Chapter IV

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           “Hello, Joohyun.”


           Irene walked briskly to her seat across from her father at the small, yet modern and surprisingly cozy café down the block from Irene’s university.  The air was crisp and new.  The weather wasn’t much different from the usual, but Irene thought she could see the slightest ray of sunlight.  Ergo she deemed it as a horrible day.

           That and the fact that she was currently having the displeasure of meeting with her father over matters not family related whatsoever.  Useless.  Much to Irene’s shock (and offense), Wendy chose not to be present during this meeting with her father.  Whether it be due to the apparent “food poisoning” she seemed to have or the amusement of Irene coming home rather flushed, she made a mental note to try her best to kill her imagination later in Wendy’s presence.

           There were a few moments of silence in which Irene decided to raise a finger and call over a waiter to take their order, however once he was gone, she was pretty much obligated to try and make conversation with her father.  Since she knew his pride wouldn’t allow him to speak first.

           She coughed, “How are you and the company, father?”

           Irene spotted the corner of the middle-aged man’s lip flicker upward, “I’m great and ready for retirement.”

           Half-hearted laughter followed.  Irene was merely waiting for the conjunction.

           “But,” he continued, and Irene didn’t know whether she was relieved or not, “the company could use some help.”

           Irene refrained from rolling her eyes.  She could picture Wendy’s annoying laughter in her head, but that was probably because that was where she generally was.  They were beating around the bush for a good twenty minutes, talking about Michelle and Leo, the company and its stock holders as well as good-mannered catching up.

           She and Mr. Bae were never close.  They should have been; he was an excellent father.  Irene just couldn’t bring herself to become attached to him like her siblings Leo and Michelle had.  It made no sense to her.  In her eyes, she owed him absolutely nothing, in some off way.

           “Leo needs help with the company.”

           “What happened to Michelle?  She is older than me after all.”

           “Michelle’s pregnant, extremely moody, and large.”

           “Well yes, she has a miniature human inside her torso; I would assume she would be feeling that way.”

           “Joohyun,” he sternly guided her back to the topic at hand.

           Irene sighed and placed her fork next to her plate of salad, “Look, dad, I really won’t be any help to anyone at the company.  You own a jewelry company type thing, and as you can see by my sudden lack of proper adjectives, I have no idea what I would be doing.”

           “Could you at least try to help your own family?”  Mr. Bae rubbed his temples, feeling a little embittered.

           But why?  “Is there any other way I can help you guys then?”

           For moments he was still and silent.  Irene finally thought he was going to drop the subject, and questioned why she didn’t feel any guilt, but then again, she never really was sure what that felt like anyway.

           Then he snapped both his fingers and a grin onto his face, “Are you familiar with the concept of an arranged marriage?”

           Nope.  Irene immediately began to rise from her seat and collect her things, much to her father’s panic.

           “Joohyun, hold on!  Hear me out and I’ll let you think about it.  You’ll never see me bothering you about helping your brother about these matters if you agree.”

           Irene forced her bottom back into its seat.  She was slightly interested.  “Go on.”

           “My friend a daughter, and well since you’re interested in women, I think you guys should meet a few times over dinner or whatever you kids do these days.”

          “You want me to meet a random girl and hit her up, just for the benefit of your company?”  It was a question, but Irene’s tone was so bland and monotonous it sounded like a statement.

           Slowly, Mr. Bae began to nod, “But she’s a sweetheart, extremely attractive and you guys both share some kind of hatred towards humanity, seeing you two never talk to anyone.”

           She’s a keeper alright.  Irene chuckled lowly, “I have a presentation to give, father.  I’ll see you around.  I’ll think about this offer.”

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ReVeLuvyyy #1
Chapter 4: God this is so good!
I would do anything to have ur update again TT
poplarbear #2
Chapter 1: I'm grinning like an idiot
poplarbear #3
Chapter 1: I'm grinning like an idiot
Chapter 4: This remind me of Sherlock and Perception series all at once. I love those series and I'm loving your story too. :D
Chapter 1: ING YAAAAAASSS!!! YAASSS HOLY MOTHER OF COWS! HAHAHAHAHAH MY GAD, THIS IS EXCITING. Irene is hmm, delusional? Disorder or some sort mental illness? Now this is awesome.
Sarcasticbean #6
Chapter 4: Holy at the end of chapter one I was already thinking about what would happened if Wendy turned out to be real and ah! It happened! I can't wait to see what happens next
dehet96 #7
This is so gooooooood! It gives off a Death Note feel imo XD
Chapter 4: ... aaaaand i got speechless! Omf. I wonder what will happened to wendy- i got off guard with chapter 1 tbh. Wendy is just living in the mind of irene!
Mysn123 #9
Chapter 4: I hope seungwan and wendy are same people