tell Yoongi he thinks he’s the cutest softy in the world – especially because he doesn’t know how to express that in another language, so instead he chooses to go with something he think’s he can nail.

“You know” he started in English sticking his tongue to the roof of his mouth in thought of how to pronounce the next syllables “I think that” he paused again turning to look Yoongi in the eye “I think that you’re a bomb teacher”

Namjoon snorted.

Yoongi froze, bottle of soda half way lifted to his mouth and his eyes widened slightly. He coughed after a second, took a sip and then said “I have no ing idea what you said Jimin but I feel like it was an insult”

“I recognized the word ” Hoseok laughed

Jimin chuckled “I called him an ” he lied laughing along with the others.

Yoongi rolled his eyes at him then stood from the table saying something about getting himself some mozzarella sticks.

“But it’s your turn !” Jin called only to get flipped off in return.


Yoongi pulled up in front of Jimin’s house at 6pm. “You’re sure you don’t need me to buy you dinner?”

“I’ll be fine” Jimin grinned dopily at him “My parents left me pizza money, plus Tae and Kook promised to skype me anytime after they finish their dinner”

“If you’re sure” Yoongi’s eyebrows drew in “If you need anything just text me”

Jimin laughed “You’re acting like a better parent than my own parents”

“I just wanna make sure you’ll be fine” Yoongi shrugged, looking away in embarrassment “Sue me”

“Hyung” Jimin called, “Thank you for today, really, I appreciate it”

“Of course,” Yoongi smiled back “I’m one of the best friends you’ll ever have”

And Jimin burst out laughing as he opened his car door. “I’m sure hyung. I’ll believe you when you start acing my tests”

“That’s cheating, also against like every rule the school has.” Yoongi snorted “In aspects out of school though,”

Jimin stepped out of the car and grinned again “Thanks again hyung, I’ll text you when I eat so you don’t worry”

“Good,” Yoongi chuckled “Call if you need anything”

“Sure, bye hyung”

“Bye Jimin”

Jimin shut the door and Yoongi waited until the younger was safely inside his house before driving away.


Yoongi drove around the block and pulled over. His hands shook a little as he texted his group chat that the four of them needed to meet up immediately, Jin said to go over to his and Namjoon’s.

He’d held it together extremely well through the night but now he was freaking the out.

His legs wobbled as he made his way into his friend’s apartment, he didn’t bother to knock because they knew he was coming. Hoseok was already there on the couch arguing with Namjoon about some Yoongi didn’t care about.

“I’m here” he called while he walked into the kitchen and grabbed a beer from the refrigerator before going to join the rest.

“Hey hyung” Namjoon says, “What’s up?”

Hoseok chuckled “We were together less than an hour ago. Miss us already?”

Now Yoongi would normally joke around and say some bull back but he couldn’t find the heart to. He sighed deeply and then chugged half the can.

“Oof” Jin winced, walking in from where he was getting changed into his pajamas in the bedroom “This seems serious.”

“Okay hyung, what’s wrong” Namjoon frowned “Are you ok?”

“I need moral support while I do this” Yoongi says blankly sitting down on the couch next Hoseok. He didn’t explain what that meant, he just went straight to rolling up his left sweater sleeve.

His suspicions were confirmed – no English lettering on his forearm – no writing at all. Park Jimin was his soulmate. He ran his pointer finger over his now blank arm and a dry sob wracked through his body.

“My sentence disappeared” he whispered.

Yoongi looked up to see the range of emotion go through his friends faces. Shock – excitement – realization.

“Oh” Jin sounded sad. “Oh Yoongi”

Yoongi let out a pitiful laugh “Yeah, oh

Namjoon sighed “What’re you gonna do?”

“in-” Yoongi started forcefully but ending with a pitiful “Nothin”

And that’s what he was – pitiful. Yoongi was hunch in on himself eyes glued to his bare arm, second away from crying. He’s not even willing to do anything about his own soulmate.

Hoseok scooted closer and wrapped his arms around his hyung and didn’t say anything. No one knew what to say, they all knew the consequences and risks if Yoongi were to do anything about it. It was illegal for teachers to have a relationship with their student – didn’t matter if said student was of legal age or if they were soulmates. They all knew – hell they had joked about the possibility before Yoongi had started the job but now was different. Now was real.

Yoongi’s text notification was deafeningly loud in the quiet solemn room. They all jumped, Hoseok yelped, Jin’s hand flew over his heart like an old woman. Yoongi almost cracked a smile.

Yoongi unlocked his phone “Speak of the devil” he sighed, reading the text that Jimin’s eating – a selfie of Jimin holding up a pizza box attached. That actually did make Yoongi smile.

“I guess you just have to wait” Hoseok spoke up for the first time in a long while “Just wait until graduation”

Yoongi nodded and downed the rest of his beer.


The thing is, Yoongi has a free period where he doesn’t have any students every Thursday. He usually uses that time to grade either home work or tests in the nurse’s office while talking to Jin. However, the elder man took the day off so Yoongi’s bored and lonely.

Despite saying that he wasn’t going to do anything about the soulmate thing a month ago, that doesn’t mean that he was going to lose the friendship he built with Jimin. He still tutors him on the weekends, still texts him daily, still makes secret eye contact during class.

And well, now, since Yoongi is bored, he figured Jimin probably bored in his science class. Actually, he knows Jimin is bored because the younger had been complaining all week over how it’s he’s already learned.

Yoongi can’t believe what he’s doing. The entire way from his classroom all he way to the science wing he’s questioning his own sanity. And then he sees Jimin looking bored out of his mind through the window on one of the doors to the classroom and – Yoongi thinks he’s about to save this poor kid.

He knocked on the door popped his head in and put on his best professional smile on his face. He perfected it in college when Jin made him work at the Starbucks to replace him after he graduated.

“Hey Ms. Moon” he stepped into the room “Sorry to interrupt”

“Ah Mr. Min” She turned from the white board to look at him “How can I help you?”

Yoongi saw Jimin perk up from the corner of his eye, he also saw Jeon Jungkook asleep and drooling on his desk. He had to hold back a laugh. “Yeah I was wondering I could steal one of your students to help me grade some tests?” he asked

“Sure” she waved a hand at the class “Take any one you want”

Yoongi looked over the class for a moment, humming as if he was thinking about it. most students were trying to avoid eye contact with him – most don’t like him very much, thinking he’s too strict and stone faced. Jimin raised an amused eyebrow at him already catching on to what Yoongi was playing at. Yoongi’s lip twitched up after what seemed like an appropriate amount of time.

“Park Jimin” Yoongi made his voice seem firm, strict “Come with me”

Jimin got some pitying looks as they walked out of the room and Jimin acted upset. The door clicked shut behind them and they walked out of the wing in silence. Halfway back to Yoongi’s classroom Jimin snorted, then broke out into a fit of giggles.

“Oh god” he gasped “You must be a god!”

Yoongi grinned “Oh yeah? Why’s that”

“You came at the worst part of lesson and I was actually about to fake a stomach ache to get outta there” Jimin told him “It’s like we’re psychically connected or something”

Yoongi hummed, unlocking his room “Well I wanted your opinion on something anyways so it’s a win-win situation” and now Yoongi’s just spewing everything and anything that comes to mind.

“Awe you value my opinion”

“That’s not what I said” Yoongi scoffed, handing Jimin a stack of paper to make the lie seem plausible in case they got caught “I want your opinion it’s not like your opinion is gonna change anything”

Jimin rolled his eyes and pulled up a chair next to Yoongi’s desk “So what is it?”

“My mixtape?”

“Really?” Jimin looked at him with wide eyes

Yoongi cleared his throat “Just a few songs, it’s not gonna go out until August and its November now so.” He shrugged.

“Wow” Jimin grinned “the only time I skip class is with my teacher to listen to his goddamn mixtape”

Yoongi rolled his eyes and started playing AgustD.

Weirdly, Yoongi felt more confident about his mixtape after Jimin told him how good it was.


It was the last day before school let out for winter break and Yoongi was just going to let his classes watch movie or socialize or whatever they want as long they didn’t get too rambunctious. He strode into the classroom a few minutes late to let his class get settled before he announced the plans for the day.

In he strode, head held high as he said “Alright class push everything aside and –” Yoongi isn’t fazed by Taehyung suddenly shoving Jimin off the chair that they were sharing. He sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose.

“” Jimin whined “Why”

And Taehyung responded, with a completely straight face “Mr. Min said to push everything aside” he lowered his voice “You are my everything bro”


Yoongi wonders how this ended up being his life. He put his face into his hands and took a deep breath ignoring the classroom full of teenagers for a good 30 seconds.  When he looked back up he’s greeted with Taehyung and one of the girls that really, he’d need to be looking at the attendance sheet to name her are glaring at each other. Most of the class was already talking amongst themselves. Jimin was still on the ground.

“Park Jimin is my platonic soulmate” Taehyung stated, almost angrily

The girl scoffed “I’m telling you ‘platonic soulmates’ aren’t a thing” a roll of the eyes “I don’t care how close you think you are.”

“You know what” Taehyung stood up and raised his hand in the air “Mr. Min! Do you believe in platonic soulmates?”

Yoongi paused to actually give thought into his answer, He was used to Taehyung asking stupid questions but for once maybe this one wasn’t as ridiculous as they usually were.

“I don’t know if I would necessarily say platonic soulmates are a thing.” he sighed, the girl looked smug until he continued with “However, I do think that platonic relationships are just as important as romantic ones and should be focused on just as much. Friends can be like family, so close relationships could be considered to be like soulmates. I’d recommend making a friend or two that you could proudly call your platonic soulmates.”

Yoongi then made eye contact with Jimin who was still on the ing floor and winked. “Anyways class I guess you al can just socialize this period I don’t care anymore.”

He slid down in his chair and pulled his phone out from his laptop bag and pulled up Jimin’s contact info. He sighed loudly at himself as he pressed send on the text and waited for Jimin to receive it.

Yoongi-hyung: “Platonic soulmates aren’t a thing no one can be close enough for that”

Yoongi-hyung: thats so sad alexa play ttylxox by bella thorne

Yoongi-hyung: pls laugh I hate myself sm rn

Yoongi could see Jimin grabbing his phone from the corner of his eye. He heard Jimin’s reaction better than he saw it.

Jimin let out a loud indignant sound, then there was a loud bang which Yoongi assumed to be Jimin hitting his arm a desk and then Taehyung saying “Dude are you dead or something? Oh god he’s fricking dead” and when he does look at Jimin on the ground –  he’s a puddle of silent giggles.

Yoongi get’s a response 5 minutes later once Jimin have calmed down enough to only wheeze every few moments

Jiminie: I ing hate you

Yoongi has never been so proud.


Yoongi decided to take the first few days of the new year off once school started back up. He’d spent the break in Daegu with his family, and this year when they asked the typical question of “Have you found your soulmate yet?” his answer was different. It was exhausting telling his family about Jimin while leaving out the fact that Jimin was his student. Difficult to side step questions of “How did you meet?” and “How old is he?” or similar. So, once he was back home he had to take a few days to recuperate from the stress of the sudden interest in his life and telling half-truths. He spent most of his type in his studio producing and catching up on what he missed while he was gone anyways.

Wednesday, the day before he goes back to teach he gets a text from Jimin that makes him double take.

Jiminie: I got in a fight at school today :(

Yoongi stares at the message blankly for a moment not quite processing what Jimin could mean because he’s usually so nice and non-confrontational he can’t imagine him being in a fight-fight.

Yoongi-hyung: what like an argument?

And the next thing he gets is a selfie of Jimin pouting cutely at the camera – or it would be cute if there weren’t a purpling bruise forming under his right eye and –

Yoongi pressed the call button before he could even think to stop himself.

“Hyung?” Jimin picked up on the third ring

“What happened” Yoongi asked, voice rough and scratchy from not using it in a good two days

He heard someone’s muffled voice in the back ground and Jimin telling them to ‘shut the up’ before he finally responded with “I told you I got in a fight at school today, hyung”

“You need to expand on that statement” Yoongi orders sternly, placing his headphones on his desk and rolling his chair out a little.

Jimin hummed “Well the boys and I were just minding our own business, I was eating string cheese because of who I am as a person-”

“Jimin” Yoongi sighed, trying to move the story along

“Shush! I’m getting there,” Jimin protested “So anyways Tae and JK were holding hands because that’s what soulmates do and this guy says a very mean word so I got into a fist fight”

“What do you mean he said a mean word?”

“A mean word.” Jimin stated resolutely “About gay people. Starts with F.”

Then it clicked in Yoongi’s brain. He outwardly winced at it “That’s ty”

Jimin snorted “Yeah, hence my need to punch his face in”

“Well, I can’t say that I disagree with you for doing that but…” He trailed off, shaking his head and pinching the bridge of his nose.

 In the silence between them he could hear more muffled talking from the background and a very distinct ‘Jeon Jungkook give me my fricking apple back I need more daddies’ from who was definitely Taehyung and Yoongi never wants to know what that could possibly mean.

“You’re mad at me” Jimin decided after what seemed like an hour when it was really it was maybe 30 seconds

Yoongi hummed, spinning his chair around once before answering “I guess I am” he continued before Jimin could protest more than a little whine “Only because you got hurt”

Jimin whined again “It was worth it though” Yoongi could hear the pout I his voice

“Alright” Yoongi sighed “Did you win?”

“I don’t know if I necessarily won” Jimin hummed, seemed like he was smiling again though “But the guy definitely lost”


“Tae and JK don’t care what people say about them as much as I do, or at least they act like they don’t” Jimin explained “Makes them uncomfortable though and it bothers me so they didn’t really react until I got punched and then I’m pretty sure Jungkook broke his nose and Taehyung almost dislocated his shoulder.”

“Christ!” Yoongi yelped

Jimin giggled “Yea I know right?”

“This was at school?” Yoongi asked, receiving a hum of affirmative “What were your punishments?”

“The guy, Kook and Taetae all got suspended” Jimin hummed “I only got sent home for the rest of the day and detention this Saturday and I was wondering-”

“No, Jimin I can’t get you out of detention” Yoongi chuckled “I wasn’t the one who gave you the detention so I can’t”

“Damn” Jimin groaned “I wanted to see you this Saturday.”

Yoongi felt himself flush bright pink from the tips of his ears all the down to collarbone. He’s so glad this was a phone call. He heard the muffled voice of Taehyung and Jungkook both laugh. It took him a few seconds compose himself enough to say:

“So, what?” Yoongi scoffed playfully “You want me to be the detention supervisor this week?”

“You could do that?”

Yoongi sighed, looked at his empty calendar and bit his lip “Yeah, I need the overtime” he lied through grit teeth.


Jimin hung up his phone call 10 minutes later after chatting just a little longer until Yoongi was called to talk to his boss at the studio. He sat there for a minute, processing his thoughts while his best friends were busy wrestling over who got the better controller for the game they were setting up to play.

He waited for them to quiet down before he let oud a noise that was something between a groan and a whine. Then the two younger boy’s attention was on him, staring with matching wide eyed startled expressions.

“What I’m about to say is at least 80% your guys’ fault” he moaned in anguish and kicked his legs childishly “I have a crush on our math teacher”

Taehyung firmly planted his hand on Jungkook’s shoulder while still staring at Jimin, Jungkook copying the motion, the two repeated that until they were just smacking each other until cleared his throat at them.

“Holy dude” Taehyung giggled

Jungkook grinned at him “Good luck with that, Jail Bait”


Jimin is miserable without Taehyung and Jungkook at school. They’re the only people he actually talked to more than just polite greeting and such. He feels so awkward walking through the halls alone and sitting in all his classes by himself. He dreads lunch time. The only thing he’s looking forward to is Yoongi’s class because at least he’ll have a friendly face there to look at, despite the grumpy exterior of said friendly face. He’s staring at the clock tick slowly closer to lunch, about a half hour, when he sees Yoongi walk past the door of the classroom. He didn’t much of it until he saw Yoongi backtrack, peer in and make eye contact with him. he saw Yoongi sigh and then the door to the classroom was being opened.

“Hello Ms. Moon” Yoongi smiled “Can I bother you to steal Jimin again to grade papers”

His science teacher quickly waved Jimin out of class. When Jimin looked at him in confusion Yoongi just shrugged, “You looked lonely.” He smiled a little “You can sped lunch in my room helping me grade if you want”

“You’re literally one of my favorite people in this whole world” Jimin grinned widely

Yoongi didn’t know how to respond.


Jimin trudged drearily to school. He was tired and grumpy for having to come in on one of his only days off, but there was nothing he could do. He made it in two minutes before he would be considered late and Yoongi rose a teasing eyebrow at him. He thinks he would have jokingly flipped him off in return if it hadn’t been for the other students pooling into the room.

He sat down in the desk directly across from the table at the front of the class that Yoongi’s going to be supervising from. He got a few weird looks from the other students who were all trying to sit farther in the back of the class room, but Jimin doesn’t know anyone else besides Yoongi so he didn’t want to sit next to someone he doesn’t know if he could help it.

The only the problem was, the second he sat down he suddenly got a weird feeling in his gut. Not a bad feeling, not a good feeling it was more like – anticipation. His gut was telling him something was going to happen soon. He bit his lip to suppress his nerves.

Yoongi passed out a work sheet for them to work on while they were there, mostly so they would have something to do and stay quiet. An hour into the two-and-a-half-hour punishment Jin walked in in normal street clothes, like the ones he was wearing on his birthday at the bowling alley, Jimin almost pouted at how unfairly handsome he is. Yoongi looked about as surprised as Jimin felt.

“The are you doing here” Yoongi leaned forward and whisper screamed just loud enough to reach Jimin’s ears but quiet enough that the kids in the back can’t hear.

Jin lifted a box up “I came to make sure you had breakfast”

Jimin almost laughed at the absurdity of the statement. He shook his head and went back to scratching out answers on the work sheet.

“Listen here you ing –”

Jimin didn’t catch the rest of Yoongi telling Jin he doesn’t need to be mothered. Jimin’s hearing just went static. He could feel the words on his arm get seared off. The lead of his pencil snapped against his paper. His heartrate skyrocketed, breathing quickened. Jimin felt like he was about to vomit.

There was a knot in his throat when he raised his arm to speak “Uhm” he choked out tears pricking to the corners of his eyes “Mr. Min, I don’t feel well” he hates how his voice cracked.

It effectively cut off whatever whispered argument the two elder men were having. Jimin was barely keeping himself from falling apart the moment Yoongi looked at him with concerned drawn over his face.

“Are you ok?” was what Yoongi asked.

Jimin wasn’t really sure. He shook his head negative nonetheless.

Jin stepped over looking at him from over his desk and, at the very least noticed how close he was to having a panic attack “You can spend the rest of detention n the nurses office with me, okay Jimin?”

Jimin nodded, grabbed his bag, and scrambled up onto shaky legs. He wobbled out of the room behind the nurse. He felt bad about it, but he couldn’t make eye contact with Yoongi.


Jin checked his temperature to make sure he didn’t have a fever and gave him a bottle of water.

“Do you have panic attacks often?” the nurse asked kindly once Jimin had almost evened his breathing.

Jimin took a tiny sip from his bottle of water. Panic attacks weren’t uncommon for him, they’d gotten better since Yoongi started tutoring since most of them were about school. He shrugged “This ones…” he took a hitched breath, staring at his quivering hands gripping the plastic bottle unfairly hard “This ones the worst I’ve had in a long time” he settled

Jin stayed with him for another five minutes, making sure he was ok and soothing him. He was good at that. Jimin wondered if it’s part of his school nurse training to or if it comes naturally. Jin left once he deemed Jimin calm enough to tell Yoongi how he’s doing. Jimin’s stomach dropped again but he ignored it in favor of laying down on the nurse’s cot.

 He debated doing it for a long minute. Once he looked it would be confirmed and real. If he ignored it he could act like all that was just a freak attack and nothing to worry about. He took a deep breath and lifted his arm so he could look at it. In a single quick, almost jerky movement he pulled his hoodie sleeve over his elbow.


He arranged his face into a careful poker face. He knew, he knew, that Yoongi was his soulmate in the classroom, but seeing it made it all the more real. Jimin didn’t know how else to react other than having his initial fit earlier.

Jin walked back in just as Jimin ran his fingers over his newly cleared skin. The nurse froze in the door way just as he saw Jimin.

“Jimin” his voice was careful, like he knew something.

Jimin was hoping it was just his nerves telling him that Jin knew “Yeah?” he slowly lowered his arm

“How are you feeling now?” he asked carefully

He wasn’t sure how he felt if he was being honest. “Fine.”

Jin hummed “And can I ask” he paused, bit the inside of his cheek “What were you doing while I was gone?”

Jimin tensed, Jin knows. He has to know. The way he’s so careful about this he has to know. He stared at Jin with wide eyes when he answered “Nothing. I wasn’t doing anything” it came out faster than he meant.

He can tell that Jin knows that he knows, just from the way the man’s lip twitched.

“What….” Jin sighed, wringing his hands together “Do you know?”

“What do you know?”

“I think we both know the exact same thing, Jimin” Jin says “Do you want to talk about it?”

“No” Jimin whined “Just don’t – tell him”

Jin didn’t say anything for a long time and Jimin started to think he was just gonna drop it when “Yoongi already knows”

Jimin shot up in his bed “what do you mean he knows”

“I mean you already said your sentence to him back in October” Jin shrugged suddenly dropping all subtlety

Oh. Oh. Jimin doesn’t know what to say. He just – he didn’t know what to say.

“Made him cry” Jin continued when he caught on that Jimin wasn’t going to respond “Yoongi sat on my couch all weekend because he was freaking out.”

“I’m sorry” Jimin mumbled

“It’s not your fault kiddo” Jin chuckled, rolling his chair over to dig in one of his drawers “You just had a panic attack, you’re both valid”

“He didn’t tell me” Jimin pouted

Jin hummed, “He didn’t know how you would react and he didn’t wanna lose you as a friend”

Jimin made a noise of discomfort “What do I do?”

“Man, I don’t know” Jin took a breath “Yoongi was gonna wait for you to graduate before he told you” the nurse shook his head, pulling his phone from his pocket and rolled it between his hands “But, uh, now you know so…”

Jimin groaned and threw his arms over his eyes “I hate everything”

Jin told him to take a nap. Which he finds it was easy to pass out, considering how emotionally exhausted the past half hour has made him.


The moment Jimin woke up was the same moment Yoongi cracked the office’s door open, ironically. Jimin was glad he was facing away from the door so he wouldn’t have to confront his soulmate so soon.

“I came to let you guys know detentions out” Yoongi tells Jin “He’s asleep?”

“He was drained” Jin sighed

Yoongi hummed “Do you know what happened?”

“I do” Jin paused, sounding nervous even “He uh, he knows”

“Knows?” Yoongi sounded confused “Knows what?”

Jimin heard something that sounded suspiciously like skin slapping skin and he can assume that it’s Jin smacking his forearm because the next thing Jimin hears is Yoongi going

“Oh” a groan “Oh my god” a pause “What did I even say?”

“I don’t know” Jin tells him “I didn’t ask.”

“Why? Normally you’d be all over the drama”

“He just had a panic attack Yoongi” Jin hissed quietly “I didn’t wanna trigger another one”

“Is he ok now?” Yoongi asked

“I’m not sure, I think he will be, soon”

“Alright let know how he is when he wakes up” and the Yoongi left and Jimin rolled over to his back.

Jimin sighed and sat up “I’m going home” he told Jin before the elder even opened his mouth “Thanks for the help, sorry for the inconvenience”

“It’s no problem Jimin” Jin smiled at him “Be safe and take care of yourself” he paused “Don’t worry about Yoongi too much he’ll wait for you to reach out,”


He busted into Taehyung’s room without a second thought. He didn’t even care that Jungkook was asleep in Taehyung’s bed or that Taehyung was reading a book.

The door slammed open, Jimin spread his arms out and screeched with all his power “I need cuddles right now!”

Taehyung flung himself out of bed to swoop Jimin into a hug “What’s wrong?” he asked once he safely had his best friend cradled against his chest

Jimin just whined in response so Taehyung took that as a cue to just flop both of them onto the bed – which startled Jungkook to wake up.

“Jiminie needs to be snuggled” Taehyung informed

Jungkook lifted an arm and Jimin was safely covered by his two best friend’s limbs.

He listened to the two of them talk to each other for over an hour when it got to much again. He felt himself tear up but before he could stop himself he let out a hiccup. Taehyung pulled him into a tighter hug and threw his leg over him.

“Yoongi’s my soulmate” he mumbled into Taehyung’s shirt.

“We were joking” Jungkook made a pained sound “I promise we were”

“It’s not like you guys spoke it into existence” Jimin chuckled a little “Life just sometimes”

Taehyung hummed “Does that mean we’re skipping math class?”

“Yes, absolutely”


Yoongi wasn’t surprised when Jimin (and to a lesser extent Taehyung) didn’t show up for class on Monday. He was, however, disappointed. He assumed Jimin was going to avoid him – thought that was a valid response. However, he still hoped Jimin would show up to class. Jimin skipped his class all week.

Saturday, Yoongi went to the café to tutor Jimin, and really, he wasn’t surprised when Jimin didn’t show up but it still hurt a little.

He let it happen for over a month, never marking either Jimin or Taehyung absent.

And then – Valentine’s day.

Yoongi walked into school at the usual time he does, an hour and a half before school started so that he could prepare for the day like the responsible teacher he is. Barely any other people were at school – so imagine his surprise when there was a little bag on his desk when he walked into his classroom.

His eyebrows furrowed, he didn’t remember leaving anything the day before. He looked at it while he set his laptop bag under the desk. He weighed his options of opening, figuring the worst that could happen wasn’t too bad.

He didn’t expect there to be two boxes of hot chocolate mix and a scarf with a card in the bag. He blinked. Once, twice, he’s not really sure what to make of this.

He knew it was valentine’s day but this seemed more personal than anything any student would get him, after all there ought to be some students who would give their teachers chocolate. He grabbed the card with pursed lips.

happy valentine’s day, hyung’

Yoongi flushed as he looked at Jimin’s small hand writing. It’s the first sort of contact Jimin had made with him since finding out about the soulmate thing.

He forgot everything he was doing in that moment, grabbed the gift bag and practically sprinted to the nurse’s office.

He slammed the sliding door open with all the force he could muster, effectively making Jin choke on the croissant he was trying to eat for breakfast.

“He got me a scarf” Yoongi deadpanned, sitting on the chair Jin kept in the office for him

Jin looked at him for a minute, taking a slow bite “Oh? Well it is valentine’s day Yoongles”

“But he hasn’t talked to me in a month hyung” Yoongi whined “now he leaves me hot chocolate and a scarf? How am I supposed to react?”

“Wear the scarf” Jin shrugged “Drink the hot chocolate. Wait for him. you know the usual.”


Yoongi wanted to laugh when homework started showing up on his desk in a similar fashion as the valentine’s day gift. The homework that was missing and the homework that was due just started appearing on his desk every morning signed with Jimin and Taehyung’s names.

He marked the homework with the rest of the class’ and pretended that he was marking them absent even though he wasn’t.


March 9th Jimin walked into the nurse’s office with a box in his hands and a tense set to his jaw. He closed the door carefully, hoping not to be interrupted.

Jin stared at him for a long minute “Jimin”

“Uh hi, Jin hyung” Jimin cleared his throat, feeling his cheeks heat up

Jin leaned forward, crossing a leg over the other and propping his chin oh his hand “Ooh, hyung is it?” he grinned smugly “So this isn’t a matter of school,”

Jimin shook his head, embarrassed out of his mind as he shifted his weight from one foot to the other “No, not right now um”

“What’s in the box?” Jin was having far too much fun with this

Jimin hunched a little “It’s Yoongi hyung’s birthday” he mumbled “I got him a present”

Jimin hated the way Jin cooed at him with a “Aren’t you the cutest” and then the elder looked at him “And you want me to give it to him?”

Jimin coughed “I don’t have dance this week so I couldn’t ask Hoseokie hyung”

“Ok, hand it over” Jin held his hands out “Can I asked what you got him?”

“Just a hoodie and a pair of head phones…” he his lips “One of the last times we talked he mentioned he need new ones of both. I don’t know if that’s still true but I figured-” he cut himself off with a shrug “I have to go Tae’s waiting for me”

He could hear Jin laughing as scrambled out of the room. In a moment of adrenalin and complete confusion Jimin found himself pulling his phone

Jiminie: Jin hyung looks like he’d be lawful good

Jiminie: HOWEVER

Jiminie: he’s chaotic evil and im stressed

Yoongi hyung: big mood

Yoongi hyung: wait?????

Yoongi hyung: you’re texting me? am I dead or smthn

Jiminie: why do you automatically assume youv died

Jiminie: its ur birthday, happy birthday hyungie

Yoongi hyung: i

Yoongi hyung: thank you

Jimin sat sown next to Taehyung in their hiding spot between the bushes and the school building, humming at his phone and waving the youngers offer of a snack off.

Jiminie: don’t you have a class to be teaching

Yoongi hyung: some things are more important

Jiminie: this is your LIVELEYHOOD

Yoongi hyung: my statement stands

Jimin thinks he would have blushed if Yoongi hadn’t immediately followed it up with

Yoongi hyung: I have time right now, I’m copying papers

Yoongi hyung: also

And after no follow up for a few minutes Jimin furrowed his brow and said aloud “Also?”

“Also, if you two are trying to hide you should either get closer to the building or the bushes” Yoongi’s voice sounded from above them.

Taehyung squawked and dived behind Jimin. Jimin on the other hand whipped around to see Yoongi leaning over the windows positioned over them.

“Who says we’re hiding?” Taehyung tried to defend

Yoongi raised an amused eyebrow at the two of them “Considering you both are supposed to be in my class right now, and you’re couched behind bushes I’d say you’re hiding” a pause

Jimin snorted “Thanks for the advice, Mr. Min”

“Yeah, yeah. Don’t worry I won’t write you guys up” Yoongi waved a dismissive hand at them “But I do need a favor”

Taehyung narrowed his eyes slightly “What is it? I don’t like favors they make me itchy”

“It’s true they do” Jimin chuckled

Yoongi rolled his eyes “There’s a test on Thursday, can you two at least come in for that? I haven’t been marking either of you absent but I have to if you miss a test, I’ll send you a cheat sheet if you think you’ll need it”

“Sure” Jimin nodded “we’ll be there”

It was only when Yoongi turned around to walk away that Jimin noticed he was wearing the scarf that he bought on valentine’s day. He slumped into Taehyung and groaned out another “I literally hate everything”


Yoongi actually did send a cheat sheet and the two of them spent hours going over everything Yoongi said they needed to know.

They went in on Thursday and ignored the questions from the classmates that wanted to know where they’ve been. Yoongi thankfully barely acknowledged them, just handing their tests and taking them back.

Jimin hoped he passed after it was over and done with.

They were aloud on their phones after the test but he really wasn’t expecting anyone to text him besides maybe Taehyung.  But Taehyung was still scribbling away in the seat behind him so the vibration of an incoming message surprised him

Yoongi hyung: you should come to class more often :(

Jiminie: don’t :( me that’s sad

Yoongi hyung: I am sad my soulmate doesn’t wanna see me :(((((

Jimin scoffed outwardly and saw Yoongi dramatically roll his eyes from the table at the front of the room.

 Jiminie: is this flirting? Bc you’re bad at it

Yoongi hyung: THANKS

And then Taehyung got up to turn in his test sat back and pulled out his phone as well.

Tae bae: for those of us that KNOW yall are really heckin obvious and I’m stressed!!


He and Taehyung decided to start going to class regularly again, if only for graduation purposes.


Now, it’s a shock, like a major shock when he actually walked into class the next day and Yoongi was wearing the hoodie he gave him (via Jin) earlier that week. Yoongi has only ever worn button ups and his one pair of slacks to school.

However, once it was time for class to start he saw that not only was he wearing a hoodie he’s also wearing ripped jeans and he looked like he usually did on the weekend study sessions. Jimin was stressed. The girls behind him and Taehyung were whispering about how hot their teacher looked the entire lesson, Jimin was then, beyond annoyed.

Yoongi, as always, wrapped up the lesson with “Any questions?”

“Yeah uh” Taehyung shot his hand up “Why are you dressed your age?”

“I have a gig – event after school and I don’t have time to go home and change” Yoongi chuckled “Jin hyung- I mean nurse Kim is dressed casually too.”

“I like your hoodie” Someone on the other side of the classroom called out 

Jimin felt pride bubble in his chest when Yoongi grinned and said “Thanks, my soulmate got it for me”


Hoseok later sent him a video of Yoongi rapping on stage and Taehyung’s input was

“Goddamn I knew he was hot”


“So, ok” Jungkook was sitting on Taehyung’s bed with his laptop open “You two graduate in early May, right?”

Taehyung turned to him in his desk chair “Yeah, what about it?”

Well” Jungkook emphasized, rolling his eyes “it’s like mid to late march right now,”

Jimin sat up from where he was laying on the floor scrolling through his phone “So?”

“So, it’s really only like” Jungkook paused, counting on his “like a month and a half away”

Jimin still didn’t get what the younger was getting at, Taehyung rolled his wrist to get his soulmate to continue.

“When you graduate” Jungkook sighed in annoyance “Mr. Min isn’t your teacher anymore”

Taehyung gasped, shooting out of his chair “That means you can get him – legally!”

“Or Jimin can, I dunno” Jungkook scoffed “Date his soulmate and have a normal relationship”

“Dating includes the ” Taehyung pointed to his soulmate “So technically we are both correct”

“Taehyung shut up” Jimin chuckled “I never ed anyone I dated”

“Wait” Taehyung eyebrows furrowed “No one? Not even Kook?”

“What? No” Jungkook coughed “You thought we ed?”

Jimin made a mildly disgusted face “Tae I tell you everything, you’d be the first to know if I had with someone”

“No, you actually thought we ed?” Jungkook pressed

“I don’t know I figured you’d want some sort of privacy on certain matters Park Jimin” Taehyung defended “Also you guys dated for a few months I don’t I would’ve gotten jiggy with it as soon as possible”

“And you did” Jimin deadpanned “You told me very explicitly a week after you guys started dating”

Poor Jungkook blushed at that, making the two older boys laugh openly at him.


Jimin actually started doing better in math class, but only because he’s vehemently ignoring everything in that classroom and keeping his eyes on the board. He went from being a C student to a B+ student. Finals came and went and – and there was only a few weeks until graduation.

Yoongi seemed to be just as anxious as he was. He reminded the class daily that the years almost up. The class joked that he just wanted to get rid of them – Yoongi never denied it though, Taehyung liked to point out as often as he can bring it up.


Jimin wished the shirt he was wearing under his graduation gown was a little less itchy, but really, he couldn’t complain much. He was finally ing graduating. The room was buzzing with energy – Taehyung was practically vibrating from excitement.

They knew their families were already out there seated, Jungkook got to skip his own classes that day as well. Jimin watched the teacher’s frantically run about, getting everything together at the last minute. Taehyung was practically sitting on his lap while he talking with one of the friends he made during a class he didn’t share with him. Taehyung always was a social butterfly.

Jimin wasn’t paying much attention, the whole day went by in a sort of haze. He knew where he had to sit and what to do when his name was called and that’s all that really mattered. He listened to the teacher’s and student’s speeches, not really hearing any of it. Everything dragged on and Jimin breathed a sigh of relief when they started calling names out.

Taehyung got the loudest reaction, with his huge hyper family, along with Jungkook, Jimin’s sure.

When his name was called, Jimin was expecting just the normal subdued clapping and maybe a ‘whoop’ or two from Taehyung and Jungkook.  However, at least 4 different voices rang out with different encouragements, none of them from his family. He looked over the crowed only to see Jungkook in the middle of the isle with his camera he got for Christmas taking pictures of him. Jimin made sure to grin at the younger for at least one nice picture of him receiving his diploma.


Taehyung dragged him over to their families once they were released. Jimin’s dad gave him a pat on the head, his mom told him she recorded the ceremony and then they left. Jimin wondered over to one of the open to wait for Taehyung to finish getting congratulated by his family.

There was a tap on his shoulder and the two chairs on either side of him were filled.

“We,” Hoseok says plopping down and motioning to Namjoon on the other side of Jimin “Are your cheerleaders”

“Oh, I have cheerleaders now?” Jimin laughed

“We’re not here uninvited, if that makes you feel any better” Namjoon supplied “Technically we’re hired cheerleaders”

“Oh i really don’t think that makes me feel any better”

Hoseok laughed “Yeah me either Jiminie” a pause “But I woulda come anyways for you, you’re my favorite dance student”

“Sure,” Jimin rolled his eyes jokingly “I’m sure”

Jimin heard the click of a camera before he saw Jungkook approach “Tae’s gonna be a while” he says, sitting directly on Jimin’s lap”

“Ugh, you’re too heavy for this kook” Jimin groaned

But Jungkook paid him no mind, instead turning to Namjoon to introduce himself happily.

Jimin sat there, being squashed by his large friend and listening idle chatter continuously making eye contact with Taehyung from across the room. Eventually Taehyung broke off from his family and jogged over to the small group.

“You know” Taehyung says, rather than greeting “I’ve been watching the doors and the only person who’s left was,” he cleared his throat “our math teacher” he looked around for a second “So if you need to go and get some fresh air then I’d say go do that, Jimin, before everyone starts heading out there also”

Jimin, rightly confused by what his best friend is saying to him until Hoseok elbowed him.

“Math teacher. Outside. no one else is out there” Hoseok says, and then adds in a whisper “Go talk to Yoongi hyung”

And then it clicks for Jimin what they’re getting at. Jungkook slid off his lap the moment Jimin’s eyes widened in realization.

“I’m gonna go-” he paused as a group of people walked past them “Get some air”

He sped away, looking back one last time only to see Namjoon laughing into his hands.

Taehyung wasn’t kidding when he said there wasn’t anyone outside besides Yoongi. It was still early spring so the weather was cold and breezy. It only made sense that people would want to stay in the nice heated gym rather than standing out there. He took a breath, rubbing his already cooling hands together as he scanned the area. Yoongi was scrolling through his phone and was leaning against the wall on the far end of the gym, where no one would notice unless one was looking for him, like Jimin was. Jimin wasn’t sure he was ready to have a conversation addressing the fact that they’re actually soulmates in more than a joking manner. But at this point, Jimin figured, there was no point in prolonging the inevitable.

In a sudden burst of courage Jimin pivoted and strode over to his friend, ready to talk.

“Hyung” he called once he was only a few feet away from the elder

Yoongi turned his head to look at him, locking his phone and putting it in his back pocket as he did “Hey, Jimin” he grinned “Congrats on graduating”

“Hyung” Jimin swallowed is anxiety down “I’m not your student anymore”

“You’re not” Yoongi nodded slowly “I’m not your teacher anymore.”

Jimin his lips “You’re not.”

They stood there for a moment keeping eye contact, a breeze blew through the trees and Jimin thinks Jungkook would have compared this moment to an anime.

Yoongi took a deep breath “Are you gonna say it, or should I?”

“We’re soulmates” Jimin blurted, words almost getting jumbled in his mouth but ringing clear over the muffled celebrations coming from inside the gym “We’re soulmates hyung.”

“We’re soulmates” Yoongi repeated, running his hand through his hair chuckling quietly as if he was in disbelief “What do you want to do about that?”

Jimin shifted his weight from one foot to the other before saying “How about we grab some hot chocolate this Saturday?” sounding much cockier than he felt in that moment

 Yoongi let out an unexpectedly loud laugh at that “How about dinner instead?”

“Sure” Jimin smiled, relieved at how this is playing at out “dinner sounds nice.”

Yoongi smiled at him, it was possibly the softest look Jimin had ever seen on Yoongi’s face. “Ok Park Jimin.” Yoongi sighed “You should get back in there before anyone starts getting suspicious”

“Ok hyung” Jimin nodded, already starting to walk away “Don’t stay out here too long. I don’t want you getting sick before our date”

Yoongi waved him off with an amused roll of the eye.


Jimin, the moment he walked back through the door had Taehyung hooking an arm around his neck while he loudly complained about how cold his skin got while he was gone. Jimin allowed his best friend to rub his hands between his smaller ones while they made their way through the packed gymnasium.

“JK wanted to take pictures of us together, you little snow man” Taehyung explained weaving around a group of crying girls before leaning into his side and whispering “You can give me details once we’re alone again”

They took a few pictures together, let Jungkook take a few of them individually – Hoseok even jumped into a few pictures. After a good round of pictures Taehyung left, the only explanation they got from him was

“Oh! Idea!” before he went running.

Jimin and Jungkook share a look before shrugging him off, used to his mild nonsense. They knew Taehyung would wonder back eventually.

Jimin wishes that he was surprised by Taehyung pushing Yoongi by the shoulders whining something along the lines of “Please Mr. Min you have to take at least one picture with Jiminie and me its your duty as our favorite teacher” and Yoongi looking incredibly amused

Jungkook has just enough time to roll his eyes before Taehyung waved his hand over at the yelling “Jungkookie take a picture with Mr. Min and me!”

Jimin’s surprised Yoongi’s going along with Taehyung but he laughs anyways. He even lets Taehyung pull him out of his chair into the photo op. Taehyung jumped out of the pictures a few times so it was just him and Yoongi – winking at the two of them as he did it – Hoseok and Namjoon laughed from where they were sitting.

Eventually Jungkook handed Yoongi the camera to get a few pictures with the three of the because Yoongi apparently took a few photography classes in college – according to a giggling Namjoon.

All around, Jimin thinks graduation was a good day for him.


Jimin really wasn’t sure why he was letting Taehyung tear apart his closet. He acknowledged that Taehyung wants to help him get ready for his date later that day but all the younger is doing is throwing his clothes onto the floor and making small comments about each item. Jimin knows he’s probably just going to wear a button down and some black jeans but he also knows he has plenty of time. he shrugged to himself watching Taehyung examine one of his hoodies before balling it up and chucking it across the room.

“You know you could just put back on the hanger” Jimin complained “I don’t wanna have to clean all this up later”

“I’ll do it, I’ll do it” Taehyung waved him off “How ‘bout you wear your glasses tonight”

Jimin groaned, falling back onto his back on his bed “No. I hate those, they make me look like a nerd”

“I think they’re y” Taehyung grinned at him “Besides Mr. Min already knows your grades so he knows you’re not smart enough to be a nerd”

“ you” Jimin threw a pillow at his best friend only to be greeted with a response of giggles.

Eventually they agreed on what Jimin was already planning on wearing, but a blue button up instead of plain white. And after another round of minor bickering Taehyung eventually twisted his arm into doing a face mask with him as well.

“I love being a basic ” Taehyung let out a sigh of content, laying back into the pillows on Jimin’s bed. “We have to take these off in 20 minutes and then I’ll help you get ready for your date with Mr. Min” he ended with a teasing tone

“He’s not your teacher anymore, you can call him Yoongi”

“I absolutely cannot do that. you do not understand how much that is not going to happen.” Taehyung deadpanned “I’m calling him Mr. Min until you get married, my best man’s speech is already written I’m editing it”

Jimin laughed in disbelief at him best friend, shaking his head in amusement. “I’m not getting married anytime soon oh my god.”

“So you say. However!” Taehyung narrowed his eyes “You have to remember that your soulmate is an old man.”

“ off he is not”

“He is” Taehyung pouted “He’s been waiting for his soulmate for so much longer than you have poor grandpa Mr. Min”

“You’re ridiculous” Jimin rolled his eyes

“I’ll buy you dinner if you’re not married before you graduate college and if you are then you buy me dinner.” Taehyung grinned at him “Deal?”

Jimin scrunched his nose at his best friend but agreed anyways. Couldn’t hurt.


The wind messed up any style that Taehyung had tried to put it in before Jimin got to their meeting place. He peeked into the windows of their normal café to see if Yoongi had already shown up. He wondered how weird he looks doing that instead of just walking in but the sight of Yoongi with headphones slipped over his ears and laptop open in front of him distracted Jimin from the thoughts.

Jimin tapped his on the shoulder before sliding into the seat across from the elder.

“Hey” Yoongi greeted, slipping his headphones to around his neck and shutting his laptop

Jimin motioned to the laptop “Been waiting long?”

Yoongi shrugged at that, moving to put his things into his bag “The internet at my apartment went out so I came here for the free Wi-Fi”

“That so?’ Jimin grinned “So what’re we doing for dinner?”

“What’s the least awkward place we can go because in every scenario Hoseok forced me to go over I embarrass myself and knock over at least 2 cups of water” Yoongi joked

“Awe you went over scenarios for your first date with your best friend, that’s so cute” Jimin laughed, cutting off any embarrassed protests from the elder with “Taehyung only made me bet him when we’re getting married”

Yoongi chocked on his spit at that “And I thought Hoseok was being dramatic”

Jimin smiled, standing back up “I know a pizza place a couple blocks away”

“Lead the way”

Once they were seated in their booth across from each other Jimin stretched his arms above his head with a content sigh.

“Honestly” he says “this is like one of my favorite places”

Yoongi raised an inquisitive eyebrow at him, urging the younger to continue

“I used to come here all the time after school with Tae and Jungkook” Jimin hummed, stirring his straw around his ice in his cup “But I got really busy so we haven’t been able to come since-” he paused to think “Well actually the last time I came here was your first day teaching us”

“Really?” Yoongi’s eyebrows jumped up

“Yeah, it was the day before JK found out Tae is his soulmate” Jimin nodded “I remember we were talking about you because you were intimidating but Taehyung thought you were hot”

Yoongi scrunched his nose in confusion “Is that a compliment?”

“In a way” Jimin chuckled “He’s not wrong, if that helps any”

It could have been a trick of the dim lighting but Jimin swears Yoongi blushed at that.

“You’re real bold now that you’ve graduated” Yoongi cleared his throat “You know that”

Jimin shrugged a little smugly. He doesn’t see the point in being coy with his soulmate.


Yoongi lived in the same direction as Taehyung, so Jimin ended up walking Yoongi most of the way home. he had promised to stay the night at Taehyung’s house anyways.

“So you really found out I’m your soulmate on my birthday” Jimin was giggling on their walk, the light of the sunset illuminating his skin.

Yoongi paused for a moment just to take his soulmate in for what he was – beautiful. He hadn’t let himself look at Jimin at all, especially after he found out about them being soulmates, but now he could actually look and see how gorgeous Jimin is. He smiled at the tanned melanin of the youngers skin; it was darker than his but Yoongi thought it was prettier, healthier looking even. Jimin’s bleach lightened hair falling against his forehead his eyes scrunching cutely as he laughed. As he listened to Jimin’s giggled, Yoongi thought to himself that he sure was lucky.

Yoongi smiled “Yeah, I kept my cool all the way until I dropped you off and then I went and sat on Jin and Namjoon’s couch all weekend”

“That sounds rough” Jimin smiled a little apologetically

Yoongi rolled his eyes “You didn’t take it so well either” reaching his arm up to ruffle Jimin’s hair. Yoongi took a breath before sighing “That’s all in the past now though huh”

“I guess so” Jimin grinned at him “So what’re we doin’ next week?”

“Next week?” Yoongi scoffed “Why do I gotta plan everything”

“I took you to my favorite pizza place” Jimin pouted

“I paid though” Yoongi pointed out “And I already took you my favorite bowling place”

Jimin pouted at him, sticking his bottom lip out dramatically at him. Yoongi raised his eyebrow and put his hand on his hip. They looked at each other for a long moment before Yoongi deflated “We can go for a picnic, or somethin”

Jimin broke out into a big smile at that “Sounds good!” and then he stopped to look at the street sign “This is my turn”

“I have to go straight”

“Then I guess this is where we part” Jimin chuckled “Text me when you get home”

“Yeah” Yoongi nodded “You too”


Taehyung was waiting for him in his living room, Jungkook not paying as much attention but also present. The moment Jimin stepped through his friends front door Taehyung flung himself off the couch to get into Jimin’s space.

“How’d it go?” Taehyung asked, slinging an arm around the shorter

Jimin hummed, struggling to get his jacket off now that the younger was attached to his side “I think it went well”

“Did you him?” Jungkook called barely looking up from his phone

“No!” Jimin threw his shoe at the younger boy “We didn’t even hold hands, goddamn!”

“Lame” Jungkook teased “Why not? he’s your soulmate.”

Jimin made a noise of embarrassment at his youngest friend

“He’s gonna wait for like the third date before he even kisses Mr. Min” Taehyung answered for him “I bet my Jiminie’s gonna keep the same rules as he has with any other of his boyfriends”

“Probably” Jimin shrugged blushing a little more obviously than he’d like to have been

Taehyung cooed at him “Aw You’re so cute Jimin I love you”

“You’re gross” Jimin pouted, laughing a little bit “I’ll probably him sooner than I would have with any other person I dated, if that makes you feel better Kook”

Jungkook made a noncommittal ‘whoop’ which made Taehyung and Jimin laugh.


Yoongi sighed as he shoved his key into his apartment door sighing a little at the fact that the date didn’t end with any kinds of disasters like he was anticipating. He was glad it went as well as it did. Yoongi was in a very good mood.

He didn’t even care that Hoseok was waiting up for him on his couch. Yoongi looked blankly at the younger man for a minute, Hoseok smiled back at him and surprisingly Yoongi asked “Do you want some tea?”

“Sure…” Hoseok blinked as he watched his friend walk into the kitchen “Are you feeling alright?”

“I feel great” Yoongi called back

Nothing else was said until Yoongi came back with two steaming cup and they were both seated comfortably on Yoongi’s small couch.

“So” Hoseok nudged him with his toe “How’d your date go?”

Yoongi didn’t say anything for a minute just taking a few sips of tea. Just as Hoseok took a large sip Yoongi said very simply “I’m going to marry him”

Hoseok chocked on his tea, splattering most of his drink onto the carpet as he coughed. Yoongi laughed gleefully all the while, patting the youngers back to help him breathe.

“I assume that means it went well?” Hoseok wheezed out

Yoongi nodded “Yeah, do you think Jin will help me make something for a picnic with him next week?”

“I mean” Hoseok coughed once more “Probably”

Yoongi grinned and pulled out his phone.

“You think you’re gonna be happy?” Hoseok asked “Being in an actual serious relationship?”

Yoongi shrugged, smiling still “Yeah. I think if it’s with Jimin then I will”

“Good” Hoseok says “Jimin’s a good kid, I think you guys can be very happy”

Yoongi believed it.







oh my god finally!!! i've been working on this for since the moment on the last chapter but then i got busy an dthis got put on the back burner but then! for the last 2 (?) months this has been the only thing i've been working on,,,,,, all jokes i made in this were funny when i wrote this.  Leave a comment telling me how bad this was

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Haha wow the last chapter sure is taking a while rip


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Chapter 4: This is very good :D
inspirit1231 #2
Chapter 4: Yoonmin content so worth procrastinating studying for my midterm for <3
kulitlang08 #3
Chapter 4: wow...this is really good!!! thank you for the update...finally they are going to uni...and kookie will be going to uni after them...

yoonmin...finally happened!!!

taekook and namjin couple!!! hoseok and his soulmate... :)

looking forward for the next update... :)
meNmylifestyle #4
Chapter 4: i didn't regret waiting!! ?❤
Killuacutie #5
Chapter 3: i enjoy this
Chapter 3: If Tae and kookie chapter was cute I am excited for the yoonmin oneee
Chapter 3: okok i'm really hyped and i love soulmates!au sooooo muchhhhhhh
Garrisonj #8
Chapter 3: AH MUST....HAVE....MOREEEE
taemeetskookie97 #9
Chapter 3: I honestly cantt waittttttt
Chapter 3: Love this. Can't wait for the yoonmin chapter!