

Inside him was boy in turmoil. 

Inside him was a boy in need of assurance that he matters. 

Inside him was a boy who believes that he existed to be nothing more than worthless.

A fragile, sensitive soul clothed in meaningless silver and pointless fame looking for its worth.

A cautious, headstrong spirit full of dedication and love, yearning to give it all for a soul.

With all the love you have inside you, would you know what to do with it once you see him?


[Reader] Y/N, 21. 

Wonho, Hoseok, 24.

Monsta X as themselves.





Hello! This is my first-ever fanfic I've written, please give it love. Also please understand that i'm a newbie in the story writing world so expect a few mistakes here and there! Hehe <3 This story isn't actually based on anything, I just randomly thought of it and the stories inside my head just progressed from there. I rated it M since there would be more mature content in the following chapters.

Thank you and I hope you like it!! :D


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