Fanboys in Seoul

All I Want Is...Acceptance

A week after recieving the hate wave from a few nasty 'fans,' Eddy was right. Things would get worse. Not only did Eddy keep getting bombarded with hate, but his fellow members started receiving a bit of hate, all due to Eddy. None of the haters would make US8 hate on Eddy, they loved him too much to do that. They were a family and had to endure the hate together. 

The boys were going to be on Weekly Idol today, but this one was going to be special. 

They were called by Hani to finally start the show. The song 'Touch My Body' started playing, and the boys began to randomly dance and flip around, trying to impress the MCs of Weekly Idol. Their actions made the MCs laugh and stare at them blankly. Defconn told the staff to stop the music and asked the boys if they were serious about what they just did, resulting in a fee laughs from the group. He told them to do it again. This time, when they went in to the same song, Eddy, Kei, and Gyeong began to dance the key points of the song, making the MCs and the rest of the group laugh really hard. The music stopped and the boys lined up and the MCscrawny greeted them and then the boys introduced themselves. Once they introduced themselves, Defconn then said that it was time for 'Random Dance Play.' He told them that they would play their songs 'Nations' and play it at random parts. Defconn asked them what their penalty should be, and Aiguo said that the group punishes each othe by having them perform extreme aegyo, something that the boys hated doing. The song began and the boys began to dance. They did really well, but of course, during a few changes in the song, Eddy, Jun, Hwan and Rick messed up and have to perform the dreaded aegyo. 

The boys were seated and now came the surprise. They noticed that there were a whole lot of seats next to them and we're wondering what the surprise was. Hani then began to tall about how successful they have been since their debut had them talk a bit about their album and the concept. Once they talked about that, Heechul revealed the surprise. Since they were part of the JYP family, the company decided to welcome them in and so, decided to send three of its idol groups to congratulate them. 

Then, Twice, GOT7, and 2PM, walked in and sat down, leaving the boys shocked with open mouths. They hadn't met these idols. Sure, they saw them at glancing distance while they were trainees, but seeing them and meeting them in person was a whole new experience. The group was a fan of all three groups, so, some of boys did their best to conceal their inner fanboys. 

"Welcome Twice, GOT7 and 2PM," said Heechul, "You are all here to welcome your newest family members, US8."

The groups clapped and then introduced themselves. US8 couldn't stop staring in awe. 

"US8, stop staring and greet your extended families," said Defconn. 

US8 got up from their seats and greeted everyone while bowing, too. 

"Now," said Defconn, "let's get this party started. Today, we are going to learn more about the US8 members and have them prove that they are truly JYP family members. So, let's start with 'Rewritten Profile!' Here we have profiles of each of the members, you must verify each fact, rumor, and lie on your profiles and prove them to us. Let's start with the leader of US8, Gyeong."

"Gyeong," began Hani, "you're profile is impressive. You can touch your ears with your feet? Is that true?"

"Ne. Do you want me to demonstrate?" he asked.

The MCs nodded and Gyeong steoped out in front of the idol groups and got on the floor. He lied down face down on the floor and rose his head and upper body up with his arms and then lifted his legs and his feet made contact with his ears, making Hani lightly scream and making some of the idol groups stare in surprise. The US8 boys then began clapping and Gyeong sat back down. 

"Next is Aiguo. You have the nickname 'Grandpa of US8.' Are you the dancing machine of the group."


"But, Eddy is the king of cover dancing?"

"See that's different. Eddy is good at dancing, but he's mostly good at cover dancing. Freestyling, not so much."

"Ah. I see. What in the world? You have chameleon eyes?"

"Ne. I can move my eyes freely. Let me show you."

Aiguo walked over to the MCs and began to move his eyes about, freaking Hani and Heechul out, but surprising Defconn. Hani told him to sit down and they moved on to the next member.

"All right, next up is Jun. They call you and oddball? Sounds fun. What? You're a good kisser? Who put that?"

The boys started laughing and then Jun said, "I don't know whether I'm a good kisser, but I'm willing to show you."

Even with saying that, Jun started laughing along with the others. 

Defconn then said, "Do you have any special talents?"

"Ne. I can imitate every member almost perfectly."

Jun imitated his fellow members and he did them so perfectly, that he surprised the idol grpups that were watching him. 

"Next is maknae Kei! You love flipping. Show us some flipping would you?"

Kei then stood up told everyone that he could endlessly flip if he could. They made him stand at the farthest end of the room and then he began to flip and made it to the other end without stopping, surprising everyone, even his own group.

"Excellent! Next up is Nobu. You are the slowest member. Why does it take you so long to remember choreography?"

"I honestly don't know. I guess because I get distracted easily or something."

"That's not good enough reason. But, nonetheless, hopefully in the future you become the fastest. Now, is it true that you can speak backwards perfectly without thinking about how to say it?"

"Ne. Try me."

They told him things and sentences to say backwards, and he fmsaid them flawlessly, impressing everyone.

"Next is Rick. What does it mean that you like doing stunts?"

"I'm more risky when it comes to tumbling, flipping and whatnot."

Rick then demonstrated what he meant and threw himself on the ground, literally, surprising the MCs. They now understand what he meant.

"Last but not least, the sensational member, Eddy! You are quite the sizzling sensation Eddy. You have quite the profile, but what strikes me the most is that you are the 'Cover Dance King.' Is this true?"

"I'd like to think that."

Then let's put it to the test. If anyone else knows the dances, then join in and try to go against Eddy. Music, cue!

Eddy got ready and when the first song, 'Catallena' started playing, he started dancing. Eddy danced every song that played. 'Just Right,' 'Like Ooh-Ahh,' 'Go Crazy,' '24 Hours,' 'Lion Heart,' 'Dope,' 'Bad Girl Good Girl,' 'My Copycat,' 'Like a Cat,' 'Touch My Body,' 'Call Me Baby,' and 'Growl.' Everyone was astonished at Eddy's cover dancing skills. 

"Very impressive US8," began Hani, "Now is the time for the next segment: US8 vs JYP Nation! We will have US8 members compete against other members from other groups on challenges. Let's see if US8 can beat you all."

"The challenges will all be based off of the special talents of the the members, excluding cover dancing. Eddy has another talent. So, who wants to go against Gyeong in flexibility?"

Twice sent out Dayhun. GOT7 sent out Mark and 2PM sent out Wooyoung. Dayhun was the closest to beating Gyeong. She and Gyeong settled the score with Rock, Paper, Scissors, in which Dayhun came out the winner.

Next was Aiguo's chameleon eyes. Though nobody was confident that anyone would beat him, Twice sent out Nayeon, GOT7 sent out Youngjae, and 2PM sent out Nichkhun. Nobody could beat Aiguo, so US8 got a point.

Next was Jun's imitations. Twice sent out Momo, GOT7 sent out BamBam, and 2PM sent out Junho. BamBam and Momo had to battle it out sinceem both were very good at imitating others. BamBam beat her and then went against Jun, which resulted in Jun winning. Another point for US8.

Up next was Kei and his flips. Twice sent out Sana, GOT7 sent out Mark again, and 2PM sent out Chansung. Mark ended beating all the competition including Kei. Anot her point for the JYP Nation members.

Nobu's backwards speaking was next. Twice sent out Jihyo, GOT7 sent out JB, and 2PM sent out Taecyeon. It was a laughing riot watching the other idols trying to speak backwards. Another point for US8.

Rick's stunt show was next. Twice sent out Momo again, GOT7 sent out Yugyeom and 2PM sent out Junsu. Momo and Yugyeom impressed Rick, but nonetheless, Yugyeom came out on top. Another point for the idols.

Finally came Eddy's turn. What was he going to do this time?

"So, for Eddy's talent, we're going to see how well you pay attention. He will be speaking in English, Spanish and Korean. You have to keep up with what he's telling you and repeat whatever he asks you to repeat."

Twice sent out Mina, GOT7 sent out Jackson, and 2PM sent out Taecyeon again. Mina made it through most of what Eddy told her, but couldn't keep up once he started talking Spanish. Eddy had the hardest time with Jackson. Eddy told Jackson a whole story, and Jackson didn't even pay attention to most of it! Eddy repeated the story and then Jackson failed. Taecyeon was the true competition. He knew the same three languages Eddy knew. Getting him to slip was going to be hard. But, Eddy succeeded and won against Taecyeon. Another point for US8.

"US8 has beaten these groups! Meaning that you guys fit perfectly in the JYP family. We have reached the end of our show now. We wish you boys the best of luck and we hope to see you again real soon."

The boys bowed and then departed. They had some time to talk with the idol groups afterwards and some of them became good friends within minutes. Some of them exchanged numbers to keep in touch with each other. This was good for them. They were already accepted by the members of JYP and would work even harder knowing this. 

The hate is growing against Eddy and US8. All this will greatly affect not only Eddy and US8, but all of JYP Nation...


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Chapter 12: Owh this story is sooo sweeet ...
When I saw 2PM I screamed lol (my oppas <3<3)
JYPE Nation family!! Yeees!! :D ok need to calm dowb haha ...
Thank you for writing this!! Its so touching T.T
hwaiting! :)
Chapter 10: I love how close all the characters seems I far ~~
TatibearJay #3
Chapter 8: I feel bad for Eddy...... I hope he gets a chance to tell the world about his feelings....
Chapter 5: It's getting more interesting I can't wait for next chapter
Chapter 3: Really interesting so far~~
Chapter 1: I really like this :) It's probably a lot of non-Asian, kpop fans' dreams...