Confused at its best Pt.1

The Other Side

Only a few days have passed since Youngjae and Daehyun kissed. The question he asked himself was never answered. He had no idea what happened. He was so confused. The boy even started to think that it was all in his head. Daehyun never said anything after that. He went back to talking like nothing happened between them. Youngjae was so unsure that he googled 'Can humans and ghost touch?' He really didn't want to go crazy. His research ended after 30 minutes. Turns out that you can touch ghost vis versa. But the cases are rare. Most of the cases Youngjae found were more fighting with a ghost . Which isn't the case with Daehyun. It's not violence he had it was sweetness. Pure bliss.

After that Daehyun didn't trying anything. Not even a peck on the cheek. The spirit 'spoke' to him like they were best pals and no make out session occurred. Youngjae couldn't help but feel disappointed. What if Daehyun realized it was a terrible mistake. He didn't want to think of worst. Youngjae tried to think positive. What if he can't do anything? What if he's not strong enough? Was that a thing ghost did? The boy concluded his theories. He was afraid to speak to him about the subject. He was afraid to confess his feelings for the ghost. Each time they would talk,there was a little part of him that kept falling deeply for Daehyun. Youngjae couldn't avoid it. It made him bitter inside.


As every moring he goes to work at the diner. But one thing Youngjae saw that didn't happen everyday. Zelo was sad. He wasn't just sad. He was beaten up. A big boy like Zelo would defend himself easily.

"Zelo what's wrong? What happened? Did someone beat you up??" Youngjae was concern. Zelo was like a little brother to him. Seeing him like this was alarming. And Youngjae was pretty pissed about it. What scared the boy was that Zelo wasn't looking at him in the eyes. He was trying to avoid the olders gaze. "Zelo, look at me. What happened?"

"I messed up. I messed up really badly, Youngjae." Youngjae was puzzled. What did this boy do?
Zelo's eyes screamed terror and regret. He didn't murder anybody, right?

"Just tell me Zelo. Maybe I could help you." This time Youngjae was scared. Zelo was the kind of kid what wasn't scared of anything. He's fascinated by ghost. What could he be more afraid of?

"I-I invited a demon in my apartment. ." Youngjae was ready to lost it on the poor boy. But it didn't seem like he was finished. "I didn't mean to. It followed me home. I was talking to ghost in this random abandoned place. The ghost told me it was friendly and only wanted company. He told me to take my hands off the pointer.. it was so gental... but the moment I took them off. I blasted on the wall. It took forme of a boy. But I didn't really look at him. I took my board and ran as fast as possible. But sadly it followed me home. It's throwing things at me."

Youngjae couldn't believe the giant boy. He was looking at him with his mouth open. Just in total disbelief. "Are you dumb??? What is wrong with you! You're the one who always tells me not to let go of that damn white pointer. And what do you do? You let go of that stupid pointer!!" Youngjae wasn't done telling the poor boy off. "Aren't you supposed to be the expert ob ghost! And you let a god damn ghost in your house because it told you it was nice??"

Youngjae saw that Zelo was ashamed. He felt bad that the younger was going through this. But he felt like it giving him a lesson was what Zelo needed. Also part of Youngjae was terrified of the idea of losing Zelo. That boy made him feel old. But he also made Youngjae feel young. It really felt like Zelo was that close to him. "We'll figure something out alright." Youngjae sighed and ruffled the giants hair. They went to their shifts and continued their day.


Youngjae wanted to talk to Daehyun. It was like a need more than a routine. It wasn't like he did this every time he was going to the bar job. No. Every time he had a break. He would go back home and talk with Daehyun.

"What do you think of what happened to Zelo?" Youngjae explained the whole story about the bad ghost now hurting Zelo. But something felt strange to Youngjae. The ghost wasn't saying anything. It was silent. It wasn't for Daehyun to be so quiet. Youngjae was starting to worry.

'Maybe the ghost was bitter because of it's past. And Zelo triggered him. It triggered his memories.' And that was the only thing he said. He left right away. Nothing more was said. It confused Youngjae and even got him irritated. What the hell is going on..?

Youngjae left for work after that. The whole walk to work he felt uneasy. Was Daehyun trying to tell me something? He hoped it wasn't the case.


"Youngjae you okay? You don't look all there." Yongguk flicked the younger's forehead. Youngjae couldn't help but zone out. Just the thought of Daehyun being bitter about his own past scares Youngjae to death. Yongguk realized that the other needed some time alone and continued his job. Youngjae did the same a while later. He was still in his thoughts when his phone rang. The moment he saw the ID 'Jello' he immediately answered the call.

"Zel-" Youngjae couldn't even say his name. He was cut off by the tall boy's voice.

"Youngjae! You have to come please. I need your help. You're the only one I know who could help me!" Youngjae's heart stopped after hearing Zelo's tired and out breath ton in his voice.

"Zelo what's happening? Are you okay?"

"No! Youngjae please! I need you! he's telling me that he'll kill me.

"I'm coming Zelo. Don't worry. I'll be there."

Youngjae ran towards Yongguk. He told him that Zelo is in big trouble and that he had to leave. Without any hesitation Yongguk allowed him to go.

Youngjae rushed out of the bar and his way to the bus station, that went Zelo's apartment. Because of his hurry. He was having difficulty finding his bus pass. Thinking it was it, Youngjae pulled out a card.

Kim HimChan.

Of course the psychic. He knew what to do.

Once the bus arrived he took a seat and dialed the psychic's number. He brought the phone to his ear. While it was ringing, Youngjae felt like life was going slow. The bus felt as if you could walk next to it. Even the rings on the phone felt long. He was on edge. He felt useless at the moment for Zelo. Why couldn't he remembered he had the card and Zelo's problems would've haopened to him. He wouldn't be scared for his life. He was partially responsible for Zelo's safety.

"Hello, this is Himchan the psychic. In what can I help you, Youngjae?" At first Himchan didn't realized he said his name.
But it kinda freaked him out.

"Himchan! I need your help!! My friend Ze-" "Ah... so Junhong is indeed in trouble." Only about a handful of people know Zelo's real name. But Youngjae could confirm that Himchan wasn't one of them. The bus stopped near Zelo's apartment and Youngjae made a run for it. He yelled over the phone while runing. "If you know that Zelo's is in trouble. Then you know where he is."

Youngjae hung up the phone amd sprinted to the youngest's house. The door was unlocked. Youngjae walked in and saw Zelo laying on the floor. He rushed to the boy and took him in the oldest's arms. Youngjae kept calling to Zelo for him to wake up. Youngjae was terrified.. what if he's actually hurt? Youngjae was officially panicking.

But suddenly Zelo opened his eyes. "You came.." the more Youngjae looked over the youngest's face and body. The more he felt horrible. This time he looked more than beat up. He looked abused. For sure he got thrown around.

The moment he was going to try to pick up Zelo, a weird force pushed him on the near by wall. He hit the wall so hard that he couldn't  breath for a least two seconds.
As he was trying to catch his breath, he felt like he was suffocating. In the middle of the room. There was a young man starring at Youngjae. The boy has light brown hair and seemed to be mad.

"This is not your time. I only kill one at the time. All of you will die. But he's gotta be first." The ghost had a lot of confidance. Youngjae couldn't stop feeling like ir wasn't the ghost's first time doing this.

"What do you mean him first?! What did he do to you!"

"He's not allowed to live! He is not allowed live longer than me! it's unfair" the spirit was raging at this point.

Youngjae was confused. The ghost sounded as if he had a thing against Zelo. He had to ask. "Zelo you know him..?" The youngest mouthed 'no'.

The ghost got so mad that he started chocking Youngjae. But right before the boy passes out. The door got kick. Everybody turned their attention to the source of the sound. And right on time Himchan comes in.

Himchan gave this confidence aura. It just made peple either ease up and tense.

"I'm Kim Himchan. As I recall my dear Youngjae. You needed my help. Don't worry Zelo, I'll get ride of your ghost problem."

"Leave me alone! I'm not the problem! You guys are!! Everybody is!!!! NOT ME!" The ghost kept on trowing stuff around.

"Jongup listen to me..." Youngjae and Zelo looked at each other with confusion.

"I WON'T LISTEN TO YOU!!!" Jongup blocked his ears with his hands and continued to create complete chaos. Things were flying towards all of the boys. Most of them went to Zelo.

"I know it's unfair that you died so young, but you can't haunt people that didn't deserve this. These people have the right to live. They will die too. Some will die early in life... some will die later. That's life, jongup." The ghost took his hands off his ears and put them down. He stopped throwing stuff. He looked directly at Himchan. His eyes were watery for sure. He was on the verge of tears.

"But the left me. They got to live their lives as they wanted. I couldn't. I was destined since the beginning. There isn't any exit for me. No route I could take. No I had cruel fate..."

Youngjae finally understood. And immediately he felt pity "you were sick..."

Jongup turned around to face Youngjae. And he nodded. His face was covered in tears.

"Yes.. my parents, my brothers, and my sisters. They all ended up having amazing fulling lives. And I was the only child that had an illness.

Himchan got closer to Jongup and grabbed his arms. "You could be happy. You'll see your family. They're waiting for him. And Jongup looked into Himchan's eyes with such new hope for his crumbled horrible world. He whispered softly 'thank you' and faced away.


Zelo was back to normal. Happy. Himchan scolded the boy until he got it memorised. "Do not let go of the pointer and also don't accept friend request from random ghost." In the end Zelo apologies and they got to know Himchan. He's not bad. It's like more on the weird side. But it's a pretty awesome side.

Youngjae started to think about Daehyun once more.... it was time to have a talk together.


HELLO I AM BACK! Im so sorry for not posting ... School just killed me and my creativity... I had a major writers block.. Please forgive me ! Btw this is very sloppy. Ill make it better tomorrow. Ill add like bold, italics after cause I almost fell asleep wrinting this chapter. Also this isn't a full chapter. This is only part.1. I was way to tired to write pt.2. Im so sorry. Well see you tomorrow xD 

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ani_xxi #1
Authornim is this fanfic completed?
ayra3s #2
Chapter 6: Aehhh...I just got the time to read the updates...whyyyyy whyyyyyy dae
Chapter 6: ㅠ ㅠ author-nim pls do something so daejae could be together.. this is heartbreaking..
Chapter 6: damn , I cried hard ;; seeing daehyun go for good but leaving youngjae behind seems that his life won't be good to see another guy like daehyun . WISH that youngjae will be see daehyun for once again (?) even it's impossible ;; huhu re-reading the chapters
Chapter 6: Oh my god :o
So, so beautiful and sad at the same time.
Youngjae was so brave to do that tho. I mean, helping daehyun to go, even tho he knew that his own heart would be broken.
Oneee moreee chapteeer onlyyy ? Noooooooooooooo ;-,
I love this story so muchhh T_T
Thank youuu ❤️
Chapter 6: Can I cry? This is so sad.. I want Jae and Dae together. Please, continue to update because I love this story.
Chapter 6: Ugly sobs. I want daehyun to move on and finally be in peace but I want Youngjae and Daehyun to be together but I don't want Youngjae to go after Daehyun. Idk anymore. Also, this fic is ending. More ugly sobbing.
Chapter 6: I'm crying ;;;;;; but i also happy at the same time bcs dae moved on, but to see youngjae broke down like that is very heart wrenching ;~;
Chapter 5: I loveee this story ❤️u❤️
Aww poor jonguppie ;-;
It's weird that daehyun is trying to not talk or communicate that much with youngjae !
Hope you update soon ^_^
Thank you so much ^^
Chapter 5: I have a question... i dont really know much about ouija board but what happens if we let go of the pointer?