°•only know you love him when you let him go•°


They didn't know what, how or why but something has certainly happened. 
They didn't know what has made them so detached and how it has happened or why did that happened.

Everything started like 1 or 2 months ago, when they were about to promote monster and lucky one for their new comeback. They have just made a new one a few days ago with this new concept and the things were already strange between Sehun and Baekhyun. 
Everyone knows that they're the clingy ones, the ones who make "fan service" every time they can and stuffs like these but does anyone know what they feel behind all this? Of course not, only the members can say and see how the things are really going on between the two of them.

That day, after the performance of their new hit 'Lotto' and their first win at M!COUNTDOWN, Baekhyun has tried to get closer to the maknae but with no results. 
His gaze was as lost as the maknae's.
"What are you thinking of, Sehun?"
That question has being around Baekhyun's mind for too long now and he just wanted to know: this situation was just too much to handle and he couldn't do it anymore.

They have just finished the mini-party for their win and they were about to go home and rest when Baekhyun has told to Jongdae about his feeling about the situation with Sehun and, as the good friend he is, he tried to give his best advices.
"Are you going to keep your eyes on him or are you planning to do something about this freaking situation?"
"Be quiet you..I..I just don't know what to do..I'm thinking, OK? Just...let me think..."
"Well ok, I understand if you want to think about the you're going to say to him but seriously, you should do something, like for real, like NOW."
"Yah! What the hell are you saying?!"
Jongdae pointed his finger out to the guy opposite them who was about to go change his clothes.
"Oh ."

Baekhyun thought that that was his last chance to clear the things up with the boy so he finally decided to speak to him but sometimes your plans not always work the way you want them to.
"Sehun-ah, can I talk to you for a minute?"
"I have nothing to say to you."
He left the older standing there like a perfect idiot with a loss of words and emptiness in his eyes, like he has just lost everything important to him.

Finally, they were at home and everyone just went to their beds for a reserved rest.
Everyone expect Jongin, Baekhyun and Sehun.
Jongin saw the glares his hyung was sending to Sehun so he decided to say goodnight and go to bed, hoping for the younger to not punch his hyung face.
Silence. Nothing else. Just two boys and maybe too much silence between them.
Baekhyun didn't know what to do or what to say so he just stared at Sehun, be careful not to be noticed by the youngest.
"This situation is just too much, I don't know if I can handle it one more ing minute."
This time was Sehun the first one who spoke and Baekhyun was just looking at his shoes without a word and biting his lips.
"Are you going to tell me something or just stared at your shoes, hyung?"
His tone was sharp as hell and Baekhyun, this time, lifted his head just to see Sehun stood up and sitting next to him.
There were few centimetres of distance between them.
"Sehun-ah...could you please tell me what exactly happened? 'Cause I don't really know."
"You should be the one tell me what is going on, don't you think?"
"Listen, I really don't get this! Just tell me if I did something to piss you off! I don't know what to do if you don't tell me what happened!"
"Are you serious? You really don't get it?"
Baekhyun was pale. What on earth did he do to disturb Sehun?
"...yes, yes I am. Sehun, I don't want this distance between us, nor seeing you avoiding me."
"Then why didn't you come to me and just treated me the way you have always done? Why did you start to avoid me and my attentions? You were always with Chanyeol-hyung and I felt so strange without you around me.."

Everything now was clear. Sehun was jealous of his relationship with Chanyeol. He punched himself in his mind for not having noticed it before.


"Wait what? So...you're kind of...jealous?"
"Hell yeah!"
Sehun didn't notice the fact that he had just shouted those words even before Baekhyun could have finished the phrase and also with his face too close for him to try to say another word.
He was just a few centimetres from his hyung's mouth and he could feel his breath on his face.
Baekhyun, on the other hand, was petrified and with his lips parted for the younger's confession.
He couldn't finish the sentence because he felt something on his lips: Sehun's ones were on his and he couldn't believe that this was happening.
The younger then retired his lips and looked in his eyes which were shining and he could see his face completely red and his mouth open for the desbilif.
"Ok, now I think it's really obvious what I feel for you."
Sehun finally spoke and Baekhyun didn't know what to say. How long did he feel this way towards him? Does he feel the same for him? Or was their relationship just something between a maknae and his hyung?
"Could you tell me something, hyung? Please.."
"I...I don't know what to say....do you really feel this way towards me?"
"I've been quite sure for a long time but I couldn't tell you how I felt because you were always surrounded by everyone and I couldn't find a moment to seriously speak to you. But now that we are here, together, a few millimetres from each other...I think I can't stop myself.."
He was saying this sentence going forward his face, always looking at his lips which were red for the first kiss. Baekhyun didn't try to stop Sehun from kissing him again, this time with more passion and he felt so strange at that moment. He responded to the kiss and trapped Sehun's hair in his long fingers to put the guy completely against his chest.
Sehun smiled at that scene and pulled the boy closer to him. 
Baekhyun was now on his lap, kissing Sehun like he maybe has always wanted to.

"Sehun...I think I'm in love with you."

At that confession, Sehun parted their lips and looked at him in desbilif. 

"Wait, you're not doing this and saying this things just to play with me and make me shut, right?"
"Ok that I'm a sometimes but I don't play with someone's feelings. And I'm definitely not playing with yours, for sure. Actually Chanyeol just wanted someone to speak about some stuff that is going on between him and Kyungsoo but...wait a minute! You REALLY thought that it could be something between me and....EW. Just EW. He's my best friend but nothing more, how in hell could you have imagined something like that?!"
Sehun was shocked but in a positive way.
"I've always been by your side Sehun, I actually thought that it was obvious. Actually, I thought you were avoiding me because you didn't like me the way I do."
Sehun felt like for how he has treated his hyung.
"Baekhyun-hyung..I'm sorry..I really didn't think that you felt the same way as me. What about start something new with me?"

At those words, Baekhyun smiled and kissed him with all the love that he has been feeling for a long time.

"So..now we're like, a couple?"
"If you want to.."
Then, they smiled and kissed til they finally got asleep in each other's arms.


HIYAAA! So, this is my first one shot and I just did it because I seriously think that something has happened between Baekhyun and Sehun but Idk so here I am with some ty theories that my brain came up with. Please be kind since I'm not english but italian and of course english is not my first language lol sooo...hope you enjoy this stupid thing and yeah, sleep well, eat a lot and see you soon!


ps: I want to thank my friend Valeria because she helped me a lot with this one shot and thanks to her for the title! Love ya x


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