Chapter 2 : The Ice Meets The Best In Vocals Kim Nayoung

Dysphoria 1 : Who Can Stand Ice's Cold Wrath?
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Dysphoria 1 : Who Can Stand Ice’s Cold Wrath                                                                                                   October 06, 2016

Chapter 2 : The Ice Meets The Best In Vocals Kim Nayoung

Previously in Dysphoria….

I'm about to return my phone in my pocket my phone buzzes again. When I turned it on I saw Somi's text message saying " Come here at Room 57 4th floor."... Well I guess she's done..

" I need to go now. Somi's done.. " I said to the two unnies

" Go quick! You two might do something horrible again like eating foods behind my back! " My sister shouted as I walked away..


Somi’s P.O.V

After I texted Nana Unnie, I ran to the Comfort Room as fast as I can. Then I Pinch my Cheeks and Nose to make it pinkish-red, then I drop some water in my eyes too. Alas, my face now looks like I cried. Hehehe Nana Unnie, I wonder how will you react?

As I walked out, I didn’t notice that I bumped someone….

“ Whoops! Sorr-Somi?!”

Ahh… Chaeyoung Unnie…Sorry about what I’m gonna do now but…I need Practice..Hehe…Mianhe..

“ Ch-Chaeyoung Unnie…I-I..I-I  d-didn’t pass-“

I’m kind of shocked when Chayoung suddenly hugged me…I feel bad for her now…Mianhe.

“ Aigoo Somi-ya~, It’s okay, Don’t Cry..” Chaeyoung Unnie said while hugging me..

I was about to laugh and tell “ It’s A Joke! Pabo ya!” to her, I saw Nana Unnie in the hallway, Frozen in place with her unreadable expression, Lips slightly parted. I immediately let go of Chaeyoung Unnie as I released a loud laugh…

“  It’s A Joke Unnie! A JOKE! HAHAHAHA! You should See Your Face! Pabo Unnie! “ I Yelled while running away to the hallway to see my sister…

I think It was like 5 seconds before she realized ‘what on earth is happening’ because I heard her yelling my Name Loudly. HAHAHAHA! I Think I’m gonna die laughing today!

As I reached the hallway, My phone buzzes Flashing Unnie’s Name. When I answered my phone I realized Unnie’s awkward and weird voice…

“ Hey Unnie! Where are you? “

“ Uhmm…Sorry I-I can’t go..I need to go somewhere..I already leave the building actually…”

Huh? But I did saw you ealier…

“ But Unnie you said tha-“

“ D-Don’t Worry I Already Texted Momo Unnie to pick you up and Take you home…”

“ ….Unnie? Are You..Okay? You sound weird…And Where are you going? It’s Already 8..”

“ Me? I’m Okay…”

“ Are you Sure?...”


“ Unnie?..”

“ Huh? Oh.. yeah I’m sure…Totally Fine…”

Now I KNOW you’re not Fine because you avoided my question  ‘where are you going’… and  you never  say‘Totally’ only when Your bothered…

“ Oh..Okay.. Be careful …”

“ Yeah you too and Momo Unnie… Bye”


What’s up with her?...This is rare… She’s ‘Totally Not Okay’…

“ Yah! Somi! “

As I looked up,I saw Momo and Cheayoung Unnie walking to me..

“ Huh? Oh Momo and Chaeyoung Unnie..”

“ YAH! Do You Kno-“

“ She’s Weird Today Isn’t She?” Momo Unnie interrupted with a sad Voice..

“ Oh Well! She would be fine tomorrow morning, I’m sure!”  I replied, Trying to cheer her up..

“ Your right! Let’s Go?” Momo Unnie replied noticing I’m trying to be cheerful.

“ Aye’ Captain! Lead the Way!” I replied her, walking beside her..

“ Argh!” Unnie said while Laughing..

“ These sisters are all weirdos…tsk tsk”  We all laughed as we heard Chaeyoung Unnie Said that….



Nana’s P.O.V

As I walked outside, I immediately called a Certain Number… You Better Pick the Phone up ...I’m not in the mood of waiting right now…

While I’m in the Trance of Daydreaming, still thinking what happened earlier..Something interrupted me..

‘…..Please Leave a Message…..’

Tsk…This Human….

“ Pick Up The Phone OR Else I’m gonna have a Freshly Chopped Llama when I returned Home!..” Heh..This will DO the Work… After I Said That I have this weird feeling that someone is watching me…I turned around to look But I saw no one except for the Cars parked at the side, a Black Van at the left and a motorcycle…Does Zues Pick this day a Bud Luck  for weird things to happen? Geez…

After 15 seconds when I leaved the Message, Suddenly Phone Buzzes…

“ Hey Artic Fox. What’s Up?”

“ You Know What’s UP?”

“ Uh..The Sky? Nyahahahaha!”

“ … Hah ..Stupid as Ever ey?”

“ HEY!”

“ Oh.Don’t Deny it..”

“ So.. Are you In?”

“ Are You With Them?”

“ Yup! Chatting with the others”

“ Let me Talk to Them”

“ Okay, Gimme a Sec.”

As I waited, I saw Something caught My Eyes…Actually more like Someone… Mina Unnie…

“ Hey.. Uhmm Momo Unnie and Somi are still insid-“

“ I know” I cutted.

“ O-oh well.. I’m Going Now Nana-ssi” She said bowed a little.

Here we go again…Speak!

“ Uhmm…Be C-careful going Home Mina-ssi” I said while smiling her a bit..

“ You should Smile more you Know…Your Beautiful..”


Maybe She Saw my Expression or She Realised What She Said Because She Widened her Eyes While Her Face looks like it was painted with Pink Blushers…

“ I-I going now, bye” She said hurriedly while walking away. She also mumbled some words I can’t understand. Well.. She Sure does like Saying Things….

“You Mean Like…Things That Can Make You Blush?..” The Annoying Devil Said.

I was about to answer this little devil of mine when my phone interrupted…

“ Artic Fox? Are You There?”

“ Hey Triplets”

“ Are You Coming?”

“ Is it really necessary for you guys to speak in synchronize?”

“ ErOh come on! Let us do what we want from this day!”

“ Yeah! It’s been 6  months since we came back here in Korea! Don’t you care about us anymore?”

“ I think she won’t even come with us today!” Aish…This Guys…

“ I’ll come..I think I’m gonna need some drink today actually...”

“ Aigoo~ As far as We remembered, Momo Unnie said you need to lessen those drinking habit of yours. Your Only Sixteen right? Have you forgotten that?”

“ Ey~ Nana wants to Break the Rules again~”

“ Zee I’m going to be Seventeen in 2 months okay. And Andy, I’m perfectly Sure you know what’s gonna happen to you if you annoy me too much right?”

“ Er, you mean in 8 months? Okay fine. We know that you have a very high tolerance with everything but don’t drink TOO MUCH Deal?"

“ Deal! Thanks Ethan You’re the Best! Saranghae~” I said jokingly

“ Oh I Love You Too Darling! Hahaha!”

“ Please avoid the PDA, your just talking to the each other on the phone.. Sheesh

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wmatsui123 #1
Chapter 4: when will you update this story? T.T
this is a good story so please dont abandon it T.T
Chapter 4: You're gonna continue right? Please... don't left me hanging like the others did.. :(
Looking forward to this story
Chapter 4: Pls. Update soon author-nim~

I'll wait no matter how long your gonna update even if it take a year or century.
I'm not sure as to whether you are still updating this since I'm a new subscriber, but I just want to comment on how I love the structure of your writing c:
Chapter 4: That's really cute^^
Are momo and nana biological sisters??
Chapter 1: I feel it's gonna be a great story ! Continue author shii :)
Chapter 1: Very interesting :) I'm looking forward to the chapters to come^^
dulce_tslm #9
Chapter 1: