In a Hopeless Place

We Found Love (One-shot SongFic)



A/N: This is kinda..gonna be a story soon, I hope. xD but for now it's a song fic drabble. Rihanna's We Found Love.

My feet were swallowed by the mushy glittering brown sand. It was a soft feeling, making me relaxed but the utter beating of my heart made me flail around a bit.

I stared at the crashing waves in front me, the blue rolls of wetness retreating back to where it came from. Well, except for those on my cheeks, it just fell down on my shirt and made it look a bit sloppier.

I breathed out, not knowing that I was holding my breath for a while. I just couldn’t face him now. I’m drunk and high and I just can’t stop the addiction he started.

Siwon was a drug user before we met, but he changed for me. I knew in his heart that he had the will to change, just for me. And now I’m the one who’s in the dilemma.

Now, I was the drug addict.

And it was thanks to Heechul, Siwon’s best friend.

He invited me into his apartment before, when Siwon and I had a bit of a meaningless fight. It tore me apart but when he gave me those small innocent bags of whiteness, I felt like everything in the world had just faded away into a new wonderful one.

It surged the blood in my system, making my emotions go a bit happier but there was still that sting in my heart so I asked for more. But instead of giving me the white sachets, he gave me a bottle of something. I couldn’t read the label because everything was quite blurry, so I chugged it down in one go.

The morning after, Siwon picked me up and he eyed me anxiously.

“You smell different…”

“I took a”

“I didn’t asked if you showered or not, I was asking if you drank…”

“What if I did?” I said as I looked at him from where I seated, and suddenly, I saw his eyes flare up with anger.

“Kyuhyun, tell me you didn’t…”

“I did,” I said with a smirk. I was still under the influence of heroine and the world was nothing to me anymore, just a ball of ing emotions and problems. No love and care.

The car suddenly halted.

“Is this what you want? I was ing controlling myself from drinking any liquor or do any drugs and you repay with this? , Kyuhyun, I even serve God now!”

“So what if I want this!?” I snapped as I gripped my hands hard into small fists of anger.

“Get out…”

“I GLADLY WOULD!” I screamed at him and hurriedly went out of the grayish blue Mustang and ran away from it.

After that, I roamed around the streets for about two days.

And the only thing I remembered while under the influence was that I shouted at my boyfriend. My only savior…and now…

I looked up at the sky to see it blurry again. Blurry with hot stinging tears that made its way down my jaws.

I looked pathetic, alone, no one there to stop me from crying.

This is the time that I would say goodbye to him particularly, like ‘goodbye goodbye’.

He did everything for me, but I was too stubborn. I just can’t live with him anymore.

I didn’t want him to take care of a good for nothing boy.

And I wanted him to live a free happy life, with no Kyuhyun to make him worry.

I was shocked at my own decision, drowning, but it was the best silent way.

I stepped forward, making my feet emerge slowly from where it had sunk. The feeling of the rush of the wind made me shiver but that didn’t stop me.

I needed this, he needed this. The whole world would understand. As well as Him.

I chuckled.

 I guess I’m going to say Hi first to You, before going to hell…thanks for this life….but I need to end…

I was standing in the water, it was already on my shoulders and it was hard to breath because of the waves that was knocking out my chest of oxygen.

I started sobbing again, and then ducked underwater.

My eyes were open, and I saw rocks underneath, as well as the blackish brown sand that were filled with dark green seaweed. There were no sea critters and it was silent.

I could silently hear some shouting, but the soft beats of my heart…practically lulled me to sleep.

My body felt light, my consciousness slowly slipping off…dripping down like a popsicle.

Good bye….

Despite the pain, I smiled for the sea to see that even though I was gonna die…I would die happy for him.

This is the sacrifice of mine, for our hopeless love.

“Kyuhyun! Kyu!” I felt myself suddenly being dragged up, air filling up my lungs suddenly.

“LET ME DIE!” I shouted at the person, and struggled away from the grip but those hands were holding him still.

“I WON’T LET YOU BECAUSE I LOVE YOU!” Siwon shouted as he wrapped his arms around my waist and hauled me up, making my feet lose contact with the sea bed.

The beating of my heart stopped but hurriedly thumped much faster with a silent suppressed fury and sadness.

“I broke our promise…I can’t…I hurt you too much…” I felt him struggle due to my weight, but he still kept me suspended in the air but still in the water.

“No….you were just confused, I know…you didn’t mean to…Kyu..Kyu…please…Stop…” he breathed onto my neck that was getting wetter due to his tears.

“I love you…” I mumbled and looked down, my tears flowing again, choked sobs coming out from my hoarse mouth.

“I love you too Kyu…c’mon..please…” I could hear the hurt form his voice, so I struggled a bit in his hold and he understood that I wouldn’t drown myself to death anymore.

I turned around and looked up.

My eyes widened.

He was battered.

Bruises were on his neck, not those hickeys he makes on mine, it was those purple marks you get when you get hit or something by anything dangerous and it ran down his neck. His face was red from exhaustion and he had some lines on his face like someone scratched him there.

“Wha…?” I was speechless as I thoroughly kneaded his cheek, my other hand holding his.

“Taught Heechul a lesson…” he huffed as he laid his face on my wet hair, nuzzling it. I felt his arms wrap around me again, and I welcomed it.



“I’m sorry….I deserve to die really…”

“C’mon..stop it Kyu…I love you…I don’t want you to die, I’ll be there by your side always…I’ll protect you no matter what…please…”

I nodded and tightened my hold onto him, and then I felt myself being pulled up in the air again.

We arrived by the shore and we were soaking wet.

My clothes were clinging onto me like a second skin, and Siwon’s gray beanie on his head was the only one that was dry.


He looked at me and grinned.

“Kyu, please..forget about this…we’ll move to another city…let’s start all over okay?” he said with pleading small eyes. He crouched down so that he was facing me, he was too damn ing tall for his own good.

I nodded and held his face, pulling it closer to mine, making our nose nuzzle.

“I guess…” I huffed out my heavy breaths and stared at his eyes, the left then the right, and it was making me sway with contentment.

“…we found love in a hopeless place…” I continued, muttering it a bit then sighed.

I saw him smile, and it was a big one.

“But after we move, we’re gonna have the faith in Him…,” he emphasized it by pointing up, addressing God.

“And we’ll have hope…and our dreams…”

I cut in because he always said that line when we were in some kind of distress. Like the amount of money we earn, amount of food we eat as well as the rent.

“And our dreams would always come true…no matter what, as long as we’re together…nothing and no one would stop us from making us achieve better things…and we would always love each other…no one else….”

He nodded and kissed me on the lips softly.

I kissed him back too.

My heart thumped now with pure love…in sync with his…

And it would, forever.

We found love in a hopeless place….

A/N: *wipes tears, hope you like it <3

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SchiianJhae #1
Thank you Wonnie for saving the Evil Maknae.
babyjoonie0912 #2
Aww siwon came to rescue Kyu's life >333
eternalmaknae #3
Aaaaaaah my poor heart. It was breaking in the middle of your story but then Siwon came and uuuuuugh <33333333333333333333
*teary * omg. . *___* beautiful story . . .
I'll be serious... :p This is for you anyway~ This is an okay oneshot. You have a thing for using ellipsis(...). I know that using that can add drama effects, but it doesn't mean that you end each dialogue or sentence of a dialogue with that or with an exclamation point. Also the use of 'and'. It's actually not good to begin with a sentence with it. You actually used it quite a few times.<br />
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I'm actually curious as to how you can turn this as a chaptered story. :p
God, I literally cried for this, Good Job, *thumbs up <br />
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Write More !!<br />
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