

So baby pull me closer in the backseat of your rover


He was still the same Jinyoung; beneath the tailored opal business suit, sleek italian leather shoes, and expensive champagne- yeah, that's still his pretty Jinyoungie. 

And Mark was still the free-spirited rebel, with his tattoos and bleached blonde hair. Only this time, a bit worn down from watching his dreams crash and burn.

It's been six years since they last saw each other. Six years since Mark upped and left in the dead of night for Seoul, leaving that poor little town and Jinyoung behind.


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JinyoungsMark #1
Chapter 1: So i guess jinyoung end up didn't pay for his drinks??myb >.<
Can't wait for the next update <3
jinyoungmark #2
Chapter 1: It's really great.. can't wait to the next chap..fighting author!!