[S/W] Somewhere Only We Know

collection of song drabbles
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Somewhere Only We Know - Keane | S.Coups/Woozi


“Seungcheol-hyung, where are we going?” Jihoon asks, struggling not to stumble as Seungcheol tugs him along the dirt path.

The older boy only turns around to give him a quick flash of a smile.

Jihoon makes a face but keeps following, just holding onto Seungcheol’s hand tightly and hoping his mother won’t scold him when he comes back with muddy shoes.

Suddenly all the stumbling ends and Jihoon bumps into Seungcheol as the older stops in front of him. Jihoon peeks around his shoulder to see a clearing in the forest and he can’t help the gasp and cry of delight that spills from his lips as he lets go of Seungcheol’s hand and runs into the green grass of the clearing.

Seungcheol watches him spin around for a moment before chuckling and running to join him. The two young children run around and roll in the grass of the clearing all afternoon, not caring about their mud in their hair or the grass stains on their shirts. With such bright smiles between them, it’s no wonder they wouldn’t notice anything else.


Jihoon looks at his phone again, frown marring his features.

Meet you at our place. Somewhere only we know. is all Jihoon has to go with to locate his boyfriend.

Seungcheol’s cryptic text message is Jihoon’s only explanation as to why Seungcheol wasn’t in their apartment (and hadn’t done the laundry like he promised he would).

Jihoon steps along the dirt path carefully, careful of all the loose stones that he remembers twisting an ankle on as a teenager.

He’s not even sure if this is the place Seungcheol means, but the only other place they frequent is the pizza place a block away from their apartment, and he’s sure that they’re not the only ones who know that pizza place.

Jihoon sighs and continues along the path and pushes branches out of the way as he makes

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kkabfrost #1
Chapter 2: SOLBOO!!+!!!!!!!!!!
Jihoon_98 #2
Chapter 5: The amount of cheesiness... In all chapters...is... Overdosed.... Except that one chapter or Wonwoo and Jun.
But still the stories are fluffy.....