I miss you

I Miss You (Bnior Fanfic)

A/N: I am sorry if this comes out terrible I am still an ameture writer so please forgive me!!!

Jinyoung P.O.V

I look at him there and seeing him takes my breath away. I wish he knew I still loved him after all these years I still care about him, I still need him. I sometimes wonder what happen to us after GOT7 started, what happened to just JJP? I know it sounds selfish to want JB to myself for it to just be us two again. I love the other members but I love Jaebum more, sometimes it physicall hurts for him not to be around or when he spends more time with the others then just flat out ignores me.

I remember the love we shared, what we had before we broke up, I remeber what it was like to just be in his arms and just forget the world we live in. But now I am just a memory of a memory something forgotten. I am nothing more than a box of old thing that he can store away until he forget that I am even there, my exsistance means nothing to him. "You okay Jr hyung" I pick up my head to see younjae worried eyes, I smile but silently dying inside "pabo why so worried about me I am just tired" I laugh it off hoping he won't ask anymore.

"You sure hyung" I nod and look away back to JB and that girl he is talking to I laugh bitterly at the site that is being displayed. "I will be back don't wait up for me" I get up from my place I grab my jacket and head out while the others shout after me I pass by JB and the girl. I maybe or maybe not have purposefully have pushed my way in front of them to get to the door but I don't care because he doesn't care anymore, he forgot about me and why should I care that I hurt him. I exit the food place we have come to eat.

I keep my head high as I pass through and try not to cry as I see him and the aching pain in my heart is the love that always grows each and everyday for him because for him my love is unconditional. I hate myself for the way I still love him more than anything but love is weakness and I can't be weak that is something I can't afford having my heart broken by someone that I once loved is not an option. I can't let him in again just for him to destroy my world all over again.

I walk down the lonly streets of Seoul hoping that I can find something that would take away the bitterness and loneliness that's festering in my heart at this current moment as I think about my ex-lover. JB meant the world to me but I guess I was never enough for him, I wasn't good enough for him so he just stop trying. I hope some day he realises that he misses me but realises it a little to late sometimes I wish he would feel the pain that I felt and I would get the last laugh but I love him to much to ever hurt him as much as he hurt me. Sometimes I wish to he spiteful towards him but I am still that 17 year love struck fool that feel for him.

I walk around until I see a place called Exodus, I hear loud music coming from the place and I see people standing in a line trying to get in. So instead of going to line I go to the front and give the bouncer a 70,000 wons and he let's me through. Stepping I can already feel the bass of music vibrate and I am impressed, I start to feel a vibration in my jackpocket knowing already that it is one of the boys. I look at it and my guess is right looking at the bright screen to see "Jackson" and I press ignore without another thought putting my phone on silent.

I move through the waves of drunk and sweaty masses of body's all moving together as one with the music. I make my way up to the bar ready to forget about my own pathetic exsistance, just wanting forget it all and move on for a night. I order 3 shots and down them like nothing then I order a glass of vodak and a drink I can't even pronounce but it seems to be doing it's job.

I look around the room and I can't help but to feel so empty in room full of people. How does that happen? "Why so lonely" I look to see a really gorgeous tall male, I can't help but blush thank God it is dark "my name seungjun" (I am using knk's memeber seungjun this is him.)

(If you don't know KNK well you need to!!! They are such lovable dorky giants😍😍😍 also at the end I put up KNK mv and their song is called Back again

(If you don't know KNK well you need to!!! They are such lovable dorky giants😍😍😍 also at the end I put up KNK mv and their song is called Back again.)

He smirks at me "my name is Jinyoung" I take another sip of the hard liqour "well Jinyoung..." before he could speak I see a bunch of other guys next to him, I'm guessing this is his friends because of how friendly they are with each other.

Memebers: Inseong, Jihun, Heejun, Youjin, and Seungjun

"Sorry these are my best friends" one by one they introduced themselves and I can't help but to smile to how adorable these guys are because at first they were so mysterious and cool. In reality they are the most adorable giants I have ever met. We start to do some shots and I can feel the high of being drunk already set in "would you like to dance" seungjun shyly asked "of course" he took my hand in his and we went on the floor and started moving to the music. We grind and move to the music our body's become one with the beat.

He pulls me closer to his body as the music starts to speed up it is wonderful. I start to dance with each guy and it is fun getting to know them it is nice. Do not get me wrong I love the boys because they are my brothers even yugyeom even though half of the time I want to kill him I love all of them, it is just nice to be around other people sometimes. We go back to the bar to get more drinks. I almost trip on the steps of the bar and inseong grabs me by the waist to balance me and I can't help but blush because He is smiling at me. "Thank you" I smile back "no problem Jinyoung" he keeps his arm around my waist but I don't mind one bit. As we make it back to the bar I see a group of guys that resemble like the rest of got7 but it can't be them they didn't know were I went too so I must be dreaming.

We get closer to the bar I can still see the boys there and they do not look to happy but like I said I must be dreaming. Seungjun takes my hand and pulls me away from inseong and I can't help but giggle inside like a little school girl, this is why I do not drink because I can not keep my emotions in check and that is not good,not one bit. I also found out that all of these guys are a rookie group called KNK which is awesome getting to know them.

"Another round" Heejun shouts over the blaring music as we stop at the counter "No one is gettig another anything" so I wasn't dream well then !!! "JB nice to see you" I smile innocently "Don't play dumb Jr" I mentally cringed at his dominant tone but that didn't mean I would now willingly bow to him. "You can't tell me what to Jb I am not a ing dog" I had it up to here with him. "Hyungs please calm down" yugyeum confronted us "shut up yugyeum" simultaneously We said it at the same time "please don't take out your fustration yug" youngjae spoke up but his words feel upon deaf ears "how did you even find me anyways" I am starting to get annoyed "it is called find my phone that thing that app on the iPhone" JB talking to me as thou I am stupid" well forgot about that.

I turn around and apologize to the knk memebers for out fight "it is okay jinyoungie" I smile at how adorable jihun used my nick name "who the hell are these guys" I can hear the jealousy that is seething through his tone. "sorry again for JB childish act" they all just nod understandingly "please Jinyoung come back home" JB pleads, in that moment I wanted to give in to his loving eyes but the more spiteful part of me doesn't care. "How about hell no see you later guys, go home" not caring how harsh it sounded, I could see the hurt in their eyes but mainly Jaebum but why does he care now; he never did before why all of a sudden. I grab a drink that inseong gives me and I down it in one to before leaving my memebers site to go and dance with jihun. Even before I could leave I feel some one grab my wrist and I turn around and see JB and he looks furious.

"Sorry about this but I am taking my boyfriend home" I look to him in shock because of the term he used and now I am pissed "you are not my boyfriend anymore and you made that pretty clear after we broke up" I can feel tears surfacing but I don't not allow them to shead, before I can get another word out JB has lifted me up bridal style "sorry had to cut the party short" referring to the knk memebers but they aren't mad at all which is good. "Let go of me" I shout but I quickly give up because of how intoxicated and tired I am "no Jinyoung" I just wonder in my head why he cares?

"You don't even care about me anymore" I can't help but shead a few tears "you forgot about me along time ago, why now" JB sits me in the car right next to him while the rest try to mind there own business "I need to knw Jaebum" I move closer to him interlocking our fingers together. "Now you do not want to speak to me again... Gosh you are such a coward" He couldn't give me a straight answer as to why he broke up with me or why he won't even talk to me anymore, I am just waisting my time. I try to let go of his hand but he doesn't let go but I pull and he still doesn't give up so for the rest of the ride home we just sit there in silence.

We finally make it back thank God "everyone go up except for me and Jr" JB demands and everyone complys "are we seriously having this conversation now" I can't believe him "you have wanted to talk Jinyoung and now you are trying to avoid me" He wants to pin this on me now "no I am not trying to avoid it, it is because I am done trying to talk to you" God I hate him. "Well I am ready to talk" I can't believe him right now and he wants me to listen to him when he wants to talk this bastard!!! "You are so insufferable JB" I couldn't help but to chuckle but it was more bitter then humor "you are such an what did I do to you..." I had to get everything off my chest now "was it terrible to be with me JB or even be my friend? Did you find someone new and couldn't tell me? Because all the time you introduced me to anyone I wasn't Jinyoung your boyfriend, no I was just your friend or someone you worked with..." I could already feel the tears coming to the surface "jinyoung" no he had no place to talk "do not Jinyoung me JB at first I understood that you were not ready to come out but then after a while you started to treat as though I was just another person not your boyfriend, day by day I was slowly being replaced by other people you did not need me anymore." the tears were following down like a stream of emotion "I need you JB and you weren't there you are never there; but every time you called I would rush to be by your side. But I am sick of everything it is like whitenoise with you. I do not get it what happened?" I wanted answers "also what the hell was that at the club, Why I was having a good time and they were nice you didn't have to be mean" I was far from pissed "when I was about to go off with Jihun, what was that saying you are my boyfriend it clearly took a long time to say that I am yours and we aren't even together" it was like a flood tears now "Why" I feel so mad.

"I was scared of other people's judgements and what they would say, I couldn't admit to others or myself even when we were dating that I liked guys." I couldn't hold back the sobs anymore "I was in love with you JB. I felt so cheap and used when you told me you didn't really love me and you didn't give me the curtisy of telling me in person you are such an " I started hitting his arm "I am sorry" I think it is a little to late "don't you think it is to late for that JB all you do is constantly hurt me" he such a prick "seeing you with that girl and with so many others hurt it really did hurt, what is worse is that you didn't care" I just want to leave this stupid car. "I honestly didn't know Jinyoung but after seeing you dance today with those guys and yes we got there earlier when you were dancing with those guys all of them, I saw you and it hurt a lot knowing that you were smiling and enjoying it. What hurt more is that it wasn't me making you laugh or happy, I was jealous of them seeing you holding one of their hands or them touching you" I looked up to see him staring at me "to know you wanted to stay with them made me angry because if I had left you could have ended up going back with them and done more than sleep with one of them" I saw the hurt in his eyes "I miss you Jinyoung" he leaned in closer but I moved away from him.

"You were my everything JB but all I was to you was your toy" I cried harder "I was never more than good time behind close doors" I felt numb "no" bull "you are lying..." he cut me off when he started to talk and I knew from the first word that he saw what I thought he would never see.

"Place your hand in mine and i will show you the world, do not fear as long as you're with me. Stay and you will know the secrets to the wonder of beauty and love, as long as your hand in mine. just stay for now because as long as you're here there are no limits to the possibilities of love and all the wonders of the world. for you are now apart of the only wonders of my world. who needs six when I have you, for I will never know hunger of the touch of another. I do not need physically things but the feel of your hand in mine because that is how I know you are here and that you are real, that I am not dreaming because if this is a dream I will never want to wake because knowing that you are not next to me when I wake up. It is like I lost the sun to my earth, the stars to my night or even the light house to my ship. As long as you want me to stay I will be there, you have my heart and my soul. Now do you believe me or am I still a pawn in your silly little game of fun, just another toy that you could play with until you are bored of me because you know that everytime I say I am down, I will always come back to you because I love you but you don't seem to care because you don't feel the same about me. so it is fun for you to use this against me to mock me and I am done! Though the sad undeniable truth is that my heart only yearns for you and only you, so for the sake of sympathy or even humor me and put your hand in mine, because I am done with running away from life, I am done caring what other people think or even that one day we will all become a vague memory of what used to be. I just need the now. I just need you. Now do you understand!" I can't believe he read my journal.

"why did you read my journal" I was angry but not totally "a few days ago, I went to go check on you but you were asleep and you were hanging off your bed so I went to tuck you in properly and then I found it there. I'm sorry" he hung his head in shame "what you wrote also helped me figure out a lot of things Jr but it wasn't until tonight that I actually wanted to fight for your love." I wanted to forgive him so badly but he isn't getting off the hook that easily "please give me another chance" I was skeptical about this but I still love him.

I kiss his check and whisper "maybe" before pushing my way out of the car.


Β  Β 

This is KNK the song is called back again.



hope it wasn't short this time and plese vote, subscribe and comment *if you do not want to it is fine, I just hope you enjoyed the story.Β 

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