[Chapter 2: Confusion & Best Friends]

The boy with the black hoodie

,,- So, since then you are thinking about this stranger?"- Minhyuk asks his best friend, his expression full of surprise and assument. After Kihyun told him about the ancident, the also first year collage student is trying to help his childhood buddy and to understand his emotions better. 

Kihyun nods and than lifts his hand, covering his blushing face. He never imagined that he would admit such a thing out loud and that isn't the most embarrasing part. They are in the bus and although it's small and there are no more than five people, Kihyun feels like as if everyone is watching him and eavesdropping their conversation. 

,,-Kihyunie, don't be ashamed for admitting such a thing. It's normal. Besides that life is unpredictable, you know. Sometimes, like in your situation, we meet people, who we don't know and don't seem to have interest in but than we meet again, start to talk, become close and withouth noticing they change our lives. They leave memories in your mind, your heart opens up for them and they find their places in it."- Kihyun stares at the white haired boy and humms in agreement. Somehow his words are claming Kihyun down. A peaceful feeling takes over him, making him feel contend. It's nice. The confusion leaves the amber haired boy for a moment.

,,- What in that boy caught your attention though? Usually you don't pay attention to people, especially to unknown ones."- Kihyun thinks for a minute. The image of the weird man flashes through his mind, the memory of his dark brown eyes coming on focus. 

,,- His eyes."- The words leave his mouth before Kihyn realizes what he is saying. 

,,- What about them?"- Minhyuk stares at Kihyun with a questioningly look, demanding for an explanation. 

,,-They were so sad. Even though i saw them for a brief moment, the emptyness in them was clear. For some unknown for me reason, i think that he needs someone to support and comfort him, someone to be by his side."- Kihyun starts to peace out as he thinks more and more about the matter. Did someone hurt him? Had he experienced something very painful?  

,,-You speak as if you know him."- Kihyun knoots his eyebrows in confusion at this stament. The once peaceful feeling is leaving him now, making him feel insecured again. The confusion settles once again in his mind, a river of unanswered questions and worries floating through him. 

,,- I.. I don't know him but i guess i want to."- There, he admitted another thing that he could never say out loud. Embarrassment crees into him and his teeth unconsciously catch his plump bottom lip, making it reddish. 

A grin appears on Minhyuk's face after he has heard his buddy. 

,,-We'll find him! I'll do my best! I promise! No matter what happens, Kihyinie, we will succeed. "- Sudeenly the always happy boy shouts excitedly and jumps from his seat as he fist pumps the air. 

Everyone stares at them, even the driver turns around for a short second, before ignoring the boys and continuing to look through the window or to listen to music. 

Kihyun slaps himself. Great...he was himilated but this made him happy. He knows that Minhyuk will keep his promise and maybe, just maybe there is a spark of hope in Kihyun too.


,,- Tell me more about him!"- Minhyuk suddenly commands while skipping and smiling as bright as the sun itself. 

,,- I barely know him, Mihyuk. But what do you want to know anyway?"- Kihyun doesn't want to talk about the boy with that black hoodie, black backpack and dark brown hair.

,,-How does he look like?"- Kihyun immediately rolls his eyes at the queation. Of course he would ask that. 

,,- Well, he is a little bit shorter then me. He has dark brown hair and dark brown eyes. He was wearing a baggy balck hoodie, skinny jeans, black backpack and i saw his passport, showing from his pocket. His clothes were also a bit dusty."- Kihyun explained detaily, the acident replaying like a broken record in his mind.

,,- And what about his facial features?"- The younger boy asks with a curiosity, his eyes sparkilng with genue happiness.

,,- His nose is lean and his skin is pale. His cheeks aren't too chubby. His nose is lean and his lips are a little bit plump and reddish. His eyelashes are long and his eyes are almomd shaped. There, i described him. Happy now?"- Sarcasm and annoyence is dripping in the amber haired boy's voice. He doesn't need to think of him more then he already does.

,,- Very!"- Minhyuk beams and enters his doorm, Kihyun following behind, chuckling at his behaviour. 

,,- Tommorow is Friday, so how about we meet up with Jooheon,Shownu, Wonho and Hyungwonie? "- Kihyun nods and waits for his friend to open the door. Right now he needs hot chocolate more then anything. 


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Chapter 5: You spelled mianhae wrong (미안해 : Mi-an-hae). Sorry for correcting you. I know its frustrating when people do that, but its just that Im learning korean and it kind of bothered me (not that it matters). But I just thought you should know.

But on another note i really do love your story and i cant wait to see if Changkyun is the new student
Chapter 23: Aiyaaaaa, what a frustrating way to end it
fg #3
Chapter 23: What theeee. Such a cliff hanger. Omg. I like it waaah. Pls. Update soon jebal
Chapter 23: Aaaaaawwww... Such a cliff hanger.. Doesn't matter i'm pretty sure kihyun's response would be positive..
Chapter 23: Aaaaaawwww... Such a cliff hanger.. Doesn't matter i'm pretty sure kihyun's response would be positive..
2jae-trash #6
Chapter 22: Update please
Chapter 22: Go chase after kihyun and get your proper kiss...

Aaawww sad that wonho feels like this.. I do hope he'll move on and find someone who will love him back as much.. I'm happy that he's not getting in the way of changki but i'm sad that he has to hirt like this...
Chapter 4: authornim-ssi. why you put "than" in "then" place and also the opposite? hehe it's not a big deal to me tbh, however i see these 2 words always wrong from first chapter till now hehehe and plus one another words which treat --> threat hehehe in this chapter. i hope you can change it when you have a time :) and i'll continuing read this rn ;) btw threat and treat have very opposite meaning you know right heheheh
hopekaya #9
Chapter 21: Thank you changkyun-ah finally boy now go and get him , thank you author-nim for this chapiter it's so cute <3 ♡♡♡